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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

Angel listened carefully to what Rod said and noticed that he seemed to be wanting to add something on the end but also at the same time he didn't Listening to his tone Angel decided not to ask about it and returned the smile that he gave her and then gave a small chuckle as he glared at Key who had pushed him earlier.

"I think that is a lovely thing to have something that you enjoy like that... For me that is singing with children... I love to hear their voices with me... It gives me comfort..."

I wonder how everyone is at the orphanage?

Is mother okay?

I am sure that father is looking after her...

...I wonder if Ricardo ate all of his greens today?

I hope that Scarlett didn't pick a fight with Josephine today...

As soon as Rod glared at key, Alex knew that this will be a long tour but luckily Angel could calmed Rod down. (What a motherly material, remind me of Mary) Alex slightly steal glances of Angel and blushed. (What am I thinking! just in hours after leaving Mary and you already love another girl?!)
Angel noticed that the other boy who had given her chicken before seemed to be fretting over something not wanting to ingure his "man" pride as the orphans had taught her she toke a left over biscuit and smiled as she handed it to him.

"Are you okay?"

He is so much easier to talk to...

...Reminds me of a puppy...

I wonder how Dog is doing now?

Actually why did we call our dog 'Dog'?

Is that a silly thing to call your pet?

"The tango?!" Key blurted out before he could stop himself. He immediately regretted it as Rod turned to give him one hell of a glare. He let out a nervous laugh and scratched his head while smiling apologetically. He had been known for his teasing back at his neighborhood, coupled with his all too inquisitive questions could tip the surface of anyones ice burgh. It looked like Key had gotten a bit too comfortable and ahead of himelf on this one. "T-tango is nice~!" He mummered, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe you could teach me sometime? I've got two left feet..." He asked a little off-handly to the side. Though he appeared unfazed, the light speckle of red that coated his cheeks said otherwise. Key was admittedly embarrassed to say he hadn't danced a day in his life and the one time he did, he had all about trampled his partners feet. It was an all together unpleasant memory...
(Wow guys... You're quick xD )

Celestia followed the group in a slight hurry as she hadn't answered any of the questions, but smiled and listened to the rest of them answer. Rod had joined the group and he seemed to be into dancing, that seemed interesting. Celestia thought that sounded fun, she had danced a couple of times in her father's formal parties, but she didn't know anything as good as she trusted her skills. Rune left them in the cafeteria as Celestia was impressed by the size the entire building, it was truly an academy for idols that was for sure. She had barely managed to finish her drawing before they had gone inside, and now she was pretty happy with what she had heard from the rest, as she continued to look around. Hopefully she could practice her swordplay and archery somewhere, she didn't want to be left out of training after all. She needed to be in shape.

"Tango? Wow~ That's awesome! Let's see... Tango was something like this..."
Celestia said with a smile as she had listened to the others talk. It looked surprisingly well, training in swordplay and archery gave her good coordination, as she kept trying her best to tango alone. She was hoping Rod would help her out if he caught any wrong steps. Angel even talked about being from an orphanage, and here she came in a limousine. I wonder if I am the only one with an already small idol background around here... I can't be the only one with some fame can I? Ah... this is so embarrassing! Hopefully someone here as a somewhat past... I told my father I shouldn't be a model.... Celestia thought in a slight panic as she kept dancing.
Alex face was getting more red as ever when Angel asked him, "Ah.. yeah.. just looking on how pr... I mean It's amazing how the academy is!" Angel still confused on what Alex said "Forget about it" he sighed "anyway not to break this jolly situation but about orphanage you were talking before... "
Angel confused about what Alex was talking about she tilted her head to the side once he talked about the grandness of the school she nodded her head with agreement. She had been looking around the school with amazement and was incredibly excited about the school. He then asked abouth the orphanage and Crystal smiled calmly, she had been expecting someone to question what she was talking about.

"My mother is an orphan and had always wished that someone had looked after her and thus she created the orphanage where I live at the moment and yes the mother I am talking about is blood related.... Most people wonder about it a lot I was more surprised when no one said anything at all and made me question slightly if I was worrying over nothing..."

He was so nice to ask politely like that...

...I hope he understands what I mean...

...Oh! Celestia is doing the tango by herself...

...She is good...

...I wonder if she would teach me?

An exasperated sigh exited between Rod's lips and he listened to the little blonde guy attempted to get back in favor with him. 'I'll have to keep an eye on that little twerp...he's getting too comfortable around me. But I guess I could be nice...' he decided in his mind. "Ok, sure...but I don't know that much about it either, you know. I've never actually taken dance lessons." he explained. Rod would've loved to take dance lessons, but his mother could barely afford to pay the bills, let alone cough up money for dance classes.

Out of the corner of his eye, Rod spotted one of his fellow classmates he hadn't talked to yet doing a familiar dance move. He surveyed her movements, taking in the gracefulness and secretly wondered what it would be like to dance with such a talented lady. Rod didn't mean to ogle her, but he couldn't help it.
Alex smiled to Angel, "nobody know this except my parent but actually I was an orphan myself... until my current father took me into his life, I have a dream similar to your mother creating shelter for abandoned children, maybe I could visit your hom... I mean orphanage (that was close), I really want to play with the children at there maybe I could bring games for them!"
"Never taken..." But Key slowly trailed off as he noticed Rod eyeing the limousine girl from earlier. A mischievous smile crossed his lips as he looked in between Rod and the girl. If he didn't know better, someone was smitten. He playfully poked the guy on his muscly arm and gave a thumbs up before whistling towards Cece. "See something you like?" He inquired, in a whisper before winking. He knew he wasn't on the best terms with the guy but he couldn't help but tease him. Plus he felt somehow relaxed in the giant's presence. He kind of felt like a big brother. A really big brother. Maybe with a little more time the guy'll soften up to Key's childishness.
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Celestia was almost too caught up in her dance when she looked over to Rod, and saw that he was examining her steps. She smiled to him and walked over, holding her hand out to him. "Would you like to dance? The steps aren't that hard," Celestia said reassuringly, as she realized she had yet to introduce herself to the two newcomers as they had all been escorted to the cafeteria before she had the chance. "I'm Celestia Shire, but Cece for short. It is a pleasure to meet you," Celestia introduced herself as she looked at him with her purple eyes. He looked far different from the other guys that had joined, quite strong and capable of doing a lot of things. Maybe he could spar with her in her practice with the sword? She had brought two... She was definitely getting ahead of herself, but she had a burning passion for everything she did, and a stubbornness which made her father rip his hair out.

She was still listening to Alex and Angel talk, as she felt definitely bad for being so different from the others. They were here to earn their fame, as Celestia already had some. She wasn't nearly known on a world wide basis, and barely known in her own country, but she came from a rich family and had a good home, well nearly good.

Angel looked at Alex in surprise as she heard that he was also an orphan. Thinking closely she couldn't pick any hints that would say that he was an orphan. He really did seem like the type of boy who had been helped by his parents a lot but that might have just been due to his first impression being late and giving everyone chicken drums as a gift. Chuckling Angel nodded at the suggestion for him to visit the orphanage.

"I am sure mother would love to meet you Alex. She has an extreme soft spot for orphans like herself so she will love to meet you."

Mother would love to meet him...

...She would be so excited!

I am sure she would say several embarrassing things but it should be alright...

Alex was comforted by his conversation with Angel, it's been years since he had a conversation this long. Alex was definitely strucked by Angel's kindness, his heart was beating rapidly as if would explode. "Anyway let's get back to the group Angel, we don't want to miss all the 'fun'" Alex can't hold it any longer if they continue to talk.

Alex went back and saw Cece "Hello Cece! are you having fun with Key and Rod?"
Angel smiled as Alex seemed to become rather happy from their conversation, which surprised her initially due to the topic of their discussion. Following him as he made his way to talk to Cece, Angel smiled at Rod and Key which then looking at Cece she gave the girl a happy smile and then quickly fixed up the tie that she had done up before.

"Oh dear... It seems to have come un-done again..."

I swear that it was secure when I did it before...

...Maybe I didn't check properly...

...Ah! All done!

Celestia looked up as Alex and Angel joined their small group and smiled to them, as she was happy that they wanted to join them as well. She stood a bit more properly up after she had invited Rod to dance with her, since he seemed interested in dancing. "We're only dancing tango," Celestia answered Alex as Angel walked up to her and fixed her tie once again. She blushed a little as she tied it once more, as she was a little embarrassed that she hadn't noticed herself, but it was good having Angel there to fix it for her. "Thanks Angel," She said with a smile as she let her finish tying the tie, before she grabbed Key and dragged him up to stand.

"I'll show you the basic steps. Thank you for your assistance Key," Celestia said as she began dancing the tango slowly, showing Key how to do the steps as she was leading him. She had to laugh a bit once Key did the steps entirely wrong, or seemed to be a bit confused, but it was fun nonetheless.
Angel slapped her hands along to the un heard rhythm and then remembered that she had tango music on her phone. Due to having younger children in the orphanage she had also bought a speaker and brought it out of her bag and began to play the music.

"There at least know you have music to dance to..."

They look really nice dancing like that...

Annette had her backpack weighing half of her down, tangled in brown hair. She wandered through the halls, just trying to make herself adjustef. Were the people here amazing? Taught professionally? Capable at laughing at her embarrassing accent? Annette ran her fingers through her hair and stepped into the cafeteria.

Her eyes widened signifigantly and the girl looked aroubd the group. Music, then she saw the dancing and the cheerfulness. She immediately went to clapping out the beat with the other girl and smiling at them.
Angel noticed a girl had just arrived and smiled at the girl. It seemed like to her that this girl had just arrived due to the fact that she hadn't recognise her. Taking out the container with the left over biscuits she offered the biscuits to the girl smiling softly as she did so.

"Hello my name is Evangeline but you can call me Angel. Have a biscuit everyone else has already had one so it is not trouble if you would like to have one as well!"

Seems like a sweet girl...

...I hope we get along...

Annette watched as the girl took out the food. Wow.. she was pretty. No wonder she was here. The biscuits looked good too. What was this place? Welcome, we give you music, pretty people, and good food?

At the introduction, the held in her chuckle so she didnt seem to be laughing at what she said, and Annette took the biscuit graciously.

"Hm..? I like that name, Angel. And thanks. Call me Annette, or Ann.. such cool dancing, hm?" She asked in a thick german accent
(going to go to bed now...)

Angel looked at the girl as she introduced herself. Looking at the petite girl Angel smiled softly as she thought the girl reminded her a little of a otter not as playful but still she reminded her of an otter. Looking at the two dancing she nodded her head.

"Yes they are dancing nicely aren't they."

Around and around they go...

...dancing without a care...

...Looks so beautiful...

Alex just noticed a new girl arrived and directly introduced himself, "Hello, we haven't met before, have we? My name is Alex but you can call me Lex." Alex wanted to dance along but he doesn't want to pull another embarassing stunt in front of them so he just clapped along with Angel and the new girl.
Annette eyed the japanese boy and smiled wider. Wow, was everyone here nice? She hoped. Nodding at the boy in recognition, she returned the favour. "Im not an old student here, no. Its nice to meet you Lex." He had a cool name too.
Yuki nodded his thanks to the cab driver as he climbed out of the yellow car. It had taken a total of 18 and half hours from London to the academy, including the air port and the car drive. His muscles ached and he had gotten only two hours worth of sleep during the entire journey. He felt bone tired and his limbs protested every time he moved, yet he seemed to not pay much mind to his discomfort.

Yuki reached for his luggage and pulled it out onto the curb before closing the cab door with a gentle
thunk. He felt the unfamiliar but comfortingly warm wind rustle against his attire and he placed a hand on his beanie to keep it securely in place. A new scenery, new culture, basically a new way of life. Any normal person would have been overwhelmed with such a thought but all it invoked from the young man was a sigh. He threw his small luggage bag over his shoulder and readjusted the guitar case to his left for more room.

Yuki walked right past the expensive looking gates and only offered the golden steps a single glance before he was already knocking at the academy doors themselves. He had seen it all on the internet, magazines, and pamphlet before. He didn't really feel the need for a closer inspection. When no answer was heard, he slowly pushed the door and to his slight surprise, it opened.


He hesitantly stepped into the empty and looked both ways looking for a sign of...anything really.

(I'm really really sorry for being so late ^ ^; thank you hyung~)


Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-

No one in particular​

Time simply seemed to whirl around Artyom, various greetings were shared amongst the members, questions asked, and home-made treats devoured. Before he was even completely away Rune had already begun dragging them around the campus on tour. The academy met nearly every single expectation he had of the establishment, an overwhelming feeling of not deserving the right to these facilities was sure to weigh on some individuals shoulders, but he would be sure to make full use of them. He did not come here to fail upon mid pursuit of his new life. He just couldn't bring himself to go back to those militaristic ways..

Left within the cafeteria, the group came to life once more. So much so, that he found himself slowly putting a small distance between himself and the group, taking a seat at one of the nearby tables. They were all a bit energetic for his liking, but it was not all that bad to leave his comfort zone on occasion. The only reason he chose to exclude himself now, was because his thoughts trailed over the sheer opportunity he had within these walls. Simply making friends and having fun would not take him to his desired location. He had to become mentally prepared to do whatever it took to reach that final goal.

A time or two he would allow himself to be distracted, the various people around him displaying different characteristics that made each individual unique. One even chose to proceed in proving her talents as she made her way across the floor in a familiar, refined dance. What's more, the surprise that came with the idea of it being ensued by the biggest member out of the group. To think such a strong individual would desire to advance in such formal dances, his taste was definitely respectable. It was not only him, but everyone else seemed to have their own quirks about them that seemed to add an unnatural balance. "The question is, how do we bring this balance to a greater light.." His thoughts ran silently, a twinge of hope that they would all be able to gain what they came here for. "And how to settle the storm when chaos may occur.."
The school was amazing. Krystal had never seen anything like it. So grand and high-tech. Back home, she only went to the nearby public school, and it didn't look like this one at all.

Once they were left to mingle in the cafeteria, Krystal just stood at the back as the group's activities continued. She watched Cece dance in awe. Her movements were so beautiful and graceful- that must've taken years of hard-work and practice. She wondered if she could ever dance like that someday. She glanced at Rodrick, or Rod, as he said he preferred to be called, and smiled. She thought it was brave of him to openly tell the others that he was interested in ballroom dancing.

A new student approached the group. Annette. What a pretty name. The girl's accent was thick.. was it German? Krystal just gave the girl a friendly, rather shy smile.

The dance had gotten livelier, with music playing from Angel's speakers and all. Krystal noticed that the boy with long hair- Artyom, was it?- had sat down at one of the nearby tables. She chewed on her lip and walked towards the chair across the table from him. "M-may I sit here?" she asked him uncertainly. "I won't bother you."

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