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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

Angel sighed inwardly as the boys introduced themselves. I thought I screwed that up... Looking at the smiling boys she smiled and gave a slight nod to both.

"Yes it is nice to meet you as well Lex and you too Key."
Cece let out a small laugh as the first two guys came, both with their own unique way of introducing. Feeling as if Alex' introduction was a bit funny, she decided to introduce herself in the same manner. "My name is Celestia Shire, but Cece for short and I too like sushi very much!" She said as she bowed down to Alex and Key with a smile on her face. I've barely been here for ten minutes and it's already fun! I can't wait to see what this academy will bring! Cece thought enthusiastic and looked at them both with her deep purple eyes. Her long dark blue pony tail was swiftly thrown back behind her, as she put down her guitarist case realizing they would stay there a while looking over to Rune again, wanting to try the costume on, but didn't say a word about it. She couldn't do that in front of everyone after all. She overheard Key introducing himself as well and looked at everyone."Pleased to meet you all, " CeCe said as she sat down on one of her bags.
Looking at the girls deep purple eyes Rune had noticed that the outgoing girl had been eyeing Rune's outfit for a little while. Skipping over she looked at Cece and smiled slyly.

"Would you like to try some of my outfits one time? I have loads and would love to have someone with the same interests as me to come try them on."
"Nice to meet you too Cece!"

Alex desperately trying to find topic for the coversation since he didn't want to end up akwardly but he's not a good talker so he ask random stuff to everyone "A.... anyone? want some Chicken?!?" Everyone pretend that they don't hear anything well there goes the akward trigger, why should I ask them for chicken!
Angel looked at Lex and gave a quiet chuckle. This boy was interesting... shy, but interesting. He is like a little kid... Of course with her love for little kids she found herself being a little more open with the boy.

"I will have some chicken thanks..."

Angel smiled softly and waited for Lex to give her some chicken.
"Ah the other cute girl!" Key exclaimed, remembering the limousine and butler. "Nice to meet you milady" He said, before giving a little bow. When he heard Alex yell about chicken. "Chicken?! What? Where??"
".. Ah about that..." Alex directly ran away for them to find the nearest MacDunold (Name change due to copyright) but ended up lost in the big city luckily he met an old man that kindly give the direction to MacDunold. Alex ordered Bucket of chicken and relentlessly went back to the academy, "Its here" he gasped over and over.
"C- Cute? Well... thank you... and there's no need for 'milady' I got a name. Use it," Cece said to Key as he was even bowing to her. She did tell her father that using the limousine was too much. It didn't matter if she was a model or designer, or that her father was the head of the cooperation, she could at the very least not made such a flashy entrance. Cece's cheeks turned red when Rune asked if she wanted to try any of her outfits. Did she really have more outfits that was cute like that one? It was just so cute... No! She had to maintain some control here! She couldn't fall in to the cuteness already! Luckily for her, she got something else to think about once Alex asked if any of them wanted some chicken and laughed. "No thanks I ate before I came," She answered with a small gesture and smiled to him. He's a really interesting person... I feel as if there won't be a boring moment around him... Oh... thinking of that, I wonder if I'll get the chance to practice swordplay or archery here... I even brought my equipment with me... Cece thought as she looked over at her bag, knowing her bow and sword was tucked inside there, as she had managed to sneak it in without her father looking.
Rune looked at the children and smiled as she knew that they were going to get along.

(Sorry needed to write something so that I could tell you that I am going for about an hour... School has finished. Sorry about the one liner!)

(If the header proves too large, or anyone simply thinks it is in the way, I will remove it. Simply accustomed to doing this, haha.)


Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-

No one in particular​

Artyom had already begun his day, but unlike those of recent, today was unique. One that allowed him to say goodbye to the present, and look towards the future. With a feeling of unknown excitement, he hurriedly made his way to the main office of his apartments. Few words were even capable of being exchanged as he handed over the key to his room, signing the few documents as his eyes traced the words with utmost speed. After all, though the excitement of change was overtaking him, that strict manner kept him from loosely signing anything. "Dasvidania." He spoke the tongue he left behind, nodding lightly to the girl as he left the building.

Eyes glancing at the clock before exit, his pale blue eyes seemed to sharpen. Aware of his schedule falling behind, he picked up the pace, coming to jog through the parking lot. Without resting for even a moment, he mounted his run-down motorcycle. It wasn't all that smooth of a ride, nor did it really hit higher speeds, but it was at least a reliable machine that served him well the past year and a half. With minor difficulty, he put on the deep blue helmet, matching the hair that was forced into the back seeing as it remained in a pony tail.

The drive went relatively quickly, at least, that's what he had thought. A group of people were already beginning to form before the gates as he came to pull up against the curb. For a moment he was even hesitant about removing the helmet. "To think I was hoping to arrive first." But at least their presence at the gate signified that he wasn't horribly late. Removing his helmet, and turning off the engine, Artyom hopped off the small vehicle, walking forward with confidence. Even if some did look far more fitting for the idol role, he would be sure to make his own place here. After all, neither class nor rank mattered if they were to all be companions. "I suppose we all got the letter then?" Not so much to get an answer, but to deem himself approachable.
Claire watched as everyone arrived. Alex cracked her up as he tried to introduce himself. "Hi, I'm Claire" she said to all three guys that showed up. Claire was so excited she could hardly wait to get inside and get settled in. Everyone seemed to be getting along so well.
Two hours by car, three hours by train. Well, she would just have to wake up earlier, then. Although her parents, who were super excited by her invitation to this idol academy, suggested that she use a cab to get there, Krystal insisted otherwise. She knew how expensive cab rides were these days, especially a two-hour long one. Going by train was much cheaper, and her parents could use the money for more important things, right?

After a rather teary goodbye (Krystal told herself not to cry, but seeing her younger siblings cry, she couldn't help it), she hopped on the train and made her three-hour journey, luggage in hand. She had planned to get some sleep, but her excitement wouldn't let her get a wink of it. She then finally arrived at the station that was supposedly only a fifteen-minute walk away from the academy.

Sure, it may really just be a fifteen-minute walk, but with a luggage in hand and rucksack on her shoulders, it proved to be longer than that. Krystal tried to walk as fast as she could, but she still couldn't get there fast enough. She checked her watch. Late already. Great. Good thing she had no trouble with directions, though- there were signs everywhere, pointing to the academy.

Finally, after about twenty-five minutes, the academy came into view. Krystal couldn't help but stare in awe at the scale of it all- it was huge. And those gates! How grand.

She spotted a group of people standing by the gates. By the looks of it, the young woman with red hair was in charge, but then again she was wearing a maid outfit and cat ears so.. Krystal wasn't so sure. With the last burst of energy she had, she ran towards the group and finally, finally, reached them, after three and a half hours, in all her panting and sweating glory.

"H-hello everyone," Krystal said in between tired puffs of breaths, bowing slightly, "I'm really, really sorry I'm late." She didn't quite believe in adding excuses, so she didn't.
Two more joined them as it was another boy and then a girl. None of them were really late as nothing had started, but the girl apologized anyway and she only smiled to her and shook her head. "You're not late. We are just early. Nothing has happened anyway," Cece reassured her as she smiled and gestured to the both of them with a smile and a small wave. "The name's Celestia, but Cece for short. Pleasure to meet you both," She introduced herself to the both of them as she grabbed her bag and pulled out a notebook and a pencil. It was a good spot to be drawing, and getting some inspiration for her next design. There were a lot of different clothing styles here, so she decided to draw the school building a further in the back, and as expected from a designer her drawing skills were not failing despite her drawing it only using her knees as support.
Rune smiled as more people joined them and skipping over in her maid outfit Rune happily looked at them.

"Welcome to the academy! And also welcome to the company Zeus! My name is rune and I am the owner of the company aka your big boss! May I see your invitations?"

Angel looked up at the two new people and gave them each a small smile as she took a bite out of the chicken in her hand. She was shy when it came to people who weren't children and also if they didn't remind of her of animals. The only reason she felt comfortable with Lex was because he reminded her of a small child and the same went with the company head.
"Ahaha alright, Cece" Key responded, giving a little wink. He looked over at the pre-ordered chicken bucket and gave Alex an approving nod before turning to the arriving company. He regarded the two with a limp wave and a stifled yawn as his smile relaxed into a welcoming one. He glanced at the boy and looked at his long hair with slight curiosity and interest. A mischievous glint flashed across his bright blue eyes as he realized how much fun he could have playing with it. Though with a bit of a frown realized that the stranger was just a bit taller than he was too. Key turned to the girl and took in her tired form. But what most interested him was the similar traits they seemed to share. Blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hmmm..." He breathed, leaning in until they were practically eye to eye.


Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-


With another arrival right after himself, Artyom felt a slight wave of comfort. Even if he knew that his timing was not radically late, it was sometimes refreshing to know that another may have taken longer. However, he also had to wonder if this created the reverse effect on the newer individual. At least there was a chance that another individual may stray along to give her that same sense of relief. Thankfully another girl, Cece greeted them with near open arms. It was good to see that right off the bat there was at least one friendly individual within the group. But seeing as the others were already hitting it off rather well, hostility may very well not be an issue.

It wasn't until Artyom was approached by a smaller girl wearing a maid outfit that he actually completely focused on a single given thing. Her presence was simply the easiest to notice out of the bunch seeing as she was cosplaying as some cat-like maid. For some reason, even before she even introduced herself, he could not come to question the presence. After all, this was an academy for Idols, and some were well known for wearing peculiar attire in order to express themselves. It was perhaps because of this understanding that he would manage to behave calmly as he gave a slight bow in respect before handing over the letter.

" I thank you for the greetings it is thoughtful for the head to meet with us in person. My name is Artyom Garin, and I look forward to working by your teachings."
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Krystal simply nodded at the girl called Cece, but she was dying with relief inside. Thank God she wasn't actually late.

The red-headed woman came over and introduced herself as the boss of the company. So she was the person in charge. Never judge a book by it's cover, huh. Invitation? "Oh, um, yeah," Krystal mumbled, snapping out of her thoughts. She reached into the left pocket of her hoodie and took the purple invitation out, handing it to Rune.

When the blonde girl smiled at her, Krystal smiled shyly back, and then realized that she had yet to introduce herself. Dummy. That's the first thing you should do when you meet a new group of people, you know!

"Um, m-my name is Krys-" A blonde boy popped out of no where and leaned in close, too close. Her eyes widened and she took a step back, right into the boy with rather long, dark blue hair, who had just introduced himself as 'Artyom Garin'. Great.
Rune tried to reach the top of Arytom's head and successfully managed to ruffle the boys long hair whilst standing on her tippy toes. Planting her two feet back down on the ground she sighed and giggled.

"Hai Hai! I will be in your hands as well Arytom! And this seems to be the right letter all good it appears!"

Angel shyly walked over after finishing the chicken and looked at the boy who had introduced himself.

"Hello Arytom my name is Evangeline but you may call me Angel. You as well..."

Turning to the girl had just bumped into Arytom she helped her catch her balance and smiled at her. I like this girl... Reminds me of a shy kitten...
Alex was amazed on how the Arytom made his entrance, Arytom made a very cool entrance that he wished that he do the same before. "Hello My name is Alex but you can call Lex! a... chicken..?" Alex introduced himself to Arytom and the other girl that arrived at the same time as Arytom while offering the bucket of chicken with some chicken left.
'Woops sorry' He mouthed to the girl, giving an apologetic wink. He then turned slightly when he caught the whiff of fresh chicken drumsticks coming his way. He looked up at Alex with slightly widened puppy dog eyes and groped the open air while his gaze flickered slightly to the chicken. Key hadn't really eaten breakfast since there had only been enough food left for his parents and his sisters. He was practically leaning over the bucket with a cat like hunger in his eyes.

(Mild time warps here, my apologies. I was ordering the events at a random interval, haha.)


Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-

Angel / Krystal / Lex / Rune

For only a moment, Artyom opened his lips, debating on replying to Rune, but instead only gave a nod. There was no need to complicate things, nor continue a conversation when others would probably need her attention. It didn't really bother him all that much that the small girl toyed with his hair for only a moment, after all, she seemed like the innocent type that meant no harm by doing so. Surely having an interesting individual such as her in charge would allow this to be a good experience, even if things did go ever so slightly against plans.

It was just about then that the unexpected occurred, and Artyom came to feel a slight collision from a third party. It was the girl that arrived just after himself, apparently already being scouted by another individual. Apparently he was not the only one caught off guard by their random open-ness and lack of boundaries. " Are you alright?" He whispered lightly, lowering himself down ever so slightly as if to confirm he was speaking to her. "Perhaps slightly overwhelmed? Just take a deep breathe, they seem to be the friendly bunch."

Again, another event occurred, forcing him to raise his head as he turned to look at the new voice. By this time he even managed to crack the lightest of smiles before letting it fade once again. The open arms of this crowd was something of a surprise. He expected relationships to build at an academy, but not so instantaneously. And for some reason, it only made him desire to try harder, and be more serious about this experience as to not let it go. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Angel."

It was a funnier individual that came to his attention next. One so awkward that he could not help but wish to correct in various ways. But then again, something about the boy was welcoming. Holding a bucket of chicken one would think he was the polar opposite, and could not hold any seriousness at all. This randomness would prove both a bare to get around, and a nice treat to change things up on occasion. "Unfortunately I am not hungry, though the offer is appreciated. But greetings Lux, let us work hard together within these walls."
Angel smiled shyly and nodded a slight nod at Arytom's comment and pushed her blonde hair behind her ear. Looking at everyone she was mostly surprised that no one had seemed to be rude or obnoxious here. That is a good thing be grateful... Angel looked at Rune and asked the cat lady.

"Is there more people to arrive?"

Rune turned her attention to the young blonde hair girl from before and gave a small chuckle to how the girl had treated her at their first meeting.

"Yes I believe so but we will have to enter the school grounds soon..."
"Soon sounds good to me!" Claire pipped into their conversation. She was bored and couldn't wait to see her new room and get settled in. "Is there a cut off time or something?!" She didn't really see a point in having to wait outside for the other guests considering they would probably have to have dinner together tonight and meet them anyway.
"T-thank you," Krystal said to the girl called Angel who helped steadied her. She then heard Atryom's words, nodded slightly, and took a deep breath. "Sorry about that," she apologized, her cheeks tinted pink. She took a quick glance up at him (he was much taller than her), before looking down again.

Chicken? Krystal eyed the bucket of fried chicken. She was rather hungry.. she didn't have breakfast this morning. But there weren't much left in the bucket, and it looks like the blonde boy from earlier wanted it more than she did, so she stayed quiet.

Was it too late to introduce herself, now? She felt like the opportunity had passed. She didn't blame the blonde boy, though. She was just too awkward herself, not being able to handle the situation and all. So she just took a step back from the center of the crowd, chewing her lip, listening to the others talk.
Rune looked at Claire and could hear the impatience in the girls voice despite the fact that she had been able to disguise it very well with her acting skills. Looking at her Rune concluded that this girl would be a good choice to go into the acting industry in the future. Not the near future but later on once she has become a little more mature...

"There is no cut-off time but I am hoping they will arrive soon..."


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