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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

Dark, well-worn shoes hit the sidewalk at a hurried pace, trying to make up for lost time. The bus he had taken from his hometown was unfortunately late arriving in his new city of residence. ‘Crap, crap, crap…’ Roderick chanted in his mind, ‘It’s the first day at this fancy school and I’m already falling behind. Way to go, self.’.

His cream-colored hair lazily bounced along as he desperately ran from the bus depot to the location of this mysterious academy, his ivory skin breaking into a mild sweat in the mid-morning heat. Soon enough he spotted the golden gates with a small crowd of people, presumably students, gathered outside them. “Ugh, I knew it. I’m late.” he mumbled under his breath as he slowed down his pace and approached the gathering of people. Out of all the sights, sounds and smells that bombarded his senses one thing made itself clear. With a drained look on his face, Roderick turned his gaze towards the one holding an all too familiar looking bucket. He pointed weakly at it and huffed, “Is…is that…chicken?”.
Rune looked at the boy who had arrived late and skipped over. Her cat ears had fallen off and she was now just holding them in her hands and her maid outfit bounced as she made her way to the boy. Looking him up and down Rune could tell that this boy had tried to get here as quickly as he could from his sweaty appearance.

"Welcome to the academy, my name is Rune and I am the owner of the company Zeus. I will be looking after from today onwards glad that you could make it young man."

He doesn't look that young with his muscly body but apparently he is still only 17...

Geez What do they give kids these days?
"Sure Artyom!" Alex replied artyom with a smile.

Alex saw a large muscular male coming towards him and asked for chicken, "Oh please help yourself !" Alex gave offer the last chicken to the muscular guy. "... Hello my name is Alex Nakashima! I'll be in your care right now" Alex bowed to the muscular guy thinking that he's a teacher.
Key practically died on the spot as he watched the last chicken being handed to the unknown stranger. His stomach let out a tiny grumble of regret and he patted it reassuringly. If the academy was as fancy as it looked then it was bound to have a supply of delicious food somewhere. The thought only made him hungrier still and he stretched his hands upwards to try and shake the feeling away. He slowly turned to the muscle bound stranger then at the chicken. Key tapped lightly on his shoulder, which he was able to reach by getting up on the tips of his toes and twiddled his fingers a bit. "Ahh..can I have a piece?" Key asked.
A small voice from an even smaller figure got the attention of Roderick's ears. The latecomer's eyes rotated in their sockets to eye the girl in the frilly outfit. 'What the...' he pondered, '...this little thing is the owner?! You're kidding, right?'. He blinked a few times with a deadpan look on his face, not exactly registering the reality of a tiny woman running a joint like this. "Uh...hi Rune..." he absentmindedly said to the diminutive lady with red hair. It took him a few moments, but something she said snapped him out of his stupor. 'Wait...young man? What the heck is she saying? Does she not believe my age or something?!' he yelled in his mind.

But before Roderick could question the owner's thought process, something else caught his attention. The dark-haired guy with the bucket-o-chicken offered him part of the contents. But it wasn't the chicken that caught his attention. 'Man, this guy's voice is so...so...well, what's a more masculine word for cute?' he thought to himself, plucking the last piece from the container. As if he wasn't thrown off-guard already, it appeared that this guy thought he was a teacher or something. "No, no, Alex...I'm, uh, not a teacher. I'm just a lucky student like yourself." he bashfully replied before he felt a light tap on one of wide shoulders. A quizzical movement of his eyebrows silently asked the question, 'What do you want?'. The boy in question asked him about the chicken, and from the looks of it, he needed it more than Roderick did. "Sure, you can have it." he replied, handing over the last piece.
Key's eyes were shining as the delicious, cooked, chicken touched his out stretched hands. '...the heavens had shined down upon me!' Was his only thought before sinking his teeth into the majestic slice of meat. He chewed on it slowly and savored the taste as much as possible. After all it had been several weeks since he had last eaten take out. "Thank you~" He managed to say in between swallowing and gazed at the stranger with teary eyes. He was still as substantially hungry as he had been before from the sound of his grumbling stomach but at least it seemed to gurgle with happiness instead of hunger.

(yes, he was that hungry ;p)
Angel looked at the scene that unraveled before her and smiled softly. These people seemed to be very interesting and it looks like some people are a little hungry. Taking a peek in her bag Angel looked at the home made assortments of biscuits and then looked back up. She should wait a little before giving all of them some more food. Then turning to face the new boy had arrived Angel felt herself slightly more intimidated by him and took a small step back before surging up the courage to say hello.

"Hello... My name is Evangeline but you can call me Angel... Please treat me well as we go through this academy together..."

....He is a little scary...

....But not scary at the same time...

...I hope we can get along...

Alex was embarassed knowing that he mistook fellow student as a teacher, "Ah... I'm very sorry.. I didn't realized that you're a student (with that muscular body of yours who could have though that you're a student)"

Alex saw Angel peeking her bag back and forth,"Angel is there a problem with your bag?"
Angel looked at Lex as he asked her about her bag. Carefully she brought the clear plastic container out with filled to the brim with different types of biscuits. Carefully taking the lid of Angel looked at everyone around her.

"I don't know if you would all like to have some..."

What if they don't like it?

....Some of them said they weren't hungry....

....I don't want pressurise them into eating the cookies...

Apparently the guy Roderick had given the chicken to was in desperate need of it, as demonstrated by his ferocious gnawing at it and the stream of tears running from his eyes. “No problem, man.” he said in response to the guy’s thank you. Soon enough, he could feel yet another pair of eyes staring at him, this time coming from a girl with tanned skin. That sure was a rarity in this group, no doubt. He could feel her timidness as she introduced herself and oddly asked him to treat her well. “Uh, sure…I can do that, Angel.” he wavered in his voice, unsure of her motivations, “I’m Roderick Bronwen, but please, call me Rod. Only my mother calls me Roderick.”. A small smile crept up on his face, trying to make this girl feel a little more comfortable with him. He often forgot how intimidating his look could be.
Alex saw variety biscuits in the clear plastic container that Angel took out. "I love cookies... " Alex's eyes shine so bright like When Key's eyes looking at the chicken. Alex picked a diamond shaped biscuit and thanked Angel "Thank you Angel, that's so sweet of you!"
"WAAAAHHHH!!!!" Key screamed breaking through the crowd and swiftly grabbed a biscuit from the container. "Thank you onee-chan~" He replied and bowed slightly, seemingly returning to his normal state. He could feel the soft bread slowly melt into his mouth and his feet almost gave out from under him at the sheer deliciousness of it. He couldn't remember the last time he had eaten fresh bread...that actually tasted good. His stomach grumbled happily as he rubbed it soothingly. 'Yes yes I'm happy too' He thought and sighed in satisfaction. He was slowly starting to warm up to this group...
Krystal gave the latest comer a small smile as he introduced himself as Roderick. He sure looked different from the other boys in the group- he was taller than a couple, and definitely more muscular. He seemed nice, though, since he gave the hungry blonde boy the chicken that Lex gave to him.

Krystal's eyes lit up as Angel took out a box full of cookies. The cookies were immediately attacked by Lex and the blonde boy. She felt her stomach grumble. Should she take one? She looked around the group. What if the others wanted it and there weren't enough? She decided to wait.
Angel looked at them as one by one they grabbed one of her biscuits. She couldn't stop the sigh of relief she let out as they all happily ate the biscuits. She had worked soon the biscuits the day before for the orphans but had several biscuits left over so she had decided to bring them with her as a gift to the others. Notcing one girl she went over and smiled as she offered a cookie.

"I am glad that you all seem to like them... Please take one... They were made to be eaten..."

I am so happy...

....I really did think they wouldn't like them...

...At least know I know that the children have yummy biscuits waiting for them....

Rune looked at the biscuits and grabbed a brightly coloured biscuit and happily bit into it. Thinking that Angel would be a very good mother she smiled at the shy girl.

"You did a fantabulous job with these!"

They do really taste yummy!

“Hmm?” Rod mumbled to himself as Angel shuffled through her bag and pulled out a mystery container. Once the lid was popped off, the contents made their appearance. ‘Those are so darn cute!’ he thought as he gingerly picked out a heart-shaped biscuit. After he nibbled on the delicious treat, he decided to slip in a compliment. “These are pretty awesome, Angel. Who taught you how to bake?”
Angel smiled shyly at Rod and took a chocolate biscuit with chocolate icing over the top. Taking a bite Angel thought about the children back at home and sighed sentimentally and then looked back at Rod.

"I taught myself to cook. There are a lot of children at the orphanage so I learnt to cook and bake to help my mother out..."

Wait a second....

....Did I just talk about the orphanage?

....This will most likely bring up questions....

Rune looked at the girl with interest she had heard about how the mother of this girl had built an orphanage but that was all she knew. She was slightly interested to hear a little more from the girl and casually brought her short red hair behind her ear to hear better.

To go through that kind of stuff already,

She will be strong during the training....

Key glanced curiously around the gathered group of soon-to-be idols and tilted his head slightly to the side at the mismatched sight before him. They all looked the part but other than that they seemed to act and talk quite differently. He continued to thoughtfully chew on the tasty pastry when all of a sudden, a curious little question popped up into his head. Finishing the biscuit, Key nonchalantly leaned against the gate doors before raising a hand into the air, signaling for the others attention. "Question!" He exclaimed, playfully waving his arm in the air. "Singing, dancing, or acting??" He asked when he noticed their slightly confused faces. "I'm into singing" He elaborated and flashed a little smile.
Angel looked at the boy who she recognised as Key. From listening to him talk for a while Angel had figured that he was someone that liked to be out there and enjoyed others company. But of course she could always be wrong. Placing the biscuits away Angel dusted her hands before answering to Key's question.

"I am into singing personally but I have been dancing small dance steps with the children so I enjoy dancing as well as singing... I also like to play the piano... You can say that I like them both but I have never tried acting before..."

I hope that was okay...

...I wonder if I said the right thing...

...They don't seem surprised about the orphanage...

"Ah, um," Krystal said, surprised that Angel had noticed her eyeing the cookies. Should she take one? Not everyone had had one, but Angel was offering them to her. It would be impolite to refuse, would it? Krystal finally took a cookie, and said, "Thank you." She bit into it and unconsciously smiled. "They taste delicious."

Orphanage? Was Angel an orphan? No, she said "mother". Ah, she learnt how to cook and bake herself, too? Krystal smiled to herself, glad that she had something in common with at least one of the other kids here.

Krystal looked at the lively blonde boy, whose name she had yet to learn. "Me too," she replied quietly, "I'm also into singing." Not that she had tried the other two options- dancing and acting.
Rune looked at all of the children that had gathered and smiled happily. They all seemed to be getting along and that meant they would support each other. Although she did know that friendships were very fragile and could be broken at any moment she hoped that these children would form un breakable bonds.

"Okay! I am going to take you all on a tour now of the academy and show each of the academy!"

Time to get down to business! I really do hope this works out... ... No. It will. It will definitely work

Angel looked at Rune and followed the chirpy young lady and smiled happily. This was going to be an amazing experience and she was going to make use of every moment. She had to, for everyone at home and for everyone who has been supporting her all this time.

I will make this work...

...I can not fail!

And I will work on my shyness and become an amazing singer, dancer and actress!

(Okay look at the map and there will be all of the pictures of the trip and Rune is going to leave you at the cafeteria for the moment and will return later)

Angel watched as Rune left them alone for a little while as she went to fix the things that she needed to do. Looking around Angel felt that the academy was very high tech and modern improving all of the time allowing students to receive the most from the education.

"... What did everyone think of the school? I think it is rather impressive..."

I never knew there could be so many different things in this academy...

The remaining part of the heart-shaped biscuit was casually munched on as Rod carefully listened to the others converse. 'Orphanage? So...Angel's an orphan. But she did mention a mother. Maybe she isn't. Eh, I'll ask her later when there's not so many people around.' he pondered. The topic of conversation then moved from yummy baked goods onto special talents. Singing was mentioned a few times, but then again they were supposed to be idols, and idols sing...right? "Well, I guess I'm good at singing. At least that's what the people that recruited me said. To be honest, I've always wanted to learn how to dance...especially ballroom styles." he quietly spoke, slightly ashamed of the fact that he hadn't had any professional training. That, and it was a bit weird for men to want to do stereotypically girly things like ballroom dancing. At least, that what he thought.

But before he could feel more embarrassed about himself, Rune began the tour of their new home. Everything was so bright and new, he was speechless. Never in his life had Rod been in such an enormous school. The rush of excitement ran through his veins as they went through all the rooms they would be using. For once in his life, Rod couldn't wait for school to start.
Alex pretend not to hear anything Angel said because he hates sensitive question. Key sudden question made Alex panic, Alex haven't tell them that he enroll to Idol academy because of a girl. "A... I guess I love to sing..." Alex haven't had the confidence to tell anyone his real reason (of course it would be embarassing!).

With all of the panic that Alex had, suddenly Rune began the tour of the academy. Alex was very excited to step another chapter of his life
Key gave a little satisfied nod of his head as he took in each and everyone of their answers. He found their answers just as interesting as their differences. He blinked slightly in surprise as the muscle guy, Rod confessed about wanting to learn ball room dancing. Key laughed softly that could have only been the equivalent of a boyish giggle. The image of Rod twirling around in tights was hilarious to say the least. Though he did respect the guy a lot for being so truthful and coming out with it. Wiping a stray tear from his eye, Key mischievously punched the guy on the arm. "How come ball room dancing?" He asked curiously as they walked down the halls of the Academy.
Angel looked around at the people around her and looked at Rod as she remembered him saying earlier that he wanted to learn to be a ball room dancer. She had never thought of ballroom dancing before but it seemed interesting. Wonderingly she looked at Rod trying to image him dancing a ballet but couldn't seem to find the right image. Sighing she gave up and waited for Rod's reply to Key's questions.

"... I was wondering that as well... Why ball room dancing out of all things to choose from?"

Key asks a lot of questions...

...Rod seems rather shy despite his large demeanour...

...I wonder why Rod wants to learn ballet?

Everything was going so well so far, but of course that didn’t last long. As their tour went on, one of Rod’s fellow classmates gave him a playful punch in one of his muscle-bound arms. That wouldn’t have been so bad if the little pipsqueak hadn’t opened his mouth. If he was back home, he wouldn’t have tolerated such a comment. That guy would have been covered in bruises before he knew what hit him. But it was the gentle voice of the one known as Angel who calmed him down enough to maintain his composure.

“I donno…I guess I just always wanted to try it. I’m well-coordinated and I’ve always wanted to dance with an equally graceful dance partner.” He explained, being careful not to mention what gender his partner might be. “The Tango has always looked beautiful to me.” Rod concluded. He gave a tired smile to Angel, but quickly snapped his neck around to glare at the one who had punched him in the arm earlier. His narrowed eyes seemed to pierce the soul of the offender, hopefully cancelling any further comments from him.

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