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Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale


Ruth Valentine


Interactions: Arii ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon & Mei galvanismgal galvanismgal Tentomon Twist Twist
/ Mentions: Alex Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Chel Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Dracmon Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Lopmon & Rósín Anorgos Anorgos

She was right. This was the same Alex she used to speak to online for hours at a time. Their digimon conversations were always the best. She didn't expect to meet him in the world they were both fixated on. What luck! Or misfortune?

Ace claimed he was fine, but she wasn't so sure about that. He was a sweet man who would lie through his teeth so others won't worry. They were the same in that respect. They've known each other long enough and eventually, she would find out or at least, come clean. She just wanted to make sure someone she knew would pull through, but she wasn't sure. There was no way of telling without medical tools.

Before Ruth could say more, the girl from their team spoke up, guilt tripping Ruth into being rude. She hung her head and mumbled an apology under her breath. Their name was familiar, she's heard it before somewhere. Just as she finished, Arii jumped in making a crude remark that made Ruth stifle a chuckle. To be called a text-speech generator is amusing and quite the insult. Mei had a comeback that was uncalled for being dubbed poor.

Ruth had caught a glimpse of Kimi smiling at her and couldn't help but smile back especially after she gave Mei a fact in regards to digimon sustenance. Now that she took a good look at the girl. She seemed familiar. Oh yeah! She was the girl from the tournament. She was about to take on her first match when disaster struck. Ruth could not believe it. She was sharing a cave and the same space as Kimi. How exciting. She could barely contain herself.

Her attention diverts to the Rósín who left the cavern for whatever reason. Lopmon followed in tow with anticipation. The blonde wondered if they were okay. She would gladly have a talk with her if she needed it and check up on her later. Maybe she wanted to be alone?

On that note, Arii and Mei continued their banter like an old married couple. Now was really not the time to be at each other's throats. She glares at the two. “Enough! Both of you. What good would it do to bark at each other like a couple of chihuahuas?” She reprimanded, accent peeking for a moment as her eyes switched between the two. “Can't afford to betray one another. We need to see eye to eye or we all die over something stupid.” She lets out a heavy Sigh as Chel begins to draw out a map of the entire island, and answer some questions.

Apparently Ruth's theory was wrong. Then what could be causing a reset? The more she answered, the more likely it had to correlate with the veils that had stranded them in the digital world. They seem to have a fixation for Alex and Arii. This was the worst. If anything were to happen to them…if they were to be snatched away, she would be left alone or worse, deal with the repercussions of losing both. She wouldn't forgive herself. She wouldn't be able to pay Arri back for their constant saves and take Alex back home safe and sound for them to get the proper treatment. Ruth held her crystal tightly at the thought.

The rest of the map Chel described felt like various destinations that were important. Almost like a quest from a video game. Hopefully they did not have to split up if they had a destination in mind. The one place that Ruth managed to remember was the spot Chel asked not to go to. Then came the foods and what is edible. The strangest part is whatever is keeping them on the island is providing nourishment. Did the veils intend to keep everyone alive and stuck forever? For what purpose? Pawns? Friends? Ruth recalled the words the Veil said. Warmth. They wanted to feel warm. What exactly did that entail, she didn't know.

Ruth sat back beside Impmon between Mei and Arii to keep them quiet. Impmon on the other hand was amused by their bickering. He would have to do something about that if ever he needs a source of entertainment. Adding fuel to the fire? Why not? His eyes wander over to Tentomon in the corner. He walked over to them and watched them for a bit. “Whatcha doing there bug brain? You look a little distracted.” His eyes then turn over to Dracmon. All of his partner's acquaintances were either insane or have zero back bone. How was he going to get along with these chumps? Oh well, that would make him the strongest of the bunch by default. Though the little rabbit was quite adorable when fighting alongside her. The vampire looking devil would be a great apprentice if Ruth stuck around them. Decisions, decisions.

Kimi listened to everything though her mind couldn't help but linger on Chel's answer to her own question. If they stayed the same despite starvation and dehydration then weren't they in fact invincible? If after seven days they remained vibrant and healthy, then all they had to do was survive for that period of time. It would be necessary of course to avoid any fighting or danger but Kimi could say with almost one hundred percent certainty that no one here wanted conflict...

It was then Mei galvanismgal galvanismgal spoke again, this time to Arii ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon personally and ensuing a minor spat causing Ruth Pumpkid Pumpkid to get to her feet and for her partner Impmon to walk away. Unconcerned, Kimi looked to Alex Scatterbrain Scatterbrain . "So..." she said softly "How long have you and Ruth known each other?"

Her gaze dropped for a moment, and she pushed a strand of hair away from her face. "Sorry, if thats a bit nosy but I was going to ask her for a match of Digimon. That is, if you have finished talking?"

Kimi looked to Ruth who had placed herself between Arii and Mei "Might help distract a few people and lighten the mood"

Her hand reached into her pocket, grasping her deck tightly but tentatively. "Do you play?" she asked, looking at Ace once again.

With her attention on Alex, Kimi was struck with a thought, one counter to her previous line of thinking. Recalling Chel's ominous words to the man beside her, the seven day time limit took an unsettling turn. If Ace's injuries hadn't healed before then, he would remain stuck in his current state, in pain and injured. But if he was trapped like that in a digital state, with little chance of recovery then couldn't that mean they could be all be trapped? Trapped in the digital world?

Conflicted and unsure, Kimi uttered an apology to Ace before turning to Chel Azurian Dream Azurian Dream . "Chel? You said in seven days we would all become digital." Kimi's tone was strangely direct "Is that a good or bad thing? This may sound stupid, but, If we remain in our current states then doesn't that make us invincible? No, immortal? And if we all remain digital, does that mean we only have a week to get out of the Digital World?"


Fireflies hovering around her, Tentomon hopped backward before ducking to the side, her wings rippling with electricity as she let out a happy squeak. The soft crunch of footsteps grew closer and a less than kind voice spoke to her. “Whatcha doing there bug brain? You look a little distracted.”

"Playing" replied Tentomon meekly, turning her head slightly towards her fellow rookie.

A firefly fluttered backward into the side of Tentomons head, booping her with it's bright bottom. Impmon could see her expression fall for a second as she looked at him but just as quickly her face brightened, reaching out her arm to him and delivering a cheeky shock. "Tag! You're it!" she exclaimed, before darting under her firefly friends and scampering a safe distance away.
Ace sat quietly, his mind preoccupied by other things, content to let the others ask questions. His attention was caught by Roisin's brief exclamation before she and her partner abruptly left the cave without a word. Perhaps she needed a moment to herself, Ace thought. He could respect that. They were having lots of information thrown at them, not much of it good, so he could understand if she wanted some time alone to process things.

Ari and Mei continued bickering, resulting in annoyed outburst from Ruth, reprimanding them for the behaviour. Ace put a gentle hand on her arm to comfort her as Chel began answering her question about a distortion. As Ace understood it, it was like a racing game where if you got too far off the track, the game would put you back on close to where you came off. Chel went on to explain that the digimon they encountered were apparently in service of the "deity," as she put it, of the island and both he and Arii had been "marked." Ace had no idea what she meant by that and apparently she had no more information to offer on the matter. The way she had described it though made it clear that it was nothing good and Ace's mind began conjuring up images of human sacrifice, like the Aztecs did to stop the end of the world from happening. However, if these zombie digimon were specifically after him and Arii perhaps it would be better if the two of them went at it alone? Arii seemed like a capable enough individual, with the necessary skills to tough it out, and Ace was determined to see things out for as long as he could. Ace decided to broach the subject with Arii when things were quieter and the others weren't around. He was certain if anyone else overheard him mentioning such a thing, they would immediately shut it down.

Chel began drawing a map in the dirt, and outlined the layout of the island, describing the various different areas, as well as the various food sources that could be find around it. It was surprising the variety of locales and food sources the island held within, including the ones that Ace was hesitant to mention. It was then that Chel let slip when responding to Kimi's question that they would become digital beings within the next seven days. Is that what Cutemon meant when they said he wasn't a Digimon, that he was still partially biological? Was that why Cutemon couldn't heal him completely? Ace looked at Cutemon for some kind of confirmation but the Digimon seemed as unsure as he was. Ace chose to remain hopeful in the face of uncertainty.

Seven days... If he could just make it through the next seven days, for better or worse, they would know for sure.

It was at that moment, Rosin stormed back into the cave, a jagged object in one hand and an unsettling look in her eyes. Ace watched her anxiously, uncertain of what she intended to do with it, before she launched herself at one of the walls, cutting away at it with terrifying ferocity. Ace suspected Roisin might of lost it, their predicament too much for her to cope with, but slowly her frenetic assault become more controlled, directed. He noticed a picture forming, a crude map of the island. Roisin curtly asked Chel where she had yet to venture on the island, no doubt suspecting that one of those locations was where they might find an exit.

Chel seemed unfazed by Roisin's manner, making amendments to Roisin's map with her muddied stick, no doubt lacking the strength to carve details with a rock as Roisin had done. Ace could see Roisin had a similar build to him, hinting at a shared background in sport and by the way she attacked the wall, Ace speculated she was probably a boxer or a mixed martial artist. Chel began pointing out areas, colouring in the most dangerous spots on the island and warning the group to stay away.

While the others pondered the matter, Kimi attempted to make conversation with Ace. "A long time," Ace responded. "Although this is the first time we have met IRL... if you can really call this that?" As the two talked, it turned that Kimi wanted to play cards with Ruth but didn't want to interrupt their conversation if they were still talking. "I think so. At least for now." Ace replied, looking in Ruth's direction. He didn't really have anything to say, his mind focused on other matters at the moment. "Sounds like a good idea." Tensions were high and it might give him a chance to have a word with Arii, away from everyone else. "Not really, sorry. I used too but I've been focused on other things the last few years. I'm a runner, you see." Or I was, he remarked solemnly to himself.

Kimi put a brief pause in their conversation to ask Chel another question, a rather important one as Ace saw it. Even though he had seen the seven day issue as a potential lifeline, she regarded it as a ticking clock and Chel's answer could change everything for every single one of them...
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interactions: (well inaction lol) ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Pumpkid Pumpkid

This isn’t a fight or even a tiff it was just a sad. Mei did decide ignoring anything Arii said was the best way to go about it she just didn’t know that ignoring the pathetic attempt would end up being the kindest way to go.

Seems like the information Chel was giving while joining Rosin in making art checked all the boxes for the fairy tail adventure Mei found herself in. Surely talking to one of the people who went on the expedition or the zones Chel pointed out would be where Mei could make a treasured memory. Becoming data wasn’t worrisome since couldn’t they just find a way to CNTL Z and turn back into people. It did mean that the deity veil creature may be able to impact them after the change more than it had been able to so far. Honestly, the island was kind of hodge podge though but even with her lack of technological prowess compared to her fiancé she could most likely cause some sort of glitch if need be or abuse the existing one If there is one thing her family does well its abuse the current system society runs on.

Mei updated her economics and trading mental map with the food related information and it would figure Chel would encourage them to destroy public property like some poor person. Since Mei did not carry small change she may have to do the same though she looked down at Black Gabumon Mei knew in her heart that she could keep her hands clean by ordering her servant to do it.

You know it really spoke to her skill as a villainess that she could focus on the story line and still pay attention to the people turning the sad into some full-scale moment. Maybe some digital grass existed that Ruth and the little pipsqueaks could touch to return to reality.

“Ara? to see eye to eye you need to be on the same level,” Mei said with a dismissive gesture while getting up to leave after Ruth sat down next to her. If Ruth wanted to be on the same level as Mei they would need to find her some boots since Mei had quite a few inches on her. Maybe the digital world had that one mall store…hot tapioca all the spiritual people shopped at. Ruth's gemstone she clutched was probably a buy one get 10 free special from it. Hopefully the next time Ruth felt like buying something tacky she would consult Mei first.

It was almost funny how the girl seemed to keep running into double standards. It would do well for Ruth to examine why she felt the need to stick up for the person who…would receive a participation prize in their attempt to pick a fight with Mei in response to her just stating a fact. Plus it seemed Ruth was always the one jumping to conclusions or causing a fuss because things had to be done her way or this way. Based on the reactions to Arii's feeble attempt to assert themselves in most likely some vain attempt to feel some sort of control over the situation and conversations of the others she would need to update her mental bonds chart quite a bit with the new information.

But it was fine! Nothing outside of what Mei was use to after all. Given how things were unfolding she sensed she was becoming a bit of a third wheel since it seemed they would all join together over the card game and past events from the real world so it worked out for her to carry black gabumon outside near the other Digimon. Mei could supervise them along with the small goth one so the others could relax and work on their bonds. She still confident that she could still be included in things so it wouldn't hurt to take in the night sky and the fireflies.
They took up pacing, the odd one fading from their mind with the new information Chel presented. Food, covered. Shelter? Plentiful. Clean water—everyone knew how to get clean water, right? Yes, they thought so. Their steps fell in time with the thoughts spinning in their head, even as they dodged around the people sitting around and let their conversations fade into background noise. "Okay," they mumbled, the word falling from their mouth in a wavering hum. They followed the gesture of Chel's arm with their eyes, and paused in their slow circle of the cave. For a moment, they simply stared at the hunched-over, mumble-y figure their brain registered very belatedly as this "Alex" person. Ah. The one who had fallen.

A shout rang a startle up their spine, and they whipped around as a little worm creature—Wormmon, though they didn't have enough capacity to think too hard about the name. Fear, slinking, poisonous, fear pooled so thickly in its voice that they could almost feel it in the air. Intoxicating. Having not even finished turning to look, yet, they smothered the need to chase that burned in their heart, instead unwinding it into thinner—easier to deal with—strips that pushed at their throat. Having nothing better to do that didn't involve hunting it through the woods guided only by the sound of its pathetic voice, the burning ache arrested their tongue, and all at once, they hissed.

It was a horrible sound set so deep in their chest it was almost a snarl, thick with annoyance, contempt, it bloomed into the air like a demented flower for just a heartbeat before they could bite down on the sound—and their tongue, by extension—and force themself back to their pacing, their long, looping movements reminiscent of a slow hunter's stalk. Seven seconds in. Hold. Seven seconds out. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

"Okay." Calm, they thought, was an exaggeration. They were not calm. Frankly, if they were ever calm again, it's be one hell of a fucking miracle. Calm was the domain of the privileged, which is something none present were, at the moment, perhaps excepting Mei, who Arii had simply decided to dub Caterwaul. Not because she was any better off than the present physically, but because whatever sort of insanity she's got is probably something damn good to die with. Their eyebrow twitched while Ruth... prattled. Their lips pulled back into an expression that would be more fit on, say, a fangmon. Oh. Oh, how dearly they wanted to push Caterwaul into the woods. How would her fear feel? Sweet, they thought. Like the honey of stalking a deer. They'd bet one of their teeth she couldn't see anywhere near as well in the dark as they could. And those heels? She wouldn't get far.

The scoff they made was a noise of disgust, even as they ran their tongue along the edges of their premolar. "You want eye-to-eye?" Irritated, groused the set of their head and the square of their shoulders. "Then let me put it this way." Their voice came out venomous, the ache in their chest blooming into words that, once they hit their tongue, they couldn't stop. "To survive seven days or more, you need three things. Clean water. Easy enough, running water is mostly free of particulates and algae. Just boil it to kill anything in it, and you're golden." They shoved their hands in their pockets. "Food. From what I hear, it's all around with fewer risks of poison than would be expected. You don't even need to hunt to get protein." They were pacing, again, their shadow playing on the rocks behind lit by firelight. "Shelter. The hardest, but at least two of you digimon can make sparks, and there's bound to be settlements, thick canopy, or other hollows like this one. Worst comes to worse, and you still have trees, branches, and other foliage to make them with, even in a situation where time is tight, a shelter shouldn't take more than an hour to set up between you." The bone hooks dug into their thumb. "That covers all basic necessities." Their chest burned, scorching their ribs and making each breath taste like smoke. "Meaning that the only thing left is to mitigate risks. There is one big risk I can think of that would need to be addressed immediately." Broadly, they gestured at Alex, never taking their hands out of their pockets. "The hunters."

A breath. Two. sucked in from between their teeth in a blink just so they could keep talking. "Both me, and that one are targets, and will allegedly be chased until death. Our presence is a direct threat to everyone else's survival. Any settlement in their right mind would avoid allowing people with death brands just march into their camp, and I don't doubt they have a way to check for it. As it is, I am a liability, being that the not-digimon seem to be relatively impervious to blades or real-world objects." Their knife flashed in the light when, quick as a blink, they drew it and flipped it cleanly over their wrist. "And this group—" their gaze flicked from the deer-in-headlights Ruth to the distant form of tracks-the-size-of-bears Caterwaul, to blonde-beach-boy... Leo, was it? "—doesn't need any more liabilities." They jammed their knife back in its sheath, and steepled their fingers. "So, to be more useful than a barking chihuahua—" They bared their teeth ever more, though with their nose wrinkled, it was more of a snarl. "—I suggest splitting up. To maximize the survival chances of this..." The snarl changed to a grimace. "Whole situation."
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Interactions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Chel/Raven & Wormmon, galvanismgal galvanismgal Mei & Black Gabumon, Pumpkid Pumpkid Impmon, Twist Twist Tentomon


Her chest was still beating hard as she watched Chel step forward with a muddied stick. Soon the woman finished drawing numerous, but precise, markings in each of the "zones", Lopmon watching intently from her perch on Róisín's shoulder.

"So pretty! Look Roisin!"

Róisín nodded silently in reply, studying the new points of interest while listening to Raven and Chel in the background. Each of the places were some kind of serious don't-go-here-only-death area, but the interest of what could be there slowly rose inside her.

Could they hold a way out of here? Most likely not, especially from the brief pieces of conversation she heard about some kind of "Deity" in the centre of the island. But if the areas were left alone cause of some powerful creatures and/or groups, that would mean they stayed for some specific reason. And that was interest enough for Róisín.

"Right, so definitely don't go..." She repeated back as she pointed to the island circle.
"Very weird and unsafe to travel..." She continued by moving to Chel's marking in the desert.
"And everything else a no-go...yet..." She said the last part quietly, just generally motioning her hand towards everything and anything on the map.

It was then that Roisin thought of something, pointing towards the marking Chel hesitantly placed for the sky/water biome as she called it.

"What about here? Is this any different to the others? You paused a little before marking it."

As Róisín continued her talk with Chel, Lopmon's once excited interest in the map began to wane. Turning her attention back and over her Partner's shoulder, the bunny Digimon's face lit up before hopping and taking a brief flight to land on Raven's free shoulder, the poor young woman soon having a Digimon perched on either side.

"It's okay! Everyone will be friends in the end. It's scary for everyone right now, but it'll get better!" Lopmon smiled even bigger, doing her best to reassure Wormmon before noticing Impmon make their way slightly out of the cave towards the fireflies.

"Oh, oh! Come on, let's go see where my friend's gone!" Exclaimed Lopmon excitedly, offering to clasp her little paws around Wormmon before leaping and taking flight straight towards the bandana-wearing Digimon.

It was a short flight, but as she started to glide a little around the cave's corner, Lopmon noticed Impmon speaking with another Rookie, another new friend, that wasn't with them in the forest like Wormmon.

Watching Tentomon playfully give Impmon a shock before running off shouting "Tag", Lopmon giggled as she grew closer to them both.

"Oh, Tag! I love Tag!...I think...Yeah, I love Tag!" Said Lopmon, landing not-so-softly with a thud against Impmon before giving a little hop and skip before landing softly on her feet.

Her eyes grew big as she watched Tentomon run beneath the cloud of fireflies, so beautiful against the night sky like little twinkling stars. But before she could move, to run excitedly after Tentomon or join in the game of Tag they started, she paused as she watched Mei come into view holding Black Gabumon.

Tilting her head, Lopmon darted across the ground, long ears partially gliding, partially leaving little trails in the dirt, as she approached the "oh hoho" woman.

"Hello! I hope you're okay! I remember Róisín went to you when you got flung around like a doll! Is he sleeping? It looks like he's sleeping." Lopmon's incessantly questioned as she hopped in place to gently glide and try to better see Black Gabumon.
~Top Of The Mountain of Issues~

Chel raised a eyebrow as Kimi interjected with another question. Turning to the card battler Chel surprisingly didn't answer immediately seemingly mulling how best to explain the answer to that question. It wasn't a stupid question by any means... but the truth was a balanced mess. With a soft sigh tapping her stick against the cave wall she raised a finger.

"The best way to answer that is to say its neither good nor bad, but subjective really. Technically right now your completely organic still however once a week passes," with little warning Chel produced a switchblade and with a clean fluid swing very mildly cute her forearm. At first the horrid action would probably be considered insane, but no blood ever came from the wound. Instead small strands of digital coding flowed out a bit, but never separated from Chels being. Within a few seconds it started to retract back into the wound before sealing it all together.

"Your as digital as any digimon. Its doubtful it keeps us from leaving, but its probably what keeps us tethered from leaving via rejection is the theory as not many digimon sense you until it happens, and than suddenly bam you become interesting a target to the whole island. No you can still be very much killed, but the advantage is you can survive things a bit more than you original could... just dont go testing it or you will kill yourself in the process like quite a few adrenaline junkies did prior," Chel expressed remember quite a few fools who believe themselves gods until splat they were gone.

"However the kicker is what ever condition your in when it happens... your stuck permanently in," Chel ominously forebode looking at Alex in particular drilling in that if he was still broken as he was now anything that rolled over with him he would be stuck with. As this was going on Raven turned to Mei and Arii's little excursion. Seemed Mei held herself grounded by holding to a class system belief... that could be a problem later, but it was best to give everyone time to adjust really. As Mei went outside Raven caught a petrified stone solid Wormmon whose mandibles were repeatedly clicking in fear. Confused for a moment Raven turned to what was causing it... ah... right as Raven turned her face Arii went into a bit of a... pacing of panic would be the best way to describe it.... did that hoe just hiss and snarl? Ravens face went from concern to deadpan expression of being challenged in some unknown way.

The knowledge at hand quickly reminded Raven that Arii was clearly some type of survivalist's, and the look he had just given innocent Wormmon spelled out a sense of predator glancing at the prey. Even worse the look Arii gave Mei, and Ruth was no better in the sense of festering panic Raven was all to familiar dealing with within her brother. From there Arii went into a rather intense venomous rant with nearly wild eyes. For the most part it was all valid logical information fair points of the situation, and what they needed. However it devolved the moment Arii pointed at Alex well verbally pointed, and themselves.

Right as this was going on Chel smiled at Lopmon polite compliment of the somewhat messy map. Such a polite bunny she was Chel almost thought about petting her though didn't want to make Betamon jealous so she held on to that thought as Roisin went over the options of understanding with Chel nodding in confirmation to each of the boxer girls repeats.

"You got it... Yes there is, but trust me when I saw... its not worth the mental scarring," Chel chillingly sighed when Roisin asked about the sea lab. Sharp of the girl to notice Chels reaction though with a scowl she added.

"However if you every think you found a out it might just be where you need to go to prep for a final push," Chel gave signs of not even wanting to think about what was there almost as if on a more personal level of experience rather than sight seeing.

As Raven watched Arii and listened in on Roisin's conversation a rather delightfully friendly landed on Raven shoulder causing the darker skin girl to smile at the enthusiasm of energy the bunny had. Panting the adorable new passenger as her weight balanced out Wormmon's Raven started to get a scowl with where Arii was going with their train of thought. Wormmon lightly gave a small GAH sound as Lopmon roped her but with Raven gentle wave the insect girl surrendered to the situation rather fast at ease that Raven was okay with it. Once the digimon were gone Raven started to walk towards Arii as they lost themselves in the breakdown of the situation.

Once they were finished Raven tapped them gentle on the shoulder to get their attention. With a slow motion Raven took Arii's left hand into her right hand. If Arii was to look down for even a moment they would bizarrely noticed that for no discernable reason Raven was missing her left shoe???


Arii would suddenly feel the sting of rubber against skin on the back of his left hand as Raven legitly slapped it with her taken off shoe.

"Alright first things first. This is literally a horror situation, and you want to do the one thing that usually gets a whole lot of people killed? Nu uh says the black girl got it? Secondly," Raven while still holding Arii's hand pointed to Ruth with a rather impressed impression of the girl.

"That girl drove head first to save you so you take her words into consideration that she is out for your safety. Also so did Leo so you correct yourself right now as them being a liability cause they saved you. Pretty good for being above the label of liability I feel at least," Raven spoke very much like a stern mother breaking up a sibling fight clearly something she had experience with it seemed she than pointed her shoe at Arii as if it was the knife instead as it was Ravens turn to go off into a rant now.

"Actually the word liability no longer exists in your vocabulary starting now. You, me, and everyone else here and outside that cave entrance are officially a team we will do better covering each others weaknesses. We need you as much as you need us, and YOU," Raven turned away from Arii to point her shoe at Alex.

"If at anytime I think your thinking the same thing as Arii I will pummel you and have Cutemon revive you just to pummel you again got it," Oddly enough Raven never spoke with hostility in fact she was rather calm even if stern with a voice more of assurance than anything else though her body language definitely spoke volumes that she would back up what she was saying. Of course she didn't know if Alex's mind had gone that same road, but it would be clear if she got a whiff of such his fate was sealed. With a soft sigh she let go of of Ariis hands but before Arii could interject or counter Raven suddenly did produce a ominous look at him as she raised the show up to her shoulder.

"I think its fair to point out that if marked individuals were given that type of treatment that Chel would have mentioned it right Chel?" Raven asked allowed to the rather amused archeologist girl.

"Indeed Marked doesn't mean ostracized here. You wont get attack in populated areas like I said that was the first time I have ever seen one of those things. They are so unheard of that I honestly believed they were not real, but the smaller the group clearly the more likely you two are to be attacked it seems," Chel cleared up.

"See I get that your scared, and this is how you vent. Yet please think before you do it next time cause your going to hurt feeling that are going to take time to heal, and cost you time with the ones who are going to be with you thick in thin. However with that said...," Raven smiled turning to Arii with closed eyes before opening up with a rather into your soul stare that clearl stated: next time you look at Wormmon or any of the mons present like something for sport you will become the prey and me the predator... , with that Raven gently petted Arii's very mildly bruised hand.

"Lets all work keep it together, together alright," Raven asked letting Arii have their hand back as the spun their shoe like a gun before putting it back on.


"Where are we going I don't like being at least 20 feet away from Raven," Wormmon whimpered as Lopmon landed where her fellow bug sister gave Impmon a small playful zap. Apparently things had evolved into a game of tag though... Wormmon wasn't sure if that was what Impmon was going for as both her and Lompmon bumped into Impmon on the landing.

"I think landing procedure documentation needs to be assigned when you go for touch down," Wormmon quietly expressed though before they could join Tentomon Mei came into the picture with a koed Black Gabumon. Mei was one of the girls who had yelled which made Wormmon hesitant as such she lightly crabbed walk to Impmon leaning in to whisper to him.

"She gives me weird vibes, are weird vibes normal from a human," Wormmon asked the bandana wearing digimon as she watched Tentomon be a rather free spirit running about as Wormmon decided to follow Impmon while keeping a hesitant eye on Lopmon not wanting to make eye contact with the scary Mei again.

Anorgos Anorgos galvanismgal galvanismgal Twist Twist Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Pumpkid Pumpkid ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon
Kimi nodded her head, thinking on Chels words but her face soured when again Alex's condition was brought up. To make matters worse, Arii ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon got himself in a spin, quickly turning into a harrowing spiral. "You can't think like that!" she almost shouted from her seat. "You have a family, friends, people we... you.. need to get back too. Think about them"

Her tone softened as she spoke. Shouting wouldn't help things after all. "And Ace Scatterbrain Scatterbrain has Cutemon by his side. By putting you two in danger, you'd dragged them too into it. Imagine how he feels, hearing you say that to his partner."

Kimi felt she could say more but quickly clammed up as Raven Azurian Dream Azurian Dream walked over and gave her own opinion with her shoe. Kimi realised she had got to her feet as she had spoken and so began to settle back down on her seat. Sitting closer to Alex this time, she looked at him. "Don't listen to him, he's having a bad day."

Kimi's brow narrowed for a minute as she looked at Alex's face, getting the feeling that perhaps he had thought the same as Arii... But he couldn't have. Ace was strong, stronger than her, and a fighter. He was certainly not one to give up, especially when he had such a loyal partner by his side. She squashed the thought and smiled.

"I'm going to go talk to Ruth Pumpkid Pumpkid , see if we can't lighten the mood." Slipping her hand into her pocket, she waved her deck in the air. "Or maybe Raven? Someones bound to play. If not i'll just teach Tentomon."

She laughed, casting her gaze for a moment towards the growing group of Digimon at the cusp of the camp. "Want to come with?" she asked Alex.

Bouncing on the spot, ready for Impmon, Tentomon noticed more Digimon wanting to join in on her fun. And a tall, tall human like Kimi! Keeping one compound eye on Impmon, she darted towards the trio. "Want to play!" Tentomon cried, waving her claw as she approached.

She looked at Lopmon, her furry face mimicking her own smile "We're playing Tag" she squeaked to Lopmon, eager for her to join in. Anorgos Anorgos

Wormmon next to her seemed more hesitant however. Tentomon offered her hand, her mandibles clicking. "It's really fun" she said softly. "If it gets too rough, I'll protect you"

The red rookie looked way, way up at Mei, her long arms and legs perfect for playing Tag "You can join in too. I bet you'd be really good" galvanismgal galvanismgal
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Mei ~at the summit~
Direct interactions: Twist Twist Tentomon Anorgos Anorgos Lopmon

Honestly sure why not. Mei was barely able to take in the nice moment to herself while listening to what conversation drifted over to her from the others before a mountain was made out of a mole hill. One second Mei was thinking that when she turned into data Black Gabumon would no longer be able to feast upon them for strength in a time of crisis unless they sucked on her like a vampire or what cute outfit she would wear to the sea lab and then the next second someone was having a breakdown.

While she would like to return back to the cave and try to draw the friendly fire to herself in true villainess fashion Mei cast a glance at all the little Digimon. It would not be wise for their impressionable little war machines to see the mental breakdown that you know she would take credit for causing if only to make Arii feel better at being able to pass the blame and result of their actions onto someone else. One of the heroines should be able to resolve the issue while Mei analyzed this little squirts for any potential trauma forming behind their blank braincell-less eyes.

At least it seemed this explosion came from the desire for everyone to survive, not counting Chel her days were numbered after all, even if it was unwarranted. Its like they had some sort of memory damage because everyone did just fine fighting off the hunters when they…oh wait maybe Arii did have brain damage from that they should have the healer...pink bunnymon look at him later. It was almost funny how things were getting set up to confirm some bonds of friendship or validate Arii and Alex's self-worth since no one would leave them behind or let them split off. If Arii was thinking rationally, they would know it would be better to use the duo the hunters were after as bait or to split off to lead the enemy away when needed. Why give yourself willingly for no reason when your death could mean something. Plus, there was clearly a better choice if someone had to be sacrificed Mei thought as she looked at the group inside the cave she was outside of.

“Ara, you’re approaching me?” Mei said as Lopmon approached her amidst everything going on.

“Don’t worry I’m better than you,” She said with a nonchalant wave of her hand as the small Digimon was most likely repressing some deep trauma from the inter party conflict, “You should keep an eye on Róisín though if such a thing happens again since her unasked-for kindness could lead to trouble on the battlefield. They are sleeping since they need a lot of energy to stay up and keep an eye on things while the rest of us take our turn sleeping later.”

Black Gabumon turned and snuggled more into Mei as if sensing Lopmon flitting closer to them. Such a good little sleeper they were! But even if they were awake Mei wouldn’t be concerned with them developing any trauma since they were born from a part of her.

Thankfully it seemed that Kimi had stepped in to try and peacefully resolve the situation which might get a small snag when Ruth would interject some sort of double standard comment as she had with everything else concerning Arii but…oh

RAVEN! Hitting other party members in their moment of need was NOT Heroine behavior!!! Such threats were unbecoming and made for poor conflict resolution. It would make sense she would rope everyone else into her actions by saying everyone was a team making it a them vs Arii situation. Just you wait as soon as they were both alone in the restroom Mei would catch her by the sink and say some little quip that would just have Raven staring pensively into the mirror wondering if she recognized the monster she was beginning to become.

Even with Chel’s assistance Mei doubted the issue actually progressed towards being solved in a way that would not be self-destructive down the line. Mei knew firsthand how violence could ruin relationships. While Mei returned most of her attention back to the Digimon around her she realized was too late. Raven’s poor partner Wormmon was already developing issues looking humans in the eye the pitiful little thing. At least it seemed like Kimi resumed trying to do damage control with Alex and the rest of the humans so Mei could focus on the Digimon.

“Ohoho,” softly rang out as Tentomon addressed her, while your assessment in my skill is correct, I must decline your delightful offer. Though it is valiant of you to protect those around you when things get rough a wiser course of action may be to prevent it in the first place by setting some rules so that everyone can be on an equal playing field. But alas while you may enjoy playing tag, I will enjoy seeing how many fireflies I can get to land on Gabumon Left Parentheses Black Right Parentheses. Anyone of you are welcome to join me in this endeavor.”

Staying out of the game itself meant that Mei could focus on making sure the game did not escalate to a level where some of the slower Digimon may feel left out or be picked on by some other Digimon like Ruth’s small manchild since they seemed the type to do so. By offering an alternative activity as well Mei hoped that some of them would feel less pressure to join in the physical activity after a long day or if they just didn’t feel like it without causing friction like a direct refusal would.
Ace listened as Chel answered Kimi's question and, once again, the good was outweighed by the bad. The good was that even if they became digital that supposedly wouldn't bar them from leaving this place if they could find an exit. Also, being digital would make them more resilient, Chel hammering the point home in a rather graphic demonstration that made Ace feel a little queasy. However, the state they were in once they became digital would be the state they would stay in. Not a problem for everyone else but a big problem for Ace, a point made abundantly clear by Chel as she avoided making eye contact with him.

Ace ran through the new information in his head. So right now he was biological which meant Cutemon's powers were ineffective on him and unable to permanently repair his injury. However, if he were to become digital, Cutemon's powers would work properly but they wouldn't do anything because the "broken" him would be the new norm. He couldn't win. Ace balled his hands into fists, as he screamed silently behind the eyes. Ace was royally screwed as he saw it. Normally he would go for a run to clear his mind but that was out of the question now. He could hardly walk and being "Marked" meant he would quickly snatched up by some zombie Digimon. The best thing he could hope for was that he would wake up tomorrow and find this whole situation had just been some terrible nightmare.

Ace watched as Mei grew tired of Ruth's ire and got up to leave, with BlackGabumon in tow. He didn't really know what to make of her or her partner. Mei seemed to be trying very hard to distance herself from the rest of the group, but whether it was an act of sorts; a persona she had crafted for herself for reasons as of yet unknown, or her true character, it was difficult to say. Her parting words prompted a response from Arii, who then started giving everyone a crash course in surviving in the wild. He paced back and forth like a caged animal, his words dripping as he explained, before gesturing towards Ace as he addressed the issue of their shared circumstance.

It seemed that they both were of one opinion in regards to splitting up to mitigate the danger to everyone else. However, while Ace planned to broach the subject quietly, Arii just came out and said it in the open. As Ace had suspected, the idea was quickly shot down by two in the group. Raven, who went as far as disciplining Arii with her shoe for even considering it and then threatened to do worse to him if she thought he was thinking the same thing. Then Kimi, who seemed to regard the idea of them splitting up a death sentence by reminding Arii that he had people who cared for him back home. She also appeared to hold a rather flattering opinion of him which left Ace feeling pangs of guilt. Quite frankly he hadn't even considered Cutemon and how they might feel when he made in his decision. His life for the last few years had been about nothing but competition, relying solely on himself, putting his needs and wants above everyone else's and keeping others at arms length. But now he had someone who relied on him, a partner, and he would have to start taking that into account.

Kimi seemed like a really sweet girl, even going as far as apologising on Arii's behalf for his perceived slight. Ace found her penchant to assume the best in others rather endearing. He gave her a gentle smile when she asked if he wanted to accompany her. "No thanks. I think I might just hit the hay. It's been a long day." Noticing most of the other Digimon had vacated the cave, Ace turned to his partner. "Do you want to join the others and see what they up to? Sounds like they're having fun."

The Digimon shook their head. "Mm-mm. I want to stay with you." Cutemon replied, smiling weakly. Ace could see the look of concern in Cutemon's eyes, no doubt worried that something might happen to him if he left his side. Ace got up slowly from where he was sitting before awkwardly squatting down in front of Cutemon so the two of them were eye level.

"Go on. I promise if anything happens, I'll give you a shout." Ace said, rubbing the top of Cutemon's head.

Cutemon nodded hesitantly. "Ok..." they replied. Cutemon took a few reluctant steps towards the mouth of the cave before looking back at Ace for assurance. Ace flicked his fingers up and down, gesturing for Cutemon to keep going. The Digimon took a few more steps before looking back at Ace again. Ace looked up at Kimi and flicked his head towards Cutemon.

A little help...
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It wrapped around their throat like a noose, tightening in ever-looping spirals that made breathing hard and speaking harder. More than that, though, if made them light-headed, blurring the lines between people and background so that they could not see the eyes so many eyes so exposed—


Contain it.

Their grasp had slipped on their self-control. They felt it. They felt it in the air, and how they stood. How their body sang hunt in the lines of its motions and their teeth flashed predator. They twitched, a spasm of a sharply inhaled breath and the whirl of them facing someone—close. Too close. Breathing in their face. They could feel the way air warped around the two of them.
They looked past this new one, staring out the mouth of the cave. Do not make eye contact. Do not challenge. Calm. Calm. They could be calm. They could be reasonable. It was a fight to keep their teeth from baring into a full snarl, and just keep their expression locked down to what they thought was perhaps mildly irritated. It was a fight to force themself to still no matter how much they hated the miasma that hung around with others' presence, invading their space and—

A shock like fire rocketed up their spine as touchtouchtouch made contact with their hand, and they froze. Warning, they postured without realizing, the arch of their neck miming that of a cat's back as goosebumps erupted across their skin and raised the hairs along their arm like hackles. They could not jerk their hand away. They could not move. If they moved, Arii thought they might actually lose what frail tether to sanity they maintained. They would be hunting, and stalking, and teeth, and knives, and—

Everything was silent and still for a few seconds. In a blink, Arii had somehow become more rigid, standing ramrod straight with eyes that stretched unsettlingly wide in their sockets. The world washed over them, and when they breathed and their vision cleared, they read Threat.

Threat, said the green one in not words but tone of voice. Threat, she said in the sway of her movements and their poisonous proximity. Threat, She announced clear as daybreak and tadpoles in mud with the burning red streak across their hand. The scorching contact of her hand retreated, and Arii snatched theirs away, scrubbing it against their jacket until their palm had lost feeling and they couldn't tell if it was bleeding or just irritated. Both hands were promptly shoved back into their pockets, and it seemed the spell was broken.

They did not reach for their knife, nor did they flinch away. They stared. Direct, unblinking eye contact. Their eyes didn't move in their sockets. They didn't twitch. It was almost like they'd been frozen in time. When another one spoke in support, they knew they'd been outmaneuvered.

Two, perhaps, they could evade, but they doubted this group had only two that would chase after them with some misguided sense of responsibility or community.

The silence stretched.

They wanted... so, so badly to snarl in their faces. To make them understand what kind of situation they were in. To get it into their thick fucking skulls that just because a bunch of people share a circumstance does not mean they will "be with you through thick and thin". More than that, they wanted to scream to the sky itself that they could not physically care less about the Idiot Squad's fucking emotions because oh, hey, you kinda have to be alive to have those.

They did not. They continued staring, an eerie silence landing over their previously manic person. Hunting, Stalking settled over them like a familiar shirt. Careful, their nerves hummed, as they met Raven's... threatening(?) expression with complete blankness. Must be careful. Clever. They are clever, so you must be better. They blinked for the first time in possibly over a minute, the motion followed by a short, jerky tilt of their head. As if Kimi and Raven were something to be examined.

"Lets all work keep it together, together alright,"

Being stupid must be one hell of a drug.

A careful coyote is a fed coyote. Careful to shed suspicion like water off a duck. They were speaking. They were speaking because they were Hunting, and a good hunter must be quick with their actions and smart with their words. "The squirrels that run in circles in front of cars have more of a survival instinct than you." It was a hiss, but perhaps not as vehement as before. "You should have left the targets to die or killed them yourself." Their turn.

They leaned into the shorter person's space until they were level with the dark eyes of Green. They ignored the sear of her presence against their face. Challenge, they imposed, staring into her pupils. "But I will take the free meal ticket."
Raven watched Arii attentively like her namesake, Arii spoke venom words again with every intent on coming off hostile and unwanted. Yet this time they were different they were more dark yet Raven noticed a more calm frustration behind them. As they stood face to face with them their final words made Raven unexplainably smile at Arii softly with a cool chuckle at the meal ticket part. Almost as if she had complete glued the animosity with her own it was as if all the tension was thrown out the window.

"Been a minute since I have been that ruffled if I am honest," Raven own manners returned to a more carefree and calm disposition. The challenge in her eyes channeled in to a more chilled expression.

"Glad to see you a bit calmer as well," Raven breathed out the air she she has used to puff up moments ago. She had experienced this frustration before back when she had had blown a gasket with her brothers paranoia at a young age. When she had lashed out that time her mother had been there to sit her down on the nature of those with a panicked essence. Lashing out while valid a feeling only could work if you to calmed down with the person after the emotions erupted... it was a rare gamble as most would be caught up in the storm.

"If that's all it takes to keep you with us considered yourself fed," Raven gave a thumbs up with her chill monotoned voice. It would seem strange but in a bizarre way of approach she had technically achieved mutual victory with Arii on the matter.

"You know it may be a weird thing to hear, but best not to hold to any opinions of each other for now," Chel ominously spoke up as everything started to cool down. The statement wasn't at anyone directly but more so at all of them at once as she placed the stick down looking over them all each in their own unique take. Betaman knew where Chel was going with this, and knew it had to be said thus he made no comment to stop her this time on her more extreme thoughts.

"Remember you are all in a state of reeling, or shock if you will at the moment. More likely than not minus about two of you perchance your not exactly thinking like you normally would. The biggest enemy here at the start is yourselves and how you choose to handle what's become of your life. Fear, isolation, and rejection are early step to the grave here. Thus my recommendation is for tonight sleep it off. Me, and Betamon will guard you tonight. Tackle the mess with a well rested mind," Chel gave no other words as she headed out ushering everyone to go inside the cave as the moon was at its peak in the sky. Raven sighed Chel was right after all. Yet at the same Arii's mentality did deserve a slap on the wrist in her mind self sacrifice was going to get no where here.

As the night passed, and embers of the fire burnt out the group would be awoken to Chel, and MetalSeadramon prepping for travel in a much more chill environment. As promised the detective woman, and the metal snake took them on a much more leisure ride throughout the rather beautiful forest. The more they dug in the more wonderous it became with flower life, small hills, and of course the trees unique patterns. Their was even a small pond here and there. Though as they dug in a small shift of habitat was notable as grass was becoming more, and more common against the dirt paths they had been witnessing over the hours of this trail.

Until out in the distance a clearing was notable with the ground completely covered in grass. With the foliage of the trees gone the party would be overwhelmed by the sudden bright light as the air became a unique sense of fresh... fresher than any air their lunges had breathed in before. It was causing a unnatural yet welcoming effect on their bodies as the light subsided revealing a massive cleared out circle. In front of their view was a notable farmland gated area with tree's holding meat as visible as day, the ground itself had notable veggies like carrots, potatoes, and even some peas. All were protected by a electrical fence with a few humans and digimon on guard while some were at work harvesting or attending to such the fruits of labor.

It was a sight of civilization in its base archaic form though as if they turned their attention left they would see a very notable almost towering wood fort. The guards atop help spears, and at the sight of MetalSeadramon their was a moment of fear at the lumbering mega. Yet their eyes shifted to Chel who was nonchalently on top... the expression of fear turned unexpectedly to dread across the farm workers, and guards faces... not exactly the reaction the Sky Fallers would expect, and would no doubt raise some questions. Yet for now the metal serpent kept moving forward as a guard left his post to inform someone no doubt.

"Ehhh welp this is where we part ways. Any longer, and they'll start hearing the song and dance they love to blurt at me," Chel rambled revealing she was legitly serious about dropping them off and leaving without any extra intent. However as MetalSeadramon landed for the group to usher down the gates started to open as a rather intense aura started to emit from behind its concealed wooden stature. As the gate opened more and more the group was met with a rather small grass like entity.


"We are full. Please pack up, and designate yourselves else where," it spoke without any emotion or any following question. No hostility, nor reason stood behind the female toned digimon words. It was like automated machine just handing out a fact, and directive. Chel rolled her eyes as that overpowering aura was gone as quick as it had appeared while she slid down MetalSeadramon to confront the plant.

Their was a chime from everyone's digivices as data tried to identify the creature in front of them as Palmon yet question marks followed the name as if the digivices weren't sure that's what the plant was. As other guard Digimon got close the Digivice would continue to ping giving small summaries of the Digimon present with more prominent information. Yet if they directed it back to the plant creature it would continue to address a answer but give no data other than a name followed by question marks again.

"Don't mind that she's not one of them. Its a core Antibody variant thing... ask Gabriel about it if your interested... though piece of advice keep the fake Digimon experience to yourself... you don't want to give fact to fable around here or you'll cause panic," MetalSeadramon expressed making sure the group didn't think the plant was a fake Digimon, and to not mention the fake digimon.

"Still no sense of bed side manners I see Palmon," Chel chimed waving to the creature as its black empty eyes turned to her.

"I said please did I not? Regardless Lady Chel you know what your presence does to most. I must ask you vacate the area to avoid unnecessary stress," Palmon instructed even moving its hands as if a airplane flight attender guiding a plane to move in another direction. Chel sighed though didn't say anything else as if waiting out the plant for something to happen, and since Chel didn't respond the plant creature only continued to stare waiting for a response patiently.

"Chel please don't mess with Palmon you know she will wait forever for you to respond. Proper etiquette and all," a rather drained voiced scowled a bit knowing full well what Chel was doing as the gate doors opened wider revealing a small hut based community. Bonfires, and pits were rather all ove the place for use for primitive style forging, cooking, and almost about anything in the realm of what a place like this would need. Several precautioned steps were in place around each of the pits to avoid spreading flames. Their was also notable a somewhat archaic bathhouse looking structure next to what looked to be a water connected to it. Oddly enough that water pump seemed to be the most advanced thing here. Their were people around a small range of age about 18-25 at best at best a community of 24 people. The person who had spoken though would be more prominent a eighteen year old male rather high society dressed in a purple v vest and dress shirt tucked into black pants walked towards the group. Notable behind them their were two other people( Matreania Matreania RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun ) that had been talking to Gabriel about something.

"You must be the rest of the Sky Fallers for this annual drop I take it," Gabriel asked the group as he turned to Chel who gave him a look of surprise.

"How did you know that?"

"Cause these two behind me happen to drop in yesterday straight from the sky as well," Gabriel expressed motioning a hand to the two newer entities.

"Wait? Sky Fallers completely off shrine course.... hehehehehehehehe oh that's extremely new," Chel smiled about to run to them like a velociraptor before Palmon held out a hand halting her take off course causing a grumble from Chel.

"... You know I cant take them in Chel. Were near limits as it is for harvest," Gabriel sighed blackened eyelids showing elements of a man clearly in charge of this area.

"Fair was a long shot. How about a job," Chel negotiated for them causing Gabriel to raise a brow about to say something before Chel added. "They are surprisingly pretty able out the door. Surely you got some trade stock offer for something you don't want your denizens to work on," Chel mulled causing Palmon to turn to Gabriel with a look of something... in mind. Gabriel closed his eyes thinking for a moment until he opened them again.

"Alright if their willing I do have something. Though if were going to work you to the bone... we might as well offer some minor pleasantries. We can have breakfast in my office," Gabriel spoke motioning them to follow him into the fort as the other members of the group looked at Chel, and the Sky Fallers hesitantly. Chel however played her part in her mind as she gave them a soft wave as she walked over to MetalSeadramon.

"Hey if you survive a week Ill give you all a call until than keep your minds about you... you'll need em," she smiled before MetalSeadramon shot up into the sky until he was no more than a dot in the their eyes. Palmon got behind the group watching them like a hawk as they were brought in. As promised they were all supplied with a bit of a veggie breakfast with chunks of meat. Gabriel's wooden office was just about big enough for them to all fit into as he sat at his desk. He looked them all over as Palmon walked over to his side standing like a vigilante guard.

"Alright given Chel picked you up I am sure you got the base of your situation. These two behind me are Eliam Arlo Nyxshade, & Nan Ji-Su. Your fellow... sky fallers. Before we talk shop I think I will let them introduce themselves since more likely than not they are going to go with you rather than stay here," Gabriel expressed turning to Nan, and Eliam motioning for them to take the floor. It was clear Gabriel was a man of business tact the energy he exuded was someone who kept things on lock in control... and had a structure of understanding what his group could, and could not handle. Yet he seemed also rather respectful, and willing to hear things out, but that would be something to test soon enough.

Matreania Matreania Anorgos Anorgos RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist galvanismgal galvanismgal Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Pumpkid Pumpkid ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon
Just like Mei’s belt it seemed that everything had been patched up by the time it was for everyone to turn in. Chel did her normal Chel speech putting her past having one foot in the grave to preaching from inside the hole. Overall, the night almost seemed like a slumber party with the drama, the games, and the talk of partners. Chel and Betamon would be staying up late keeping watch but of what? Most likely each other ohohoho.

Not a morning person the start of the day passed in a bit of a blur thanks to the assistance of Black Gabumon. The less frantic pace and some folks licking their bruised egos made the trip peaceful. Mei took in the forest and the air as Black Gabumon strangle gripped her to not fall off of Metal Seadramon as the scenery transitioned to more of a parries setting. Even getting flash banged by sunlight didn’t put a damper on things. It was a shame they couldn’t stop to pick some of the flowers and have a picnic in the fresh air. When the sight of civilization came into view Mei set to calculate the economic costs and benefits of setting up a salt trade from the sea since the Digimon and people tending the fields didn’t look like slaves. Meat trees were no surprise either amongst the more normal crops. Not because Mei knew anything about them from Digimon but she read a fairy tale with lunch pail trees so it would make sense this world would have the poor version of them.

The ugly little thing they dare call a fort seemed like it would simply tip over if Metal Seadramon sneezed so it made sense they would blanch at the sight of Chel since she probably gave them some big speech about how if they all work together something blah blah.

Ara, a musical for Chel? Well, if they insisted Mei could do a little bit of theater and join in. A woman of her status had seen most of the famous plays from the private seats so she could quickly plan a whole number you know just a small yet overshadows the rest of the play one. The critics would be raving. An off brand Palmon seemed to put the end to that idea though with her no-nonsense tone. This Palmon was not being a Pal she was just mon.

There digivices seemed confused as well as the department store knock off didn’t register. If they killed her the flowing data would probably fix that issue. Metal Seadramon instead took care of the explanation while Chel had her back and forth with her fated rival. Information should be pretty easy to gather from ex-palmon since what she could be cornered into not saying could narrow things down as much as if she did say something. It would be easy like breaking an AI or crushing someone’s spirit.

Mei slid of Metal Seadramon during the tit for tat landing elegantly on her butt. As a new young but probably old like Chel figure of authority was introduced she spotted a bathhouse.


Even if it lacked a mirror Mei was sure she could corner someone to have a heavily symbolic conversation in it.

Seemed like a couple more exceptions to the rule fell off course but the more pressing matter was that Chel seemed to suck at negotiations. Seems like kindness had died on this island long ago given how they were forced into a work agreement and pawned off like a cursed diamond. Surprisingly it seemed Chel would die off screen or maybe turn evil with how things were going. Mei hoped it would be the second since it would give the heroines a heartwarming moment to gain heroine points while they try and convince Chel to switch back to the good side.

For breakfast Mei only grazed a bit. She was unsure how the food would agree with her delicate self plus if it was poisoned, she would surely feel the effects first over the others even with the smaller amount ingested. Black Gabumon therefore kept having an ever-increasing plate as Mei snuck more and more bits of food onto it.

While she waited for Nan and Eliam to do whatever Gabriel motioned them to do before judging them it was clear Mei did not have to wait to judge Gabriel. If Chel seemed the type to die he seemed the type to work himself too far until his slow mental self-destruction caused the downfall of others in front of his bootleg Palmon. She calmly sat with her typical Ara-ura around herself as she tried to pin his age down. Most likely 10 years within Chel's age given their assumed history. At least the two new sky fallers wouldn't be like that so she would just need to make sure no lines were crossed with the villagers. Creeps existed in real life no reason they wouldn't here as well but it was a good thing Chel didn't seem the type to kiss a minor or anything so at least one person could be trusted.

Eliam Arlo Nyxshade held Salamon in his hands, unsure what to say. He would rather not be the first to speak but looked at the group before him. Taking a deep breath he had some ideas on how these people were. Of course, his adventures on the streets had taught him, that people are not what they seem. He trusted first impressions to create a base for knowing what people would be smart, and caring, and wouldn’t try to make him talk more than he was used to. But at the same time, he understood that by appearance, there was a chance that he would not be able to identify what would give off that impression.

Holding a little tightly onto Salamon, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, to prepare him for his turn to speak. He was sure that he was going to have to say something, at least his name, but he wasn’t sure if he was going to have the voice for it. He had never thought there was more than him and the woman beside him. After falling into the world, he was not sure if any of this was real in the first place. Gabriel had explained a lot in the time that they had arrived. Eliam had so many questions, but until Salamon and he met, he did not have the voice or words to speak up.

It was Salamon who happened to address some of the details that he had wanted to know. Now, was no different from then as Salamon looked up at him before she smiled, “My name is Salamon. Eliam here goes by the name Arlo, but he will answer to just about anything.” she chuckled, before looking up at him. Eliam looked surprised at her, not sure why she spoke first. He was getting to the introduction, he just hadn’t gotten to opening his mouth just yet. Salamon smiled up at him, noticing that Eliam seemed conflicted about her decision. So, she turned to the others, “You shouldn’t mind him, too much, he isn’t mute, but if you give him some time, I am sure he will talk.”

Since they had met, Salamon had been an open book, she talked a lot more than Eliam was used to being talked to. She smiled at him a lot, which was suspicious and uplifting to him. She spoke her mind, unlike him, who only thought a lot and talked in his head. He was surprised his lips could part, at times, when he did manage to get the nerve to speak. He was not shy, per se, but he learned that talking could go one of three ways. You could be ignored, upset someone, or say the right them, either way, you have no control over how the other person felt about what came out of your mouth, no matter how much you took the time to think about your words.

Eliam nodded in a greeting when Salamon finished talking and he watched their reactions. He had spoken a few words the whole time that he had been in the little village and he honestly would not have said anything if it hadn’t been for Salamon. So, he figured he would just go with her communicating as much as she wanted for them both until he got more comfortable. After that, he planned to make a plan of what to do next from there.
Watching with some interest as the new group arrived and the gate was opened just a bit, Ji-Su would watch as glasses would talk, or rather his Digimon would do the talking for Eliam. She had made note of that for some time now. Meanwhile the leader of the village didn't seem to want to let any of them in. With her short black hair and very dark eyes, Ji-Su had a smirk to her face as Gabriel made a tough argument, one which Ji-Su would turn on its head, at least in a small matter, curiously unlike the rest, Nan Ji-Su was wearing a military uniform, though it remained to be seen if any of the rest could determine what nation it was from.

With a deft hand, she waved at the rest, still grinning a bit as Gabriel did a partial introduction for her, she would speak up, her partner curiously missing. "Come on Gabe, lets do a trade with them, I repaired everything tech based I've seen here already, if one of their sky fallers don't want to continue, then they can take my place."

Chuckling a bit at that, she continued. "I am, as he said Nan Ji-Su, My family name is Nan, so you can call me Ji-Su. I am from the Republic of Korea, all the rest you can guess. Now as for my partner... Commandramon!"

Calling out for the missing literal commando, he became readily available or rather visible from the sniper tower before working his way down and over to the group, his smart camouflage skin changing colors every so often to match the scenery in its camo pattern. Speaking only once it arrived, a sorta gravelly voice would emanate from it. "I am Commandramon, partner of the Ji-Su. Make no sudden movements." Curiously, or maybe expectantly, this Digimon was armed with an assault rifle of the AR platform of rifles, though given differences in size, it wasn't likely to be a human made weapon, so much as a gun and species based one.

Ji-Su seemed a bit amused by even this as she squatted down and gave him a bat on the back. "Easy there, fellow soldier, we might be leaving with them, oh yeah..."

Turning her attention back to the rest, Ji-Su continued onwards. "I'm something of a tech specialist and can fix and repair some machines and electronics if I have the resources, er, I'm 22, Army of the Republic of Korea, or the South Korean Army, is where I currently worked, well till all of this happened. Right now, I kind of want to try solving how to get free from here. But uh, well that's the story. Also, I was watching the live stream and hacking some auxiliary cameras at the World Championship feed, next thing I know the screen on my PC glowed, I got teleported or absorbed, came falling from the sky. It is what it is. But I found this place pretty quick and Commandramon here too."

Interactions: All present.
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As Eliam, and Ji-su made their introductions Gabriel simply watched the new Sky Fallers. Even with a tired appearance his eyes were snapping between them all as if analyzing them on the spot from one to the next. His eyes however halted on Arii for a moment... however quickly moved to Mei who was clearly doing something similar. That girl had been looking at everything with quite some moxie of judgment, but when it came to the bath house it was clear her priorities were in a... certain order. As the duo finished up Ji-Su said exactly what he had expected her to offer... a trade she was right though anything that needed fixing from someone of her skill had been dealt with, and Eliam was clearly having a rough time fitting in a village setting.

"Like I told you two your allowed to do as you like I wont hold you here against your will by any means," Gabriel nodded accepting if that's what Ji-Su wanted to do.

"With that all said let me make a proposition right out the door. About three days ago two of our scouts went missing in the forest during a shift remapping. Its not uncommon for the scouts to be out longer than a day, but three is unheard of even in a shift these scouts know this area like the back of their hands. Were still trying to figure out what happened, and if their still alive for that matter," Gabriel oddly enough avoided using their names of whoever these scouts were it was like there was a air of them being written off already if not a gloomy disposition of not wanting to think of the possibilities.

"Unlike in the real world ever single person counts especially those with trades functional to survival. They were following signs of unusual activities as of late in this biome. Unlike the rest of the Biomes the forest is extremely laid back in hostilities. Yet as of late things seem to be shifting in bizarre subtle ways," Gabriel explained looking at Arii for a moment again before also looking at Eliam, and Ji-su.

"Normal I would go with Palmon to investigate these type of scenarios, but given the reports by the scouts up to this point... I feel that might be what something wants. The last few times I have went out I have come back to reports of suspicious shadows lurking as if monitoring our response times only when I am gone. Thus I have to assume two things.... one my two scouts are being held as bait, and two someones wanting to attack us for the first time in forever. These might also just be the ramblings of a uneased village, and I am letting my mind play tricks on me. Yet as a leader to these people I need to side with a air of caution," Gabriel expressed holding up his own digivice as map data flooded out, and filled into their own digivices showing the route of the Scouts in questions.

"So I'll ask that you by choice of course check it out, and report anything you find. I am not asking you to run into any conflict just more of a check, and see what may have been. If they are alive if you believe you can save them perfect if not? Well to be fair I am not expecting you to throw your lives in gamble to people you don't know. Regardless whatever you do I will offer in turn a set amount of food provisions, use of our amenities here, and a alliance. Though that might not seem like much given I just told you our levels of faults it does help to have allies here on the island," Gabriel expressed keeping everything formal, and business like.

"That's it. Your allowed to do or ask what you like. If only some of you want to go we will house the others until you get back. If you want to look around for a bit in the fort by all means do so, have any questions and I'll do my best to answer. If you want to jump right into it your digivices are ready to lead you the way," Gabriel offering the freedom of choice past this point as he motioned his hand to them to do as they pleased.

"... Alright I am sold lets get to it," Raven spoke up rather accepting of the whole situation as she politely put her empty plate that she had shared with Wormmon down on Gabriel's table. Raven up to this point had seen no other directs of action, no openings to how they could get home, but now this request felt like a proper step in the right direction. Chels debrief was pretty straight forward on the chances of things, and how it all worked. If even the thought of escape was a goal you had to gain some cards in your favor, and gamble your own life that was the reality of the situation... Wormmon herself was a bit hesitant on the potential of nefarious forces as she climbed onto Ravens right shoulder mumbling.

"Is that really a good idea there could be danger," she whimpered.

"True. I don't like the idea of walking into a bad situation or even onto the sight of something bad. Yet Chel made it pretty clear the nature of island, and those on it. If were looking to make work with what we know, and what we can do to get out... were going to need resources like the one Gabriels offering," Raven explained to her partner turning to Gabriel who was a bit surprised by her word let alone her decision of reasoning to take the deal.

"Your aiming to escape even with what's been explained on the route of such a notion," Gabriel asked cupping his hands together looking at her sternly as the surprise wore off. People had been trapped on this island for more than 20 years, no one had ever escaped, and to top it off the survival of the fittest was clearly a law. This should have been understood even without being here a day most got that point shot through the head pretty fast... no this girl knew, but she was stubbornly holding on to something strong for a branch of conviction.

"Well it can't be impossible to attempt such. I mean to be fair you admitted yourself your doing something rather insane taking care of all these people when you dont have to. Your not staying here because you don't care your staying here and asking others to handle this cause you care alot right? The whole concept of this fort feels similar to my desire to get home with no chance of success in the end game," Raven shrugged catching Gabriel even a bit more off guard as he looked at her dead in the eye for a moment... this group was not the usual fair it seemed. He turned to see what the others would say and do as Raven walked up to Ji-su in particular.

"You said you were a computer wiz right? Have you played around with these digivice's yet? Wanted to see about making a star chart as a way to keep track of things in case things go map top side or maybe even to get a layout of the extent of the skys limits. Though I guess we can talk about that on the walk out can't we. Also I think Eliam you would rather come with use to right? Salmon seems rather confident so somewhere in that silent bod must a be a spirit ready for adventure if not a way out," Raven softly smiled seeing as the korean woman clearly wanted to come with them regardless, and that Eliam seemed similar with how Salmons energy was a sign of Eliams nature even if hidden. As Raven started to turn for the exit she did pause for a moment turning to everyone as she gave a bit a follow up.

"I get were all different and in particular I owe a apology to you Arii everyone is right to their opinions, and choices. Yet I refuse to think that way sacrifice is not a option to me. While you might think I am probably nuts, and dead in the water. I offer anyone willing a chance to see whether or not I am right or wrong, but I plan to get home. So if you dont want to miss that train I recommend we get to work on laying some tracks," Raven chimed with smile that caused Wormmon even as hesitant as she was suddenly felt some vigor from Raven.

"YAY LETS GO GET MURDERED BY ESCAPING... WAIT NO THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT... UH LETS GO GET FOREST MURDER... Wait not that doenst sound better NO WAIT LET ME GET THIS RIGHT. NOOOOO I DONT WANT YOU TO HOLD THIS OVER MY HEAD," Wormmon screamed in excitement until they realized how wrong the words came out causing Raven to go into a laughing fit as she left the building while her partner tried miserable to get her lets go for it speech correct.

"Well... shes indeed bold... how about the rest of you," Gabriel asked waiting to see what would happen from here.

INteraction: Anorgos Anorgos Matreania Matreania galvanismgal galvanismgal ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Pumpkid Pumpkid

Ruth frowned when Mei moved away from her. Mei really was a character and must have been triggered. She still believed she was better than others when Arii stated everyone was stuck and starting at the same place. Being rich or poor meant nothing. Fine, if she was so intent then let her be. The blonde could not help her and probably nobody could with how she is now. Weirdly, Ruth could not speak up against Mei even though she did during the rescue. The more Mei spoke and showed herself, the more Ruth was reminded of her parents. The way they would stomp their feet, assert dominance by raising their voice, or just never back down and refuse to comprehend another’s point of view. Of course, Mei has not raised her voice, but the attitude showed she was capable of enforcing her own rules should push come to shove.

Arii then began to lecture about survivability. The need for clean water, food, and shelter. It's true that all of it is needed but they didn't have to be so mean about it. It’s like they were talking to everyone as if they were imbeciles. After all she went through to save them? Then again, they were giving advice for everyone even if they did it in a snippy way. The question is, why so uptight about it? Ruth wanted to hang her head, but was troubled by what Arii said about Alex and them being a liability because the veil targeted them which meant possibly going their separate ways to avoid danger. No! If they all did that, it would be less probable especially for Arii. They didn't have a digimon partner. It seems she wasn't the only one thinking that.

Impmon, on the other hand, turns to Tentomon who offers their hand in greeting. Before Impmon could make a move, they were shocked. Impmon yelps at the sudden feeling then hides from him. “Tag? Why ya little-” They were cut off by Lopmon's graceful appearance. Their aura was quite relaxing and helped lighten the mood before he made a mistake. It was probably due to the tense atmosphere from the humans. It's gloomy to the core while trying to reassure each other they will be fine, but the truth is they will not.

Lopmon's presence did not last as they ran over to Gabumon and their snobby partner. He had a bone to pick with her if Ruth weren't so timid. He would show her a few things. Along with Lopmon they left a skittish Wormmon who asked if humans are weird. Impmon smirked and gave the bug a pat on the head. “Yeah, humans are weird. I still can't wrap my head around'em. I'm sure we will understand them at some point. As if taking too long, Tentomon approached them to respond to Lopmon and calm the wormmon. They were so playful and kind. To think, he almost lost his cool on the bug.

Impmon's peace was intruded by Mei. The fact that she spoke as if she was indeed superior and adding graceful insults to his friends bothered him. “Ha! Better than us? Please! You're in the same boat as all of us, Miss Primadona. Somethin tells me you lost a few braincells when ya went overboard in battle.” While Mei might be rude, at least she wasn't an abuser. They seemed to genuinely care for Gabumon which was conflicting. They could be a lot worse and throw a temper tantrum. He really couldn’t comprehend humans at all.

Then, the echo of a whack to the hand caught both Impmon and Ruth's attention. Raven was reprimanding Arii for being the sour fruit of the bunch. Rightfully so. It's well deserved considering the kid had no partner to defend him. Ruth would not allow that and neither would Impmon. Sure he can let the kid be and die on his own, but after what he witnessed, Ruth was not the type to abandon anyone or give up. Perhaps that is where his persistence comes from?

Raven’s stern talking is exactly what Impmon would have said. They wouldn't survive without a partner and splitting up is a bad idea. They couldn't even bring down the corrupted Fangmon. Their knife didn't even do damage. How were they even planning on surviving? Just keep hidden at all times? Eventually, they will be found out.

Ruth blushed when Raven gave her credit for her efforts. She didn't expect anyone to notice her determination to rescue a friend. Granted, she would do the same for others just to keep them safe. What was surprising is she might have analyzed how Arii reactions are their way of coping as a sign of fear. Ruth smiled softly appreciatively for the first time in a long time. She listened to all of Raven's great points. Everyone seemed keen on taking matters into their own hands, being mindful of either their safety or others. It's clear they all were selfless in their own right meaning Ruth was not the only one. When pointed directly at Alex, Ruth was shocked. It's not far-fetched that the male would attempt to exclude himself from everyone to save the others. It seems Raven and her have the same thought process. No way was she going to allow Alex to be ditched even in their condition. Maybe one of the Biomes has medical supplies if fridges exist.

Now that the group has some answers and vented their frustrations, Chel had to add fuel to Ruth’s anxiety by implying everyone should hold off on the opinions of others. What they were dealing with is a high of adrenaline caused by shock. If she recalled, it does take hours for the body to relax. Some bread or carbs would do the trick, but sleep was another alternative. It's the best remedy. Ruth wasn't sure if she could sleep at all, but she had to in order to take on the day. Ruth held the crystal closed to her chest and used her bag as a pillow. The sound of the crunch made her realize she had forgotten to share her chips with the group. Oh well, that can be addressed tomorrow if food comes back up.

At the same time, the other digimon were forced to retire for the night. Impmon retreated to Ruth’s side, but unlike the others, his partner wasn't a fan of him for some weird reason. He quietly moved to the wall where he kept an eye on his partner, arms and legs crossed as he observed the others possibly cuddling beside their partners. How nice. If only he could have a similar relationship. He tossed the thought aside and dozed off.

Ruth slept as properly as she could. Tossing and turning on stone was uncomfortable, but what choice did she have? When she woke, Chel corralled the group for a pleasant drive on MetalSeadramon to who knows where. Impmon kept his distance but was nodding off as he was too tired. He kept watch over Ruth occasionally waking up to her constant stirring.

The team soon arrived in a new area far from the beach. She felt a refreshing breeze and the air was too clean for her liking. It melted her woes, but at the same time she was not accustomed to air. She was in awe at the sight of grass, and foliage all around. It was up her alley. It was almost like a forest to her. How pleasant. Up ahead were trees held with meat? It was just as Chel stated. How is it even possible? The digital world certainly is a strange place. On top of that, civilization could be seen harvesting produce and other supplies. Are they heading to a sanctuary?

Ruth's question was answered when met with a wooden fort with guards armed with spears. The digital world must be a nightmare if there is a fort to keep whatever dares approach, out. The expression on the guards' faces made Ruth feel guilty but shifted when they shifted to Chel. Whatever kind of reputation the woman has is evident. When the gates opened, a plant creature presented itself with an intense aura despite how they carried themselves. Ruth wondered if they were welcomed at all even if they were full. What did that entail for the group? Impmon, on the other hand, was intrigued by Palmon. The urge to get to know them and maybe spar was strong, but held off for the moment when Ruth's digivice beeped. The blonde freaked out and rummaged through her bag to find the device was displaying information except for the digimon in front of them and their name.

Metal Seadramon explained that it was due to being an antibody variant. How curious. She did not ask about Palmon, but the chances of that are slim. Still, this is about survival and Chel has warned them to keep their wits about themselves. The interaction between Chel and Palmon had Ruth realize Chel must be a troublemaker of sorts. When they first met she did give off a dangerous vibe and even made a dark joke that was not appropriate during their distress.

Another voice enters the scene with two others behind him. A teen no older than the group. Were they Palmon's partner? They quickly deduced who they were and the two behind him were sky fallers. Steering off the beach is not normal? Why then did they land here? Again, they are being rejected from refuge, but it seems Chel had volunteered them for work. Great. Do they even have a choice? At least they were given direction, and just who was this blonde really? He showed he was in charge that’s for sure. So now the team had slipped off of Metal Seadramon and were forced to walk. In doing so, it also meant bidding farewell to Chel until they survive a week. Whatever that meant. At least they weren't tossed in the wilderness, yet.

As they followed Gabriel into the office, the group were given food. Thank goodness. Better than searching for any for the time being. Much like Palmon, Ruth felt intimidated by this person. It felt like her parents. Straight to business. She couldn't help but try to make herself small as he introduced the two new sky fallers that will be joining them. One had a Salamon, a popular digimon back home and reminded her of a famous wizard from a movie. Maybe it was her imagination, but they seemed to struggle in finding the words. Ruth could relate. The entire time in the digital world felt so new and terrifying, but she has her crystal and in good company for the moment. When her eyes dropped to Impmon, she jerked closer to whoever was near and held their hand forgetting the demon that was Impmon. Then redirects her attention to Salamon, who answered for both of them.

Next was Nan, and again she cringed when the words were being translated from Korean to English. It will take a while for her to get used to it after seven days, right? Aside from that, did she really have to yell? She gave a commanding aura that Ruth did not want to mess with. When she called for her partner, they were rather adorable in the suit though their gun was questionable. Are they even capable of using it? She listened to the hearty explanation. A tech specialist. She would come in handy, especially with coding and machinery. It seems the skyfallers held status of their own.

Hearing Gabriel's distress made Ruth pity the poor guy. He was dealing with so much on his shoulders over the missing scouts, and he can't go himself without risking the village. What could they possibly do to help? Well, he uploaded details and coordinates on their digivice. That's not all, Raven stepped in and agreed to help without question. Why? She was going to get herself killed. Well she had her reason and it sounded pretty damn heroic, it even inspired Ruth. Raven truly is a person on a mission. Wanting to take risks and life by the horns no matter the cost. Something was driving her or was she naturally charismatic? The way she put things into perspective while also respecting her team's decision and giving them a nudge and taking a leap of faith.

Ruth stares down at her half finished plate. She jumps at the sound of Impmon tossing his empty plate over Raven's and wiping his mouth. “Ha! Do ya really have ta ask? Of course we'll be down to help ya. We get benefits after all~” Impmon chirped. “But also, I ain't one to turn away someone in need so you got my vote, right Ruth?” He winked to both Gabriel and his partner who went pale.

“Wh-what? Me? Why would I go?” She stammered.

“What do ya mean why? Ta help people. It's what we do. Correction, what you do, right? Ya said you're a medic, and a medic is useful anywhere on the field. If those scouts are hurt you can heal'em.” That was indeed a reasonable explanation but there was one problem.

“And if I die, I'm useless, so no way!” She retorted and formed an ‘x’ with her arms. “I am not going out there to fall into a trap. You can't make me.”” She was embarrassing herself by arguing with Impmon, but she will not cave in.

Impmon was stunned by her cowardly behavior. She would jump at the chance to save Arii but not help Raven or was there something else? Did he mistake her courage for something? “Are you kidding me? Yes ya are. If you don’t do this, you'll be abandoning your friend and letting her die.” He pulls her arm and starts dragging her out of the office. “So lets! Go!” He grunted through gritted teeth as Ruth tried to withdraw her hand from his grip.

Somehow, Impmon managed to drag her outside of the office and near the gates when Ruth shouted, “I will not! Stop touching me you disgusting gremlin!” That stung like a knife to the chest pierced deep inside. He loosened his grip causing the blonde to smack his hands away from him. She wipes her hand away on her shirt and uses her purple crystal as if to purify corruption. “You don't get to make decisions for me. I shouldn't be forced into anything. We don't know these people. They could be lying. The only reason we were allowed inside is because of Chel. We were traded for labor. I'm not going to be useful here or even out there. I couldn't even save one person on my own let alone in a group. I’ll just be in the way.”

Impmon's back was turned, shoulders shaking and fists balled with rage. “You…are so selfish. You're a coward who doesn't see the potential in themselves. You would rather live in fear and hate me than give things a chance. Why?” He turns around, with a pained expression from being insulted but also, because he felt so sorry for Ruth. Her reflection was seen in his eyes. She gave no response as she was frozen. Belittled No. He was being honest. Impmon scowls at the girl and swipes her digivice. “Fine. I'll do it by myself. If you don't want to be my partner, fine. You won't need this.” With that, he ran off to follow Raven leaving Ruth alone.

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Ace had a rough night's sleep, if it could even be called sleep at all. He lay awake most of the night, his mind racing with worry and dread. The fear of his new reality weighed heavily on him, making it impossible to find any rest. As he stared up at the dark cave ceiling, thoughts of his predicament circled endlessly. Several times, Ace considered slipping away from the group and striking out on his own, as he had originally planned. The idea of sparing them from his burden and finding his own way was tempting, but each time he thought about it, he glanced at Cutemon sleeping beside him. For Cutemon's sake, and perhaps his own, he ultimately decided against it.

The morning brought little relief. He sat up slightly and attempted to wiggle his toes, but there was no response, just the familiar, frustrating numbness. The journey to the fort was made on the back of MetalSeadramon and while this mode of travel spared Ace from the physical strain of walking, it did little to ease his anxiety. The ride was bumpy and disorienting, and Ace found it difficult to relax. Cutemon sat close, the fairy Digimon’s concern readily apparent. Despite being spared the need to walk, Ace’s frustration grew with each passing moment. The sense of helplessness was overwhelming, and he couldn't shake the feeling of being a burden to the group.

By the time they reached the fort, Ace was in a foul mood. He did his best to keep his composure, knowing that lashing out wouldn’t help the situation, but it was a struggle. His body ached, his pride was bruised, and his patience was wearing thin. As they dismounted from MetalSeadramon, they were met with a rather frosty reception from the fort's occupants before meeting with its leader, Gabriel, and two other sky-fallers. After introductions, Gabriel made them a proposition to which Ace's thoughts were unkind at best. They had come all this way, only to be turned away unless they carried out a task for the fort. It felt like a slap in the face. His wellbeing was on a timer, and he didn't need this added burden. The idea of going on a potentially dangerous mission when he struggled to walk seemed insane.

Despite his mood and exhaustion, Ace took a deep breath and forced himself to consider the bigger picture. He couldn’t afford to wallow in self-pity. He had to find a way to contribute, to support the others, and to keep moving forward. As Raven attempted to rally the group, Ace felt a flicker of interest. He wasn’t thrilled about the prospect, but he knew they had to keep pushing forward. They had to find a way out of this digital nightmare, and sitting around feeling sorry for himself wasn’t going to help anyone. And yet, the reality of his condition weighed heavily on him. Aware he would be a liability in any physical endeavour, Ace knew it was in his best interest to look around the fort for a clinic or something that might be able to help him first. His condition was a ticking time bomb, and he needed to prioritize his health if he wanted to help, not hinder the others in the long run.

Ace turned to Raven and the rest of the group. "If it's all the same to you guys, I think me and Cutemon will stay behind for a bit." Ace said nonchalantly, doing his best to put on a brave face while masking his true intentions. "Get a lay of the land, find out what I can, and then catch up with the rest of you later."
Mentions: Minor thoughts on Alex, Ji-su, Arlo, Raven and Gabreil catching strays
Interactions: technically everyone in the room when she spoke but also impmon if she corners him? Pumpkid Pumpkid

You know that little ugly dog Arlo had sure reminded Mei of Arii. It seemed like a cat had his tongue but the little blob gone wrong Salamon seemed to have it instead which was good because it seemed like Arlo had some sort of anxiety. Even Mei was realistic enough to know the shyness wasn’t due to being captivated by any of her group’s beauty. It seemed like he had been using Salamon as a crutch for social situations so far but that would come back and bite him if they ever had different opinions…and based on the introduction it would happen sooner rather than later. Best if Arlo ended up hanging around some of the less prone to outbursts heroines or someone of similar vibes like Alex to help draw him out of his shell around fellow exceptions to the norm for sky fallers. Needless to say, his heroine ranking was low on her list. Mei did not see her ranking changing for him anytime soon. His little malformed Toto would most likely end up ranking higher than him.

Ji-Su was almost the other side of the coin compared to him. Either a larper or part of the military signaled that she could have that annoying hierarchy chain of command vibe but thankfully the uniform she wore didn’t seem to be from Mei’s country. Based on how she addressed Gabriel so casually she must think she was on the same level as him. Her partner appearing confirmed some of Mei’s judgments she had made so far because not only did he reek of bootlicker he had a gun. A Digimon design that almost made sense.

Mei of course needed to subtract points since it was not attached to Commandramon which beg the question if the gun could be stolen and used by others. Would the Digimon be able to summon another one if that was the case? Would the gun continue to exist if they evolved and then reverted back? How were the bullets produced? Energy? Real? Would it be possible to use them as a source of gunpowder to make an explosion. After seven days it wouldn’t really matter if they got shot by it since Chel cut herself and didn’t really bleed. If becoming digital replaced all their fluids it would be a bit troublesome if Mei couldn’t weaponize her vomit unless being digital somehow gave her infinite stomach acid. Someone else could fuck around and find out for Mei since she didn’t really want anything to do with him even with his gun. Her girlish intuition flagged that it was a shame something that could hide so well appeared so early since it would make cornering people to have heartfelt conversations harder if the fear of being spied upon existed. Also, Black Gabumon’s flame thrower was internal so it could not be stolen. It almost made Mei feel smug but every one has their own strengths and weakness so there was no room next to her other smugness that Black Gabumon was the best servant among them.

There wasn’t any reason to doubt Ji-Su repaired whatever tech was in the summer kids project village so her heroine rating would be near the top due to the influence she could command but Mei was unsure how well she would interact with some of the other head strong members since it felt like oil and water would be mixing.

She listened as Gabriel gave the low down it was unsurprising to hear things in the biome were going inside out and upside-down levels of different given the run in their group had with the pool noodle dogs and these way off course sky fallers falling here. Ew, he seemed to be playing the leader card to hide behind his actions while also drawing attention to his mental state not being the best. If this was such a big thing the bad blood between him and Chel must be quite the story if it prevent him from asking her for help with the situation…or giving her a better deal when selling them off. At lest if one of them went off the deep end it would be a simple little thing to turn them against each other like poisoning a well.

They at least got a better offer from Gabriel than originally negotiated. Mei would have just done it for the alliance alone but both Black Gabumon and her knew they would have done it even if they were not offered anything.

Of course, it didn’t really matter since Raven still seemed to be riding the high from assaulting Arii and going off on some grand speech. Who was she Chel? Ugh never but her heroine arc had to start somehow. It was getting tiring of everyone thinking there was no way off the island which hopefully would not start to rub off onto everyone else. Raven did hit the nail on the head about Gabriel being mad with his level of care he was trying to single handedly provide people. Odds were if enough of them noticed the things Mei envisioned happening to him could be avoided. Then again even though Mei doubted she meant it it seemed with how Raven phrased her speech that she had new toys the rest of them were chopped liver to her as she quickly scouted the new people into her inner circle instead. Not even the hollow apology she gave Arii would change that. How sad it seemed Raven was blinded by the high of taking charge and pushing forward so she wouldn't need to self reflect.

Alex, it seemed has his own ideas of what he wanted to do which made sense because a normal person would want a chance to regroup and reassess. Given the things that were said about him and all the heavy handed assumptions people had for his health she was glad he seemed to be taking time for Cutemon and himself to center themselves. Mei wasn’t able to slip a word in to ensure other people would be comfortable going against suddenly de-facto leader Raven before two of the three of the dysfunction trio started another mess due to Ruth's double standards. But then again, it was due to this selfishness she would most likely out last Gabriel so what was one or two of them if it meant she survived.

“Excuse us,” Mei said handing her plate to Black Gabumon to clean up along with their own while she stood up to leave,” we have had an eventful time so far and need a moment to refresh ourselves before making any decisions.”

She left a vagueness to her words for the sake of Ruth and Impmon if not the others as well. Was she apologizing and giving an excuse for them? Was she simply politely leaving the table? Could it be she was giving everyone else an out before being forced into a decision they would be honor bound to uphold?

Mei extended an empty glove for Black Gabumon to hold onto as they left the room together. The best thing to do when you went somewhere new was to make sure you blended in the right amount and looked presentable. The next best thing was to go around and get gossip to know what was going on while also spreading your own to prime people to being more receptive to your motives. Mei knew just the place to start on that both in terms of the freshening up and spreading good word about her potential friends even if they seemed to be forming their own little circle.

“Do you think they have anything apple like here for blossoms for our bath?” She asked her servant.

“I don’t think so,” Said Black Gabumon knowing how trees worked here and already feeling weary by the days events.

“Then pearish.”

What ever conversation they would continue to have was cut off by the escalation of Ruth and Impmon’s spat.

“Ara, she brought out the crystal,” Mei said squinting towards the gate as the duo disapproved of the uncouth behavior. It would be best to try and handle things quickly before they continued to spiral out of control and ended up as regrets. Ruth would most likely seek comfort from Arii so she wouldn’t need to worry about her so it would just be her partner.

She leaned down and passed her stole to Black Gabumon and gave them a little sneef, a snorf. Her servant had that wood smoke smell the gays went crazy over but Mei didn’t think it was best to smell like smoke in a place made of wood.

“Why don’t you go get things set up for us?” Mei said stretching trusting that Black Gabumon could handle themself,” I’m going to do some light exercise to help digest the meal.”

Long legs and a cardio routine would quickly prove to the little gremlin trying to run away just why Mei would have been superior at tag as she made to catch up with him. If anyone else reached him before she did Mei would just return to take a bath using the excuse she set up.
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Kimi was roused from her sleep by the sounds of Chel and MetalSeadramon preparing for travel. With no other takers, Kimi had spent all night teaching Tentomon how to play her beloved card game. While her partner was an... enthusiastic... player, she had yet to fully grasp the intricacies of the game, even with Kimi explaining to Tentomon how to play her own Grand Slam Deck. The 'Cool Girl' had used a custom version of her very first deck, which was full of promotional cards, against the Rookie, the sense of nostalgia as she played cards like Tortomon and even Tentomon as well as her most cherished Wargreymon almost indescribably uplifting. She had come so far since then, and she wasn't going to stop now. The whole night had steeled her resolve for the future.

As promised, Chel and the massive metal serpent led them through a beautiful forest, filled with vibrant flora, gentle hills, and serene ponds. The transition from dirt paths to lush grass signalled their approach to a large clearing, where the air felt unusually fresh. In the clearing, they were greeted by a fenced farmland brimming with vegetables and meat-bearing trees which caused Kimi some momentary confusion. Didn't meat grow in fields? She explicitly remembered an image of that on a Tanemon card. Guards and workers, both human and Digimon, tended to the crops and quickly Kimi's confusion became visible unease as more guards became present as they neared a towering wooden fort. Spears and, perhaps more upsettingly, poo were being aimed at the group.

The 'Cool Girl' did her best to keep her cool in the face of such hostility, peering down for a moment as the gates creaked open to revealed a strange looking Palmon. Kimi almost couldn't place the rookie, the vegetation Digimon only appearing on one card to her knowledge and a rare one at that. But by the time Chel and Metalseadramon made mention of her, Kimi had already identified her as the X-Antibody version though she did make careful note not to mention the fakemon as the Mega had warned.

The Palmon's partner emerged and introduced himself as Gabriel and welcomed them, though it wasn't as warm as they could have hoped. Though they were offered help, thanks to Chel's intervention, it came with a cost. One Kimi found surprising. In exchange for provisions and an alliance, the group had to investigate the forest for two missing scouts. Kimi was an optimist through and through, and a fighter, but for her Gabriel seemed neither which unsettled her.

He was the leader of a colony of more than twenty people, with some being here more than twenty years according to his own words. Kimi's group was twelve people plus the possible inclusion of two more which made fourteen. If you assumed that was the average number of Sky Fallers a year why did the fort only hold so few, about two sets of Sky Fallers? Despite the reasoning of harvest time, hadn't Chel said, food and drink were unnecessary once you became digitai? Was their another reason? To her it seemed Gabriel had just given up on the whole situation....

Kimi was wracked with questions, unknowingly forgetting to introduce herself to the two newcomers amongst other things, an almost full plate in front of her on the table. However when Raven spoke and agreed, Kimi felt her stomach shrink unable to share her bug sisters sentiment about Gabriel in the slightest, something she found upsetting. Had she missed something, while she was stuck in her own head?

"Sorry Raven. I'm going to stay here and look around." A yawn unwittingly yet perhaps fortuitously escaped Kimi's mouth from her activities the night before.
Listening and watching, Ji-Su had long since gotten used to the translator that this world seemed to have imparted in her brain, found it useful even, but it all was a bit of a Tower of Babel, if it should ever fail, Gabriel, also made an offer she would have accepted even without the terms, scouts were missing, something bad was likely happening, or they found something good. Commandramon had some skills as a scout if she recalled right, but hopefully there was someone else here that actually was skilled at it, not fair to just count on the blue dinosaur alone.

Still, whoever this girl was, she seemed awfully keen to talk with her, and quick to ask a few questions, one of which caused her to chuckle darkly. "Gabe, all you needed to do was ask, I'm not a skilled tracker, but I trust Commandramon to support that. I would have looked even without the deal. As to? Hmm... Who are you? All of you in that regard." She says following Raven should they head off, as her eyes studied the rest. "As my video games and manwha would say "I've told you my name, now what is yours?"" It seemed some of the team was a bit dysfunctional and were not able to cope with what they now found or were distrustful of their partners. The Lieutenant pondered briefly if she should try doing something, anything to help ease things over, before shaking her head, it was all so troublesome, and a more interesting conversation had been opened to her by the mystery girl;

"I'm afraid I can't help much with making a star chart, I'm neither in the Navy, a Sailor or an astronomer, though I guess it's easy enough to tell if we are north or south and a general idea of how much if we can find the big dipper, as to what I've learned of our devices and the island so far, a central energy grid seems to be running everything on the island, well anything that runs, but I've not gone digging around to find power cables. Curiously everything here seems to be based on tech and machines from 20 years ago, and there is a wireless signal connecting to our devices and in the area in general, but I can't seem to do anything with it.

Part of why I want to look around, see if I can find a powerplant or any sort of computer node or control center. I've not studied the devices too closely, if I mess up I don't know what it'll do to my partner or existence on the island."

For its part, the Digimon she was partnered with followed silently and shifted a bit at the clear discord between members of this group, uneasily before shifting attention back to the two humans nearest to them.

Interactions: All present/ Azurian Dream Azurian Dream
Arii did not sleep.

Sort of. They dozed here and there, snatching quick, exhaustion-battling naps, curled so tightly into the tapered corner of the cave that the rocks left imprints on their skin and their spine creaked under the pressure. Every time they woke, their eyes landed first on Green, then on the one who played cards instead of flitting to the cave entrance. They knew, inherently, that they would wake should something approach. That the echo of something new creeping closer would raise the hairs along their spine. They didn't know if the same could be said for the people in the cave. Shifting fabric was a sound already present. They didn't like it.

They were up before most of the group in part because they hadn't slept for more than a few hours, and certainly not all at once. They snuffed the remains of the fire and scattered the ashes in places where they would be harder to spot. The soot was scuffed away with their shoes, and the rocks hidden. By the time they'd finished with that, Chel was calling them all outside and they had half the thought to bolt for the beach and perhaps attempt to see how long it would take for something to try and eat them. Unfortunately, they didn't know if the curse as it was could be transmitted. If the Things That Were Not had a quota to meet. Too risky.

The way they held themself this day was different. They had been tense the previous day, but today they were taut as a drawn bowstring, yet oh-so-still. Statue-like, almost. When they stopped moving, it seemed a though they stopped breathing too for how easy it was to look over them. It seemed, also, that they orbited Raven. Every time she drew closer, they moved away, and vice versa, keeping at least two person's lengths between them at all times. They tended toward the right of the group, though, near the middle of the pack but also somewhat outside of it. Not far enough that they could run and not be caught, but enough that they couldn't really smell any of them, or feel the way air warmed by their bodies. They kept to themself, and the journey on MetalSeadramon was spent in silent observation. They still avoided even looking at Raven, a pattern which continued even once they reached civilization.

The crop fields and tall walls were fairly impressive, being honest with themself, but twenty-or-so people was not a lot to keep a civilization of this size running. Idly, they wondered if the resource issue was caused by outside sources or a struggle for labor. Then again, was that counting or excluding the digimon? What was the water situation like? Field acidity? What plants did they have? Were they mono-cropping or growing cooperatively? Were there any cooperative plants in the digital world? Could you graft fruit trees to the meat trees?

They clicked their tongue, the first sound they'd made in... a while, and when they ripped themself out of their own head, they found a plate of food in front of them, as well as a few new people which their brain immediately caught them up with. Skyfallers eleven and twelve, and one very tired head-of-village.

They picked at the food on their plate as they listened, appearing for all the world as if they weren't paying even a modicum of attention. For all that they talked about "free meal tickets", it didn't appear as if they ate very much at all, as most of the food was still on their plate when Green jumped to volunteer the lot of them, and Ruth and her partner started a spat. Mental note; investigate that. Caterwaul left after them, and Cards (Kimi, their brain supplied, which they ignored), said something about taking a look around.

Green was talking about trackers. Investigating. Hunting. Their ears burned, and for a while, they ignored the conversation going on with the rest of them, replacing their plate where it had been and informing Gabriel that they hadn't touched any of the rest of the food on the plate and it could be given to someone else.

They twitched when Skyfaller 12—the Korean one from the military, Ji-Su—kept talking. Their hands fidgeted in their pockets, their thumb scraping gently across their fishhooks. They couldn't stand it. The words grated on their skin, and unprepared ran through their brain in a loop fit to be a Celtic knot. They were speaking before they even had the thought to, voice a low grumble of a monotone. "You're saying not one of the people who have volunteered to track down a scouting party have any experience tracking things except for the one that was literally born yesterday?" The words were acid in their throat and burned as they escaped, but they didn't sound especially venomous... at least no more so than their usual speech. They pointedly did not look at Green. Their hands buried deeper in their pockets, and the echo of the unpleasantness of being touched burned under their skin like fire ants. They wished they'd had their facemask on when they'd gotten tossed in this stupid, stupid wo—dream.

They did some quick mental math in the brief pause as their voice settled in the air. On one hand, they would prefer to be anywhere but near Green. They, actually, would probably rather french kiss a toad than even speak directly to her. But they were going out into uncharted woods, and though they were thin around civilization, Arii remembered the forests back home where the canopy was so thick the forest floor was dark. Sure, they could probably get back, but one look at Green told them that whatever kind of drug stupidity apparently was, it was running so thickly through her veins that she wouldn't return until she managed to complete the mission. They tried to remember what Wormmon evolved into and what they thought her survival chances are.

Better than theirs and Alex's. If they stayed, it would paint a target on the settlement, anyway.

They dug the heels of their palms into their eyes until it hurt, inadvertently exposing the scratched-raw underside of their hand where Raven had grabbed it. It wasn't bleeding, but didn't look far from it, skin frayed near the joints and angry red lines dug through like trenches.

"Oooooh," they grumbled, "fuck me sideways." They pushed themself out of the chair, eyes still shut but hands returning to their pockets. Though there was no verbal confirmation, it was obvious they were going. When they opened their eyes, it was to side-eye Gabriel, an intensely suspicious expression mixed with some semblance of distaste. "I need to see where they were scouting when they made the previous reports. All mentions of the shadow-beasts and locations to match. If possible, a topographic map would be nice, assuming they'e intelligent we need to be prepared for ambush points." They brushed their hair out of their face, and made a noise that sounded eerily like a dove, though they didn't seem to notice. "And loud emergency whistles, if you can." For all intents and purposes, it seemed preperation had been taken over by Arii.

The rest of the night passed by rather quickly. Lopmon continued to flitter between random conversations and games, to simply listening to random conversations and watching games. There was never a moment the little bunny Digimon wasn't doing something, never a moment it wasn't taking in every bit of stimulation it could. Róisín was completely on the other end of the line, tuning everything out after Chel explained further the interesting locations on the wall-carved map. Instinctively she took out her 'phone' to take a picture of the wall, hesitantly stopping as she held the new and strange device before her. It didn't feel too different. Besides the shape and added absorbing-data features it still felt familiar, especially with the little hanging charm still attached.

A few tentative button presses later, Róisín had almost...kinda...got the gist of the Digivice, at least from what she could see. A little blipping radar giving a general location for everyone in the cave, a rather pixelated version of Lopmon happily hopping in place along with a number of stats...happiness was way at max...and even a scanning feature. This last feature was of particular interest. It could be used for its intended purpose, giving Róisín a little blip as she tested aiming it at Chel & Betamon and not only giving her info on the small-finned Digimon but surprisingly a vague description on their bright red haired partner.

The lines of thought she had quickly connected and before she could think or convince herself that it was ridiculous, she aimed her Digivice at the carved map. It took a moment, a moment longer and she would have gave up and blamed the thought on a tiring day, but soon the charm-attached device gave a little resounding bleep revealing a scanned copy of the map and relative points added by Chel.

It was still crude, the Digivice acting as if a make-shift Photoshop by cutting out everything but the outline and dots of the map, but it was better than trying to remember it. Maybe it could be better, these things looked both advanced and simple at the same time, but maybe the map could be improved. Sleep wasn't far behind after a little more testing with the device, even the energetic Lopmon returning soon enough with a tired yawn and snuggle in Róisín's lap before the young woman turned in for the night too.

Morning was a bit of a blur. It was almost as if the stress and fall from the day before had been delayed and only now decided to sucker punch Róisín in the stomach. Even Lopmon seemed to be feeling it, lazily laying atop of Róisín's head with her long ears draped down hanging free. One might have been worried for the once energetic bunny, but a few prods and words between Digimon & Partner soon put that to rest.

"You doing okay?"

"Just tired..."

"Need more rest from yesterday...?"

"Mmhmm...let me know when we arrive..."

The small snuggles and soft clasps from Lopmon's long ears meant she didn't have to worry, both tiredly going through the motions as the make-shift camp was disbanded before departing on the colossal metal serpent again. Travelling through the forest only helped to fortify the feeling of laziness for both Partner & Digimon, before the sudden burst of warm sunlight and rushing wind washed over the group once they emerged into the wide plains.

Through tired eyes glimpses of the new surroundings pieced together for Róisín. The sight of a fort, tilled fields, trees...of...meat?, sharp pointed spears, mean-talking plant Digimon, tired-as-f*'# leader, lazily they went along with the group until senses came slowly back once food was offered. By the time everyone was settled with food in Gabriel's office both Róisín and Lopmon became identical to one another in the moment, taking their time to chew the food in small tired bites while listening to the numerous conversations, the new Sky Fallers, even the ruckus caused by Ruth and Impmon once they partially left the building.

Between the dysfunctional attitudes, self-sacrificial martyrdom, and delusional heroics, Róisín felt it was going to take her all not to snap and try to keep this group of 'children' alive and on track to get home. Arii seemed to have the same thought, the previous night's feral reaction and solo-outing...maybe not gone but put aside...making way for expertise planning and survival along with any of Gabriel's resources.

Placing aside the now empty plate along with the other finished, Róisín stood as a more energetic Lopmon hopped and landed on her Partner's shoulder before approaching Gabriel to add to Arii's asks.

"Probably have your own maps, but I've got this thing to do a scan of my own. Anything more detailed here or do you got any suggestions to get more out of these things?" She asked Gabriel before turning to address Ji-Su with the outstretched Digivice.

"Also, name's Róisín and this is Lopmon. Little gremlin there is Arii."

Interactions/Mentions: Everyone, specifically Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Gabriel, ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Arii, RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Ji-Su,
Eliam listened to both the soldier and Gabriel’s request and answered yes, but he also wasn’t sure what he could do. He had just met Salamon, Gabriel, and Ji-Su the night before and now he was meeting others that had just arrived. Was there anything that he could do to help? He thought of his late-night conversation with Salamon, she was confident in his abilities if he was beside her and he was sure she would want to go. So, he had to think of what he would do in a situation like this, he would either stay silent and let her decide for them or he could point out what was wrong with Gabriel suggesting for them to do something like this.

He watched as a high-spirited girl was quick to agree, she clearly was one of those that thought she could accomplish anything. He sighed as he watched and listened to her, she mentioned himself and his head tilted. Adventure was far from his mind, he didn’t want to be in a situation he couldn’t learn from or deal with himself. After all, that was his problem, he had no confidence in dealing with people. He took a deep breath, before turning to Salamon in his arms, before he closed his eyes, to think what he should say, but he was silent. He was not sure if he should disagree, without information, they were at a powerful disadvantage and they knew nothing about everyone in this group. It was reckless to do on an ‘adventure’ the way that they were, but once again he said nothing.

She mentioned another member of their group, which caught his attention, the words made it sound like Arii was not confident. He thought of what the girl was talking about, there was a way out if there was a way in, he agreed with her on that, but from the little information he had on how they got here, in the first place, she was being more spirited then he was willing to deal with. Optimesum was going to get none of them anywhere.

Ruth on the other hand didn’t seem to get along with her Impmon and as he listened it was clear that he lucked out with Salamon, he looked back at the little dog like Digimon thinking of what would happen if they didn’t get along way that they did. Ruth had the same idea as him, but Impmon made a point, the idea was to be helpful, being traded for work is a common practice, unless she was born into a big company like him, she should know that. It took him a moment, to believe that she was like him, rich by birth, with one thing missing from his story, he had been trained to take over and it was not in a nice way. Without knowing more about her, he couldn’t be sure, but it felt like something his little sister would think of and he nodded. Ruth had a point, they were useless, they had just gotten there and had no idea had this world worked, but wouldn’t their Digimon have an idea? He was starting to believe that the personalities that their Digimon had were more of their opposite but working with them to build more defined people.
The first guy to speak, simply stated that he wanted to get the lay of the land, that was a good idea. From what he could tell, there was something behind this guy’s logic, but there was no way for him to clearly understand what that was. He wanted to see what else this guy had going on. They had traveled here, after all, whatever information he could get from them, would help understand them, the way they saw the world, and what was out there.

The next girl who spoke surprised him, she was not only rich, he was sure, but she was like the very person that got him to understand that he needed more than what his father had to teach him. He didn’t want to get to know more about her. The way that his mind snapped back made him change his desire to learn more about all of them. She had been through the same as the others but said that they should rest, while it was clear that they all did not have the same idea. He looked down at the Digimon that she was using more as a servant in his eyes than a partner and he frowned. Salamon would never be used that way, Digimon and people were similar and he was never going to allow anyone to boss her around like that. He held her tighter and Salamon looked at him, concerned by his grip. But neither spoke.

The next one to talk made the first one known as Raven, Eliam noted that and his glance moved back to ensure the girl was a distance from him before he gave all his attention to the girl speaking. It was clear that helping out was not going to be a popular decision and since it was dangerous, there were reasons for staying behind.

Ji-Su did as expected so Eliam was not surprised by her willingness to help, he had learned that she was one to back down and that was something he was not sure was a good thing or bad thing. For now, he decided to work on looking up, he could probably help, but he was not going to mention anything about that. He would work on it on his own and let his findings be given to her. But from what he saw last night, he knew that it was going to be an easy thing to do, he would have to move around to do that. From what he could tell, closer to the points they couldn’t get close to, something was wrong with the stars.

The guy that seemed to actually take some charge seemed to mention no one able to track, which Eliam had to admit sounded more like he was going to go along just for that fact. Tracking was hard enough when you knew what you were doing, but to feel like you had to go to increase the chances of success was not ideal. Eliam was interested to know if his thoughts were true, if he could pick up a better skill of tracking by learning in silence from someone with that skill, he would be glad to learn it. That fact alone, made him think that he might just go along with this group instead of learning about the island by word of mouth like he had thought of before. He was starting to think he might have to be more careful with his first thoughts in that case.

Róisín? That was a first, a name to the conversation and if she was talking about getting her information, it was clear that she planned to go along. The group that was going was growing and Eliam couldn’t deny they looked better to him than the group that was staying, if only because of the other girl. He turned to the last person, but Salamon seemed to have grown impatient as he jumped back out of his arms and announced, ‘Count us in too.” she looked back at him, “Right?” she smiled. Eliam looked at her for a moment, she was right he had decided to join them, but he wasn’t going to say it now. He nodded his head before he bit his lip. “Well, say it,” Salamon demanded, she knew that he didn’t want to say anything, but she wanted them to know he wasn’t just following her lead.

Eliam looked at her surprised before he sighed, “I will go.” was all he said, as his voice was soft and he took a step toward Salamon, lifting her back into his arms. He would learn from the two mature ones and help out. He had no strong skills, but he would do anything to protect the little Digimon that he had in his arms and learn more about this world.
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Leonardo & Dracumon

Leo heard that and somewhat flinched a little at the Weird Autotranslation, He reeeeeeeaaaaallly disliked the fact that it auto-translated whatever he just spoke in Pure Italian into English. He wasn't gonna get used to that anytime soon. At least Chel explained what in pure GioGio's name what had the heck happened, He was not really gonna get accustomed to the weirdness anytime soon. He could Guessed, Or so he thinks. Which is the latter for who's asking? But his jaw dropped at her being a survivor here for 12 years... Just twelve years?!? Dang! That was a long time! Guess what. Dracumon pushed his dropped jaw up and looked at his partner whom he could guess as, Whatever the heck it is. The rest of the Introductions are followed by Raven, A woman named Ruth, and Mei. Honestly, he didn't know what Mei meant by her introduction... Let his poor stuck in the digital world mind rest a minute okay'? He's still catching up.

His wandered onto the looming thoughts of whatever was in his noggin, he was mostly thinking about home as he wondered what his father was thinking of him being missing. I mean it was messed up enough of him being thrown him his sweet, Sweet home of Italy and straight into the middle of wherever the actual heck part of the digital world (Possibly a Jungle or a Forest, the Creator of this character has forgotten Lol). He wondered on what his mother was thinking of him or his cousins! Oh, He wished he was still with his cousins or at least saw them, Maybe about hearing the rest of that battle, Seriously?! He wanted to know who was gonna win! Like that couldn't be a problem, Right???? But the further in his thoughts the less he was aware of his surroundings and the conversation between the tamers and digimon, meanwhile with you know who (Dracumon), Our little Imp-vampire or whatever he is lent back a bit having enjoyed his gran meal of fish. He caught Impmon's gaze and from one Nightmare Soldier to another he grunted.

"Hey whaadya lookin' at? Need something?" He asked with a playful grin. He was listening to the conversation from the humans as he thought they were panicking or whatever. But his eyes loomed on lover boy over there, He was a train wreck or so he thought. It's just that Dracumon didn't care and somewhat liked having ideas on how to mess with him while our dear lover boy tried to swoon in for Chel's attention possibly. Dracumon chuckled at the possibilities and the chances he would actually mess with his partner. By the time the day was over Dracumon and Leo were fast asleep with both been snoring, With Dracumon snoring somehow louder than his partner funnily enough. In the morning, He was riding on Metal Seadramon, Heck honestly it was his dream to actually have a real-life-sized Metal Seadramon, Or possibly ride one and well his chance was there as he looked around in awe. Meanwhile Dracumon wasn't not too happy. if he remembered so from his yesterday experience of the Metal Seadramon ride and him thinking he was gonna drown... That was a pure embarrassment of his life.

By the time they got to a clearing, Leonardo spotted it somewhat amazed as he then heard a Digimon. As he slid down the Metalic body of the MetalSeadramon, With his partner soon following by literally jumping off and using him as a Landing Pad.... Painfully enough. "Ack- Hey! Dracumon what did I tell you on using me as a landing pad?!" He asked annoyed. DRacumon cheekily looks at his partner. "For I Dracumon, You never said such a thing." He answered back. Leo was flabbergasted as that was the truth, Leonard did never say such a word on him being used a Landing pad much to his dismay and left the blonde grumbling in annoyance.

They both followed the rest of the crowd and saw two more... other peeps that go yeeted into the Digital World too: Wait! One got a Commandramon as their partner, Sweet! He immediately swarmed around the armed lizard. "Oh sweet! A commandramon! They're awesome digimon." He answered with a sparkling shine to his eyes. He was a fan and a runner up in the Digimon Card Game, Atleast. But back the topic here, as he looks at Commandramon's Partner and the other Skyfaller as he waves. "Bonjour! I'm Leonardo, and... Wait... Where's Dracumon??" He asked, suddenly noting the disspearance of his partner.

That said Digimon was at a nearby food stall, Currently in a tree above the said stall trying to set up a prank. "But Whatever you guys was talking about in explorin', I'm in!" He added cheerfully. "As soon as I find Dracumon." He added with a deflated look. HE barely knew his partner, But how can such a small guy disappear like that? That quickly???

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