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Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale


Dracumon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Leonard "Leo" Giovanni & *Sigh*.... Dracumon

They weren't done arguing.

"-Yes we are."

"No, we'-"

And thank god, In the nick of time, Leo's Digivice pinged as he sighed. "Give me a moment, But you, Dracumon are not going to do it." He glared glancing at his partner, who deflated visibly. But that grin returned like it was nothing.

"Alright.... Like that, you wouldn't know anyway." He said mumbling the rest to himself cheekily.

Leonoticed the Gryzmon and much to this Italian guy's surprise, The Gryzmon wasn't as big as he imaged it to be (Cursed his overrated imagination). Leonard's Digivice pinged again...... and hey! It's a Gazimon- They're in robes... Huh?

"A Gazimon in robes, That's not what you see every day." Smooth, Leo, Quite smooth of you. Well at least Gazimon managed to explain, welp that's good there! This area was a bit peaceful for him and quite buzzed with that friendly townness from that game he played one time on his PSP when he was younger, Yeah. He sees Kimi's back, well along with his Digivice beeping, and him looking at it, and looking up at what was right behind her aside from Tentomon here. He caught sight of the BushiAgumon, and Weeeeeelll, one of his favorite Digimon was a Bushiagumon, and guess what? He kinda zipped towards Kimi's side looking at the small samurai Digimon with stars in his eyes. "A Bushiagumon! Another cool Digimon-" He halted upon hearing Kimi's invitation to play as he turned to face her, His guess was a card game and Mei slightly declined, Guess it was because she doubted her skills or something... Not that he knows, He pretty much was curious about how good was Mei at playing the game.

"I mean sure I wouldn't mind, But are you sure Signora Mei? I mean, You could be on a higher skill than me." He said addressing the rest towards our dear rich girl over here. He was only a second ranker in the regionals meaning he wasn't even close to possibly what Kimi was, Since she might've been in the internationals or something meaning Kimi could've been a pro!

Dracumon looks at Gazimon who was talking about the Bioweather, Oh no, What was this munchkin thinking? But If it wasn't for Leonard catching that Mischievous Glint in his eyes and gesturing silently to Dracumon to don't do it In whatever he's thinking, Yeah, Dracumon wasn't gonna listen because: Dracumon is Dracumon.

"How spontaneous is this weather? Also, you got anything good?" He asked. Yep, plotting something. He wasn't forgetting about the prank he set up, He just needed a moment to get away from his partner who was trying his best, Poor Leo. If it wasn't for him catching both Dracumon and Gazimon's words about them being on an island, He would've been surprised.

"wait, Wait, Wait, Wait. Island? Like an Actual Island? QUESTA È VERAMENTE UN'ISOLA??????" (Translation: is this actually an island?????) Ah there it goes, Leo officially reverted back to speaking Italian. It was loud enough to the point even Dracumon winced, Jeez did Leonard have a voice? Okay, They were on an island, well that wasn't bad, and he wasn't panicking he was more happy and joyous about it. They were on an island! Woo! He always wanted to be on an island. Also, He may or may not listened earlier on the cave talk or probably forgotten so um who knows?

"Heck yeah!" He thought to himself with a mental fist pump. Dracumon on the other hand sighed. If this was an Island, There were tons of beaches too, and they could go swimming- Wait too far, Leo reels in his excitement a bit because um, Leo almost forgot he along with others had to get back to their world too you know. But then a small grumble from his stomach and he looked embarrassed with his cheeks bit a bit red and him looking away, He was hungry.

"Man.... Um, is there something I go and grab a snack at?" The blonde asked.

Mentions/Interactions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream galvanismgal galvanismgal Twist Twist

  • Ruth Valentine
    Interactions: Alex Scatterbrain Scatterbrain & Tanaka Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

    It spoke! The damn thing spoke, and as cute as it sounded it was still evil. Even its beady-looking eyes stared into her soul. Ruth griped at the fact that she hated the digital world’s sadistic, deceiving way of showing that the cute ones are the bad guys. She can’t trust anything. “Sorry, but I can’t stand the virus type Digimon. They’re filled with evil. I’m sure of it. Nothing will change my mind.” She huffed while hanging on to Alex for dear life. How inconsiderate of her practically using Alex like a meat shield, not that he minded as it showed, but he is injured and she should be the one to protect him. It was just the fact that she was blindsided by what the Digimon is made of rather than personality just as she felt towards Impmon.

    Ruth was back at it again holding her purple crystal close to her and whispering chants that can ward the virus away or at least keep it at a distance from her. She also made it apparent to cast some good spells on both Alex and Cutemon. Alex most likely knows of her quirk regarding crystals and mantra chants. It was her way of being able to get through the day, as she had confessed to him. As ominous as it sounded it was just the lousy truth. It gave her courage.

    When the doctor slipped that they were a cute couple, Ruth’s face immediately burned red. No one has ever said that to her. This was a first. “Ah! N-no!” She quickly reacted waving her hands in front of her face. “We are just friends, promise.” She looks away and tries to cool off by covering her face.

    Business! Yes, back to business. The reason for their visit is for Alex to receive a check-up. The blonde finally stands beside Alex as he gives the lady the ticket. Hopefully, they have what they need to fix him or some miracle to happen.

Kimi smiled sadly at Gryzmon's answer though she could understand. Beside her, Tentomon tilted her head at the Champion's protégé, before placing her claw in Gazimon's paw and giving it a shake. "Hi. I'm Tentomon and that's my big sister, Kimi"

Bushi-Agumon meanwhile sneered in contempt at the gangly girl who had just accosted him. Gryzmon words did little to ease Bushi-Agumon's annoyance, as there was no double meaning to Mei's words but when the champion bowed his respect, the rookie offered the same in kind. Keen eyes noticed the bears paw wet with juice but when he moved the stick in his mouth to speak Bushi-Agumon felt a weird presence. Looking up, the samurai saurian was met with another human, the boys eyes shining as he stared at him.

"It's Cool Girl.." she murmured, blushing with somewhat embarrassment as Mei tried to use her nickname in the conversation though she raised a good point. The café may have been a better place to duel however Kimi was too polite to voice that, she was just happy that people wanted to play cards with her. Kimi felt herself warming to the Champion rather easily as he spoke, seeing similarities between him and her Grandma, Rose.

Bushi-Agumon recoiled slightly at the Leo's steady encroachment towards him though he relaxed upon hearing the boy's praise. He shifted his stance slightly, content to the let the boy take him in but quickly his nose twitched in annoyance as the boys attention fell elsewhere.

Kimi's head shifted back and forth, her hand gripping her deck so tightly in anticipation, as Mei and Leo talked over who should play. Tentomon however was more lucky. "Yes Please!" Tentomon squealed, her forearms grasping her makeshift deck close to her chest as Gazimon proved game.

Tentomon covered her ears at Leonard's outburst while for Bushi-Agumon this was all just becoming too much effort. He'd circle back around later, but for now he needed a drink.....

"We do have a Pineapple we can share, thanks to Gryzmon" Kimi suggested to Leo, her hearing returning just in time to hear about his hunger. She looked at the Bear warmly, unknowingly getting them one of her favourite things, something that cemented her warm feelings towards him. "Or there is a cafe, Battle, just down the road that serves food"

Tentomon it seemed was eager to play, looking up at Kimi, with eager, almost puppy dog eyes. Though she herself had been eager to play, her fellow Sky Faller's were still undecided so there was no harm in letting the two rookies duel in the meantime. She smiled at her partner. "Go on then. I'll referee"


She handed her deck to Tentomon, who in turn would hand it to Gazimon when he was ready, the Rookie laying down his cloak like a blanket. Kimi put herself behind Gazimon and next to Gryzmon, ready to dole out advice and instruction to the newbie when needed. She took a moment to talk to Gryzmon. "Would you mind if i asked you some questions?" she asked, the Cool Girl feeling she could be open with the travelling teddy bear.

"Could you tell us more about the fort and the forest? You mentioned this place being the most peaceful of the human forts but then why does it hold so few people?" Doubt was obvious within her voice "We came here looking for help but our host, Gabriel wasn't so forthcoming... What do you know of him? To me it seems like he's given up if I'm honest."
Mentions: @ Mirai-chan Mirai-chan
Interactions: @ Twist Twist and the NPC's

Despite the duo continuing their polite conversation them giving fake names still gave Mei pause. It was about the time in fairy tales when information was revealed along with the seed of the lesson for the book was sowed but she couldn’t shake the sense of unease that she…was missing the chance to create a great misunderstanding with the rest of the group members that were not present.

Both Bearmon and Michikazemon or as they called themselves Gryzmon and Gazimon seemed harmless enough as long as you were not a pineapple. Given the fatherly level of puns that came from Gryzmon it made sense why he would approach someone with a child Digimon to offer advice. He seemed keen on Kimi and Tentomon. No doubt drawn in by the sisters charming enthusiasm for life. The others better be careful because if everything worked out well Kimi would be locking in main heroine status leaving the rest to play for the second lead. Mei had no need to be worried though since it wasn’t a role she was trying to covert for herself.

“Ara? I guess you could say we are on a journey,” she said since the others were technically on a hero's journey,” We should look into requesting some robes ourselves then,” Mei said planning on just asking for fabric since sewing the robes herself would be cheaper. Handmade goods could be tailored better to suit the needs of the wearer in both function and taste and given the wide breadth of…personalities in their group Mei would have her work cut out for herself. Still, even without her bias she knew Black Gabumon’s robe would be the cutest because it would match hers. All the Digimon would be screaming elegance! Before they clammed up into silence amongst her grand villainess presence. Oh, that’s right the pressure she was supposed to be providing ohoho.

“We will take your advice into consideration. It would be a shame if everyone thought we judged people on how willingly they were to bare themselves to us,” Mei said lighter than she planned since her concern shifted back to the finicky weather and the fact they were using card which as far as she knew lost the type advantage against not only rock but water as well so Kimi was one rainstorm away from losing her link to the outside world.

“I have never lost a match before but winning and losing isn’t all there is to a good game,” Mei said in response to Leo. It was true since to lose a match you first would have had to play one against an opponent which she has not. Even if you considered playing against yourself it would just end up in a draw of sorts which was still not considered losing. Hopefully, if Leo faced off against Kimi, it would keep him out of trouble but it seemed his capricious nature struck again as he pivoted to food.

As Kimi answered Leo’s question Mei took stock to see if the situation was something to invest further in since it was clearly a bear market. Given his prideful nature Bushi-Agumon seemed to have redirected his annoyance to herself if the sneer was anything to go by, she paid him no mind. Compared to herself Kimi should seem a much better option and his misunderstanding would be overshadowed by her meddling so they should be able to start on a clean slate.

Kimi while seeming a bit embarrassed also tried to correct her on her proper title. So, while it was small it was good she showed a little droplet of progress of speaking her mind, well, speaking her mind for things she thought should be corrected since Kimi had no issue speaking to the things that brought her joy. Kimi and her partner were like a coocoo clock of sorts since when everything lined up, they made quite the fun little conversation amongst themselves.

Mei would still not use the correct title though.

It was the first time she could use a nickname for someone and surprisingly it wasn’t even derogatory! Maybe it could form the push pull connection between them at least until the others came back or Kimi officially welcomed the newcomers into her friend group. Mei would need to make sure they joined their group rather than Kimi leaving to join theirs.

Since it seemed like moving to a more fitting location was out of the question so Mei motioned for Black Gabumon to take a seat before joining them herself. Popping open the little tube on her stole she took out her emergency check signing pen and some little scraps of paper. Mei wasn’t the type to only play with the cards Kimi would be lending her. Black Gabumon having laid down already and fallen into a nap made the cutest little table for her to draw on. Mei drew a card for everyone in the group each adorned with a little stick figure and a game effect she felt suited them. When it came to Arii, she ended up scribbling out the figure halfway through and drawing something that could resemble a stick dog if you squinted since it felt more fitting. Mei rounded out her cards with a cute picture of her and Black Gabumon relaxing, a thirst trap Leomon, and a Tanuki!

Tanuki was her favorite Digimon since they fought with the power of friendship and the gun they found on the side of the road.

“Ara, you both must be resourceful making it through the dangerous areas,” Mei said piggy backing off of Kimi’s question vaguely fishing for information as she put the finishing touches on her cards ,” I’m sure you have many tales to tell of your travels if the people involved are fine of you speaking about them in public without their permission. Also, what’s your favorite thing?”

If Kimi or Leo were going to reveal too much information Mei would do her best to cut them off and reveal it instead as was her right as the villainess of the group to take the blame. She could try and prevent it but at most delaying it was her best bet with so many people involved keeping the secrets the group overall had so far. it reminded her of that phrase…what was it again? Three can keep a secret,

if two of them are dead.
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The scene before them all was like a bomb had gone off just minutes ago. Fire still crackled and burned throughout the area, the stench of something catching everyone's senses with a sudden gust of wind causing Róisín to raise her arm in any attempt to cover her nose and not get assaulted by it further.

After a few pregnant pauses from the group waiting for anything to spring out, Róisín quickly caught the flying whistle from Raven as the young woman decided to step forward into the scene first with Eliam as backup.

Moments passed longer than they should as Roísín's sight quickly darted from edge to edge of the area, looking for any movement that could signal something charging towards the two heading out into the open......nothing happened. The crackling fire, the lingering smell, even the slight breeze, whatever happened here quickly moved along.

"It smells!" Said Lopmon as she covered her nose with her two little paws, before heading towards Róisín and jumping onto her shoulder perch with a quick flap of her ears.

"Yeah, it does..."

Noticing the group, more so Arii, testing the waters further by moving out into the open, allowed Róisín to walk slowly behind them all and take in the scene as they went to work. Ji-Su & Commandramon made a beeline for the wreckage with the Digimon taking stock of something on the ground. Arii was already climbing one of the trees where the faint mark of something could just be seen. But Roísín's eyes kept looking higher into the canopy, and the moment she saw something shimmer and swaying she pointed towards it for Lopmon.

"You mind taking a look up there?"

"Got it!" Lopmon needed no more promoting, leaping off Roísín's shoulder with a sudden flap of her ears and rocketing towards one of the branches of the tree.

Again, she had just literally been born yesterday, but the feeling of moving, of darting and jumping higher from one perch to another, felt natural and fluid, as if she had years of practice. The spot pointed by Róisín was just a little off from Arii's spot, but much higher, and as the bunny Digimon finally reached it a light squelch was heard as her little feet felt sticky and wet.

"Eww, it's gonna get in my fur...!" Pranching from one foot to the other on the slime covered branch, Lopmon decided to raise her once drooping ears so as not to get them sticky with the stuff, using them as balance as she walked closer to the sight before her. Ropes, a bunch of them, all tangled and tied through the many branches to hold whatever was up here. All had been cut. Some straight through, some frayed as if frantically chewed at with a blunt knife, the result was the same.

Tilted her head a little, righting her ears to still keep balance mind you, Lopmon approached one of the looser ropes, lifting it up with her tiny paws to examine it. It was covered in the same slime she had walked on, even managed to soak through the rope and stain it in the same tint...but it wasn't sticky...infact...

"Oh...it's dry...? Better bring some back!"

As they began to tug and pull on the loose piece, back down on the ground Róisín tentatively approached some of the broken pieces of the area close to one of the smelling flames. She remembered the forest from the day before, how it healed itself so soon after the bulldozing made by MetalSeadramon as they chased down the Fakemon. That had been devastating, much more than this, so why? Why was the area still like this? Had they just missed the scouts? Were they making their way back and got attacked just before they all came...or...

Looking at the small patch of burning slime close by, Róisín slowly twisted and dug her boot a little into the soft dirt, before spreading it onto the slime and fire in one go. Immediately after the flame had gone out, she watched the ground start to put itself back together.

'This didn't just happen...it can't heal cause it keeps burning away...' Everything became clearer at that sight. It looked fresh, it looked as if it just happened, and maybe whoever did this didn't do it on purpose, but anyone could come across this place at any time and think the same thing.

"Róisín, Róisín! I got you this!" Taking a moment to look towards the swooping Lopmon, Róisín started to make her way towards the now descending Arii as the bunny landed atop her head, dropping a piece of rope into the partner's cupped hands.

The green tint was immediate, so was the now stiffness of it as she began twisting it a little.

"Thanks for this Lop...thought so..."

As Arii landed back on solid ground, holding up a massive paw print etched on a leaf and questioning the more Digi-knowledged members of the group to a potential identification, both Róisín & Lopmon arrived at the same time as Ji-Su and their partner. They weren't the most informed in all types, like Pokémon it seemed the list kept growing more and more each year, but still the red haired woman and bunny digimon slightly tilted forward to better examine the mark before shaking their heads in unison a second later.

"Don't know, but I agree with Ji-Su. Whatever made that big print was definitely not working alone and they were well prepared for the scouts, look." Lifting the piece of rope she had, she gave them all the chance to examine not just the deep green colour of the slime, but the dryness of the rope and frayed cut.

"It's cut and soaked through, but's had time to dry out. This didn't just happen, could have been like this for as long as they've been missing."

Motioning towards her dampened flame and the sight of that area healing itself, she continued. "That slime is gonna keep burning unless it's put out, that's why the place hasn't healed yet."

Growing a little absentmindedly, Lopmon happily swayed her head and ears to distract herself, as Róisín explained what they had found. The rising sun however soon caused her to tilt her head in curiosity at the sight of something gleaming off in the distance.


"Lop?" Asked Róisín as she stopped mid sentence to take notice of her partner's voice.

"Something shiny, look!" If only the same could have been said for Lopmon, the digimon immediately taking flight and gliding straight towards its newest fascination.

"Lop?! Hey come back!" Without any time to think or consider, she went off after the gliding bunny.
Eliam listened to what Raven was saying as he watched Arii, Gabriel had not mentioned the partnerless part but Eliam was clear on what the partners were for. Looking at Arii, he needs someone to help him, Impmon was a good example of this idea. Not only did Arii make a point to include Impmon, who was partnered with someone else, but he seemed to only be able to talk openly to Impmon, as open as Arii could talk, Eliam guessed. Either way, he was sure that there was something strange about Arii not having a partner, given the growth that he could have with both his skills and knowledge.

Salamon continued with her lazy watch as she looked at Raven when she commented about partners and glanced at Eliam. She would also do everything in her power to protect Eliam, not because he was her best friend, but because that is what he would do for her. In the time that she had been with him, she was small and harmless, Eliam had made sure to not let her get too close to the fire or eat too much. He had managed to pay attention to her and held her close when others were around. She felt his protection and looking at Commandramon she wondered if it was the same for him or any of the other Digimon. She sighed looking passed the chatty group to return to watching their backs. That was her way to help.

When it was silent for a moment, Eliam glanced behind him, to see Raven's mouth finally shut, but her eyes shot at Arii. Fakemon. That must be something that was a secret and with that idea, Eliam decided, Raven was less trustworthy than Arii. Arii was suspicious, but if they were on the same team, even though Arii seemed to dislike it, he at least didn’t hold anything back. Eliam sighed, as he looked at Salamon, the way she looked back at him, made him aware she was thinking the same thing. Arii was a friend and Raven and the others were in question.

It only grew at the idea that Raven wanted to go ahead as bait, it was a fair idea, but Eliam lost trust in more members as they walked. It was starting to dawn on him that he might suspect her of being one of these Jumpers that she mentioned. He wanted to collect data, for now, he was collecting a lot on the people he had landed here with.

Eliam paused at the sight ahead of them, from the scene alone it was clear that something big happened, but not what exactly. It wasn’t long before he heard something thrown and turned to see Raven trying to order others around. He raised an eyebrow, as Salamon straightened up. Eliam looked at Salamon and she looked at him and they both understood.

As everyone moved into their positions, Eliam noticed Raven motioning him to join her. He thought of how much he had come to not trust her and sighed. Instead of joining her, he moved passed her, as Arri moved to his tree work, coming with a print and Ji-su worked on the slim around the area. Impmon gave sound to Eliam’s words so he decided not to mention his lack of input.

Eliam moved towards Raven before he passed her completely and moved to the center of the area, looking around he kneeled and nodded, as he placed Salamon on the ground. “Eww.” Salamon wined as she stepped in slim. She looked up at Eliam.

“Check for anything, make two trips, and return. Just scout.” Eliam told her, she was fast and as he looked at her, she would stay in his sights. He didn’t want her to be a hero but while everyone was trying to understand what happened, he was going to make sure the area was safe first. Everyone had already made themself a target, but he was the furthest from the edge.

Salamon nodded, Eliam was trusting that she was faster than anything they would meet or anything waiting; she was not going to let him down. She took a deep breath before she started towards the perimeter and started her round. Eliam watched her for the first round, but for the second one, he lowered himself slightly, between him and her, he spotted, something shiny, an opening, and some spots, which he figured were the starting points of the blast before the slim. Something was hit, more than one, and the slim only covered so much.

Eliam stood when Salamon was on her third round, she moved quickly before stopping at what looked like it could be a path. She sat and waited. Eliam understood that there were tracks. He sighed as he looked around at the others before he made his way to Salamon. She panted as she said, “These lead away from the blast with the same stuff from the area.” she glanced in that direction, “I think whoever or whatever survived went that way. There is nothing else around for some distance and I didn't spot being watched.” she looked up at Eliam.

He nodded at her explanation, before noticing something she was looking at before turning to the group. He nodded again, she had something else to show them and since she knew he didn’t trust everyone, she was not going to make it known as easy as the path.

“HEY!!” Salamon shouted, “The path goes this way.” she let them know before she moved to Eliam’s feet. If they followed the path, Eliam would be left behind, after all, Arii doesn’t think too much of him, from how he didn’t even assign him a spot, Ji-su didn’t mind him, since they didn’t talk at all the time they had been together, Raven was too much into being high spirit and wanting to charge in, and Róisín treated him like a child, but left him alone when he showed he was fine. By all accounts, if they followed the path, he could fall behind and see what else Salamon found.
Vibing In the Forest Faction Team:
Lounging Team:
Twist Twist (Kimi/Tentomon) galvanismgal galvanismgal (Mei/Black Gabumon) Mirai-chan Mirai-chan (Leonard/Dracomon)

Explore, and Experience the Forrest Faction Settlement

Extra Objective:
Keep Mei/Dracomon out of trouble... good luck Kimi... Leonard...Tentomon.... and Black Gabumon...


"Ah? Excellent journeys make the adventurer, and as fellow adventurers, we are happy to have you in our ranks. Remember it's always good to be pre-"Beared"," the bear grinned widely at Mei's opening statement nodding in agreement to procuring robes. She was a strange one though as the Digimon found her follow-up "consideration" strange to what was natural order here.

The grizzly bear-sized Digimon watched Leonard and Dracomon go at it for a moment causing the blue bear to chuckle shaking his head at the youthful energy. Though he and his protégé Gazimon gave Leonard a raised eyebrow, that they thought it was strange for people to protect themselves from the elements. The energy bounced off the walls as they watched the young man rocket for the samurai Digimon. This was followed by some surprising humble words with Leonard unsure if they were at Mei's level. Atop that, they built up Kimi even more as a powerful strategist. It was about then that Dracomon popped in curious about the weather.

"You can usually bet on a weather change every two days. Sometimes four, but it's consistent to those levels of change sometimes minor sometimes drastic," the bear explained meaning tomorrow was potential for a change, and if not in the next two days, it would be. Yet before they could add any more detail one of the skyfallers had just discovered... they were on a island. Both rookie and Champion raised an eye in confusion... how did they... not know that?

"Is... he okay?" Gazimon slowly turned to Tentomon asking as he shook her spiked hand. It was a first for them to see a Tamer who was happy to be in this predicament right off the bat no less. It was indeed so bizarre that some people and Digimon off in the distance turned to him shouting confused about what was happening, and giving poor Leonard looks like he was crazy. Once Tentomon introduced herself though Gazimon snapped out of it.

"Again pleasures ours. Kimi, Tentomon," Gazimon smiled before it was interrupted by Leonard's stomach rumbling.

"May I offer you a pineapple slice in these "bearing" times," Gryzmon offered with an amused smile placing one slice into the boy's hand as he kept an eye on the sneering Bushi Agumon who had not liked what Mei had worded to him. During this Kimi was correcting Mei's use of her human world title. During this, the bear offered her two slices in hopes of letting the embarrassment pass easier.

"I insist to new friends," Gryzmon hummed placing two slices in the girl's empty hands once she was done with the cards. As Tentomon squealed in excitement to play the card game with Gazimon, Kimi offered up some of the pineapple which Gryzmon was much obliged to do.

"Surely like us friend you have traveled wide a snack, and company well earned for but a moment no," the bear bellowed offering the Agumon variant a slice doubling down on Kimi's genuine kindness. With that, the match between Gazimon, and Tentomon began with their egg cards down to get started on the process of preparation, and planning. As "Cool Kid" Kimi stood next to the bear Digimon he was asked if he could be... well asked some things.

"By all means ask away," The bear chimed with a rather fatherly nod as he awaited the young girl's questions Gazimon got stripped a champion Digimon card causing him to tense up at Tentomon's unexpected counter to his more offensive strategy. Gryzmon listened fully though as the game went on left in thought for a moment before turning fully to the girl.

"In earnest? Because in a world of survival people, and Digimon will more than not break under the pressure of self-preservation. The Forest Faction is a rarity, and I am sure you have noticed that the majority of its people... are not fighters. They are peaceful folk, the kind that values life over conflict... and that is why they are the minority," Gryzmon said with the last bit coming off rather dark as he held a heavy set of eyes of someone who had seen... a lot of bad things.

"Most humans and Digimon choose conflict over peace. Profit/Self gain over charity. In a world of survival of the fittest is the rule it's not all that shocking when you think about it. What do you owe if anything to people you fell with," He posed the question to give Kimi an idea of the common thought among the humans who lived here.

"To everyone else, this fort seems like a twisted hell of its own trapped in complacency as if surrendering to making it work is a wrong answer. The Ice Biome is full of human settlements fighting each other with one particularly big one. Feeding off their warring state to fund their battles with the Fire Biome's only human faction that never ends in battles with Digimon factions. Those two Biomes are very much the apex of "Survival of the Fittest" with the ice mantra being domination through supply, and the fire mantra being domination through strength," Gryzmon disheartened explained his long sigh revealing he was quite against that mentality.

"Though not all others are bad the Sky Islands human faction are more a nomadic sort learning to work with the flying Digimon in their Biome in harmony. Though they do, butt heads once in a while those human and Digimon sky groups protect each other equally. Helps that there is no proper way to drag them into these turf wars thanks to living so dejected from the land. Of course, then you have the harshest of climates of all the Desert Factory Biome... let's just say it's best to avoid it if you can it's a dangerous mixed bag, and there are no true factions there are just groups of people trying to survive in a panic," Gryzmon looked to Gazimon for a second watching his student have fun as he was stolen another champion by Tentomons superior tactics.

"Thought that is where we are heading. We have a code me, and my protege to go where people need protecting. An old knight's mentality if you will "Bear" with my "rustic" way of thinking," the grizzly joked laughing a bit heartedly as he aimed to finish answering Kimi's question.

"Of course, you're probably asking yourself if that's all true then how does this faction still exist? Why hasn't it been overrun or torn apart... well that would be thanks to Gabriel himself. Next to no one is willing to attack one of the Eight Digi Destined as it were directly," the weight of the title given to how it was treated in the real world felt a different air to it. In the real world, that title was given to the good guys of the TV show, but with how Gryzmon spoke it, it sounded like it carried a mixed bag of dangerous elements.

"Boss they wouldn't probably know what that means here," Gazimon's ear lifted at that particular part of the conversation as he turned to the big furry champion. His attention was then pulled to noticing Mei was drawing something causing him to tilt his head in curiosity.

"Ah, that's true my apology," the bear nodded in agreement yet notably Gazimon was now paying more attention to the conversation.

"In your world, that's a title for heroes, but here it's a label of the apex survivors. The most dangerous humans on the island, each equal in destructive force to the next. This Fort stands without contest because no sane person is willing to go up against "Gabriel the Indomitable" that Palmon of his has never let harm come to him, and has never lost a fight. He is a long-timer for a reason. He adapted fast to what was needed... but he still kept his heart, and stood as a shield for those who couldn't," Gryzmon said with great respect as he was brought to Kimi's question about the fort leader himself.

"Unfortunately like I said the reason this Fort is seen as a hell. It comes to a dangerous decision... complacency. The acceptance that this is it for these folks no doubt weighs heavy on his mind. I once heard he aimed to help everyone escape with others, and even went as far as to make a more permanent place where humans could be safe without strife, but both fell apart. I don't know the stories myself they were a bit hushed from the use of wild Digimon, but the result is clear... it never came about," Gryzmon spoke accepting the rules of the island through a hint of pity that things couldn't be changed was laced in his eyes.

"At best you can say this Fort while standing is built on failures dwindled to mere pile of sticks," Gryzmon concluded expressing his take on Gabriel's reason for tired nature.

"Ahhhhh damn.... you're good," Gazimon was obliterated in his card game with Tentomon as she finished the last of his security cards wiped from the game. "Something else you should consider is don't think that title holds any honor to it. There are a few of those eight that are bad people," Gazimon growled not in his defeat, but clearly one of them came to mind, and in that same vein Gryzmon's smile temporarily disappeared thinking of the same person with dangerous intent to harm. Yet the anger was let go of with another sigh.

"It's hard to hold hope here if you're a human. For us wild Digimon it is the norm, it is life. For your lot, it is something you were pulled into by something even we have no inkling of understanding about," Gryzmon expressed.

"Yet I have seen many heroes, and villains of you humans. Hopefully, we will see good things about you Sky Fallers. "Bear" in mind you have made a good first impression so far, and I have hope that you will succeed where others fail no matter where you choose to go with this new life," Gryzmon spoke like a parent full of high hopes for a child. This was when Mei interjected with her comments on their resourcefulness.

"Boss was originally part of a group known as the "Knights". A key group of Digimon that's goal was to help humans stay safe, but they ran afoul of... sorry boss," Gazimon was about to go off on a tangent before noticing a stern look from his teacher.

"Please don't think I'll of it... that history ended only in sorry sadly no reason to dwell on it. Hahahaha permission is an interesting word of choice... this whole island is built on a sense of adventure. Everyone talks about everyone it's how everyone stays up to date with the island life. A good ole pot of honey of course," Gryzmon dejectedly smiled before patting his belly with a hearty laugh as he responded to Mei's proverbial stab.

"So whatcha drawing," Gazimon asked Mei before Grzymon asked a big question himself to all of them.

"In turn though offer me this if you would. What are you hoping to do now that you are here?"


Medical Team: Ace Damage Report
Clinical Evaluation Team:
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon), Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth)

Find Out What Can Be Done For Ace's Condition


"Well might want to get comfortable with them their a good 1/3 of the Digimon population. Viruses have good qualities you know can be turned into vaccines. Create life, take life, save life like any other. Nothing evil just cause it was made to be in that image," the Doctor mumbled to the girl's reaction not planning to stay on the topic long as Ace took out what she requested.

Dr. Tanaka took the ticket immediately noting Gabriel's signature pulling the cloth door wide open to reveal thankfully a more promising sight of some legit medical gear fitted chair. Around it was a rather what you would expect hut set up. The ground was covered in carpet evened out flat, the walls were circularly shaped and clothed, on the right, there was a big chest, and on the left a stand holding regular check-up devices. Much like everything it was clearly of older designs nothing high-tech nor close in fact. It was like Ji-Su had said everything seemed strangely dated to about 20's ago when it came to equipment.

Signalling them to come in leaving the door open to keep a better source of light in she motioned him to the chair she was quick to work feeling out his back, and legs quick to jump on what he was here for without a word needed. The overall examination took about an uncomfortable ten minutes as she tested his nerves, and reflexes consistently without saying anything.

During the process, the mollusk Digimon hummed elevator music to avoid the silence from adding to the without a doubt unbearable situation as it were. When it was all done she turned to Ruth who was holding a purple crystal like her life depended on it... probably did for her sanity thus the Doctor did not comment on it.

"Well your "just friend" is in a rough patch," Dr. Tanaka expressed with a disdained look as she moved over to the chest on the right of the room digging through some rather old medical devices as she explained further.

"You have a sprained back muscle luckily for you that will get better in time. Even if you were to push it for any reason it would still heal relatively well within the six-day period you got left before you digitize to the island," she expressed digging deeper looking for something particular it seemed as if her voice muffled further into the examination.

"Your bigger problem is your right leg is for a genuine sugar-coated turn of phrase: Completely fucked in all regards. You not only have a torn meniscus, and sprained ligaments yet have also incurred an ACL injury," The doctor said so casually as if such injuries while impressive were not mind-glowingly unique.

"Every once in a while you'll hear about a Sky Faller that offshoots from their shrine landing. Always ends up permanently worse for wear," she explained seeming to finally find something as her lower half halted my movement with her upper hand completely buried into the box.

"Good news is you'll make it past the minor sprained ligament, and given you are a healthy in shape individual you will probably be fine to a degree in recovery from the torn meniscus though not fully. The bad news is that anterior cruciate ligament injury is staying with you permanently in combination with the torn meniscus damage... you're going to have a hard life here," the Doctor was honest as she pulled herself out of the chest procuring a knee brace.


"Luckily for you when I was originally nabbed I was at a convention looking at knee brace prototypes and got myself nabbed with one in hand. This will be your best friend for the times ahead. Mind you this is not a solution to your problem. I wish I could do more, but once that seven-day timer is up my talents go out the door for the most part in what I can do for you," she spoke confidently, and surprisingly regretful that her skills could only help him so much given her rather stagnant nature up to this point. Yet it was like flickering light it was there for a moment before being replaced with a reminder of how here years here had been. For a moment, she felt like she was contributing to the solution of a patient's problems like so long ago. Yet her eyes now lost from that spark turned back to Ruth, and Ace as she asked an important question.

"Listen has anyone explained to you what happens at the 7-day mark?"

Scout Party Rescue/Search Team
Search Team:
ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii), Matreania Matreania (Eliam/Salamon), Anorgos Anorgos (Roisin/Lopmon), Azurian Dream Azurian Dream (Raven/Wormmon), Pumpkid Pumpkid (Impmon)

Find Out What Happen To The Forrest Faction Team

Extra Objective:
Retrieve anything you can

As the group moved in a split moment Raven caught a look from Eliam... and suddenly she felt... regret. It was right at her reaction to Arii saying fakemon. At first, Raven was stalwart that Chel had given them a reason to hold that secret yet she was starting to have thoughts about it. The suspicion Eliam probably had now fueling that problem.

Raven watched as Arii shot up the tree rather bizarrely like a sloth on cocaine. It was such a strange style of climbing, yet, Arii was quickly a dot above them slithering past the branches as Raven returned her attention to the slime around them as everyone was investigating the scene. As they looked about a few minutes in Arii came sliding down out of the blue landing with precision as they seemed to remove a small splinter luckily in a trick that should have gained many. Before anyone could ask the Arii produced their question showing them a charcoal leaf footprint... Raven didn't blink surprised by how big it was.

"I second that," Wormmon softly spoke up in agreement with Lopmon over the stench the latter took to the sky to scout things out as the rest continued with the ground investigation.

From the side, Commandramon poked out securing the point for his partner. Ji-Su herself didn't seem very interested in the paw print against the wreckage. With a small test, Ji-su showed them that the slime was flammable which helped expand the picture. Impmon spoke up saying some fire Digimon which he then covered his mouth as if speaking was bad.

"I think the dangers are long gone from here buddy," Wormmon spoke still on Impmons head patting him to calm his nerves ironically in a moment where she's seemed chilled at the moment surprisingly.

"I am starting to think we should have nudged Kimi a little," Raven spoke honestly unable to take a guess herself, but having a feeling Kimi a more Digimon fan than the rest probably could give them a tight list of ideas. While her brother was a huge Digimon aficionado, Raven herself was limited to whatever was in his deck for his competitions. Flamdramon came to mind, but those only had three toes which were bladed not paw-like. Her thoughts were broken as Commandramon/Ji-su spoke up explaining the layout of the attack in tandem themselves.

This was followed up by an estimation of how many had been involved from the sounds of it 4 humanoids, and one giant cat were involved in the attacking side of things. Impmon spoke again pointing out the obvious problem that everyone was trying not to think about... the potential that this was a recovery over a rescue. Raven felt that wince of regret again as Eliam passed her by given Salamon orders to go inspect a bit out around the parameter.

Raven turned to the right as Lopmon came down excitedly with some results: Dried slimed robes. Roisin then concluded that as hinted this had indeed been an attack carried out days ago with the only reason it appeared fresh being that the burning slime had paused the healing factory of the land.

"If that's the case, given how close this is to the fort means, they were probably attacked the same day they headed out. This attack was more than three days ago," Raven pointed out an even bigger sign of the issue. As this went on Lopmon got excited pulling everyone's attention as without warning the bunny sprinted off in a random direction talking about something shiny.

At the same time, Salamon shouted out she had found the trail which thankfully coincided with where Lopmon was heading concerned with Roisin heading off so fast Raven gave chase not noticing Eliams strange behavior which caused Wormmon in a panic to finally jump off Impmons head straight onto Raven back rather impressively.

"Raven wait I thought we weren't supposed to run into the unknown," Wormmon spoke in her returning panic as this was now off course completely.

"Not supposed to, but no one is going anywhere alone," Raven spoke explaining her reasoning for chasing after as Lopmon kept moving the chase would be a definite few good minutes. A cliffside on the left started to arch up the more they ran after Lopmon to the point it covered them from the sun shading them as they entered a more dense area of the forest with vegetation more stacked up. Yet as Lopmon neared her destination passing a rather prominent boulder a small clearing was revealed on the scene.

The new area was rather well tended strangely enough a perfect square shape. The trees that made its borders almost perfectly systematically set. Other than the boulder covered in foliage, and tree limbs right near its border it was flawless. On the further left point, a mound of tampered dirt was barely shown by one of the few rays of light that broke past the heavy foliage.

Along with that near the cliff wall was a strange pile of something unidentifiable at a distance seeming metallic but blotched like mud. Not used to running like a crazy person though Raven found herself a bit out of breath placing a hand on the boulder as she tried to catch her breath.

"Holy mother Lopmon... Roison... we need...," Raven went silent as her eyes grew wide. As Lopmon turned back to the group, in her ears was a digivice with a shattered screen with the words "Disconnected" in bright red blinking like a dying phone battery.

They huffed a breath through their nose, having found a perch atop a fallen log in the time it took the group to somewhat re-coalesce. Róisín found her way next to them, but didn't add anything in particular that Arii didn't already know. "Quad, unless it stepped forward and suddenly gained dewclaws."

Their eyes flicked to Impmon as he was speaking, an uncomfortable prickling beginning to set into the curve of their spine. Nerves. Concern, really. They dug their fingers into the bark of the log they stood atop and rocked their shoulders, almost like a hunting cat, though it seemed more of a self-soothing motion for them. They took the time to mentally ping where all of their teammates were, and after perhaps a little too long of silence, they spoke again. "If we're returning with bad news, we're also bringing proof." What proof, they didn't know. Proof of hunts were limbs, or racks, and they doubted the scouts had dog tags on. Something. The wreckage was their best bet. "Let the flames burn down, if it hasn't healed over after 3 days, and they really are dead, it would make a decent grave."

Skyfaller 11 and his partner were keeping close. Their nerves flared up their neck, fueling their headache. They couldn't see them very well—without their glasses, they were mostly indistinct, doubled-over blobs of mostly-defined color—but they were reasonably sure their mouths were moving. Suspicion was their first instinct. Suspicion and almost immediately after, frustration, when Lopmon darted off and not just Róisín but Green and her partner went tearing off through the dead leaves with the monstrous sound of crackling all at once.

Their heartbeat paused in their chest.

Panic, demanded their brain as they remembered the locations of the rest of the group, all spread through the clearing. They did not. They did not, even though they wanted to so, so, so bad. Even though they felt the strain in the back of their mind, where their subconscious' breaking point lay.

Their cover was as good as gone. With the talking and the run through the forest, anything with ears knew they were there. Prey had likely vacated the area, and the expert ambush hunters that the scene had revealed would not be easy to sneak up on with such spontanenuity. Unless one of them literally turned their back to someone, which was frankly, terribly unlikely.

Their choice was made before Green and Róisín were even out of sight in the swallowing darkness of the treeline. "Everyone move," they snapped, voice raised into a sharp bark of command. They sprung from their log perch, shoving the closest person-shaped blob—Impmon—toward the still-crackling wake of their apparent trap-springers. "We don't want to be caught in small groups." Sometimes they wished they still had their walking stick so they could rap at people's ankles when they didn't move, because something in Arii's mind was screaming and it wasn't the good hunting scream, it was the hunted scream, and the sun blazed down at their neck like an open wound, and they needed cover

Keeping as many of the group as they could in front of them and in their sight at the same time, Arii herded those who they could gather to through the dense trees and through the disturbed leaf path the others had left. They kept a keen eye for forest traps, so when the light increased suddenly, they slowed just as suddenly. They didn't skid, but they killed their momentum with an odd sort of hop.

Beyond, they could pick out the shadowed figures of Green and Róisín. Further, Lopmon, holding up... something.

Further than that, a well-maintained clearing. The hairs on the back of their neck rose, and they dropped lower in their stance, not creeping yet, but slower and far more careful. By the time they were up by Green—two arm's lengths away despite that—they were back to that all-fours slink, wide eyes staring into the sunlit meadow like a prey animal stuck in front of a lion. Their eyes hit the digivice only after they'd done a full visual sweep of the odd clearing. "I don't like this," they said, and it was a low, careful noise. They were also panting, unused to sustained bursts of energy, and especially so after being in college for a few months, but they muffled the sound of it in the back of their mouth. It made them look kind of like a dog. Again.

They hunched a little further to the ground, their stomach almost scraping dried leaves. It felt too obvious for an ambush point. Far, far too obvious. It still made their hair stand on end. Not for the first time, they really, really wished their siblings had been there.

And they were really, really starting to hate being in this group.
Vibing In the Forest Faction Team:
Lounging Team:
Twist Twist (Kimi/Tentomon) galvanismgal galvanismgal (Mei/Black Gabumon) Mirai-chan Mirai-chan (Leonard/Dracomon)

Explore, and Experience the Forrest Faction Settlement

Extra Objective:
Keep Mei/Dracomon out of trouble... good luck Kimi... Leonard...Tentomon.... and Black Gabumon...


"Ah? Excellent journeys make the adventurer, and as fellow adventurers, we are happy to have you in our ranks. Remember it's always good to be pre-"Beared"," the bear grinned widely at Mei's opening statement nodding in agreement to procuring robes. She was a strange one though as the Digimon found her follow-up "consideration" strange to what was natural order here.

The grizzly bear-sized Digimon watched Leonard and Dracomon go at it for a moment causing the blue bear to chuckle shaking his head at the youthful energy. Though he and his protégé Gazimon gave Leonard a raised eyebrow, that they thought it was strange for people to protect themselves from the elements. The energy bounced off the walls as they watched the young man rocket for the samurai Digimon. This was followed by some surprising humble words with Leonard unsure if they were at Mei's level. Atop that, they built up Kimi even more as a powerful strategist. It was about then that Dracomon popped in curious about the weather.

"You can usually bet on a weather change every two days. Sometimes four, but it's consistent to those levels of change sometimes minor sometimes drastic," the bear explained meaning tomorrow was potential for a change, and if not in the next two days, it would be. Yet before they could add any more detail one of the skyfallers had just discovered... they were on a island. Both rookie and Champion raised an eye in confusion... how did they... not know that?

"Is... he okay?" Gazimon slowly turned to Tentomon asking as he shook her spiked hand. It was a first for them to see a Tamer who was happy to be in this predicament right off the bat no less. It was indeed so bizarre that some people and Digimon off in the distance turned to him shouting confused about what was happening, and giving poor Leonard looks like he was crazy. Once Tentomon introduced herself though Gazimon snapped out of it.

"Again pleasures ours. Kimi, Tentomon," Gazimon smiled before it was interrupted by Leonard's stomach rumbling.

"May I offer you a pineapple slice in these "bearing" times," Gryzmon offered with an amused smile placing one slice into the boy's hand as he kept an eye on the sneering Bushi Agumon who had not liked what Mei had worded to him. During this Kimi was correcting Mei's use of her human world title. During this, the bear offered her two slices in hopes of letting the embarrassment pass easier.

"I insist to new friends," Gryzmon hummed placing two slices in the girl's empty hands once she was done with the cards. As Tentomon squealed in excitement to play the card game with Gazimon, Kimi offered up some of the pineapple which Gryzmon was much obliged to do.

"Surely like us friend you have traveled wide a snack, and company well earned for but a moment no," the bear bellowed offering the Agumon variant a slice doubling down on Kimi's genuine kindness. With that, the match between Gazimon, and Tentomon began with their egg cards down to get started on the process of preparation, and planning. As "Cool Kid" Kimi stood next to the bear Digimon he was asked if he could be... well asked some things.

"By all means ask away," The bear chimed with a rather fatherly nod as he awaited the young girl's questions Gazimon got stripped a champion Digimon card causing him to tense up at Tentomon's unexpected counter to his more offensive strategy. Gryzmon listened fully though as the game went on left in thought for a moment before turning fully to the girl.

"In earnest? Because in a world of survival people, and Digimon will more than not break under the pressure of self-preservation. The Forest Faction is a rarity, and I am sure you have noticed that the majority of its people... are not fighters. They are peaceful folk, the kind that values life over conflict... and that is why they are the minority," Gryzmon said with the last bit coming off rather dark as he held a heavy set of eyes of someone who had seen... a lot of bad things.

"Most humans and Digimon choose conflict over peace. Profit/Self gain over charity. In a world of survival of the fittest is the rule it's not all that shocking when you think about it. What do you owe if anything to people you fell with," He posed the question to give Kimi an idea of the common thought among the humans who lived here.

"To everyone else, this fort seems like a twisted hell of its own trapped in complacency as if surrendering to making it work is a wrong answer. The Ice Biome is full of human settlements fighting each other with one particularly big one. Feeding off their warring state to fund their battles with the Fire Biome's only human faction that never ends in battles with Digimon factions. Those two Biomes are very much the apex of "Survival of the Fittest" with the ice mantra being domination through supply, and the fire mantra being domination through strength," Gryzmon disheartened explained his long sigh revealing he was quite against that mentality.

"Though not all others are bad the Sky Islands human faction are more a nomadic sort learning to work with the flying Digimon in their Biome in harmony. Though they do, butt heads once in a while those human and Digimon sky groups protect each other equally. Helps that there is no proper way to drag them into these turf wars thanks to living so dejected from the land. Of course, then you have the harshest of climates of all the Desert Factory Biome... let's just say it's best to avoid it if you can it's a dangerous mixed bag, and there are no true factions there are just groups of people trying to survive in a panic," Gryzmon looked to Gazimon for a second watching his student have fun as he was stolen another champion by Tentomons superior tactics.

"Thought that is where we are heading. We have a code me, and my protege to go where people need protecting. An old knight's mentality if you will "Bear" with my "rustic" way of thinking," the grizzly joked laughing a bit heartedly as he aimed to finish answering Kimi's question.

"Of course, you're probably asking yourself if that's all true then how does this faction still exist? Why hasn't it been overrun or torn apart... well that would be thanks to Gabriel himself. Next to no one is willing to attack one of the Eight Digi Destined as it were directly," the weight of the title given to how it was treated in the real world felt a different air to it. In the real world, that title was given to the good guys of the TV show, but with how Gryzmon spoke it, it sounded like it carried a mixed bag of dangerous elements.

"Boss they wouldn't probably know what that means here," Gazimon's ear lifted at that particular part of the conversation as he turned to the big furry champion. His attention was then pulled to noticing Mei was drawing something causing him to tilt his head in curiosity.

"Ah, that's true my apology," the bear nodded in agreement yet notably Gazimon was now paying more attention to the conversation.

"In your world, that's a title for heroes, but here it's a label of the apex survivors. The most dangerous humans on the island, each equal in destructive force to the next. This Fort stands without contest because no sane person is willing to go up against "Gabriel the Indomitable" that Palmon of his has never let harm come to him, and has never lost a fight. He is a long-timer for a reason. He adapted fast to what was needed... but he still kept his heart, and stood as a shield for those who couldn't," Gryzmon said with great respect as he was brought to Kimi's question about the fort leader himself.

"Unfortunately like I said the reason this Fort is seen as a hell. It comes to a dangerous decision... complacency. The acceptance that this is it for these folks no doubt weighs heavy on his mind. I once heard he aimed to help everyone escape with others, and even went as far as to make a more permanent place where humans could be safe without strife, but both fell apart. I don't know the stories myself they were a bit hushed from the use of wild Digimon, but the result is clear... it never came about," Gryzmon spoke accepting the rules of the island through a hint of pity that things couldn't be changed was laced in his eyes.

"At best you can say this Fort while standing is built on failures dwindled to mere pile of sticks," Gryzmon concluded expressing his take on Gabriel's reason for tired nature.

"Ahhhhh damn.... you're good," Gazimon was obliterated in his card game with Tentomon as she finished the last of his security cards wiped from the game. "Something else you should consider is don't think that title holds any honor to it. There are a few of those eight that are bad people," Gazimon growled not in his defeat, but clearly one of them came to mind, and in that same vein Gryzmon's smile temporarily disappeared thinking of the same person with dangerous intent to harm. Yet the anger was let go of with another sigh.

"It's hard to hold hope here if you're a human. For us wild Digimon it is the norm, it is life. For your lot, it is something you were pulled into by something even we have no inkling of understanding about," Gryzmon expressed.

"Yet I have seen many heroes, and villains of you humans. Hopefully, we will see good things about you Sky Fallers. "Bear" in mind you have made a good first impression so far, and I have hope that you will succeed where others fail no matter where you choose to go with this new life," Gryzmon spoke like a parent full of high hopes for a child. This was when Mei interjected with her comments on their resourcefulness.

"Boss was originally part of a group known as the "Knights". A key group of Digimon that's goal was to help humans stay safe, but they ran afoul of... sorry boss," Gazimon was about to go off on a tangent before noticing a stern look from his teacher.

"Please don't think I'll of it... that history ended only in sorry sadly no reason to dwell on it. Hahahaha permission is an interesting word of choice... this whole island is built on a sense of adventure. Everyone talks about everyone it's how everyone stays up to date with the island life. A good ole pot of honey of course," Gryzmon dejectedly smiled before patting his belly with a hearty laugh as he responded to Mei's proverbial stab.

"So whatcha drawing," Gazimon asked Mei before Grzymon asked a big question himself to all of them.

"In turn though offer me this if you would. What are you hoping to do now that you are here?"


Medical Team: Ace Damage Report
Clinical Evaluation Team:
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon), Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth)

Find Out What Can Be Done For Ace's Condition


"Well might want to get comfortable with them their a good 1/3 of the Digimon population. Viruses have good qualities you know can be turned into vaccines. Create life, take life, save life like any other. Nothing evil just cause it was made to be in that image," the Doctor mumbled to the girl's reaction not planning to stay on the topic long as Ace took out what she requested.

Dr. Tanaka took the ticket immediately noting Gabriel's signature pulling the cloth door wide open to reveal thankfully a more promising sight of some legit medical gear fitted chair. Around it was a rather what you would expect hut set up. The ground was covered in carpet evened out flat, the walls were circularly shaped and clothed, on the right, there was a big chest, and on the left a stand holding regular check-up devices. Much like everything it was clearly of older designs nothing high-tech nor close in fact. It was like Ji-Su had said everything seemed strangely dated to about 20's ago when it came to equipment.

Signalling them to come in leaving the door open to keep a better source of light in she motioned him to the chair she was quick to work feeling out his back, and legs quick to jump on what he was here for without a word needed. The overall examination took about an uncomfortable ten minutes as she tested his nerves, and reflexes consistently without saying anything.

During the process, the mollusk Digimon hummed elevator music to avoid the silence from adding to the without a doubt unbearable situation as it were. When it was all done she turned to Ruth who was holding a purple crystal like her life depended on it... probably did for her sanity thus the Doctor did not comment on it.

"Well your "just friend" is in a rough patch," Dr. Tanaka expressed with a disdained look as she moved over to the chest on the right of the room digging through some rather old medical devices as she explained further.

"You have a sprained back muscle luckily for you that will get better in time. Even if you were to push it for any reason it would still heal relatively well within the six-day period you got left before you digitize to the island," she expressed digging deeper looking for something particular it seemed as if her voice muffled further into the examination.

"Your bigger problem is your right leg is for a genuine sugar-coated turn of phrase: Completely fucked in all regards. You not only have a torn meniscus, and sprained ligaments yet have also incurred an ACL injury," The doctor said so casually as if such injuries while impressive were not mind-glowingly unique.

"Every once in a while you'll hear about a Sky Faller that offshoots from their shrine landing. Always ends up permanently worse for wear," she explained seeming to finally find something as her lower half halted my movement with her upper hand completely buried into the box.

"Good news is you'll make it past the minor sprained ligament, and given you are a healthy in shape individual you will probably be fine to a degree in recovery from the torn meniscus though not fully. The bad news is that anterior cruciate ligament injury is staying with you permanently in combination with the torn meniscus damage... you're going to have a hard life here," the Doctor was honest as she pulled herself out of the chest procuring a knee brace.

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"Luckily for you when I was originally nabbed I was at a convention looking at knee brace prototypes and got myself nabbed with one in hand. This will be your best friend for the times ahead. Mind you this is not a solution to your problem. I wish I could do more, but once that seven-day timer is up my talents go out the door for the most part in what I can do for you," she spoke confidently, and surprisingly regretful that her skills could only help him so much given her rather stagnant nature up to this point. Yet it was like flickering light it was there for a moment before being replaced with a reminder of how here years here had been. For a moment, she felt like she was contributing to the solution of a patient's problems like so long ago. Yet her eyes now lost from that spark turned back to Ruth, and Ace as she asked an important question.

"Listen has anyone explained to you what happens at the 7-day mark?"

Scout Party Rescue/Search Team
Search Team:
ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii), Matreania Matreania (Eliam/Salamon), Anorgos Anorgos (Roisin/Lopmon), Azurian Dream Azurian Dream (Raven/Wormmon), Pumpkid Pumpkid (Impmon)

Find Out What Happen To The Forrest Faction Team

Extra Objective:
Retrieve anything you can

As the group moved in a split moment Raven caught a look from Eliam... and suddenly she felt... regret. It was right at her reaction to Arii saying fakemon. At first, Raven was stalwart that Chel had given them a reason to hold that secret yet she was starting to have thoughts about it. The suspicion Eliam probably had now fueling that problem.

Raven watched as Arii shot up the tree rather bizarrely like a sloth on cocaine. It was such a strange style of climbing, yet, Arii was quickly a dot above them slithering past the branches as Raven returned her attention to the slime around them as everyone was investigating the scene. As they looked about a few minutes in Arii came sliding down out of the blue landing with precision as they seemed to remove a small splinter luckily in a trick that should have gained many. Before anyone could ask the Arii produced their question showing them a charcoal leaf footprint... Raven didn't blink surprised by how big it was.

"I second that," Wormmon softly spoke up in agreement with Lopmon over the stench the latter took to the sky to scout things out as the rest continued with the ground investigation.

From the side, Commandramon poked out securing the point for his partner. Ji-Su herself didn't seem very interested in the paw print against the wreckage. With a small test, Ji-su showed them that the slime was flammable which helped expand the picture. Impmon spoke up saying some fire Digimon which he then covered his mouth as if speaking was bad.

"I think the dangers are long gone from here buddy," Wormmon spoke still on Impmons head patting him to calm his nerves ironically in a moment where she's seemed chilled at the moment surprisingly.

"I am starting to think we should have nudged Kimi a little," Raven spoke honestly unable to take a guess herself, but having a feeling Kimi a more Digimon fan than the rest probably could give them a tight list of ideas. While her brother was a huge Digimon aficionado, Raven herself was limited to whatever was in his deck for his competitions. Flamdramon came to mind, but those only had three toes which were bladed not paw-like. Her thoughts were broken as Commandramon/Ji-su spoke up explaining the layout of the attack in tandem themselves.

This was followed up by an estimation of how many had been involved from the sounds of it 4 humanoids, and one giant cat were involved in the attacking side of things. Impmon spoke again pointing out the obvious problem that everyone was trying not to think about... the potential that this was a recovery over a rescue. Raven felt that wince of regret again as Eliam passed her by given Salamon orders to go inspect a bit out around the parameter.

Raven turned to the right as Lopmon came down excitedly with some results: Dried slimed robes. Roisin then concluded that as hinted this had indeed been an attack carried out days ago with the only reason it appeared fresh being that the burning slime had paused the healing factory of the land.

"If that's the case, given how close this is to the fort means, they were probably attacked the same day they headed out. This attack was more than three days ago," Raven pointed out an even bigger sign of the issue. As this went on Lopmon got excited pulling everyone's attention as without warning the bunny sprinted off in a random direction talking about something shiny.

At the same time, Salamon shouted out she had found the trail which thankfully coincided with where Lopmon was heading concerned with Roisin heading off so fast Raven gave chase not noticing Eliams strange behavior which caused Wormmon in a panic to finally jump off Impmons head straight onto Raven back rather impressively.

"Raven wait I thought we weren't supposed to run into the unknown," Wormmon spoke in her returning panic as this was now off course completely.

"Not supposed to, but no one is going anywhere alone," Raven spoke explaining her reasoning for chasing after as Lopmon kept moving the chase would be a definite few good minutes. A cliffside on the left started to arch up the more they ran after Lopmon to the point it covered them from the sun shading them as they entered a more dense area of the forest with vegetation more stacked up. Yet as Lopmon neared her destination passing a rather prominent boulder a small clearing was revealed on the scene.

The new area was rather well tended strangely enough a perfect square shape. The trees that made its borders almost perfectly systematically set. Other than the boulder covered in foliage, and tree limbs right near its border it was flawless. On the further left point, a mound of tampered dirt was barely shown by one of the few rays of light that broke past the heavy foliage.

Along with that near the cliff wall was a strange pile of something unidentifiable at a distance seeming metallic but blotched like mud. Not used to running like a crazy person though Raven found herself a bit out of breath placing a hand on the boulder as she tried to catch her breath.

"Holy mother Lopmon... Roison... we need...," Raven went silent as her eyes grew wide. As Lopmon turned back to the group, in her ears was a digivice with a shattered screen with the words "Disconnected" in bright red blinking like a dying phone battery.

Ace was quiet as the doctor began her explanation, albeit mildly vexed as the doctor went into full detail about his injuries in front of Ruth. He was trying to follow along, but the news felt like one gut punch after another. A sprained back, torn meniscus, sprained ligaments and a torn ACL? He appreciated her levelling with him but hearing it so bluntly hit hard. He wished she had let him tell Ruth himself, especially considering how, in her words, "completely fucked" he was. The thought of being a burden, of her worrying about him, gnawed at him. He knew how much she and the others already had on her plate.

As Dr. Tanaka pulled out the knee brace and spoke about the seven-day mark, Ace felt his stomach drop. He knew what that meant. Becoming fully digital meant his injuries would be locked in, permanent. There’d be no going back, no hope of fixing what was broken. He shot a glance at Ruth and Cutemon, hoping to gauge their reactions. The fairy Digimon fidgeted with its paws, clearly absorbing the weight of what was being said, before it's big, innocent eyes flicked up to meet his. Locking eyes, Cutemon’s ears perked up as they attempted put on a brave face, though they were clearly struggling.

Swallowing hard, Ace gave a slight nod before addressing the doctor. His voice was calm, but there was an edge to it, like he was trying to keep it together in spite of everything. “I’m... aware of what happens at the seven-day mark." He looked down at Cutemon for a second, forcing a small, tired smile, then met the doctor's eyes. "But now that I know what I'm dealing with, I guess I better start getting used to it."

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Pumpkid Pumpkid
Once again Ji-Su found something new to grab her attention thanks to Raven, and more accurately Lopmon, the South Korea soldier found herself arriving to the scene just behind Róisín (OOC note, to be detailed/expanded on upon them later) who had made it to the device first, it was a digivice, same as all the rest. Damaged, error locked. Once Róisín had her look, Ji-Su took it in hand, with something of a tech head obsession, as Commandramon decided to study the nearby prints leading to around the tree. The Cyborg would not be too far away for this task.

"Hmm... Something, very, very strong did this. Nothing back there is responsible for it." Proceeding to press the devices buttons not much happened, that was until she got a prompt by putting her own device near it. Which on that note she calls out; "Commandramon! Found anything else?" The blue dinosaur commando would reply in quick order.

"The tracks run into the face of a cliff and then vanish."
Was the quick reply, as she allowed her own device to link, a single message was open to being played. Hitting the button she waits to see just what it was. While Arii did whatever they were, Ji-Su didn't fear the enemy or an ambush, her curiosity and trust in Commandramon's fighting skills was good enough, and part of her did want to spring whatever trap could be waiting, regardless this mystery needed solving, she had a working theory in her head as to what happened to the scout team, but the message was the only thing that could confirm it.

Interactions/Mentions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Matreania Matreania Anorgos Anorgos Pumpkid Pumpkid

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