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Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

interactions: Twist Twist

Good. Kimi seemed to realize this was not the time for her to be putting on airs and to treat this match as a serious matter. She would surely gain a lot of fans from this and hopefully some friends but most importantly Bushi Agumon would feel devastated from missing this when he heard about it second hand.

“An egg deck? Shouldn’t you be more concerned about sending babies into battle? At least wait until they are children,” Mei said since the rule set she once glanced at in a trash can while visiting the tax break they called an orphanage had no such thing listed. Where were the A, B, and C attack types? Her opponents must have been really weak for her to make it so far into the tourney with such generic cards. Shame Tentomon would learn the horrors of war at such a young age if Kimi so callously had a copy of her to sacrifice in her deck.

Kimi successfully attacked Mei’s security deck revealing the Arii card she made. She was fine with this. Since she had no Digimon on her side their special effect of deleting one of them wouldn’t take place since when Arii died, she was sure they would be taking someone else with them. Maybe someday that person could be an enemy but today and most likely tomorrow was not that day.

“I play Ace with Cutemon and since an ally was deleted this turn from my security their special effect lets me play another card so I will place down Ji-Su whose special effect will ensure my security cards will be 401-OK so only one can be destroyed next turn. Ohohoho!”

Mei didn’t really care what Kimi had planned since it was clear the end result Mei was aiming for wouldn’t change. Maybe she would put a card face up in defense mode as a treat.

Kimi ignored the trash talking and the banter of her opponent. With the attack successful, Bushi-Agumon still in play, Kimi played on. "I digivolve Bushi-Agumon to Darcmon"


Placing the champion on top of her rookie, play shifted to Mei who now had two energy and used it to play Ace and Cutemon, for... She leant over slightly, unwilling to ask Mei herself for it's cost... 3 Energy. She thought, the cards scribbled cost hard to judge. With the altruistic ace, bringing on Ji-Su with his on play effect, the game moved back to Kimi. Unsuspending Darcmon, Kimi move to the breeding phase "I hatch an egg in my breeding zone."

She flipped the top card of her egg deck and placed it down.

Kimi had her champion attack. "Darcmon attack's your Security Deck"


From there she played another card from her hand "I play Elecmon from my hand for 3 Memory into the Battle Zone and with Darcmon suspended from attacking, I am allowed to draw one card"

Kimi drew her card and placed it in her hand, as play shifted to Mei.
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Though the recording Ji-Su got working was short and garbled for much of it, what came through was just a horrendous tale of the missing party and their final moments. It was devastating and brutal, but for most of it Róisín was able to take it all in as objectively as possible. They would need to get back and inform Gabriel about what happened, to better prepare them for any other excursions they plan in the future.

"Tell me child, do you know your sin?"

Those were the immediate thoughts running through her mind just before the second voice appeared, freezing her cold to the spot and stopping all action.


Lopmon looked down towards Roisin's face, her long ears still grasping hold of the puzzle as she felt the rigidness suddenly come about for her partner. It was just like at the cave, the heightened feelings of something she had kept buried down rose again and again as that single line repeated itself in her mind.

She did. She did know her sin.

"Róisín, it's okay." Lopmon tried her best to get her partner's attention, patting the side of her face with one of her little paws until the focus returned to Roisin's eyes and she started to move again.

"Um...yeah...yeah I'm good..." She half mumbled to Lopmon, but more trying to convince herself, as she started to take stock again of her surroundings and finding Eliam close to her, Salamon in tow, and both eying up the puzzle Lopmon held.

"...here...take a look if you want..." She was still not 100% there, but she was good enough that Lopmon felt comfortable to drop the puzzle into Roisin's open hand before offering the coloured dialed device to Eliam.

Stretching her ears after holding the puzzle for so long, Lopmon felt a small twinge, causing her to look from side to side as she still rested up on her partner's head, as if searching for something.

"Can...can anybody else hear that...?" She asked out loud, still turning to try and glimpse...something?...anything?...whatever was causing her ears to twinge kept happening, non-stop, until a heavy drumming beat accompanied the constant assault to wrack the small bunny's body, finally forcing her to try and clamp her little paws over her ears to block out the sound.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!"

Her shouting came about so quickly that it caused Róisín to reach up and grasp ahold of the digimon, holding the trembling thing to her chest as she shock her head and pressed her paws harder. She was in pain, maybe not ear bleeding, but it was definitely hurtful to the sound sensitive Lopmon. That fear, self loathing she had, it all fell to the wayside as soon as Róisín could hold and watch the trembling little thing in her arms. And what replaced it, was anger and drive to keep everyone safe.

"Right that's it, everyone's leaving. Now!"
Twist Twist

No retort was a dangerous position for Kimi to be in since the on lookers might not remember the play by play as much as what was said. While Kimi focused on the educational aspects of calling out her cards and actions Mei focused on keeping some things a mystery. People tended to enjoy filling in the blanks themselves rather than a fully fleshed out story. The little gaps would help snowball the match rumors which she could than manipulate later if they got off course.

I mean the town leader was Gabriel so it wouldn’t be hard to use his leadership personality against him with how many Digimon came and went from the fort. A single mistake could cost him everything so it might be good to stack security deck so to speak for when it happened.

“Ohoho,” Mei obnoxioused revealing the card from her security deck,” It looks like your overly aggressive plays have come back to bite you.”

The card revealed was Kimi’s Tentomon.

“Looks like we have no further use for this,” Mei said ripping the card in half while making eye contact with the little cutie. Since she didn’t need it as part of her deck Mei could give the drawing to Tentomon to cheer her up sometime later on and use the information part of the card as scratch paper.

“Thanks to Kimi’s Tentomon’s sacrifice I can play another card from my hand so I chose Leo who’s prank effect lets me discard him to play a Digimon containing his name so I play Leomon,” Mei said placing down the Hacha~ Digimon but her turn wasn’t over yet, “Then I equip shirt to him to protect him from the male gaze."

She then continued to just boldly cheat by playing Róisín in defense mode without announcing it so that Ace would have someone to hang out with. Mei took the opportunity to equip Lopmon to Róisín just because.

“Enjoy this memory,” Mei said pausing for dramatics as she double checked her card counting and calculating the odds to ensure she was still on track to lose with how much memory Kimi would have to use,” Bad memory ohoho.”
Twist Twist

No retort was a dangerous position for Kimi to be in since the on lookers might not remember the play by play as much as what was said. While Kimi focused on the educational aspects of calling out her cards and actions Mei focused on keeping some things a mystery. People tended to enjoy filling in the blanks themselves rather than a fully fleshed out story. The little gaps would help snowball the match rumors which she could than manipulate later if they got off course.

I mean the town leader was Gabriel so it wouldn’t be hard to use his leadership personality against him with how many Digimon came and went from the fort. A single mistake could cost him everything so it might be good to stack security deck so to speak for when it happened.

“Ohoho,” Mei obnoxioused revealing the card from her security deck,” It looks like your overly aggressive plays have come back to bite you.”

The card revealed was Kimi’s Tentomon.

“Looks like we have no further use for this,” Mei said ripping the card in half while making eye contact with the little cutie. Since she didn’t need it as part of her deck Mei could give the drawing to Tentomon to cheer her up sometime later on and use the information part of the card as scratch paper.

“Thanks to Kimi’s Tentomon’s sacrifice I can play another card from my hand so I chose Leo who’s prank effect lets me discard him to play a Digimon containing his name so I play Leomon,” Mei said placing down the Hacha~ Digimon but her turn wasn’t over yet, “Then I equip shirt to him to protect him from the male gaze."

She then continued to just boldly cheat by playing Róisín in defense mode without announcing it so that Ace would have someone to hang out with. Mei took the opportunity to equip Lopmon to Róisín just because.

“Enjoy this memory,” Mei said pausing for dramatics as she double checked her card counting and calculating the odds to ensure she was still on track to lose with how much memory Kimi would have to use,” Bad memory ohoho.”

Despite being a superhero, Tentomon grimaced as Mei made eye contact, the destruction of her card copy done so callously and for no real reason. Though she faltered for a moment, Tentoman remained stalwart, knowing 'Cool Girl' would save the day. Her partner didn't bat an eyelid at Mei's malicious move, the light reflecting off one side of her googles to reveal Kimi's stony and focused gaze.

As Mei played an... obscure... Option card which protected Leomon from the... Main Phase was it, the card hardly legible. Obviously well used with such a powerful effect as nearly everything of note was done on the Main Phase. The card was a whopping eight energy so play went back to Kimi but not before Mei cheated and stuck in another move. Tentoman gasped at such an unjust infraction but Kimi let it slide. Though it was wrong, it wasn't right to call Mei out either. Her partner had spotted the foul and that was enough, the rest could be settled after the match. With her illegally played Tamer Roisin costing four, and allowing her to play Lopmon into her digivolution stack, Kimi took the four extra energy putting her on eleven.

She drew her card, swiping her arm as if she was wielding a sword. She turned the card between her fingers, glanced at it and put it in her hand. "I unsuspend Darcmon, and move Pickmon to the battle area. I now will have Darcmon attack your security deck again."

Tentoman raised a claw to her chin, her antennas twitching. This could be a risky move as Darcmon was very important for Kimi's strategy. Her champion needed to be suspended for its effect but in doing so would be open to attack by Leomon afterwards.

Once the attack was complete, Kimi selected a card from her hand. "I digivolve Pickmon into Patamon,"


"and thanks to his effect. I am allowed to search my security deck for a vaccine type who I can digivolve into."

Kimi took the cards and searched through, finding one. "Patamon digivolves into Piddomon."


"I am also allowed to draw a card thanks to Darcmons effect" she stated shuffling her security deck. Kimi drew another card and immediately played it. "I play Physical Training"


Drawing two more cards Kimi revealed them both to Mei.


The 'Cool Girl' took Piximon into her hand and put Airdramon to the bottom of her deck. A simple decision as the card she was looking for was not in her security deck. Placing her option card into the battle area per it's effect, she played another card. "I digivolve Elecmon into BlackGatomon from my hand..."


"...and with her Rush effect attack your security deck again. Inheriting Elecmon's effect I choose Leomon to lose two thousand digipoints."

Kimi paused for a moment, thinking. Holding a card from her hand, she played the Piximon she had chosen earlier exceeding her memory, giving her opponent two and moving play back to Mei.
Twist Twist

Wow Kimi sure was looking at her cards a lot and it couldn’t just be because of her magnificent art. Maybe her hand writing but that was just avant-garde which was just a fancy word for bad.

“Ohohoho accusing me of cheating lukewarm Kimi?” Mei said accidentally showing Kimi her entire hand of cards when she brought her real hand up to pose haughtily,” I didn’t think of you as someone who put winning above having fun ohoho. How can you draw on the heart of the cards when your heart isn’t in this? There is only one card in your deck that could defeat me and the odds are as low as everyone’s hope should be OHOHOHO.”

Mei did not care for any risk or strategy from Kimi since she wasn’t even bothering to attack the other girl. It would be much more impressive for the rumors and give the people who learned the game under Kimi a sense of satisfaction or encouragement when they could score a hit on Kimi’s security. Compared to the other girls seemingly tense energy Mei was as nonchalant as she was insufferable but that was just her natural state and right now, she was very very nonchalant. Well, maybe she should have worked in more Mei puns so random people wouldn't get confused for Kimi's opponent in the match.

Both Raven and Ruth revealed from her security deck wouldn’t change the game state as all other than getting discarded so Mei didn’t bother to call anything out about them.

“Since two tamers went to my discard, I can play Saladmon and Eliam to shuffle half of my discard back into my deck. Then Tanuki,” Mei said placing down Tanuki. Given the number of cards in her discard Mei didn’t really worry about lacking the guts to play Tanuki’s dodge card ‘gun found along the way’ if they were attacked. Plus, now she wouldn’t deck out since her deck didn’t really have many cards in it.

If Kimi didn’t close out the match next round Mei would have to get more serious about losing. While thing so far may have shown how cool Kimi was under pressure she really wasn't selling the game as something fun to play like you would think Mei was going to send everyone to the dark?...shadow? Shadow ocean if she won. It was a real place in the digital world! So it was day trip really so Kimi should let her natural charming self do some crowd work after the match.

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