IC chat

Her Eyes opened a bit when he released her from the kiss.she looked back into his eyes. A soft smile painted her lips as her cheeks remained a dark shade of red. "I love you too Yone"
"E-Eh? Really?!" Yone could not believe in his own ears.

'D-Did she really just say that she... Oh my God... Now I could die in peace with no regrets...' He was overwhelmed with happiness.

"W-Wow, I myself surely did not expect that... I thought you would be making a joke about how terrible a kisser I was... but y-you actually replied my feelings... w-without sarcasm..." He was getting flustered just like the day when they first met.
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Maniae chuckled softly at his response "Yes really"

"If you were a terrible kisser then I definitely would have teased you about it, but you're actually a good kisser" she admited "And I'm not that cruel to you that I would respond with a sarcastic remark about your true feelings."

(We should do a flashback of when he first met her.)
Yone was delighted to hear those words coming from her as he gave her a wry smile. 

But then a thought struck his mind. A realization to be exact.

"But what about our lord? Aren't you afraid of him when he discovers about the truth that I... that we, ahem... fell in love with each other?" He asked.

Of course, he would do his best to keep her away from Thomas' wrath should that ever happen.

(Right here?)
She thought of that for a moment and shrugged her shoulders. "If Thomas finds out then there isn't much we can do about it, it's not like we can control our feelings, hell I didn't think it was even possible for us to posses these feelings."

(Yeah why not. Just title it "Flashback with and then my name)
"Ah..." Yone nodded to Maniae and cuddled her.  

He remembered something... 

Flashback with @Kairikudo

A few days after Yone's resurrection as the [Horseman of Fear], he stormed the entire academy of his father all alone by himself, killing all the students that were responsible for the death of Hashin Yoshinaka. He then burned the school to erase any trails of him, and to trick people into believing the temple was raided by bandits. His brother was nowhere to be seen during Yone's assault, and the Yoshinaka fell quickly afterward.

How strange. This was once his home, the place where he grew up with a lot of memories... But why could he not shed even a tear when he watched it being burned down to nothing by the vengeful fire of hell was something beyond him.

Standing on top of the mountain located behind the temple, Yone looked at [Terror] - his only friend until now and brushed her mane. 

"..." He summoned a bow and arrow, all made of fire and aimed it at something... someone behind him. 

A... girl? What the hell was she even doing here?

"Who the hell are you?" He demanded an answer, drawing his bow with a menacing attitude. 
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Maniae cuddled Yone back, her head on his chest as she closed her eyes

Flashback with @Tidnas

From the mountain top, Maniae watched with a rather amused look on her face 'so this is the new horseman? What a bloody mess he is making. He will definitely be fun to mess with' a chuckle passed her lips before her horse backed up a bit. Somehow when he got on the mountain he didn't realize she was there until he pulled the bow out on her. She arched the brow with a smirk on her face "Me? Well mortals do like to call me Death, but you can call me Maniae. And holding that arrow up to me is pointless. It won't kill me, all it will do is make you look like a fool." She hopped off her black horse and moved closer to him, now in front of the new horseman. Her black eyes looking him up and down
"Don't come any closer." Yone said, still aiming his bow at her despite her warning.

"You won't know if you don't try." The new [Horseman] was shown to be a stubborn one and naive for sure.

Flashback with @Tidnas


It was too late. By time he said that something had caught his hands. It was black like a shadow. She lifted his helmet up and gave a quick kiss to the cheek. "You're so naive it's almost adorable." She said with a laugh letting the helmet fall back down. She turned to move back towards her horse."It seeks Thomas was tired of it just being me and him."
"Y-Y-You vixen... What the hell was that for?!" Yone blushed and put his hand on where she kissed him.

This girl... she kissed him even when they had just first met... even if the kiss was planted on his cheek, it was still unacceptable to him.

Flashback with @Tidnas

"What was it for? It wasn't for anything. I did it because I wanted to do it, and your reaction was priceless" she said looking back-and-forth him with a smirk. "Keep it up and the next kiss will be on the lips~" she teased
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"..." A blue vein popped up on Yone's forehead. He was clearly pissed off by this trollop's flirtatious personality.

"I'm going to kill you!" He said, with two flaming swords materializing themselves in his hands, trying to act as if he actually posed a real threat to her.
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Flashback with @Tidnas

"Kill me? You kill death? That's funny" she said in a dark tone. The shadows engulfed all of him but his head, pulling him into the ground. She went back to him, lifting his helmet again and this time brushing her lips against his in a teasing manner. "Let me make something very clear. You piss me off and I will torture you. Whether that torture will be something sexual, or pure actual torture will be completely up to how pissed you make me" her black eyes meeting his red eyes. "Do I make myself clear?"
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Yone now came to a realization, that this woman was extremely dangerous and definitely was not to be messed with. 

Just her words only were capable of sending a cold chill down to the very bottom of his spine. 

He trembled, knowing that she really meant it when she said. He gritted his teeth tightly when she teased him with that provocative action, but could do nothing, other than enduring until the last minute.

"I... I understood..." He said obediently.
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Flashback with @Tidnas

"Good" she said placing his heat down and stood straight, he was pulled out of the ground  as she for back on her horse "Now let's go before Thomas starts to get upset."  Her horse started to love forward.
'I hate her...' was the only thing Yone had in his mind at that time. But he would rather not put himself in a risky scenario where he disobeys her. 

"..." After a moment of standing in one place, clearly still being upset over what happened between the two [Horsemen], Yone reluctantly climbed up on [Terror]'s back and followed Maniae.

Flashback with @Tidnas

Whether he hated her or not didn't matter to the horseman as they made their way towards their master. Her head forward not looking back at Yone.

It had been over five minutes of silence between them, and this was getting more and more unpleasant for Yone himself.

"Hey, are we there yet?" The young [Horseman] was losing his patience over time - one honorable trait that he was supposed to uphold as a samurai. 
Unlike the young rider, Maniae didn't mind the silence. She preferred it actually "No where near there. Have some patience"

Darrian and Grey

It had been three months since Grey's disappearance, way longer then he expected. "Uh.. hey, Darrain, sir." He asked Darrian who responded,

"Yes, my student." He looked at Grey.

"Do you really think I can help?" He questioned.

"Mmm, that is indeed a hard question, yes and no. There is really only one way to truly kill off the horsemen." He said.

He looked ahead as they walked towards Valheim, "And what would that be? I mean, I thought they couldn't die."

"Ah yes, the minions can't die. But the Headless Horseman, he can, and it's rather simple." He stated before looking to Grey.

Grey had a look of disbelief, "I find that hard to believe, but at the same time, it could be totally possible. So, how?"

"Kill the head." He stated rather bluntly.

Grey, again, had a look of disbelief, it couldn't be that easy... could it? He hesitated before asking the next question, "So we just destroy that pumpkin on his head hole.. right?" He said, "Sounds easy enough."

Darrian laughed, "No boy, that's not actually his head, he keeps his actual head in a satchel." He said, Grey nodded. He was slightly surprised that Darrian knew so much about the Horseman, it actually kinda bothered him but he thought maybe that was an inappropriate question to ask, after all he could be sensitive about his age. Either way, the view of the Castle came into view, one of the scouts spotted them and blew a horn that rattled throughout the land and castle, "The return of the Sir and his Apprentice! Alert the Misses!" He shouted, "Hahaha, seems we've been spotted." He laughed.

@Kairikudo @Forehead @Johannes
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Merlin quickly stopped as she ordered him to stop before he had remembered that when someone tickles another, they tend to say 'stop'. He quickly shook his head before tickling her again, chuckling as he did so.
She started to laugh more the more he tickled her.

3 months later

Vivian was sitting in the library, reading through the big book of healing magic. Her eyes glued to the pages oblivious to everything around her

Merlin then stopped, his smile still plastered on his face. "Okay, that's enough." He said with a wink before moving Vivian's hair from her face, staring deep into her eyes. "You're gorgeous. Anyone ever tell you that, Vivian?" He asked, intent on an answer as he faced her. "I might be the first but you should expect more in future then."

3months prior to the current time with @Forehead

She caught her breath when he stopped. She looked up at him with a small smile as he moved her hair from her face. A blush crossing he'd cheeks from the compliment "I can't really say people come out and tell me that I'm gorgeous." She said with a small nervous chuckle. "Will I?"
Merlin shook his head though kept the warm smile on his face. "I guess not." He said as his cheeks painted with a light pink. "But there's one thing I can do." He said, shutting his eyes he went in for his second kiss yet! Tilting his head to the side as he wrapped his arms around her lower back he softly pressed his lips against hers.

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