IC chat

Flashback to three months ago @Forehead

Vivian's face turned bright red as he leaned into kiss her again. Her eyes closed as she returned the kiss, her hands grabbing his robe gently
A smile followed as he pulled her closer to him, currently in a hugging sort of position as he did so.
Grey had followed Darrian into the castle where lines of soldiers and Charlotte waited for them, "Uh, is all this necessary, for me anyways."

Darrian nodded, "Course it is.. I believe in you, these last three months wont have been for nothing, hear me?"

Grey nodded, "Right." He remembered 1 and a half months ago....

Flashback 1 and a half months ago, At the Base of the Mountain with Darrian


After a hard days work, Darrian walks up to Grey and places a hand on his shoulder. 'Son, you've grown exponentially these past few weeks. You've learned more than Merlin himself could ever learn in mere days.' Darrian nodded, 'It really is true then. These visions I've been having... the fate of my castle lies with you three.' Grey tilited his head, a bit confused but not answering because of how exhausted he was, 'Young Vivian, The Wise Merlin, and the Ice-Cold Terror Grey. It is said, the Horseman will rise once more, but these three will stop them.' He bowed his head, 'I will explain the rest in due time, son. For now, get some rest tomorrow will be more training.' Grey nodded.



As they approached the Castle, Charlotte was in tears, the rest of soldiers lined up to meet them, Since then Grey's appearance had changed. His split ends were frost-tipped, as if he gotten colder, his eyes turned an ice-blue with little black lines circling his iris. His expression was more serious then he gave off, his personality had changed alot too, instead of the shy withdrawn boy he was, he became more stoic and intimidating, anyone who knew before would barely recognize him. His very aura resonated more power.

I done well with this child. Darrian thought, he smiled at his transformation.

After a few minutes a thindering voice could be heard by everyone, "ATTENTION FRONT! THE RETURN CEREMONY WILL BEGIN SHORTLY!!" Grey felt special, his eyes pierced the crowd as he stood on the stage with Darrian, giving a sly smirk, he definitely not the Grey from 3 months ago.

@Kairikudo @Forehead @Johannes

(Also @Forehead There has been a time skip, if you post please put 'Flashback with (name) three months ago' or something, please)

Flashback with Vivian

Merlin smiled as he pulled away, shaking his hair to the side as he did so. "I... I-I love you Vivian." He said with a wary smile, still staring deep into her eyes. "You may not love me.." He was thinking of her and Grey now. "But I wanted you to kno--" One of his soldiers came roaring in, panting as he turned to him. "We need to prepare, sire." The soldier said, pulling Merlin away.


Merlin gained more confidence over the past three months. His hair same old same old, something about him seemed different. Maybe it was his cunning intelligence, his newfound patience or the magic he'd learned that made him feel so superior but it was something. Smiling as he waved to those around the castle, following after Darrian and Grey for this big day. It was special. Very special, not just to him, not just to Grey, but for the whole kingdom.

Flashback three months ago

Vivian looked up at Merlin. A soft smile on her lips when he pulled back. She was a bit surprised to hear him say that he loved her. Before she could say anything back, a soldier burst through the door. Her eyes fell on the panting soldier "prepare?"


Vivian was lost into the book she was reading, getting snapped back into reality by the loud voice. She stood up and made her way out of the library.

 Maniae flashback with @Tidnas

Her eyes narrowed speaking in the dangerous tone once more "Hold your tongue boy if you know what's good for you"
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Still a flashback

Clicking his tongue and gritting his teeth, Yone couldn't stand Maniae anymore. He then made a rebel out of himself against her.

"What's good for me?! You know what's good for me?! That's you getting the hell out of my sight!" He exclaimed. 
"FORWARD... FACE!!" The voice shouted again, and every soldier faced foward towards the stage, "THE CEREMONY WILL BEGIN NOW!!" Grey looked at them as they all faced forward, he felt all giggly inside but held himself with a smirk on his face. His expression more serious than ever.

"Alright! Ladies, gentleman and everyone alike, we stand here before you, not only as returned after three months.. but to deliver amazing news on the Horseman themselves!" Darrian shouted.

Flashback to a few weeks ago with Grey and Darrian.

'There will be a ceremony that will be held when we arrive back.' Darrian said, 'Not only to commemorate the return of the ruler of Valheim, but also to honor the return of you, Grey.' Grey was shocked at this, why him? Why was he special all of a sudden, 'Vivian and Merlin will also take part in this ceremony. Like I said a little bit ago the reason I had visions about you, Vivian and Merlin was for a good reason, I believe you three are responsible for the fate of Valheim.' He said, Grey almost fell over from shock, 'Wha.. why us?' Grey asked. 'The prophecy said, When the Horseman arise again, three brave souls will reveal themselves.' Darrian said.



"Vivian! Merlin! Could you please come to the stage please?" Darrian shouted so that they heard them, "You are required to the stage." He said once more. Grey looked around for Merlin an Vivian, it was odd he was much more mature than three months ago, he did turn 22 last month, so he felt more responsible than before.

@Kairikudo @Forehead
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Maniae Flashback with @Tidnas

A smirk painted her lips as something grabbed his horses legs, breaking them, 5 corpses rose from the ground and now pinned Yone down as Maniae got off her horse and walked to him. Shadows formed into a scythe. As she swung it straight down into his gut and through the ground. The scythe was heavier than it looked and pinned him. She then took his helmet off and started to take off the rest of his armor. "you may not be able to die, but that doesn't mean you can't feel pain. She took a knife and grabbed his now bare hand, carefully cutting the knife just beneath his skin at an angle before her fingers grasped the skin, slowly pealing it from the muscle.

Vivian present

Vivian rushed outside, now hearing Darrian calling her name. She made her way up the stage. Unlike Merlin and Grey, Vivian's personality hadn't changed a bit. She still had her usual smile on her face and gave a quick bow to Darrian "It's good to see you two back in one piece." 
Merlin continued shortly after Darrian and Grey, standing up on the stage. He was indeed surprised but he kept this all packaged. This was a night to remember even if he didn't know he'd be a part of it. His eyes darted all across the room as he took in the number of high class civilians who were here and fellow peasants like himself. His eyes slowly widened as he looked to his parents and sister, a smile brewing as he nodded at them. He did feel special. Destined for this 'prophecy'.


"What the?!" Yone was absolutely taken by surprise when his horse's legs were broken. He tried to regain his control over it, but the horse was down eventually without its legs supporting it, dropping him on the ground as it then vanished in shadowy embers.

He groaned in extreme pain as Maniae's scythe moved its way through his stomach and held him on the ground. He could do nothing to remove it.

"K-Kuh... What are you... doing?!" He muttered when she removed his armor.

Then as she peeled his skin, Yone fell a sharp pain struck him as he attempted to yell, but held it within his mouth as he bit his lips in painful agony. 
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 Maniae Flashback 

She did tell him to hold his tongue and he decided to rebel against her. That was a wArning and now she was going to punish him. She hummed as she continued to slowly peel his skin. Once it was peeled off she took the knife and stabbed it repeatedly on his arms, legs, chest, neck and other areas.

Grey and Darrian

"Today... we gather at the unfolding revelations that is the safety of this Castle!" He looked over the crowd and raised his arms up, "Now for the news!" He lowered them, "These three, the Young Healer Vivian...." He motioned to Vivian, "The Wise Merlin..." He motioned to Merlin, "And the Ice-Cold terror Grey..." He motioned to Grey, "Will inevitably destroy the Horseman and end their reign of terror!" The crowd began cheering, whooping and clapping, "Now, the night is young! Party and drink till you drop!" After saying this he shot a fireball into the sky that exploded in a beautiful fashion.

They all cheered and dispersed to party all expect those standing guard tonight. Grey watched them all dispersed before walking down himself to join the party, he was chatting with people and having a good time, he paid no attention to Vivian or Merlin.

@Kairikudo @Forehead

The Headless Horseman

Thomas's eyes lit up again, he was done gathering his energy, he got up and mounted his horse. "Three months.. hmm, not much has changed." He said as he got up.
Merlin stood up, a smile spreading across his face as he was introduced. He loved the feeling of acknowledgement, it felt great when said aloud.


"Argh! You... AHHHH! You fucking bitch!" Yone could no longer suppress his pain and his anger for Maniae and such an insulting word accidentally slipped his tongue. 

His eyes burned brighter as the torture went on. He tried to use his Flow, to heal himself and fight back, but the pain effectively prevented him from doing so.
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Maniae flashback

Hearing his words only brought a smirk to her face as she took the knife and dug it under the muscle, pulling it up from the bone "Keep on screaming insults, it just fuels my ambition of making this the worse pain you've ever felt"

Vivian present

Vivian watched as everyone dispersed to go party. She was a bit nervous hearing that she was one of the three going to defeat the horseman. How the hell was she supposed to do that? She could heal people but that end about it.


Yone arched his body as he shuddered at the pain Maniae had just brought him. He screamed and groaned, at some points during the torture he even cried and pleaded for her to stop, but he received no mercy from the [Horseman of Death] in return. 

Minutes later, his conscious slowly, slowly faded away, with Maniae's sadistic smile being the last thing visible to his crimson burning eyes.
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Once Yone had passed out from all the pain that the horseman of death had inflicted, she stopped the torture muttering "it's no fun if I can't hear him scream." She stood up and ripped the scythe out of his gut. It disappeared into the shadows. She put his armor back on and threw him over the back of her horse since his was gone now. She climbed in front as she took off with him towards Thomas.


A few peaceful moments passed as Yone and Maniae traveled through the woods behind the mountain. 

The nature wasn't afraid of the [Horsemen], but rather welcomed them. 

A few giant double-headed birds flew past them, feeling the breeze of the morning sun across their rainbow colored feathers.

The glass unicorns whose body shimmered with light looked at Maniae's horse, taking a certain curiosity in the creature and the ones on top of it.

An ethereal green deer, said to be the guardian spirit of the trees, watched over them from a distance. The beautiful creature tilted its head for a few times at the sight of the strange travelers, before turning and left.

A little blue bird landed on the horse's head, chirping in a sweet melody, before turning to the [Horseman] lying unconscious behind Maniae.
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Maniae flashback

Despite all the beauty nature had to offer, Maniae didn't bother too look around. If she was still human she would have been in awe, but since becoming a horseman, all she could see was this beautiful forest dying, and she didn't want to fast-forward it's death date by carelessly touching it. Her head forward as the little blue bird landed on her head. She didn't shoo it away, she let it be as they neared their destination.
Darrian approached Vivian, "You doubt yourself, am I right?" He observed her behavior, "Not to worry, child." He motioned her to follow him, "Follow me, I'm going to have my healers teach you a special spell, the same spell they used to resurrect Grey with." He said leaving towards the door.



Vivian jumped hearing Darrian. She turned on her feet to face him stuttering on her words "u..Uhm..m..maybe" she gave a nod when he told her to follow him and walked behind him.
As they walked, he looked straight ahead, "Tell me, have you heard of Life Transference?" He asked as they approached the room where he ordered his healers to be.

Vivian glanced over at him "I have read about it before" she admitted, though she doubts her magic could pull something like that off.

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