IC chat

Flashback 3 months prior to the present

Maniae laid her head down on Yones chest, closing her eyes. "I feel it will be awhile before he wakes up. What would you like to do in the meantime Yone?"



"Eh, me? I don't really have anything in mind now, other than just being with you." He said. 

It might sound like he was trying to tease her, but that was actually what he wanted.

Flashback three months prior

A small shade of red painted her cheeks.it was unusual for her to hear someone say that they just want to be with her. Not even when she was human did people want to be with her. She loomed up at him with a small frown thinking he was teasing her "Are you teasing me?"

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"W-What? No, I'm not teasing you! I really, really want to be with you." He said, getting a little bit confused and flustered.

'I wouldn't even try to do it...' He thought.

Flashback 3 months prior

She sat up and moved on top of him so she  was sitting on his lap facing him. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pecked his lips "You better not tease me, or else" she said resting her forehead against his

"I-I won't dare to..." Yone stuttered, blushing as she turned to sit on his laps. 

'S-So close...!' He had no idea why he had that thought.

Sure, they kissed, but Yone just couldn't get himself used to this feeling of whenever she is around him. 
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Maniae took notice of the blush on his cheeks and started to chuckle. "You're blushing like this is the first time I've gotten this close to you" it'll was true she hadn't gotten close like this before, but it wasn't because she loved him, it was normally to trap him to put him through some kind of torture. Her hand cupped his cheek. "I swear you act so innocent at times. If you want me to get off then just say that"
"N-No, that's not what I meant..." He retorted. 

'Eh, what did I...' 

A part of him did not want her to leave, while the remaining yelled in embarrassment. 


"Then you want me to stay like this?" She arched a brow looking at him. Her eyes met his as her arms stay wrapped around his neck. "I will do what you want me to, you just have to tell me what you want." She said with a soft sigh.

"Y-You would?" Yone felt his face was getting more and more red when she said that.

He swore that he could see his two sides arguing about this matter.

'That sounds so wrong, in so many freaking levels!' Yone's good side exclaimed, flapping his white angelic wings in frustration.

'Hey, dude, you got your chance right there! Take it, make her yours!' Meanwhile, his evil little side was trying to drag him into something mischievous.

"What the hell are you guys talking about..." Yone muttered with a sweat rolling down his cheek.
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"Of coarse I would. Unlike other people that I despise. I love you" she said with a soft chuckle. For once she didn't mean what she said in a perverted manner, though she wouldn't object if that crossed his mind. Her eyes looked into his before a confused look painted her face "you guys?"
"Ah no, it's nothing...!" Yone quickly dispelled the two little imaginary creatures with a strong shake of his head. 

'Shut up!' Yone mentally shouted to his mind as he then got back to reality.

"T-Then... p-please go out with me o-on a date!" Yone mustered all his courage to ask the first girl in both his life to go out on a date with him.

...Such progress. Much wow.
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Flashback @Tidnas

"Oh OK" she shrugged his weird outburst off. She was a bit amused seeing him so flustered. Her eyes widen a bit in surprise by his question. This was the first time in her lives that she had been asked out on a date. Could they even go on a date? They sure as hell couldn't go back to the castle with them being wanted. A blush crossed her cheeks followed with a warm smile "I'd love to go on a date with you." She then hugged him 
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'Yes!' Yone raised his imaginary fist up in the air at the newest accomplishment of his: Asking a girl to go out with him.

"Then, shall we be off right now?!" He said, feeling a little bit too excited like a kid in front of something interesting.
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Flashback @Tidnas

"Yeah we can go now." She said getting up off of him. She took his hand gently and helped him up to his feet. "where are we going to go?" She asked looking up at him
"Alright first, concentrate all your healing powers into your hands, I'm sure you learned this." Fox said, "I want you to keep this going for a about 2 minutes." He said.

"Uhm... About that..." Yone got a while to think about where they should go to. 

[Valheim Castle]? No, that's too risky. Yagami was probably still around there, and even if they used disguises, it was only a matter of time before their covers are blown.

How about a village nearby? Nah, not a very good place for a memorable date. 

Or maybe... 

"That's a secret~" Yone said, putting his finger on his lips as [Terror] showed up in a shroud of embers and darkness.

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Vivian gave a nod before closing her eyes. Not even seconds later did her hands start to glow. The light didn't fade till after the two minutes

Maniae past 

Her eyebrow arched looking at Yone "oh? A secret? Hmm I suppose I will trust you on this." She had a good idea he had no clue where they were going
Yone then picked Maniae up from the ground, holding her with his two arms like a groom carrying his bride. He proceeded to place her on [Terror], and sit right behind her, assuming his control over the horse.

"All right. Let's go, [Terror]." The horse started to move, speeding up as seconds passed. 

Even the wind had a hard time catching up with the [Red Horse] of the [Rider].

Upon crossing a familiar forest, Yone glanced at Maniae, before raising his voice.

"Maniae, do you remember this place?" He asked.
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Fox saw how quickly she could hold her healing abilities, his eyes widened slightly and he smiled, "Very nice." He walked over to her, "Okay do the same thing but concentrate it in both your arms. This should prove more taxing then your hands. Like this." He hovered his hands over the mannequin and closed his eyes, within moments, both arms glowed in an orange-ish glow, rather then the normal white. "Of course your glow wont be orange like mine but you get the gist. Go ahead an try it."

He said.

Flashback with Maniae

A small blush painted her cheeks when he picked her up bridal style. Her arms wrapped loosely around his neck as she let out q soft chuckle being placed at the front of the horse "I am beginning to think that you like holding me from behind. I could very easily hold onto you from the back, not that I mind being inbetween your arms." She said the last part teasingly before they took off on terror. She leaned back into his chest as they entered the familiar forest.  She raised her voice to speak to him as well "if I recall this is the forest we passed through the day we met to go back to Thomas."
"Yes... A few things did not go well back then... Things that I really don't want to remember... But I can't... because they were how my feelings for you started. Maniae, you saved me, whether that was your intention to help me or not. What you told me back then... they taught me how to accept. As a human, I had no friend other than my brother. The others they... hated me. They grew jealous. That's why they bashed me to my death, and I just hopelessly struggled to prove my faith in the so-called justice, which turned out to be an empty word with no real meaning, no more and no less... Even after I became a [Horseman], I still didn't change. Then you came, like an [Angel] and released me from that burden." Yone said, his eyes looking at the distant space. 

"...And my love for you would last forever because of that. It might be too late for me to say this, but thank you, Maniae, for showing up in my life. You are one of the best things that ever happened to me." He rest his head against hers, with a genuine smile behind that lifeless, scary mask he had always carried.
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Flashback with @Tidnas

A soft smile painted her lips hearing him. She remembered that day very well. "I remember that day like it was yesterday. When we first met you thought you would be such a rebel to threaten me, I found you to be an arrogant brat back then, but I also thought you were pretty handsome too." She said with a chuckle "My intentions when I told you that weren't to help you at all, I was just being blunt and I figured you'd curse me out more for my words, I had no clue that's when your feelings for me started." She said blushing a bit when he rested his head against hers. "Despite our arguments on that day, I'm glade we met that day."


Vivian gave a nod, she held her hands over the mannequin closing her eyes, a yellowish like flickered on her arms before it remained there.
As [Terror] kept charging forward, she leaped off the cliff and descended on the ground smoothly. She did it so perfect that it appeared like she was flying, not running.

"And here we are... the [Hirana Temple] - my old sweet home." He said, as the grand temple was placed in front of them. Beneath it was a beautiful village with a lot of people going in and out. It actually looked like a small city at the first sight. 

Yone glanced at those people, looking indifferent as he climbed down from [Terror]'s back, and offered his hand to Maniae as he wanted to help her get down so that they could begin their date.

"Huh, there's still plenty of time until then..." Yone said.
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