IC chat

"I figured as much." He said, "The Life Transference spell is a one time use only spell with a heavy price to pay." He stopped at the door and looked at Vivian, "At the cost of your life, you will transfer your life essence into your target, effectively bringing them back to life." He opened the door and three healer wizards waited for them, "It's not a hard spell to master, it's a hard spell to make a decision with, I'm entrusting you with this burden in the hopes you'll make the right decision." He said.

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Vivian's eyes widen hearing the cost. She took a breath and gave a soft smile "I'm honored you have so much faith in me"
Darrian opened the door to let her in, "Good luck, my child." He nodded to her as she walked in, "I have a few things to teach Merlin, so please take your time." He said

One of the healers greeted the woman, "Miss Vivian." He bowed before her, "My name is Fox." Surprisingly, he resembled that of a fox, minus the ears, whiskers, fur and tail. His eyes were lizard-like, that symbolic narrowed pupil, short orange-ish hair and a slender build. "Are you ready to learn, Miss?" He said in a rather polite tone.

Vivian turned her attention to the male that resembled a fox. A friendly smile on her lips "It's nice to meet you Fox. " her tone of voice was kind and warm "I'm ready to begin if you're ready "
A smile painted his face, "Alright, first tell me, what healing spells do you know already?" He asked, this was essential so he knew what he was working with.

"Well I only know one healing spell and that's Saving grace. The other spells I know are holy, burning beam and white light" she said with a nervous chuckle rubbing the back of her neck. 
"I see. Your a light-type healer then." He nodded, "Come, this'll easy." He began walked to a setup of two others healers who bowed their heads at Vivian, "Miss Vivian, please take a spot next to this mannequin please, we will start by managing the power from within." He said motioning to a spot next to the mannequin.

Vivian followed him into the room. She bowed back in respect to the other two "oh okay" she said doing as she was instructed



The woods grew silent out of a sudden. Something was off...

The birds had stopped singing their song. The blue bird also flew away after jumping a few times.

From the behind, three men, wielding katanas, jumped at Maniae and Yone, swinging their blades down to the [Horsemen]

...The remnants of Hashin's academy, seeking to avenge their master and their 'friends' who died to Yone's wrath.

They were undoubtedly skilled, but were absolutely nowhere near reaching a [Horseman] just with their swords and their beliefs only.
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Maniae seemed a bit annoyed when the three men jumped out at her. Her hand lifted up as a shadow wrapped around one  the three, it brought him towards her and before he could say anything she pressed her lips to him. He would die a moment later. Her head turned to the other two as corpse soldiers rose from the ground, grabbing the last two men, pulling them down before starting to eat their flesh 
Yone got up from hearing the men's screams. His eyes then widened at the scene set in front of his eyes. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled, looking at Maniae with a clear angered look, ignoring all his wounds she previously cast on him as he spoke to his fullest volume. 

They were his friends...


She glanced back at him with the same cold look as before "isn't it obvious? I killing those who attacked us." Her tone had a hint of annoyance. She thought it was relatively plain to see what she was doing
"But you didn't have to kill them!" He retorted, clenching his fists tightly as he did. 

He spared them for they did not know the truth about Yone's innocent.

Now they had to die with the truth blinded to them eternally.


"Who are you to tell death who I can and cannot kill. If I believed that they were a threat attacking us to try and kill us, then I'm not going to toy with them and just deliver what the outcome was bound to be." If he looked at her he would see they already stabbed her through her chest and stomach while he didn't have a mark on him, well beside what Maniae did to him that is.
"..." Yone glanced at the weapons at their spots on her body. He knew she was only trying to defend herself, just like what he once did when he was falsely accused for something he did not commit.

'Still, they did not deserve to die like this...' The [Horseman] frowned painfully, having not enough courage to face his dying comrades who were screaming for help.

They eventually disappeared, and Yone could only mutter to no one.

"Page oe etharzi... (Rest in peace...)" An ancient dialect that was taught to him by his brother.
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"Now that you're up, sit up and hold onto me." She said in a blunt manner as she pulled the weapons out of her. Now that he was awake she didn't have to keep riding at a slow pace.
"I can ride by my---" Yone was cut off mid-sentence as he disappeared in a red flash of light. 

A sword pierced through his left eye, straight through his mask as he took the strike from the fourth assailant for Maniae.

"Kuh..." He groaned, knocking the last swordsman on the ground before removing the sword off his face.

"W-What the heck are you?!" The man said, trembling as Yone stood still and tall even after being fatally stabbed. 

"I-I..." Yone quickly regained his composure, but failed to prove his innocent to the swordsman.

"You... You're a monster!" He said.

Something was broken within Yone at the mention of him being a 'monster'.

With a quick strike, he impaled the swordsman with his own sword.

"I'm not... a monster..." He said. His eyes were bearing a red color, redder than even blood.
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Maniae looked back to see the sword through his eye. She didn't seem all that surprised. She watched the whole thing. Up until the part he cut the swordsman down. Before he knew it she wrapped her arms around him from behind. "We are no more monsters then those humans." She said in a soft tone, her chin resting on his shoulder.
"No, y-you're wrong... I'm not like you... I'm not some kind of monster that kills people..." He trembled at his own words.

Lies. All lies. He knew that he was lying to himself, but the truth was too cruel to him, forcing him to run away from it.

Driven to kill by others, but it was his hands that stained with blood of the innocent. That is... the very truth he had been trying to seek.

He finally understood why they would never believe him.

'I'm no different...' He finally admitted, dropping his hands onto his knees as he grieved for the lives he took.
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"There is a difference between us. When I was alive I had never killed a soul, but you on the other had have. You have killed people when you lived and now while you're dead. It's a hard truth to take at first, but you will get over it. Now let's go, we can't keep him waiting any longer." She said putting him on her horse and she got in front. She grabbed his arms and put them around her waist before her heels kicked her horses side and they bolted towards the headless horseman.
Maniae's comfort really lifted Yone's spirit up, even if it was for just a bit. 

Guess he was wrong about her... all this time. 

On the horse's back, Yone was rather shy to hold her waist, but her sudden action without shame really put him in an awkward situation. 

Nonetheless, he quickly got used to it for the time being, and tightened his arms around her.

"I'm sorry... for everything..." He said quietly. 
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She wasn't trying to comfort him at all. She was just giving the cold facts about the predicament they were in. Her head forward hiding the small shade of pink on her check when he tightened his grip. She didn't know why, but she was strangely comfortable like that and unlike him she wasn't sorry for her actions. "You're the horseman of fear. Don't apologize"
Yone nodded his head lightly. 

'I guess I should...' Yone thought.

It was necessary. He was no longer a human.

Coming closer to the fact about himself, he gladly embraced his new fate with a bright smile.

He was now the [Horseman of Fear], a [Rider of the Apocalypse].

Once walked as mortal, he was now divine.  

Fear strikes into hearts whenever he rides.

All should expect him.


"Huh... I wonder what's going on in there." Yone watched as the sky was temporarily lit up in the direction of [Valheim Castle].

Now that he thought about it, his father used to take him and his brother to watch a similar firework performance when they were younger. 
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