IC chat

"S-Sorry..." Yone said with a regretting tone of voice. Well, at least no one would ask him about the wounds. Really saved him the trouble of having to tell lies. Oh wait, he never lies, so he would probably tell half-truths instead. 

Either way he is still going to screw things up though.

'...But now I have a lot of things to do at the castle.' He added that in his mind. 

Should anything be certain, then Yagami Yoshinaka is definitely one of the worst enemies of the [Riders], even with his mere sword skills only.   

And when the time comes, Yone would be forced to put him down. 

A tingling sense struck his already-stopped-beating heart upon that thought.  
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Merlin looked away as Grey kissed Vivian, turning to watch her leave he stood there. "Hope you get w-well." He said sweatdropping as he turned out, walking out of the room and into the hall. He continue doing out of the castle. It was time to kill those horsemen sh!ts. Wether he had to kill them or imprison them, he was ready.


"Sorry!? Sorry doesn't cut it! You know what? I am going to torture you!" And with that she was off her horse, grabbing Yone by the color of his armor and dragging him off away from the other two. She was mumbling curses under her breath, obviously pissed at Yone.


Vivian lifted her head up, her eyes narrowed on Merlin as she caught him by the back of his shirt "You're not going anywhere but to bed Merlin" 
He yelped as he was pulled back, his face turning a slight pink before he calmed down and looked to Vivian. "I have to. I've learned what I'm supposed to do." He begun. "I feel... Stronger. An urge to fight has come over me, Vivian. You're either with me or against me." He said before gasping. "I didn't mean it that way." He said quickly. "I just really have to do this."


She hadn't let go of the back of his shirt. "Even if you know what to do, it isn't wise to rush out into battle. Wait for the rest of us..please" she said with a sad look on her face as she looked up at him.
Al'ar waddled into the castle, his tall stature just small enough to fit, Well well, Caught Merlin trying to-- He saw the look on Vivian's face and immediately felt empathy for her, What happened, Vivian? He asked, almost regretting asking the question.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Forgive my rudeness. My name is Abraham. I am an archivist in the kingdom." Abraham said introducing himself. One of the trio, a girl, stated quite bluntly that the horsemen had attacked. Abraham was taken aback as he recalled some of the legends of the horsemen. Terrible being indeed. Coming to grips with the reality, Abraham simply stood on the side as the group of younger people continued on with their conversation. They seemed to have quite the drama going on among them. Abraham smirked, ahh...their youth brought back sweet memories. "Erm...could I be of any possible assistance?" Abraham offered. He felt awkward interjecting into their conversation, but he was curious about the horsemen attack.
Merlin sighed, he had a soft spot for Vivian. Plus he'd kissed her so he nodded. "I'll wait." He said with a faint smile before looking to Al'ar. "Glad to see you up and working, Al'ar."
Al'ar looked at Abraham, I can be of help for you, young Abraham. He telepathic methods never got old, What is it the young archivist needs? He stood there, his aura heating the room, his grace made a rather serene environment, despite all the drama as he nodded to Merlin. His eyes were a piercing red but at the same time a softness to them.

Abraham heard a reverberating yet soothing voice echo in his mind. Looking around, he saw a brilliant crimson phoenix. "Amazing!" Johannes thought in his mind. He was fully aware of the powers of the god Al'ar. Abraham never thought he would get to meet the magnificent deity. "You are too kind Al'ar." Abraham thought. He couldn't help but smile at the phoenix's comment of Abraham being young. Among humans, he was old. But compared to a god who has existed for an eternity, he surely was young. "Al'ar, I am a mere archivist. I would greatly appreciate any tomes or books you may have from your great, expansive experience. Grant me this, and I would be forever indebted to you.


She let out a sigh of relief hearing the Merlin would wait. She then looked at Al'ar. "Glade to see you up Al'ar" she said with a smile. Before looking towards Abraham. She smiled a bit "Let's leave them to talk Merlin." She said pulling at the warlocks sleeve
You don't have to think your thoughts to me. I can hear you perfectly fine if you simply speak. He said, Anyways, what is it you wanted to know? He added, lowering his head to eye level with Abraham.

Merlin watched before he was pulled back, a small gasp as he followed Vivian to wherever she was taking him. "Where to?" He questioned as she pulled him along, following her every move without question.


Vivian lead him through out the castle to the castle library. The room was large and had shelves full of books. Ironically they were the only two in there. Vivian hadn't let go of Merlin's sleeve as her blue eyes glanced around the room. "I thought the library would be a good place for us to retreat to" Vivian said looking back with her usual smile "would you rather it be somewhere else?"
Merlin followed as if he were some mind-less beast before they stopped in the library. "I've never taken my time, but when you look at it, it's almost as g-gorgeous as you." As he said this he immediately began to blush before glancing around the area. "So why are we here, Vivian?" He asked as he fsced her. "Preparing for the horsemen?" He blurted out.



A blush crossed her cheeks when he said that "No I just brought you here so Al'ar and that man could speak and it wouldn't feel so awkward with us just standing there.. was that a bad idea?" She asked looking up at him. Her blush still on her cheeks, though she wasn't sure why she was blushing like this
Merlin nodded. What she said was true. "I err.. Understand." He said not too fluently. "So.. What do you want to do, Vivian?" He asked, clearly out of ideas. He'd kiss her but that would be weird. "We could try to improve your healing magic to a point of resurrection?" He said cheerfully.


She thought about it. What could they do? She pondered the question until he came up with the idea of improving her healing magic to the point of resurrection. A nervous chuckle passed her lips "I don't think my magic will ever be THAT good"
Merlin raised a brow as he slipped his arm out of his sleeve, properly holding Vivian's hand. "Sure you will. We're counting on it to free all my dead soldiers." He said sort of joke-like, sort of serious. "We could skim over the books, make your incanting skills better for when saying the spells." He suggested as they walked all over the large room.
Her blush seemed to darken when he held her hand. She held his hand nodding along to what he was saying as they walked through the library. 'why do I feel so nervous all of the sudden!?' she thought to herself
Merlin continued to chat before pulling a book from the shelf in the healing section. It appeared as an old brown leathery large book, slamming it down on the table as dust erupted in its aftermath. "Here." He said as he begun opening the book. The words in the book seemed to be infinite. "Want to skim through it later?" He asked with a faint smile.
Vivian eyed the large leathery book in Merlin's hands. Would she even have time to read that before the next battle with the horseman? Her confidence starting to wane as she stared at the large book dropped on the table "Y..Yeah, I'll skim through it later"
"Hey." Merlin said as he spturned to Vivian, taking hold of her second hand. "I just want to tell you. For future purposes. If I die out there? I did for you, Viv." He got all sentimental about it now. "I won't kiss you. Unless you want to. I just wanted to let you know." He informed, a wary smile on his face as he smoke. "Agreed?"


Her eyes sadden a bit hearing him say that if he does "I don't want you to die Merlin, not for me, not for any reason." Her eyes met his as she gently squeezed his hands
His smile widened though he shook his head to remember he was in reality, not some wack-job dream. "Vivian... It's reality. Someone has to die. Me or the horseman." He said bluntly, squeezing her hands a bit tighter as he pulled her closer to him. "I swear, If I die. I'm sorry."

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