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Yone halted [Terror]'s movement once he nearly reached the gate of the castle. There, he decided to disguise himself as a normal human, hiding his existence as a [Rider] from those in the city. His magic was prominent, but he did not know how to utilize it to the fullest extent, that being said, with only several 'magic tricks' in his pocket. He wanted to visit this place before it is taken down by the [Horsemen] along with the rest of humanity. 

"And maybe I could get a few ideas for better weapons... Especially since [Gungnir] and [Brionac] are now exposed to the enemies..." He thought while walking.
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The dream continued as he watched the old man. "I am Yoshin Yogyakarta. I'm your spirit guide." The man said with a cheerful smile, his Chinese facial expression rather comedical. "Merlin Mockingjay." He replied, the man pulled Merlin away from 'his' hut. As they walked, the reality warped, dropping them in some sort of dojo as the man smiled. "You'll face tests Merlin. I'm here to prepare you for those tests." The man begun, sending a jab to Merlin's jaw, easily connecting as the warlock staggered back. "Hey!" He exclaimed before being sent with another attack, the third one missed as Merlin dodged it with difficulty. He continued to dodge the attacks after that before falling to his back. "I'm going to train you to fight. Focus. And use your mana." The Chinese man said with a smile before picking him up from the ground.
He sat on his horse, who was impatiently moving around in place, she was getting antsy, "I know girl... I know.." She snorted and smoke came out, her breath was hot, he pat his horse's neck, "Shhh... I know." Screw it. He galloped at full speed, Maniae's horse close behind, it wasn't long before he zoomed by Maniae and Perrin a trail of flames following behind his horse and a set of flaming footsteps... but something was off about this, there was a hint of darkness surrounding him, it was incredibly weird.

"Thomas" arrived at Valheim Castle, he took to the skies and circled the castle;

The sky is dark, the fire burns!

You strive in vain as fate's wheel turns!

With that, he set aflame the castle which was burning certain parts of the castle.

'What the hell...?!' The fire immediately caught Yone's attentions. This soon...? Had they already begun their attacks?

"No... Not yet..." Yone reminded himself of his master's words. The final [Horseman] hadn't showed up yet, so there was literally no way they could attack right away.  
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"Oh? So you're saying when this is all over I can torture you anyway I like Perrin?" A wicked grin painted Maniaes lips as she looked back at him. Her eyes widening as she saw Thomas past by him and her. She hit the side of her horse with her heels having it gallop at full speed after him. She had the horse come to a screeching stop beside Thomas "What are you doing?" She whispered loud enough for him to her as she looked over at him.

The Shade of the Horseman

To clear up any confusion, that is not me attacking Valheim. I sent a shade. He said through their minds, You are to not follow it's direction. He stated. The Shade of the Horseman stormed through the front doors, blowing them open and letting a terrifying guffaw out.

In response, Darrian sent out his water wizards, "Extinguish the flames!" He was nearly knocked down as the Shade zoomed by him, "What the..."

The wizards extinguished the flames as commanded, in response the Shade appeared outside and recited;

My flames have died, left not a spark!

I shall send you myself to the lifeless dark!

The Shade attacked using Cleave but was quickly and swiftly taken out by none other Darrian himself, before dying the Shade recited the following poem which shook the bones of even his horsemen;

So eager you are for my blood to spill....

Yet to vanquish me... tis my head you must kill!

The Shade let out a horrifying guffaw before vaporizing into a dark cloud and dissipating.

@Kairikudo @Tidnas @ApfelSeine
"Woah..." Yone felt a sweat rolling on his cheek as he witnessed everything from a distance. That poem seriously had a strange effect on him. Did the [Horseman of Fear] just... feared?

Shaking his head, he attempted to sneak away, but failed to do so when he saved a man from the giant piece of rock falling down on his head. He accidentally let loose a glimpse of his true form, and his mask materialized itself on his face.

And the rubble was already cut into pieces just as before he could touch the man.  

'Oh crap...' Yone looked at the one who delivered those attacks.

A familiar figure to Yone himself. The one that he had missed for years. 

His friend.

His guide.






His brother. 

'Yagami Yoshinaka...' 

The name crossed Yone's mind, just like how the two boys once crossed their blades.
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Hearing this Maniae went back to the real Thomas. Shiver went down his spine as she head the eerie poem. She looked almost sympathetic as she looked upon her leader. "Thomas..." She said softly looking at him. Even if he was harsh with her, she still didn't like the idea of him dying. The very thought alone frightened her, though she didn't know why. She looked back in the direction of the castle wandering when Yone would return to them.
The presence of that man over there somehow irked Yagami, in a familiar way of course. His facial features seemed to be similar, if not the same as Yone - his fallen brother that he was forced to slay.

Meanwhile, Yone realized that he had been using a fatally wrong disguise, and covered his face as he sprinted out of the scene right away. Yagami started to give him a chase as they showed admirable performances of acrobatic skills. Both of them covered great distances in merely seconds, from rooftops to rooftops and even extended to the walls of buildings as they promoted the extraordinary usage of their Flows to change the course of the gravity binding them to the walls. 

'Shit...' Yone cursed as he then summoned [Terror] and bashed his way to the main gate. 

However, Yagami was surprisingly fast enough to keep up with the [Phantom Horse], chasing it across the streets before cutting its legs cleanly.

Yone managed to jump off [Terror]'s back when her legs were severed. He landed on the ground, sliding for a few meters before stopping as to show a certain amount of respect to the law of inertia.
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The Siblings' Rivalry


Yagami walked in front of Yone, who now returned to his true form as the [Horseman of Fear].

The [Blue Swordsman] took a great disinterest in how the creature shifted its form back into some kind of demonic samurai. 

'Apparently it is not him...' Yagami thought, as his brother's face was now replaced with a mask.  

Lifting his blade up to his shoulders, Yagami looked at the [Rider of the Red Horse] as he brought his katana and odachi into the existence, assuming his fighting stance. 

"Hoh, a dual-wielder?" Yagami said with a little bit of disappointment in his voice. 

"..." Yone tightened his grab on the blades as a sinister wind crept through his hair.

"I have a question for you...That face you've been wielding like you actually owned it, do you know who it belonged to, [Demon]?"


"...Hmph, it appears you are not so much of a talkative type. Very well then, I'll force you to talk." Yagami pointed the blade at his brother. Yone knew very well how things would end up being like, so he had to make his strike first if he wanted to hold his ground against Yagami. 

An aura of hellish flame engulfed him for a brief moment as his hands were shaken. His Flow was focused on empowering himself. 

In an instant, Yone left the ground below his feet cracked, and appeared right behind Yagami for a quick moment as if he was using teleportation. The [Blue Swordsman] was utterly surprised, but his facial expressions remained unfazed as he raised his blade up forward, holding it with both hands to stop the cut from Yone who had just struck from above. He swung his odachi diagonally to the upper right, still unable to break Yagami's defense. Yagami spun his bluish odachi and delivered an upper cut, forcing Yone to step backward. The [Red Rider] advanced, pressing his feet on the ground to charge up for a powerful strike, to which Yagami easily parried him and redirected his forceful attack to the right side, sending him flying.

Yone regained his balance and grace in a blink of an eye, as he then sprinted toward Yagami who made an arc-shaped cut. Yone managed to dodge it in time, but Yagami then thrust the blade at the direction of his stomach. He quickly deflected it upward with a cut to the same direction. Rolling to dodge another arc of steel, Yone placed the blade on his right side to cover him from another consecutive hit from Yagami. His brother threw a lunge at him, but gradually missed and left him opened for a downward attack that could have allowed Yone to take Yagami's arm clean and nice. However, just as he was about to, Yagami showed the exact response as he ducked down and rolled while raising his sword up to redirect the strike again. Yone flashed through, making a swift cut, before leaping from the ground and shot right back on the ground. Yagami intercepted him rather effortlessly and headed him the ground, only for him to leap away again. He spun his body in mid-air and had a flawless landing. 

"You are indeed very skilled. But that was a foolish mistake." Yagami made a claim about Yone's skills as he stomped the ground and left a big crater while he was sent flying forward to the [Rider]. A diagonal swipe of sword was released as Yone blocked, then another horizontal swipe, followed up with a downward vertical strike to end the blinding flurry of blades, all successfully blocked by Yone, releasing aftershocks of blue and red color that shook the entire ground and audible throughout the city. Yone threw out an upward arc cut, unfortunately missing Yagami as its intended target and Yagami impaled his sword through Yone's stomach, and soon dust covered them within. 

The [Rider] groaned in pain. He dug his feet into the ground, holding the blade with his own hand as he attempted to take it out. Yagami simply did not let him do that when he bashed the hilt of his blade, cutting Yone's palm and impaled him even deeper, before kicking him out of his blade. Yone crashed against the ground and hit a wall with such force that it fell, debris now showered themselves on him. Yagami expected things to end with his blade placed on the [Demon]'s neck. But to his surprise, the [Demon] was engulfed with a dim green outline and launched a counter-attack against him. Backing away, his face turned a little bit pale when he saw the [Rider] like that.

"...I see. So you are a practitioner of [Way of the Highlander]. Not only that you were able to deploy Resolve in a blink of an eye, but you can also focus the Flow to heal your wound almost instantly... Only members of Yoshinaka family who had mastered the art of using the Flow could perform such a feat... Who are you?"

"...Hah. Hah..."

Yone was panting heavily. He was not supposed to be struggling like this... but he hadn't returned to his original strength. 

"Still refuse to talk?" Yagami said with a plain tone before lunging his odachi at Yone. The [Rider] moved his brother's strikes to both sides, before waving his katana to form a zigzag cut to no avail. Yagami jumped, performing a move similar to a half-moon kick and attacked Yone with his sword and force, pushing the [Rider] who was supposed to be dominating in terms of strength back. The ground erupted on his track. When Yagami dashed in, Yone knocked his sword up and thus defended him from the blow. The [Blue Swordsman] attempted to go in for another more powerful lunge and Yone immediately countered him by holding his katana with both hands to shield himself, then pushed the enemy's weapon down as its tip hit the ground. Another attempt to slash coming from Yone was stopped when Yagami moved around his sword, dodging the slash as he swept. The length of the blade made it extremely advantageous when used in these kinds of situations.

Realizing the incoming danger, Yone propelled himself in the air, and dived back down with a powerful strike that came in contact with the Yagami's sword. Using all his strength gathered into his two arms, he pressed his brother down, forcing him to retreat as the force Yagami held back caused a big hole on the ground upon being released.

If the fight continued, Yone would definitely be overwhelmed by the forces coming from both his brother and the wizards. He needed to make a way out. A distraction could do the work. Conjuring the blue lightning spear [Brionac] in his hand, he began to chant as a black storm of electricity hovered above his head. Lightning charged his weapon moment by moment as its destructive power increased.

"Come forth with the spear, the divine lightning of Lugh

The mighty strike that is impossible to overcome

The godly thrust that pierces through anything and everything

Unknown to Them, Lost to Me

True or False, None shall stop thee.

So, answer my prayers as I say thou name

The Five Roaring Stars---"

Yone took a deep breath, before shouting the name of the weapon. The lightning surged within it cracked as the eye of the storm revealed itself on the sky. Five bolts of lightning circled around it, dancing in a perfect harmony, like stars orbiting around the Sun. 

"[BRIO---]" Yone stretched his muscles with the current of electricity and prepared to launch a powerful throw.


As the spear left, his arm was scorched. [Brionac] shot itself up to the storm's eye, dispelling the clouds and left a blank space on the sky. It flew like a "shooting star", then resulted in a pure magical explosion that could have shaken the very foundations of [Heaven]. A vile vortex followed up as it quickly descended on the ground, engulfing the castle and ravaged it mercilessly as Yone made his way out of the place during the chaotic scene. [Terror] was back on her feet again, and carried him through the gate as the last bit of flame still managed to linger in his body, keeping him conscious for a while.

'I do not wish for him to see me like this...'

(Holy crap I literally depicted the entire fighting sequence...)

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After about 15 minutes, Grey finally came to, "Uh.... that was weird.." He got up, barely able to move as he stumbled to his glasses and scarf, he was chilly. "Where.... Vivian." The weak words again barely able to pass his lips, he walked outside, having stumbled across Merlin's room, a single knock on the door could be heard. Grey was tired and needed to stop for a minute, "Where is everyone.." He said to himself.



After Vivian had left Greys room she decided to go around to help heal people. She was walking down the hall when she spotted Grey in front of Merlin's room "Grey why are you out of bed?" She asked in a concern tone
Grey weakly smiled, "Oh hey Vivian.." He said, "Oh I.. uh.. i'm feeling better now so I thought maybe i'd get some exercise." He said, Yea cause that explains the part about you leaning on a door. He thought, D-Don't worry, I'm fine." He said, Yea, still not explaining why your on the door. He thought again.

Vivian frowned not believing him as she walked over to him, putting his arm around her shoulder. "You can barely stand Grey. We are getting you back to bed."
He shook his head, "No.. I'm fine, I just need a minute." He took his arm from around her, "Please, I need a minute." He said as he stood there, looking down he asked, "Did... anything happen while I was recovering. I can only remember the day I 'died' and just a few minutes ago."

His dream continued as the sensei placed four blocks on the mat before Merlin. One in the middle of three and one on top of the three. "Which is the leader?" The man asked nonchalantly, keeping his hands behind his back. Merlin smiled, incanting some words he attempted to push it but to no avail. "My m--" The man  interrupted. "Magic doens't work here. Here." He said, throwing a bo staff to Merlin. "Use this." Merlin sighed, pushing at the bottom middle one as the blocks al fell down. "See? This is the key to the horsemen." The man said  Merlin scratched his head. "I find the leader.... I end the leader. They all die?" He questioned. "You're ready. Bye Merlin, I'll see you soon." The man said before punching Merlin in the nose, knocking him out.

Merlin's head jerked up, as if he were drowning he gasped for air for a moment before looking around the room. "Jenkins." He said looking to his friend. "You were in a coma for twenty four hours." The man said softly. "Glad to see you on your f--" He jumped down from his bed, looking around. "Vivian." He said quickly before exiting the room. "She's with Grey." Jenkins said, Merlin nodded as his co-Mage led him to where they were. Pushing the door open he smiled up at the two. "I-I'm back."
Grey's attention was turned to Merlin, he looked at Merlin then to Vivian  then looked down and a sadness filled his eyes though no tears. He stood up straight, "Welcome back." He said before turning around, "I've gotta talk to..." He trailed off and walked away to find Darrian.

@Kairikudo @Forehead
It was a slow day in the archives. Simply the inventory of a few scrolls. Abraham had found himself a scroll on the legend of the Headless Horseman. A being of immense power and malady. Abraham's attention was brought out of the book when he heard a loud commotion outside. Looking through the windows, he saw a glimpse of some terrifying shadowy horse-like figure gallop through the gates of the castle which was on fire...ON FIRE!?! Abraham was taken aback at the current events transpiring. What was going on? The royal mages quickly extinguished the fires and vanquished the shadowy entity. A shiver went down Abraham's spine. Was there an attack on the castle? Abraham began contemplating on whether or he not he should remain under the cover of the archives. Whatever is attacking seems to be focused on the castle, so it's safer here right? "But I'm the archivist. Surely this is a moment that must be recorded..." Abraham thought to himself. Worriedly, Abraham shouldered his bag of books before walking out of the archive.

Walking quickly and looking out for any other shadowy things, Abraham made his way to the castle. He couldn't help but feel an ominous presence somewhere. Slightly out of breath, Abraham had made his way into the castle and found a few individuals standing outside of a room. Abraham recognized some of them as part of the royal family. "Hello," Abraham greeted. "My name is Abraham. May I inquire on what is going on here?" 

@Forehead @Kairikudo @Crysalisis
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It was a slow day in the archives. Simply the inventory of a few scrolls. Abraham had found himself a scroll on the legend of the Headless Horseman. A being of immense power and malady. Abraham's attention was brought out of the book when he heard a loud commotion outside. Looking through the windows, he saw a glimpse of some terrifying shadowy horse-like figure gallop through the gates of the castle which was on fire...ON FIRE!?! Abraham was taken aback at the current events transpiring. What was going on? The royal mages quickly extinguished the fires and vanquished the shadowy entity. A shiver went down Abraham's spine. Was there an attack on the castle? Abraham began contemplating on whether or he not he should remain under the cover of the archives. Whatever is attacking seems to be focused on the castle, so it's safer here right? "But I'm the archivist. Surely this is a moment that must be recorded..." Abraham thought to himself. Worriedly, Abraham shouldered his bag of books before walking out of the archive.

Walking quickly and looking out for any other shadowy things, Abraham made his way to the castle. He couldn't help but feel an ominous presence somewhere. Slightly out of breath, Abraham had made his way into the castle and found Darrian Tamaki and his forces. It did seem like they were all mobilized and prepared to defend. "Lord Tamaki, if I may ask, what is going on?" Abraham asked.


(All that is over now man)
Yone felt his wound twitching and groaning in pain was his response. Whatever his brother did to him, it was not pleasant at all. Despite the fact that he closed the wounds in no time with [Way of the Highlander], the blade that was used to stab him was definitely nowhere being a normal blade. 

'[Muramana - the Spirit Blade of Waterfall]... He inserted his Flow into my wound in time, to cancel my own Flow which I used to heal myself...' Yone figured that was probably what happened. He could not help but admire his brother's intelligence and brilliance in each of their fights. Well, should have expected that kind of things from the genius of the clan. 

If only he could gather his Flow to bring himself from the pain, that would have been nice. But the problem was, the contrariwise Flow of Yagami was one of the best among the Yoshinaka family treeline, not to mention about his mastery of every single type of them. Moreover, [Muramana] allowed him to manipulate his own Flow to a much better degree than a normal Yoshinaka. When combined with his talent, together they would make a true nightmare for his enemies especially those who utilize the same technique. That being said, the density of Yagami's Flow stopped Yone from curing himself, and severed the path of his Flow completely. He could use some time to neutralize it, but it definitely wouldn't be anytime soon.  

[Terror] seemingly galloped faster as they finally reached the other [Rider]'s location. His overall appearance was fine, with only his hand scorched for overusing [Brionac].

'Ah, great... What am I supposed to tell them when they see me like this...?' He sighed, being a little bit depressed.

Yagami cut the storm clean with his blade just when it was about to land with his swordsmanship skills only. He actually forced a [Horseman] to flee from a head-on battle. Or was that lucky for him?

He gripped the sacred blade of his family, [Muramana] to ensure his steadiness with the weapon. The creature managed to close the wounds faster than his Flow, which was an impressive feat considering how fast that thing moved. Missing only a beat, and the wound would have destroyed the rest of Yone's body for sure.   

He could have killed him outright in the first place, taking the [Rider]'s head for hundreds of times at his peak, but why did he stop himself from doing so? Was it because he thought that [Demon] was his brother, and his hands turned unsteady because of that? 

'My brother is dead... That [Demon] used his face... But those techniques... those skills...' So many mysteries, so many questions unsolved, eluding Yagami from the truth about Yone.   

For now, Yagami needed not knowing the final answers to those questions. Not yet.

But he knew, that the next time they met, things wouldn't be so much as easy as this. 
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Grey had turned around having heard the old man speak, "Hmm? Who're you?" He asked Abraham. He walked back to the group and looked at Vivian then back at Abraham.

@Johannes @Kairikudo

The Headless Horseman

Thomas saw Yone come back and gave an unapproving stare, "We all need to stick together," He stared at Yone then looked at all them, "I need to rest to raise the final Horseman. Then we will be at full power and at our strongest." He dismounted his horse and sat down, vines and shadows coming from the earth to wrap around Thomas. His green hellish fiery eyes seeming to go out as if sleeping, he wasn't he's drawing power from the earth, the same thing happened to Helfire. He now lay dormant for a bit.

@ApfelSeine @Tidnas


Al'ar had finally woken up from the nighttime, Ugh.... what... Darrian... was... it nighttime? He asked Darrian, who nodded. He got up and shook his body and folded wings into his body, I need to recharge.. it'll only take a few seconds, the sun is high in the sky and is quite powerful. He thought.


Vivian's eyes widen turning to the door to see Merlin she instantly gave him a big hug before a few seconds later pulling away to give a disapproving look "You need to rest! You just had a spear go through you!" She then turned to grey "you both need to rest. I almost lost both of you in one day and I will not loose you both to being stubborn about your health!" It was unusual for Vivian to scold anyone. She was normally so nice and sweet. She then turned to Abraham. "The horseman attacked" she said bluntly

@Forehead @Johannes


Maniae narrowed on Yone before turning to look at Thomas. She gave him a nod and once he was forming her attention went back to yone. An annoyed look on her face "I have half the mind to torture the hell out of you right now! What the hell were you thinking!? Running off after we just got scolded by Thomas!" She yelled. The other horseman would now have to listen to her bicker with the horseman of fear.

@ApfelSeine @Crysalisis @Tidnas
Grey looked at Vivian, "Enough!" He snapped, "I told you, I'm fine." Tears began forming in his eyes as he regained his posture, something obviously bothered him, he pulled his scarf over his mouth, "You always cared.. about us." He added, "Watching you struggle to stay by both of our sides.. it hurt. I knew you couldn't be with us both." He looked down, "We--I've always depended on you, when you left that day... I nearly lost myself.." He said , looking up at Vivian, "...but it also reminded me that I can't be so dependent on others." A tear went down his face, "Vivian, I love you, but I gotta learn to be by myself... which is why, before you came back the other day on Al'ar, I had a talk with Darrian." He looked away, "I'll be gone for a few days, training under Darrian." He looked back at her and walked up to her and placed a hand on her cheek before lightly kissing her, after the brief kiss he backed away, turned and walked towards Darrian. "Next time you see me, I'll be the one protecting you." He said as he walked away.

@Kairikudo @Forehead @Johannes


She looked at Grey a bit surprised hearing him snap. Her eyes softened on him. She never thought he relied on her. To her it always seemed to be the opposite. She was always relying on him when they were younger. Her eyes widen as a deep blush crossed her cheeks from the sudden kiss. She didn't know what to say, or even how to react. What the hell was with everyone kissing her? Was it wrong of her to worry about her friends. She looked down saying nothing as he walked away, post deep in her own thoughts.

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