IC chat

Thomas's eyes glowed a brighter green then usual, "I don't care who's fault it was, you were both in the act. You both deserve punishment." He was extremely pissed, "So move.. now." He was stern in his wording. "The more you cover for her, the more I'll do it. You can only withstand so much pain, Yone." His sword was cocked and ready to strike again. "I will not hesitate to thrust this sword into your gut."

@Kairikudo @Tidnas
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She did not like the sound of that. She moved towards Merlin's bedside. She stared at him for awhile "Merlin, please don't die..." 


She jumped hearing Thomas voice. Her head turning to face him a dark red on her cheeks. She didn't scream but cringed in pain when he slashed her with the sword. Her eyes narrowed on him "Stop acting like this is the first time you've seen me kiss someone.." she folded her arms under her chest as she gave an annoyed look. She may have had a great loyalty to Thomas, but even he had a tendency to piss her off and this wasn't the first time he had done so. The last time he pissed her off she almost whipped out a whole kingdom on her own. That was before the other two horseman came to be. By now a great portion of her powers were back and she let out a whistle. Her horse came to her as she climbed on it. "Screw it, I need some time to myself!" And with that she rode off in the direction of a village a few miles from where they were.

(Pft Thomas is jealous that it was Yone who got a kiss from Maniae and not him.)





Perrin rode up to the horsemen, pulling at the reins to slow the skittish Miasma. The horse came to a stop a few yards away from the group, digging at  the ground a bit and shifting in place restlessly. Perrin watched, expression hidden from the others, though not completely impassive as a muffled laugh could be heard through the mask.

"You've collected a rather headstrong bunch," Perrin remarked as Maniae rode off. "Myself included of course."
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Yone put his hand up when Maniae rode off, trying to tell her to stop. He then looked down, before lifting his head up to look into his lord's green eyes with his fists tightly clenched.

"...I will not just step aside in this matter, my lord. I would withstand every punishment you give out, so please... Please forgive her for everything." He said. 
Thomas whistled and her horse did almost a stoppie on her, "I don't think so." He sheathed his sword and whistled again, her horse turned and rode towards him, "You may want to leave, but I control your horses." He looked to all of them, "Got it? Disobey me again, I will send you back to the way I found you." He looked at all of them and the newly joined Perrin, he whipped his head and mounted his horse and just gave them all a look of disappointment before riding off himself.

(Not really. Thomas doesn't fall for anyone. Not since he killed his family by accident.)
@Kairikudo @Tidnas @ApfelSeine



Perrin shrugged indifferently and looked over to the others, head tilted slightly while regarding them.

"To be called back after so long, I suppose we should be earning our keep. If only to avoid incurring his wrath," Perrin remarked. "Though I, for one, would much prefer to be left to my own devices. Being in a group is rather uncomfortable... Ah, or rather, it is nice to see you all again. You make for such great company."

With a short, somewhat humorless laugh, Perrin rode off after their leader.


an annoyed look painted her face. The corpse soldiers of the wizards standing behind their mistress. "Why won't you let me go destroy the village?" A pout formed on her lips, she was already back to her old attitude once more. She looked over at Perrin muttering "kiss ass" under her breath. Her horse was trotting after Thomas.

(Sure he 'accidently' killed his family.)


Yone nodded to the newly arrived [Horseman] before putting his mask back in place. His lord's wrath might be stopped for now, but Yone thought he should keep an eye out for his lord, despite knowing it was a dishonorable act for a samurai like him to doubt his master. 


Perrin yawned, which was evident only from the noise that was made. Leaning back for a moment, the horseman looked up at the sky, gazing through glass lenses at it. Things must have changed since Perrin's last defeat, but the sky was so often a constant feature. Would it be long before even the sky was marred by humanities corruptive influence?

"Where, specifically, are we headed?" Perrin asked, unsure if the question would be answered or not, and not particularly caring either way.
Merlin layed on the bed, showing no signs of getting better.

He slowly opened his eyes in his dream, he felt softness. A pillow behind his head he looked around the room he was in, only to see Vivian nude on top of him. "H-Hey!" He exclaimed, looking to her she jumped back. "What?" She yelled, he shook his head, sitting upright as he sat up. "We're dating?" He asked worriedly. "We're.... married. Merlin, whatever that horseman did to you, must've been severe." She said. "Morgan is coming home soon." She added. "Who's Morgan?" He questioned as he put his robe back in. "Your daughter. Merlin, do you have amnesia?" She asked holding her hand out. "I'll heal you." He shook his head. "No, I'm fine." He said, racing out of the small hut, he looked out to see a bearded man. "Sir?" He asked impatiently. "You've come, Merlin. This is the land of your dreams. I've summoned you here to show you, how to defeat the horsemen." The man said bluntly.
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"We're heading for [Valheim Castle], I suppose." Yone said as he jumped onto the back of a rearing [Terror] with utmost balance. His armor released cracking noises as the horse of flame then burned more intense. 
Grey's eyes tightened a bit, he began groaning and moaning again, N-No.. They.... They come... He mumbled, his eyes slowly began to open, a blur of a ceiling and walls could be seen, "Wha.." He grabbed his glasses and put them on, "The castle?" He wrapped his scarf around him and got up, a few steps and he stumbled to the door, "Th-They come.." He said weakly, he walked past where Vivian was in Merlin's room and tripped and fell, a thud could be heard from the room. Grey struggled to get up, "Someone.. they come." His voice hadn't yet recovered.

Thomas rode hard, No. Do not attack Valheim yet. His thoughts penetrated their minds, We wait for the right moment. Until the moment we have all our horseman. He said to his horseman via thought, he seemed to have calmed down a bit but didn't apologize for anything.

@Kairikudo @Tidnas @ApfelSeine


Vivian gently grabbed Merlin's hand. She let her head fall down as her eyes closed. She begun to say a silent prayer for him to get better. Once the finished the prayer she lifted her head to look at him she gently pressed her li


Vivian gently grabbed Merlin's hand. She let her head fall down as her eyes closed. She begun to say a silent prayer for him to get better. Once the finished the prayer she lifted her head to look at him she  whispered "Get better" before laying it back at his side. Her attention then drawn by the thud outside the door. She rushed out to see Grey out of bed "Grey!" She helped him up "Who's coming?" She asked with a worried expression

(What the hell Merlin?)
Grey looked at Vivian and stood there, "Th-The horseman... they prepare for a final attack." His voice stronger but still very weak, before passing out in Vivian's arms. It seems he was in a state of a frightened sleep.

(Minus points with Vivian.)

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"Ugh, why does he do that," Perrin moaned, speaking in a fairly low tone.

Honestly, Perrin was often frustrated when their leader used the weird sort of telepathic mode of speech. It reverberated in Perrin's mind like a ripple across the surface of a clear pond, and Perrin was already highly susceptible to headaches. Which wasn't to say that the mode of communication necessarily lead to headaches, but Perrin had no qualms attributing responsibility to that regardless of that.


Vivian looked down at grey a bit worried. She did her best to get him back to his room. She laid him in bed removing his scarf and glasses and covering him up.


"Fine I won't attack any villages" she said with a sigh, hiding the scythe her shadows made behind her back. She glanced back at Perrin "Long time no see Perrin" she said to him"

(Technically he wouldn't lose points because Vivian can't see what he is dreaming about.)



"Indeed," Perrin said, turning a bit to look over at Maniae. "I would ask if you've been well, but that seems like a silly question."

Gently running their hand over Miasma's scraggly mane, Perrin took a moment to sooth the skittish horse before continuing to speak.

"I do hope that we will get a chance to wreak destruction soon, though my preferred method would be to leave them with open wounds and let the injuries fester until their inevitable death. Still, I've always admired your brutal but efficient methods. It's very practical."
Yone smiled wryly upon hearing that claim from Perrin. He did not approve the method of killing opponents slowly, as no one deserves to die that painfully. But who was he to judge?  

He glanced at [Valheim Castle], pondering if Merlin survived the blow of [Gungnir]. The weapon wasn't so strong as he pictured, though, so it couldn't have killed him. Probably that was because he was already depleted of strength and hell-fire back when he made it. 
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She arched a brow looking at Perrin "I'm going to take that as a compliment...Anyways, I have a love for different methods of killing. I use the fast and 'brutal' method because Thomas wants Everyone in the world to die, and torturing then slow and painfully would take too long." Walking behind Peron was the undead that followed their mistress



"Hmm... that does make sense," Perrin replied. "Still, if my predictions are correct, humanity will inevitably wipe itself out. The entirety of civilization is a plague in and of itself. What does it matter if they die now or later? I'd much prefer to see them writhe in the process. Though maybe I'm excessively vindictive in that respect."

With a shrug, Perrin began combing through Miasma's mane, gently working out tangles which would inevitably reappear before long.
'And you were the one who threatened to torture me!' Yone thought while frowning comically at Maniae's words. 

"Ahem... anyway..... I'm going this place for a while." He said as [Terror] galloped toward the direction of the [Valheim Castle].
"I agree with you Perrin. Eventually they will kill themselves off, but when that happens, where does that leave us? What will we do then? Will we die as well?" She said as this was something she constantly thought about. She watched as Yone begun to rode off. Her eyes softened a bit. Before she looked back at Perrin  



"Ah, well in that respect, I wouldn't mind dying if all of humanity was gone. There'd be nothing much else to do after all," Perrin replied with a shrug. "Perhaps I'm not entirely suited to immortality. It is only useful to me insofar as I can use it to accomplish my goal. After that, I could care less what happens to me. Maybe we'll die, or maybe we'll find things in this world to entertain us. Not much sense speculating until we get to that point though."

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