IC chat

Merlin's eyes remained close as he slowly slipped into a coma. At that time there was really nothing to be done but wait. The wizards decided to guard Meelin's body for when he would wake up from this horrifying thing that goes by 'coma'. The wizards pushed Vivian out of the room, locking the doors they were all under the command of Jenkins for the time being.
They looked so peaceful when they were sleeping like that... 

Birds were singing, flowers were blooming. 

Life kept progressing even after when such a fierce fight took place not very far from there.
Al'ar banked his turn down to the injured soldiers Vivian pointed out, Always? Even when you left with the priest? He said landing near them and taking up position to protect her as the healed them, Grey said after you left he felt lonely. He said.




She stuggled a bit when she was pushed out of Merlin's room. Shouldn't she keep watch over him while he was in this state? At least that is what she believed. 

Flashback to her conversation with Al'ar

Once on the ground Vivian begun to heal the wounded as she answered him "Yes, even when I left to start my shop I still believed in you. And I never knew Grey felt lonely when I left. I felt like I caused him more trouble then I did good."


She was in a deep sleep as her powers were now slowly coming back. It would be awhile till she as back to her old self again. The corpse soldiers stood guard over them, awaiting for Thomas to arrive with the other horseman.
"...It's this place." A "beautiful woman" mumbled as "she" walked past the gate of the castle. Things were a little bit messed up when "she" arrived.

'Various signs to tell that there was a battle here...' "She" thought, and kept moving on.

What "she" did not realize was the people were staring at "her", intensely. Not only because of how "she" chose to dress "herself" after years of seclusion from the world, with literally no sense of fashion to along with "her" clothing, but also because of a very long, blue sword behind "her" back.

'Brother... was that you here?'  
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Grey (present)

Grey still lay there, breathing lightly, resting. He mumbled, V-Vivi... Before slowly drifting back to sleep. The Court Healers stayed back to monitor Grey, surprisingly to them he's making a full recovery.

Al'ar (Flashback with Vivian)

Al'ar heard what she said when she was healing the wounded, That's not what Grey told me... you remember when I said Grey loved you with all his heart? You didn't know this at the time, but when you were around you made him happy. Happier than I could atleast, that's why he was so sad when you left that day. He said, firing embers at the undead soldiers that had come at them.


Vivian flashback to with al'ar.

Vivian looked up at him. "I was sad the day the priest came and took me away from Grey too.." she admitted

Vivian present

Vivian left towards Grey's room. Maybe she could check on him. She peaked in through the door to find him asleep.
Yone woke up after a long sleep. He stretched his arms upward and to the sides as he yawned.

He missed the feeling of a sleep, as he had forgotten ever since his reincarnation as a [Horseman]

During the sleep, he remembered the events of the past that subsequently led to his current fate.

'Brother...' He mumbled while keeping his head down.
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Merlin's healing process remained stagnant ever since he fell into the coma. He's used so much mana that it had such a negative effect on his body. The wizards began to leave the infirmary bit by bit until there was no one there besides Jenkins, the co- Royal Mage. "Get well soon." The man said before leaving Merlin in the room, shutting the door now Asmara he left. They had to protect the castle.

Grey and Darrian

The healers were rushing around the room, it seemed like Grey was having a bad dream or something. He was groaning and moaning before coming to a rest after one of the healers injected him with a sleep serum. He calmed down a bit. A man appeared behind Vivian, "Young lady, do you want to go and see him?" He asked, if she looked at him she would it was Darrian.

Al'ar (Flashback)

Al'ar didn't say anything looked at Vivian and nodded, Right... I think you did all you could, let's head back. He suggested.

Al'ar (Present)

Al'ar stood outside with the other wizards who noticed he was stumbling around, he looked lethargic, Lack... of.... sun.... He mumbled before falling over, his wings spread out, he eyes began closing.




Maniae was still asleep beside yone, dreaming of her past life as a human. This wasn't a found thing for her to remember, especially about her death. It made her tense up while she slept before her face expression returned to normal. It was as if she was dead herself.

Vivian (present)

Vivian jumped hearing the voice behind her. She quickly turned to face Darrian. "U..Uhm...y..yes.." she stumbled over her words before looking back at Grey.
'Now that I thought about it, how did Maniae become a [Horseman] anyway? She never told us about it... She looked rather... scared and pale when the lord said he would take her immortality away...' Yone looked at his sister and several questions just popped themselves up in his mind. 

Nonetheless, he would never let Maniae, or any members of his family, suffer the pain they had to endure prior to their death anymore.  
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Jenkins continued with the attacks, ordering the remaining hand full of wizards to hunt down Maniae, Thomas and Yone. The wizards broke out, Jenkins retreating to the palace to watch over Merlin who was on the sick bed.

Grey and Darrian

Darrian creaked the door open to let her in, "Well go on child, He's making a full recovery. He'll up and running by tomorrow." He reassured her, "Although at the cost of one of my Wizards, Merlin knows the spell, what it does and what it takes, they paid a heavy price to bring him back from death." He said. Grey looked so peaceful laying there, his scarf was off to the side on a table to his left along with his glasses.



A few moments later as she reached the death from her dream she bolted awake with a gasp as if the very air was knocked out of her. She woke up in a cold sweat as get nails dug into the ground. She was panting a bit as she tried to calm herself down. These dreams were the reason she avoided sleep as a horseman. 
"Maniae, are you alright?!" Yone was utterly surprised to see her like that.

'Just what the hell did she see in her dream...?' He wondered while rushing by her side to see if he could help.


Maniae said nothing as she was still panting a bit by now as he rushed to her side. Her head shook as if to say don't worry about it.


Vivian gave a nod to him as she went in, now stands beside Greys bed her fingers gently touched his cheek "You love to scare me, don't you Grey?" She said in a soft tone so only he would hear her.
Yone slightly nodded as he quickly realized and respected his fellow [Rider]'s wish. 

Backing away from her, he looked at the far side and remained watchful.


Finally she regained her composure, though she still wasn't fully back to her normal self. She looked over at Yone and stood up. She walked behind him and wrapped her arms around him from behind.
'Huh... W-WHAT THE HECK?!' Yone was too busy watching the stars that he did not notice Maniae. 

"Uh... Maniae... W-What are you... doing?" He stuttered.
"I'm picking berries, what the hell does it look like I'm doing?" She said with a sigh holding him closer, his back against her chest as she buried her face into the crease if his neck 
Grey didn't respond, as he was resting the only sound he made was a moan as she touched his cheek, his breathing was more stable then before and his heart rate slowed since then.



Vivian took a seat beside his bedside. She grabbed his hand gently as her eyes closed, saying a silent prayer for Grey.
'What was that supposed to mean?!! I'm not berries if that's what you mean!' Yone felt his body tensing up. His face felt hot, like, really hot for unknown reasons. And what's with the soft sensation he received on his back?!

He simply gulped in silence and accepted...

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