IC chat


Vivian stared at awe at the two. She was captivated by the two before realizing that al'ar was bowing before them. She quickly bowed to the two royals. She felt embarrassed for how rude she was being. Her head down not looking up until she was instructed to.
Yone watched his sister's reaction. He did not understand it. 

'Why is she tormenting herself just because of that trivial thing?' He wondered, giving it a brief sigh.

"...Brother, what should we do next? Our sister is in no conditions to fight, and the two others haven't come to this world yet." Yone asked, his eyes now set themselves on Thomas.
Merlin strolled out of the shed, looking to the two royals he quickly rushed beside Vivian and Al'Tar, bowing to them. "Your highnesses." He said calmly, peeking an eye up, wandering when he'd be told to bend up.


She remained leaned against Yones chest. Her eyes half closed. She was regretting waking up before she was ready and it was taking a toll on her. Her hand that was on top of Yones hand seemed to grip it gently before turning her head back to look up at him as he spoke.



Vivian remained bowing, not to dare stand up without permission. She turned her head a bit to look at Merlin who was bowing down beside her.

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Darrian looked at them then to Grey's body then back to the two, "How long?" His vague question would've puzzled them if they didn't know what he was talking about. His wife looked at the two, "You needn't bow forever, rise." She said.

@Kairikudo @Forehead
Yone glanced at Maniae as she looked up to him. From the look of her eyes, he could make a vague guess about her current status.

"Are you still feeling unwell, my sister?" He asked, loosening his firm grasp on [Terror]. His armor's joints let out crackling sounds as he did.


Once the permission was given to stand, the healer stood up straight to her feet. Her eyes bot looking towards them as she didn't want to stay what had happened.



"No I don't feel too well. I woke up sooner than I should have and now it's taking its toll on me." Her head going back down to look at Thomas. "Thomas it would be best to wait for another attack when we have woken the others and our strength is back."

@Tidnas @Crysalisis
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Darrian and Al'ar

Having seen the healer was reluctant to answer him, he looked to their very own Court Sorcerer, "And you?" His tone was demanding but soft. Al'ar was given permission to rise along with the others, he looked to Grey, Oh... you.. you mean him? An hour... maybe. He said to Darrian. Darrian nodded, "Right, there is still time." He waved a couple of his healers, "Grab the body... and prep it." He looked to the others, "How did he die... did anyone see it?" He asked.

@Kairikudo @Forehead

The Headless Horseman

Thomas looked at Maniae, reluctant to agree with her given how many times she failed, "Fine." He got off his horse and got close to them all, "But next time, fail me again and don't ever plan on coming back again, I will release you from this gift and you will be left how you were when I found you. Am I clear?" He was especially intimidating, he hated being beaten.

Maniae looked back down towards the horse. She expected him to do this since she failed him. She sat there and listened to him threaten to send her back to the state she was in. A shudder went down her spine "Yes Thomas..I hear you Lois's clear." She said as her fingers played with the holes in her dress. 
Merlin jerked up, moving his hands together his robe making it look like he was older than he truly was. "As you wish, your highness." He said with a faint smile, followed by a nod. "Grey... Sadly passed on. Surely if I train Vivian, we may be able to save him." He began. "But the horsemen are currently on our trail."

Darrian and Al'ar

Darrian waved dismissively at them, "Do not worry about young Grey, my medical wizards will bring him back to life with a Life Transference spell. I'm sure you know of this spell, Merlin." He nodded, "You, Young Vivian and Al'ar will deal with the Horsemen, my team will deal with Grey.. he will be back in action in a few short hours." He waved at some of his wizards, "Here, they will help you in your battle, they will follow your command." He bowed with his wife and walked back inside.

Al'ar rose and nodded, Um, okay. He looked at Vivian and Merlin, Well, the best thing we can do in hold the Horsemen off till they finish with Grey, then our forces will be bolstered. He said to them.

@Kairikudo @Forehead
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Merlin nodded as the royals said this before looking to his wizard troop. He sighed, sweat dripping down his face before shaking it off. "Squad five, take air and evaluate the area. Any air strikes will be halted by you. Squad two, barrier defence. Once we leave the castle you close the gates and activate the magical river. Squad nine, you take underground areas. Lower attacks are yours. Squad one, three to four, six to eight and ten, you are military wizards. You work on ground on both defence and offence. Formation BB-8. We're counting on you." He informed, the wizards breaking out into their needed groups as he looked to Al'ar and Vivian. "Good to see you, Al'ar. Hope death wasn't too bad." He said with a faint smile before looking back to the direction of the horsemen. His newfound confidence immediately sinking.
Vivian was in shock at their orders. How would she be of any help? She doesn't really have any offensive magic and she is terrible in a fight. Her attention was then drawn to Merlin. She watched in amazement as he gave out the orders. She had never really seen this side of him. He was always shy and timid around her. She just stared at him saying nothing as the wizards moved off to their positions.
Al'ar looked at Vivian and lowered himself, Come on, Vivian. I'll let you give orders from the sky. He said, lowering his wing to allow her to walk up, Besides, I know your not much use offensively, but if you get to injured soliders quickly, you'd be use then you think. He stated, he was true, he knew she wasn't much offensively but she could keep the troops fighting if she healed them.

Vivian snapped back into reality looking at al'ar. She gave a nod and climbed up onto his back. "Do we even know where the horseman ran off too?"
Merlin sighed. "That's for the a-air wizards." He said immediately blushing. Just being around Vivian made him... feel like a boy. Like  ten year old boy going through puberty. "I'll go in with the rest of the troops. You two need to get out of the castle area, we're closing the gates soon." He said, his confidence quickly returning. "Oh wait, Al'ar, you can fly so you'll be her transportation. Good luck, guys." He said, his face turning blank as he slowly morphed into a peregrine falcon, taking for the skies before he turned to the area the horsemen were last seen.
"Be safe Merlin" Vivian said before he morphed into Peregrine falcon and flew off. She looked down at Al'ar. "Are you ready?" She asked him rubbing his head gently


Yea. He extended his wings and embers flickered off, he may have been dead, but his grace was still unmatched, it is said even the wife of Darrian is jealous of Al'ar. I wouldn't blame her, taking flight, Hey Vivian, can I ask you a question? He asked.


"Get to work on the boy, use Life Transference. After 2 hours, he can't be helped." He commanded, "Honey, you oversee this peration, notify me if anything goes wrong." the wife nodded and walked in while Darrian walked to his quarters, That boy... I don't know what urged me to help him... but something tells me... he's needed. He thought.


The Headless Horseman

Thomas rode off, "I'll be back." Knowing he hadn't much power left, he rode off to the location of his third rider, His rider of the Plague, "I hope this one isn't a disappointment like the others." He said to himself. After arriving at his spot he stopped and got off his horse. He put both his hands to the ground and his body began being cloaked in a dark green hellish fire;

Solider arise, stand and fight!

Bring victory at last to this fallen knight!

The eerie poem rang through the heads of his horseman, the third will rise and help in his conquest of destroying all life. He let loose a terrifying guffaw that, again, echoed and shook the valley.

@ApfelSeine @Forehead

(Apfel, you'll find Mister Thomas here speaks in poems sometimes.)
Merlin dove down, whistling his flying carpet flew towards him as he morphed back into human form, dropping onto the rug as he looked down at the horsemen. "Squad six to eight, pyrokinetic block and spike!" He exclaimed, the wizards in the air firing pyro attacks at the horsemen as well as creating a large wall made up of fire before them. We came do this. Thought Merlin as he continued to watch the area.


Vivian held onto Al'ar as he took flight. Her eyes looking down at the scene around them "Of coarse you can" she assured him


The horseman watched as Thomas rode off, leaving her and  Yone alone. Her powers still weakened greatly. It wasn't long till after he left that they were attacked by the wizards from the castle. "Shit" she muttered a large shadow rose around them, blocking them from the pyro attacks "Yone I can't hold this up for long." She warned as spikes flew off the shadow shield, taking out a few of the wizards.


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When Grey mentioned me to you... did you believe him? That I existed and not just by tall tales and legends? He said, as he looked as well, I don't know what urged me to approach this boy, but something about him made me wanna help him and now that Darrian himself wants to help Grey, my suspicion was realized. He stated, I beleive the boy has a greater potential then even Darrian, he's like an angel waiting to be unleashed upon this world to help it, mortal. But still an angel, don't you think? He inquired her.



An agonizing 15 minutes pass an the Life Transference succeeded, Grey began lightly breathing and his heart began beating slowly, "Okay, sorcerers fall back, healers, your up." Charlotte commanded, It was a success.. Grey began breathing once more, all that was left with healing then rest.
"Fire? They have no idea who they're messing with..." Yone said as he then clenched his fists tightly. A hemispherical ring of hellish flame then spread from [Terror] down to the ground and up to the sky as they wiped off the flame coming from the wizards' spells all at the same time.

The winds had changed their direction and traced the [Horseman] to where he stood. His fiery hair flew with the wind as [Terror] reared. 

"Hold on!" He roweled the fire horse on as she then started to accelerate and reached her top speed in mere seconds, making even the best of horses envy with that performance alone.  
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Merlin continued to lead his troops. It was really the only thing he felt confident he could do. "Under ground wizards! Go there now  sack-a-mole sequence." As he said this, on command the various wizards would pop up from the ground. Vivian.. where's Vivian?  He wondered, he was quite worried. What if she's hurt?


A soft smile painted her lips as a small chuckle passed them "I've always believed in you Al'ar. Ever since I was a little girl." She listened to him speak about grey "Grey has always been special to me" she said with a smile as she spotted the battle. She pointed towards some injured soldiers so he could take her to heal the wizards.


After five minutes of holding the barrier up and launching numerous attacks, the barrier finally shattered, but not without taking a a few dozen men. She was feeling weaker by the second. Holding onto terror as the horse reached top speed
"Keep yourself together, Maniae! We're almost out of this!" Yone shouted, as he then noticed a bunch of wizards coming out from underneath the ground.

'What the actual heck?!!' He exclaimed mentally.  

He knew Maniae could not take this any longer, not while those mortals keep chasing them. He needed to get her to safety first.

"[Terror], bring my sister with you and run as fast as you could from here. Do not stop until you've received my signal or until you have reached Thomas' location, okay?" He commanded the horse and gently placed Maniae's hands around [Terror]'s neck. Then, as the horse leaped over the wizards' head, it accelerated even faster and disappeared within a blink of Yone's eyes while he remained on the ground, preparing to make his stand against their pursuers. He conjured a long katana and an odachi, before assuming a duel-wielding stance with both the weapons.  

Gathering his breath, he let out a terrifying roar that shocked the sky and stirred the courage within the wizards' souls upon them hearing it.

"I am Yone Yoshinaka the [Rider of Fear]! How dare you creatures attack my sister in my presence?!
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