IC chat

Grey saw them come, "Wait... where's the phoenix?" He feared the worst but he wanted to hear from them. He said looking at Merlin and Vivian.
@Kairikudo @Forehead
Vivian looked down at Merlin. Her expression was saddened as well "If what I read was correct, Al'ar will resurrect. But if you die you can't resurrect. Please never do something so rash again.." she turned her head to look at Grey "he was killed by one of the horseman and Merlin was killed as well. We need to inform the royals about the horseman coming. Merlin you need to rest. You've used too much mana and you're not fully recovered."
He sighed, pushing himself up to an upright position. "They're go make be here any moment. The least we can do is summon the guards." He said softly, it was obvious he was worn out. "Then we can pick up from there. I'll be in the shed." He said, walking off off the carpet he pushed the rusty wooden door open, entering the small shed he sat on his chair made of coal

The Headless Horsman

Thomas looked at Maniae as she returned then looking back ahead, "Have you dealt with our... friends, Maniae?" He asked her, "Give me the truth, you know how I feel about being lied to." He stated plainly, the castle in his sights but still so far away.

@Kairikudo @Tidnas


Grey followed Vivian, "He... really... died..?" He looked down and felt a hint of rage, his fists tightened, "Those bastards." He muttered, but it was odd for Vivian to take so much intiative.


A sigh passed her lips as she looked over at Thomas "I'm afraid he escaped with some blonde wench helping him. From what I observe she posses magic that can even defeat my. Undead soldiers." The horseman admitted. A bit shamed for failing like that. Her eyes averted from him. An annoyed look plastered on her face.


She just gave a nod to the question Grey asked as she went with him to alert the guards of the horseman that were on their way. "Grey, please don't do anything reckless..." She said in a soft tone of voice.

The Headless Horseman

Thomas remained silent, riding forward in silence not even mentioning the bird she took down. He was obviously annoyed that she failed, but a girl that has magic to counter theirs, he was more determined then ever.



Grey's hand loosen when she told him not to do anything reckless, he moved his scarf to cover his mouth, "R-Right." He said.



Maniae said nothing. She knew he wasn't happy with her failure, she wasn't happy with it herself. Her eyes forward as they moved forward to the castle.


They made it to the guard post and Vivian informed them as they rushed to prepare for the upcoming battle. Vivian looked back at Grey and gave a weak smile as if to say it will be alright.
Merlin continued his mana routines, breath in and out, incarnate here incarnate there. He felt more power with each action. I will avenge Al'Tar.... I will avenge Al'Tar was all that went through his mind as he focused whole-heartedly on regaining more mana.
Grey looked at her, she tried smiling, he just pat her head, "Just stop. Please." He said, with his eyes closed, "When we met, you were the first person to stand my unnaturally cold body temperature." He opened his eyes, "Vivian, your my world, I mean that. I would do anything to protect you." He said putting his hand back to his side, "So from me to you... Vivian, I will protect you with everything I have, even if it kills me. As long as your safe, I would give anything, all I ask is... please don't die on me." He said to her.
Her eyes blinked as he patted her head. She listened to him, her eyes widening a bit as a shade of red painted her cheeks. She started to feel flustered, not knowing how to respond to his sudden words "I..Uhm..I won't...?" She said stumbling over her words looking down as she played with her fingers, trying to gain her composure. 
Grey poked her cheek and smiled, "I see you blushing." He turned around and folded his hands on his back, a shade of red on his cheeks aswell, he exhaled and walked outside with the guards to confront the Horseman when they arrived. This is it... all or nothing, you told her how you felt... now uphold your promise, Grey! No giving up now! He thought, a look of determination on his face.


(Hey you had your chance)
"Wh..what!? I'm n..not blushing!" A pout formed on her lips as she tried to lie. She wasn't blushing because she felt the same. She was blushing because she was surprised. She watched him leave as she calmed herself down. She left to the shed Merlin was in. She knocked on the door. 

He turned to the door, pulling it open he looked worriedly to Vivian as if something were wrong. "Is everything okay?" He asked glancing around the room as if there was an explosive. "Have the horsemen reached the castle?" He now got up, slamming the door shut as he looked deeply into her eyes. "I'm probably gonna regret this but.." He said with a deep blush, diving in he pressed his lips against her lips. He closed his eyes, lying the moment before pulling away. "If I die." He said with a chuckle before scratching his neck. "Plus I uhh... Really like you."

The Headless Horseman and Grey

Thomas and his servants approached the castle reciting an eerie poem;

The sky is dark, the fire burns!

You strive in vain as fate's wheel turns!

On cue he set the castle aflame, he guffawed terribly, dealing with the the guards with on swift strike of his sword, leaving only one to stand because of his magical shield that protected him, "Well well, a survivor." Grey screamed, he stood frozen, he couldn't keep his promise.

@Kairikudo @Tidnas

(Forcing yourself... not at all weird.)


Vivian looked up at Merlin as he looked at her worriedly "everything is fine. I alerted the guards, the horseman haven't arrived yet, but I came to check one." She looked at him confused when he said 'I'm probably going to regret this' her eyes locked on his. Her eyes widen as a deep blush painted her cheeks as he kissed her. Her eyes then closing as he held the kiss. Her cheeks still a dark red when he pulled away. She looked up at him surprised unable to find the words to say


Maniae watched as the castle light on fire and as Thomas took out all but one guard. A small tint of pink on her cheeks before her eyes fell on Grey. A shadow now slammed against the magic barrier repeatedly, trying to break it as she lifted her hand, the dead guards rising up now to turn on the castle .


As she repeatedly hit his barrier, after the fifth hit it shattered, but in fear, Grey exploded in a fiery rage, a strong fire swirling around him, No... I must.. protect her... "EVEN IF IT MEANS MY LIFE!!" He yelled, Merlin and Vivian could hear him as he charged Maniae, the fire getting more intense the closer he got, Is this real? He threw a fireball at Maniae, Is this really happening? His face lined with tears and his teeth being bared in anger and rage, if the fireball didn't hit her, he would super cool her, Am I really fighting? His ferocious attacks showing no remorse or holding back.

The Headless Horseman

Thomas looked at the boy fight, This kid... he's fighting because he loves someone.. This boy is fighting to protect someone precious to him. "Be careful Maniae, notice his rage, he won't hold back, He's fighting to protect someone he loves." Thomas had no idea the rage that built up in this boy, His fighting spirit is admirable. He thought, he galloped and leaped over Grey and went straight to the shed and saw the two in the shed, "Well well.. while my friends takes care of the boy out there. I'll take advantage of you two lovebirds, in here." He set the shed aflame with his Conflagration he shut the door and locked it. "Pathetic."

@Kairikudo @Forehead


Her eyes Focused ingest as she did her best to dodge the fireballs coming her way. She seemed more serious than before as the guards came to attack grey from behind the shadows grabbed his ankles as she bow stood in front of grey. Before he had time to react. She kissed his lips using her kiss of death.


Vivian's eyes widen as she smelt smoke. She noticed the shed on fire. This wasn't good. Her first instinct was to run to the door and tried to open it finding that it was locked. She tried her best to free them, a beam of light coming through the shed wall aimed where the horseman was, though this didn't cause the wall to fall.


Grey felt the life drain from him, I'm... dying... His eyes closed for a moment, before shooting open, No.. His willpower alone managed to keep him alive long enough to point blank call forth his Icestorm that buffeted her, "I'm not dying today.." His hair flew all over the place, a red glint in his eyes, hanging on by a literal thread on the verge of dying he fought with every last ounce of his power, but before he could do anything he fell to the ground, I'm.... sorry... Vivian... He thought as his eyes slowly closed, when he hit the ground, his lifeless body lay there.

Al'ar and The Headless Horseman

The Ashes of Al'ar flew and just happened to land on the shed Vivian and Merlin was trapped in, as they burned away the walls and come to rest on the ground they swirled around the two into a ball ball above them, after a few seconds the Phoenix emerged in a glorious manner, I return! He shined brightly, he lay his eyes upon the very monster that killed him. Thomas could not believe himself, "But... how?" Al'ar looked at Thomas, You really think Phoenixes can die? He fixed himself on Maniae and flew at her with an amazing speed, digging his talons into her body, lifting her off her horse.

@Kairikudo @Forehead

Maniae, Vivian

She was hit by the ice flurry, blood flowing from wounds as he dropped to the ground. She used the back of her hand to wipe her Lips off. "Rise child and serve your ruler." Death spoke to Grey who was now collapsed on the ground. Meanwhile Vivian was frantically trying to find a way out when the walls suddenly burned away revealing the horseman and al'ar. Vivian grabbed Merlin's hand and pulled him away before the roof collapsed on top of him. "I knew you'd return" she said looking up at al'ar. She felt relieved. Maniae happened to glance over as she saw him rushing toward her, she wasn't able go move out of the way as she screamed in pain with the tallons digging into had. She may not be able to die, but she sure could feel pain. She struggled to free herself from his grip but started to feel her conscious fading indicating she was about to pass out. She fought to stay awake. Not wanting to fail Thomas again. 'he's going think I'm pathetic!' She thought to herself 


In a vicious fury, he spun and whipped her to the ground, he knew the damage he caused her. He hovered above her and looked at her with pity, To think... you were so nice life. He let a few embers from his mouth which landed in her body via the open talon wounds, You had to go and accept the curse he offered you. I know you can't die, but you will lay there and suffer for only a portion of the agony you cause your people all those years ago. He flew away towards Vivian and Merlin, seeing Grey's lifeless body raise up from Death's curse, he turned around and hovered in front of Grey, Al'ar wanted to cry, My child... He looked behind and saw Vivian with Merlin and gave Vivian a nod before swiftly ending Grey once more, Be relieved of the curse of undeath and rest in piece forever. He said as a sort of chant.

@Kairikudo @Forehead

The Headless Horseman

Thomas could not believe his eyes, his plans foiled by a cursed phoenix, "Damn you all." He rode off, forgetting Maniae, this was the first time he felt defeat in a very, very long time.


She flew to the ground bashing into it before the embers hit her wounds. She screamed out in pain, her back arching off the ground before she couldn't take it anymore her thoughts to his words rang in her mind 'life...? What life? You mean getting raped and left for dead? Foolish bird..that is the end of a life...' Maniae finally passed out from the pain, laying there motionless on the ground.


Vivian watched as he cut Grey down for good. Tears streaming down her face as she lost her friend for good. Her head looked down feeling terrible. If only she had stopped grey from running out there then he would be alive. She thought to herself.

Al'ar's speech on behalf of Grey.

Al'ar picked Grey up and flew him over to Vivian and laid him down gently before landing himself, He looks so peaceful... doesn't he? He looked up at Vivian, Did he tell you? Grey I mean. It was a few years back, I finally remembered him, in fact, I was the one who truly believed in him. He looked at Grey's body, He told me one day, he said 'I need your opinion. There's this girl I like, her name is Vivian, we met a while back, before we ran into each other. What should I do?' he asked me. He looked at Vivian who was crying, Do you know what I said? I said, you should chase her, stand next to her and always treasure her. I realize now he meant that he loved you. He said almost choking, He was the first mortal I came across in many, many years. For that time, he was the first mortal that truly changed my view on humans and the world, it was his joy that brought me to enjoy living in peace with your species, Vivian. He looked at the carnage the Horseman had caused, He also told me one more thing, though I thought nothing of it at the time... He told me should I ever run into you, to protect you, no matter what, and I said that I would. He looked at her, So consider me your guardian, on behalf of Grey. He looked to Merlin then Vivian and nodded.

@Kairikudo @Forehead

(RIP Grey)
Stomping the ground furiously, it cracked as Yone then leaped into the air. His hand was holding a long object with red crackling energy flowing off on both end, making it looked like an arrow. Arching his back as if he was drawing a bow, Yone then hurled the 'arrow' at the ground between Maniae and the phoenix, resulting in a large explosion that was followed up by a dense layer of smoke. 

"Maniae!" He yelled her name and rushed to her side. 

"Maniae, wake up!" He shook her body but to no avail.

"Tch..." Clicking his tongue, Yone picked her up with both his arms and they quickly retreated on [Terror].

Before they left, Yone managed to catch a glimpse of Grey - a man that fought for a noble cause, not for him, but for others.

He witnessed his fighting spirit until the very end, and could not help but admire him despite being enemies.

"You were an honorable warrior... and for that, I praise you... Page oe etharzi (Rest in peace)."  


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Maniae didn't wake, blood dripping from her wounds as he shook her. When he picked her up she curled up in his arms. Her wounds slowly closing, it would be awhile till she was fully healed, even longer from the burns inflicted on open wounds.



Hearing Al'ar only seemed to make more tears stream down her cheeks, she's knelt by the corpse of her old friend. She said nothing looking down at him. Her hand on his cheek as her hand started to glow. She couldn't bring him back to life, but she could heal the wounds to give him a proper burial.

@Forehead @Crysalisis
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