IC chat



Vivian looked around as she heard the eerie poem. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and and didn't like it. She looked at grey and Merlin a bit concerned.



Maniae rose from the ground beside the headless horseman. She was hugging a skeleton as she let out a yawn. Her face looked up at him "You sure like to take your sweet time in rising us, Thomas" the female teased before she whistled a black horse with read eyes crawled out from the ground. She got on top of it. A smirk painted her lips "I was beginning to think you never would call on us. Did you miss me that much?"
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The sky was painted with red.

A crimson burst of hellish flame aroused from nowhere, and the [Rider of Fear] emerged himself into the physical world.

His eyes flashed a red streak, matching his armor color. His right hand was placed on the hilt of his sheathed wakizashi located near his hip.

He glanced at the [Headless Horseman] and the [Rider of Death], before greeting his friends with a slight bow.

"I have heeded your call, brother..." He said. His mask clacked in accordance with his words.   

@Crysalisis @Kairikudo


the horseman of death looked back at the other rider. Her cheeks puffed out a bit in annoyance "Way to keep us waiting Yone! For that I am going to torture you later...though by which torture I mean all depends on my mood, either way your armor is coming off" she said as a devilish smirk painted her lips. 

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"Please, don't do that, sister... It was not what I intended to be late... [Terror] suddenly ran off on her own and I, uhm, had to chase her all around..." He said, as he clearly got flustered over his fellow [Rider]'s words. 

A dark grin painted her lips as she spoke in a sweet tone of voice, dropping the skeleton she was holding to the ground "Oh it is happening~ And the more you call me sister instead of my own name only pushes me to want to torture you more" she could tell he was getting flustered, and that was exactly what she was trying to do. Her horse trotted over to the flustered fear as her finger went under his chin making his red eyes meet her black eyes.
Yone quickly moved her hand away from his chin, feeling that this should not be allowed to continue any longer. He would stay honest to himself, like he had always been, that he had definitely no intentions or desires of going through that "process" again. Memories of their last encounter was... well, let's just say that they were way too horrible for him to even bother having a flashback.

'Not this time, Maniae.' He thought. 

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Yes because moving her hand away would stop her....WRONG! She quickly lifted his helmet up and planted a kiss on his cheek. He may have wanted this to end, but it wouldn't. Not while she was bored and he was fun to mess with.

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Yone was completely caught off-guard when Maniae surprised him with a kiss on the cheek. Following his humanly instincts, he forcefully pushed her back and backed away from her with his wakizashi readied in hand.

"W-W-W-What was that for?!" He exclaimed while placing his right hand on his face where he was kissed. Damn it, were it not for his current status as a [Rider], he could have died.

A chuckle passed her lips as he backed away from her. She looked at him amused seeing him holding his wakizashi her smile softened as she spoke "isn't it obvious? It's because I think your cute when you're like this"
Yone could feel his face burning with a light shade of red behind that mask he was wearing when she said that he was "cute". Sheathing his blade, he tried to regain his usual composure to get himself over with her following provocations. 

"Really, you..." He sighed as his fiery hair burned less intense.


The Headless Horseman

Thomas looked at the two, "Enough you two, you can continue your boyfriend/girlfriend antics later." He walking out in front of them on his steed, "For now, we have work to do." He said, placing his head in a satchel and replacing it with a pumpkin, his horse reared back and let loose an echoed neighed as it snorted, flames shot out of it's nose, a streak of green hellish fire followed its eyes, "It is that time again... it's been 2,000 years and it seems this world has not changed at all. The undead still run rampant."

The pumpkin seemed to light up with hellfire that poured out of the eyes and mouth, leaving trails everytime his moved his head. He looked at them both, "Today! The Four Horsemen become reality, once more!" He guffawed.

@Kairikudo @Tidnas


Grey noticed that Vivian had become concerned, he couldn't blame her, so was he. "Vivian? You...you okay?" He said trembling a bit at the eerie poem that still hovered within their minds.


Maniae looked over at the headless horseman hearing his statement about her messing with Yone as a boyfriend/Girlfriend routine. A small giggle passed her lips "awe Thomas don't be so jealous. I think Yone is cute, but you're the one I am glad to kill for" she meant that literally. She watched as he replaced his head with a pumpkin. Oh how she loved his ambition. Her hose reared on its back legs letting out a Neigh. "We are ready to follow your lead"


Vivian turned her attention towards Grey. A weak smile painted her lips as she spoke "I'm fine, I just have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.." 

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The Headless Horseman


He laughed, the terrible cry of his laughter shook the valley he galloped at full speed towards towards the castle, though quite the journey, he called out;

Prepare yourselves, the bells have tolled!

Shelter your weak, your young and your old!

Each of you shall pay the final sum!

Cry for mercy; the reckoning has come!

His words shook the air with a cold and terrifying shiver;

Here's my body, fit and pure!

Now your blackened souls i'll cure!



A twisted grin painted the horseman lips as she rode right after higher hands gripped on the mane of the black horse
Grey looked at Vivian then back at Merlin, Mm.. "It's gonna be alright Vivian. Really, it will." He said, though unsure of himself.

Al'ar watched as Vivian got up, What do you plan to do? You don't even know what you're up against. He said to her.

Grey jumped, "What the-- The bird can talk?!" He said

Al'ar looked at Vivian, she was obviously scared, Mmm, listen child, remember what I told you... about my feather. You can use that to our advantage, there was a reason I gave you gifts to prepare you for this precise moment. Once they come, I won't be able, so I'm trying to prepare you guys the best I can. He said to everyone here.

@Kairikudo @Nicholas Waldorth @TruPrimrose
"Damn it, [Terror]." Yone cursed in his mouth as the [Riders] left on their steeds. Should he run after them? Well, he is a [Horseman], after all. His physical conditions should be better than any other creatures, but keeping up with those [Horses]?! 

His trusty steed left him when he needed her the most. He frowned, trying to remember exactly why things came to this. Then, something came up in his mind.

"Oh crap... I'm going to be late again!" He's so dead with Maniae...


Vivian looked up at Al'ar. "What good are we against the horseman?" She said even more concerned she looked at grey and Merlin. She was worried that they would get hurt .



Maniae looked back seeing that Yone was not following. Her eye twitched as she thought to herself 'he's trying to piss me off' she looked at Thomas "I'll catch up to you. Yone seems to be falling behind my dear." She turned her hose around and went at full speed back towards Yone. She grabbed him by his hand and pulled him on the back of her horse. "You better hold on tight slow poke." She said looking back at him before taking off at full speed towards the castle.


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Merlin arched his brow, looking to the direction he heard the horse hooves clank against the floors. "Stay back... I'll take them down m'lady and um.. Grey." He said, moving closer to the horsemen and further from the group. "I know what to do when they come close, head into the castle.... NOW!" 
"S-Sorry..." He muttered when Maniae grabbed him and put him on her horse. 

But then he realize, where the hell was he going to hold onto, besides Maniae herself?

'No, no, no, no... NO!' He screamed mentally.


Vivian frowned and shook her head. "I'm not going to leave you out here alone. The least I can do is stay out  here and provide a bit of back up." She wasn't going to go inside and let him get hurt.


Maniae glanced back at him and rolled her eyes as he hesitated onto what to grab on "oh you big baby..." She grabbed his arms and had them wrap around her waist as the horse went faster. She held onto the mane
"You're not going to follow me Vivian cause I won't let you." He said. "Azra tho zinthios!" He yelled, his  telekinesis intact, he glued Vivian to the floor before incarnating some other words, transforming into a peregrine falcon his robe transformed with him as he flapped his wings over to the horsemen. Now what would they be doing here? What are they even? He thought as his feathers fluttered midair, his beak performing some sort of slipstream for his body. Just hope I have enough mana to do this... Don't fail me you goddamn ring. He thought to himself.
That action of letting him wrap his arms around her waist was clearly not expected at all.  

'This is so embarrassing...!' Yone said as his pride was completely shattered in just a single note. 

If there were one wish, he would have wished for him to forget this thing. 

But for now, he would rather withstand it, and wait.

The Headless Horseman

As they caught up, Thomas looked at Yone, "Good to see our fittest member taking excellent care of his horse." He said sarcastically, he whistled and Yone's horse appeared alongside them, "Now you can quit mentally freaking out." He shook his head and kicked his horse's side, making him take full use of it's speed, as he did the horse snorted and fire trailed out of his snout.

@Kairikudo @Tidnas

Al'ar and Grey

Grey looked as Merlin glued her to the floor, "You idiot." He said to himself, "Phoenix, can you do anything about this?" He looked at the Phoenix as he shook his head, I cannot my dear child, only the user of his magic can undo the spell. He said, But I can do this... He domed his wings over the two, creating a protective barrier.

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