IC chat

His wings continued to flap as he whistled mid air, his magical flying carpet zooming towards him his body morphed back into human form as he landed on the large red rug in form of s rectangle, looking down at the horsemen from up above. "But what would they be doing here.... At the castle... Is this an ambush? Battle...?" He muttered allowed as Frederick flew onto his shoulder. "We'll have to see won't we Frederick?" He asked the bird. "Merlin seek's knowledge!" The bird screeched.


Vivian tried to move but found herself stuck to the ground as he shifted into the Peregrine form. A frown on her face unable to move. She had her own magic, but it couldn't hold a candle to his. She looked over at Al'ar as he put the barrier around her and grey. At least grey was safe "what about Merlin?"



She snickered at the headless horseman sarcastic remark. She watched as yone went back to his horse. She then came to remember. "Hey, aren't we short two horseman?" She said looking over at Thomas.
"Sorry..." Yone said, before hopping onto his horse.

Ah, the [Headless Horseman] was definitely a life-saver, despite he was being sarcastic and all.

He caressed his fiery horse's mane, as he returned to his rightful place as the [Horseman of Fear]

Yone rode with his brother and sister, with the wind following him.


Al'ar shook his head, His own arrogance might just kill him. He said with regret, There is nothing I can do for him without putting you two in danger. He stated, He is on his own for now.... He looked at them, For now, just focus on trying to get out of there, Vivian.

The Headless Horseman

Thomas glanced back at Maniae then looked ahead, "I used a majority of my power raising you two. I need time to raise the others." He said, "Shhh!" He quieted them, "I sense a presence.", he came to an immediate stop and looked up and groaned, "We've been followed it seems." The sky began turning dark as he set his rug aflame with his Conflagration ability, he guffawed terribly, "Come down and play little birdie." He spoke in another eerie poem;

Harken, cur! 'Tis you I spurn!

Now feel... the burn!

@Kairikudo @Tidnas @Forehead
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A shiver went through Merlin's spine as he headed the poem sung by the man below. On the carpet he sighed, he'd need a lot more mana if he's have to fight these guys and so he released Vivian from his spell. "What do you seek?!" He yelled as he dived down on the flying carpet. "What do you seek from us?! From the castle?!" He asked, pausing about twenty feet above ground.


A sigh passed her lips as she looked at Thomas "then shouldn't we wait until you get your power back? Then we could summon the other tw-" she was cut off when he shh them. Her head tilting up towards the sky when he mentioned birdie. A grin painted her face as she saw the warlock stopped 20 feet in the air. "We've not made it yet to the castle and they are already sending us new toys to play with!"


She was now almost in tears. She didn't like hearing that Merlin could die. She felt herself get released from his magic and the worst came to mind. Without warning she ran in the direction that Merlin went. Despite her looks, she was really fast 
Merlin arched a brow, watching them at an angle. "I asked a simple question m'lady. Would be glad to have a response." He said sternly. "There's something you seek from the castle? I'll bring it for you. Nobody needs to get hurt." He said bluntly. "This time why don't you answer me?" 

The Headless Horseman

The Headless Horseman simply laughed, "The answer to that is simple, extermination of everything that's dead." He waved Maniae closer, "Maniae, you may play with our new toy." He said as he rode off, commanding Tidnas to follow him his terrifying laugh slowly fading away.

@Kairikudo @Forehead @Tidnas

Al'ar an Grey

Al'ar looked at her leave, Wait, Vivian! He looked at Grey, Go inside, it'll be safer there. Grey nodded as Al'ar flew off towards Vivian and flying right above her, Vivian, your acting on emotion, you've no idea what your getting yourself into! He said flapping his wings every few minutes as he gracefully flew above her.
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This seemed to make her grin grow wider as she was told that she could play with her new toy "you spoil me my dear~" her head turned now towards Merlin now as a shadow lifted, condensing into a black orb, she threw it at Merlin to knock him out of the sky. "Come down and play with me~"


Vivian continued to run. She was acting on emotion, but she didn't care. She couldn't leave him by himself. "I can't leave him to die!" She called to the Phoenix.
Merlin frowned. "There's no one d--" He looked to the orb, quickly flapping the rug forward he barely missed it, diving down with speed. "Azreath tho zintheos!" He exclaimed, his telekinesis spell activated he forced Maniae to the side, his eyes a glowing blue before seeing Vivian. "Stay back!" His voice deeper than usual.


He continued flying over her, But what can you? Your gonna go up against some of the most powerful beings on the planet as a healer. Tell me what can you do to save him? He asked again, The best thing you can do is wait! Right now, your following the same path he is and it's gonna lead to your destruction, I can't let that happen so please turn back now! He said, practically begging, he then realized, that was the whole reason he failed in the first place, running. He ran from everything an it kille alot of people, he groaned and flew way faster then Vivian. As he reached Merlin he flew in front of him, Cover your eyes son. Then run, you can't take them on right now, let alone one. He began to glow bright, calling on the power of the sun he began to glow so bright it blinded the one Horseman on the ground, Now! Run, Merlin Run!

@Forehead @Kairikudo
Merlin shut his eyes but he wouldn't run. "I'm not leaving you here, Al'tar! We're in this together!" He shouted as he sat criss-cross on the carpet. "Wait... If you're here where's V--" He immediately opened his eyes, being blinded he fell off the carpet, hurdling towards the ground at deafening speeds.


Maniaes horse skid a bit Ashe threw another condensed orb. Her eyes fell on the blonde female. Coming near as a smirk painted her lips. Her hand lifted up as five corpses in armor and swords now in front of the girl "You guys have your fun with her." She chirped her focus then shifted to Al'ar 'damn bird' the Phoenix unexpectedly caused a bright light, bringing the horseman. "Gah! You damn bird!" She said rubbing her eyes.


Vivian didn't know what she would do. She was stopped by the skeleton soldiers now in front of her. She backed up a bit in surprise she littered something under her breath as a bright beam came down on one of the skeletons, turning it to dust. Her eyes closed tight when Al'ar warned them. They only opened go see the skeleton figures coming closer. More bright lights came down taking them out. Her eyes widen sewing Merlin falling. "Merlin!" She yelled out now running at top speed toward him as he fell



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Not anymore. He thought, No more! He shouted as he flew at high speeds towards the five skeletons that approach Vivan, he let out an Ember attack on them, his heroic came as an expected surprise. As he flew over the Horseman he dropped his quills and they hardened, falling at high speeds to the ground.

@Kairikudo @Forehead
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He slowly opened his eyes, about an inch away from the ground he screamed before turning into a bee, forming into a peregrine falcon his most used form which he finds simple he looked around the area, eyes catching Vivian he screeched. "Cackaw!" As he flew right at he. Carpet, to me! He thought as the red carpet flew down under him, morphing back into human form he dropped into the red rug, hanging from the side he held on to Vivian's hand, swinging her onto the carpet as they flew up. "... My eyes.. What happened?" He asked as he steered the rug over the horsemen.


She was relieved to see that Merlin was uninjured. She grasped his hand as she was pulled onto the carpet. Her hand still holding onto his as she spoke "it was something to buy us time. Let's go, he can catch up to us later."


Her vision starting to come back as she saw the harden quills how launched at her. She steered her horse to block the raid of quills, one hitting her in her stomach. She growled at a shadow shot up to starve bird through the chest.

Al'ar and Grey

It seemed as though time ha froze, the shadow had successfully pierced his chest and a squawk that echoed through the valley could be heard by everyone, G-Go, Merlin... Vivian... run... I... did... what I.... could... He said to them before turning into ash and flowing away some ashes touching the Horseman, burning her. Go... my dear children... His voice echoed in the minds of the those he connected with, I will return... soon... And with those final words, Al'ar had died.

Grey froze as he heard the words echo in his mind, "What... what happened out there." He said to himself.

@Kairikudo @Forehead @TruPrimrose

(The feels ;-; I wanted to do that...sorry)
"We can't leave Al'tar. Plus he's a god. Pretty sure if you let s god did it' some sort of felony." He said, stairing the rug up by the God before watching it-- him die. A tear trickled down his face as he watched the man die. "He was a hero, cowards! Fight me like a man!" He yelled, jumping down from the rug he dove down on an angle, firing multiple orbs of mana at the horsemen. "I'll avenge him by killing you!"


Vivian's eyes widen in horror as she watched the god die. She read about the Phoenix once. she tried to grab Merlin before he jumped down, but it was no use. "Wait Merlin!"


Manias gripped her arm yelling out in pain as she was burned "Damn it!" Her Focus went towards the foolish warlock. A wall of shadows came between the horseman and his mana. Spikes shot off the wall and towards the warlock.

The Headless Horseman

Thomas heard the Phoenix cry out, "An honorable kill, Maniae, Don't ya think, Yone?" He asked his fellow horseman, as they rode full speed for the castle.

Merlin wouldn't be fooled, turning into a bee once more he slid inbetween the spikes, hurdling down at a speed so fast his bee hairs caught fire he muttered some words in his bed language, the telekinesis spell resuming the ground under the horsemen immediately ripped up, cracking underneath their feet as some of them were bound to fall into the cracks. His eyes widening he continued to race down.
She noticed the ground now breaking beneath her as the shadows went underneath her, like a floor. Her horse galloping away to safe grown , shadows hit the bee form, sending him back into the carpet.


Vivian managed to catch Merlin when he was thrown back into the carpet. She made the carpet head straight for the castle at top speed. She didn't let Merlin go. She didn't look back at the horseman. She knew that there was to wining this battle and she wasn't going to let him die because he wanted to be stubborn. Maniae waited a while before galloping towards the castle.
Merlin gasped as he was sent back by the shadow. The pressure on his tiny bee lungs almost knocking him out as he  could barely breath. As he was caught by Vivisn her healing magic was what preserved his life, even if she hand't meant it. He remained in this form, waiting for them to reach the castle before he got potentially yelled at for his rash decision.


The horseman caught up to the other two, she ripped the quill out of her stomach "damn bird, this will take hours to heal!" She seemed annoyed before looking at the burn marks on her.


Vivian held Merlin close to her as they made it back to the castle, landing the carpet down. 
He slowly morphed into his human form, rolling from her hand to the carpet before staring up at her on his back. "Frisk... I'm sorry m'lady." He said, a bit of sorrow in his eyes as he said so. "We need to avenge Al-- " He coughed now. "'Tar." He finished. "And save the castle."

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