IC chat

Yone felt something was stirred within his heart when the creature hurt his sister, and gritted his teeth in anger when it left her groaning in pain on the ground. 

"..." He mentally commanded [Terror] to stop once they had reached a higher ground, far from the castle. Yone put Maniae resting against a tree to focus on healing her, albeit lacking any knowledge to do it himself. He did not want to use that, as it was originally designed for him only. Using it on another creature would give off unknown results. But considering the situation, he had no other choices.

"Damn it... You were so reckless back then..." He said to the currently-unconscious Maniae, before lifting his hand up to her cheek. 

'Breathe, Yone.' He thought while closing his eyes, as a flash of green flashed through his blackened vision.

'Patience...' The green gleam manifested itself on his arm, coursing through his veins.

'Just imagine that you can do it...' Much to his expectations, Maniae's healing rate started to accelerate.

Her wounds now closed more quickly as the embers were lifted from them when the green light traversed through.

As Yone finished her healing progress, he reopened his eyes and was utterly happy to see his efforts were actually paid off. 

"She looks so beautiful and innocent when she's sleeping like this..." He muttered.

'Eh? What the heck did I just say...' ...that did not go with his thought, though.     
Maniae remained there uncouncious as he healed her wounds. Her expression seemed to lighten, still asleep. Blood now stained the closed wounds on her pale white skin. She muttered something in her sleep, it was low and inaudible but she seemed more at peace now.
Merlin stood up beside her, both hands locked on his stomach he sighed. He hadn't gotten to know Grey and now he was dead? "What a wicked world." He commented as she healed him. "We're gonna take down those little... The horsemen for good." This time he sounded serious. 

(I made it work. Gtg, school.)
Vivian dried her eyes with the back of her hand before looking up at Merlin. Her eyes softened on him "Please don't die.." is all she said to him. She didn't want to loose him on top of loosing Grey.
"Now, then... where is he?" Yone stood up and looked around for the [Headless Horseman]. He was already nowhere to be seen when Yone came to rescue his sister...

His eyes gleamed upon the thought that he came up with. Did the [Horseman] he considered his lord just run away and left them behind?

'No, it can't be...' He quickly dismissed his foolish idea with a quick shake of his head. But... Maniae was still there when he arrived... 

"..." Yone slightly clenched his fists. His mind was conflicted.
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Maniae suddenly sat up with a gasp. Her eyes fixating on the things around as she looked down to see her wounds healed "...how long was I out?" She asked looking up at yone. She was still half asleep
"Quite a while." Yone said, setting his gaze on her. 

"...How are you feeling right now, sister?" He asked with a concerning tone of voice, even though it was quite hard to tell. 
"Well my wounds feels a lot better." She said placing her hand where her wounds use to be before looking up at Yone. "..did you..save me?" She asked tilting her head to the side.
"Ah... About that..." Such was an unexpected question to Yone. 

"Well, isn't it quite obvious for a brother to take care of his sister?" He replied, smiling behind the demonic mask. 
A small shade a pink painted her cheeks as her head turned from him. "I see.." a sigh passed her lips as she stood to her feet. Her back now facing him as she looked around to see if there leader was around. When she didn't see him her suspicions were confirmed 'I guess I deserve to be left behind for failing him..'

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Yone was immediately all-flustered when she turned her exposed back on him. His hair burned more intense to match his current emotional status. 

'God damn it, Yone! Can't you keep your head straight for just one freaking minute?!' He yelled mentally and self-slapped him in the face to get his cool and calm self back.
A passed her ups turning to face him. Without warning she walked up to him wrapping her arms around him and rearing her head against his chest. "I really screwed this up..." She said softly
"..." Yone had no ideas of what happened, but it did not appear to be good. The reason of why his lord left his sister behind to 'escape' on his own... 

With that being unexplained, he patted Maniae's head, and embraced her in return.

"It's okay... You did nothing wrong, sister. I know that..." He tried to comfort her.
Her arms tightened around him a bit as she spoke "Yes I did. The bird didn't die like it should've...." She said with a sigh "he left because I failed to do my job.."
"No! There must be some kind of misunderstanding here! Why would he leave you behind just like that if he was the one who chose you to be a [Rider]?!" Yone expressed his way of thinking, and grabbed Maniae's by her shoulders.

"Look, Maniae, just... just give him another chance, okay? He must have a fair reason for leaving you back there." He said, looking into her eyes.
She was surprised by his sudden outburst. She looked up at him, her black eyes softened a bit. "That's why he left..I failed him as a rider.." she said before a large shade if red painted her cheeks from him grabbing her shoulders and looking into her eyes. She couldn't say anything to his last remark. She wasn't made at Thomas, she was disappointed with herself.
"Come on, let's go before the phoenix decides to come after us. Can you still ride?" Yone asked his sister as [Terror] galloped from beneath the earth to come to his side. 
"I'm afraid I don't have enough energy to call my horse here.." she said starting to feel weak from waking up too soon. Even if her wounds are healed, her powers weren't fully back
Yone did not reply, as he got a brief second to know what he had to do right there. He walked over to Maniae and bowed gracefully. 

"I guess I have no other choices then... that is if you don't mind, of course." He smiled, extending one of his arms out to her.
She looked at him a bit confused "you know there's not a lot a mind"she said before taking him of his arm gently
Yone then let Maniae sit on [Terror]. The fiery horse acknowledged her as a friend and did comply well with her being on it. 

The [Rider] looked at the distant castle, musing about something before getting on the horse. Maniae as of now was sitting in front of him. 

"Hold on tight." He said playfully as the [Red Horse] marched onward, leaving a trail of flame behind its hooves. 
There wasn't really anything for her to hold onto. She leaned back against his chest. A small blush on her cheeks as she gently rests her hand on top of Yones hand as they marched away on terror.


Watching Vivian heal his wounds, his eyes softened on her. A single tear forming in his right eye, he let the tear fall into Grey's body. His wounds healing at an amazing speed, he peacefully lay there I swear Grey. I will make her pay for this atrocity, my dear.... friend. He said.

The Headless Horseman

As they continued on, they saw Thomas in a perpendicular fashion the the direction they traveled. He looked down then back at them, "Your late." His words echoed in their minds, his horse reared up and snorted fire, "Don't think, just because I left you there, doesn't mean I won't still need you, Maniae." He looked as they approached, "We failed. All of us for the first time in a very long time, and it's all cause of that damn bird."

@Kairikudo @Tidnas @Forehead
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She looked over to Al'ar. "How are we going to defeat the horseman?" She asked


Maniae looked forward until she saw Thomas in the distance. Her gaze then fell down towards the neck of the red horse. She couldn't look at him she felt so ashamed. "At the moment I won't be of any use till my powers regenerate." She said with a sigh. Her head lifting g up when he said that they all failed. She shook her head no.

The Head of the Family and Al'ar

To answer her question, a man a long white robe with a collar that covered half his face, his hair with short and brown, his eye were a dark brown and his expression was uncaring. Next to him, was a most beautiful woman, long silvery hair, adorned in hair was a jeweled hair clip. Her eyes were a light purple and a her smile was almost as graceful as Al'ar's grace. She wear a long robe like her husband but the shoulders were missing and hers had no collar, Al'ar looked at them an instantly who it was and he bowed his head, Sir.... ma'am... he said, to which the woman replied, "Ah, you show yourself atlast, Al'ar." Her voice was serene.

The man added, "Al'ar... what makes you come down from the sun, my dear friend?" He asked, his voice was deep, but soothing.

Anyone who was Royal Family recognized him, he was the head of the family. Darrien Tamaki and his wife, Charlotte Tamaki.

@Kairikudo @Forehead

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