IC chat

Grey's hand slowly began to grip around Vivian's hand, Vivi...an... I'm sorry.... for dying... on you... He said in a muttered tone, a single streamed from his eye down the side his head and onto the sheets his eyelids made no movement, nor did they tighten on him. He had no control over his body and what did, this wasn't Grey acting on his free will, but it felt oddly like he was awake at the time. Darrian stood back and smiled before the leaving, motioning for the healers to leave as well.


(If dying is what it took for Grey to act like this.. then I should have died at the start. lol)
The wizards searched the castle area with no avail. Jenkins was later informed about their failed duty with a sigh, he looked back to Merlin on the sick bed, deciding he had to go out and fight, he left the man in the room on his own, morphing into a rat he ran off to join the squadron.


Apparently Yone wasn't aware of sarcasm. She rolled her eyes as she held him in that position. Her face buried into the crook of his neck as she relaxed a bit.


Vivian looked up a bit surprised at feeling him grip her hand back. She looked up to him and spoke softly "The important thing is that you're alive now" her free hand wiped away the watermark left from the tear.


Charlotte walked in, "Miss Vivian, your needed in the courtyard. Something is happening to Al'ar. He just... fell asleep, no-one knows why." She said looking at her, silently praying for Grey, "Don't worry, Miss, he'll be fine."



Vivian released Greys hand and stood up. She looked out the window seeing the sun has set "If my theory is correct, he may feel weak because the sun is down, non the less I will check on him" she said hurrying to the court yard.
The wizards returned to the castle after a long day.

"Much blood,was lost, much innocence was impurified, much goodness was turned bad, much flesh was turned ash. Much love was turned hate. " Jenkins O'Reily.

Jenkins watched as the wizards returned empty handed, shaking his head as they came back. "You've tried." He said with a faint smile, looking outside to see Al'ar. "John. Pyro the bird." He said looking to the Phoenix. The man nodded, fire surged onto the Phoenix as it replenished him with the solar pyromystical powers. The man huffed, finishing as he walked back into the castle. Jenkins sighed, closing the large castle door as he entered the castle building. They'd have to call it a night.
Al'ar hadn't moved even after the recharge, he needs actual sunlight to function, not some magical replication. His aura glowing ever so faintly as he lay there breathing softly, he was in fact sleeping and not dead.

"Maniae... are you... scared?" Yone slowly lifted his head up to the sky full of stars as he asked that question.

The celestial bodies looked down on him in return. They despised him for what he did in the name of his lord.
"Scared...? Scared of what?" She asked. Lifting her head up to look at yone. He looked so peaceful at that moment.
"Scared of what you might become in the future... Scared of your uncontrollable fate that might someday cast you adrift the wrong path..." Yone answered, his eyes still set on the glimmering stars hanging in space.
"I choose not to worry about the future and focus on the present. Who knows what the future holds?" She said in a soft tone. "Yone..? Does it bother you that I'm holding you?"
"No... Not at all..." The [Rider] smiled and brought his head down. He opened and closed his left palm a few times as he got some of his strength back.

'Yeah... You're right, Maniae... For the future... Let's do our best at present...' 
One of her hands lifted up Yones helmet as she leaned in and kissed his cheek gently. "I'm glade it doesn't" she let the helmet go back down resuming her position holding him as she looked up at the stars
'Ah, why is my face burning like this... ' Yone thought as he lifted his hand up to his face. But another feeling was present within his heart alongside embarrassment. 

...Happiness, maybe? 

'Maybe I should just ask someone...' Yagami thought as his eyes darted around for a passerby. They would probably give him knowledge of what happened here.

'That moment... That presence... It could not possibly be him...' Despite his conviction, he had wandered so far. 


After awhile Maniae released him from her grip, figuring that he was getting sick of it by now. She moved to stand beside him, as she looked up at the beautiful full moon.
Yone frowned a little bit, before staring at the moon with Maniae. He secretly looked at her a few times, while admiring how beautiful she was. A beauty that surpassed even the moon itself...

Yagami looked at the moon when its light shone down upon him. It brought back memories... Some were happy, some were not. 

He was forced to cut down his brother during that day, with the moon witnessing him as he did. He remembered the good old times when they drank together under the moon, trash-talking about the women and the times when they fought together. 
After a few moments Maniae broke the silence between them "Yone take your helmet off for me, please? I want to try something." She asked looking over at him. Her white cheeks had a hint of pink to them.
Merlin's body still rested on the sick bed. Untouched, Jenkins sat in the seat beside the bed, laying a hand on the covers over Merlin, he signed. "C'mon, boss." He muttered under his breath. It was so sad, crippling even. This may lead to the end of our kingdom completely. "We need you, Merlin." He said softly, only for him to hear. If he were listening, that is.
"Uh, okay, I guess..." Yone said as he slowly removed his mask, revealing his 'still good-looking' face to her, with several scars declaring their marks on him. 


"Don't mind the Sharingan. And the fiery hair is for decoration only."
(Just find us when you post @ApfelSeine)

Thomas summoned his third rider, but they needed time so he got on his horse and left back to the others, riding at full speed.


After she had checked on the now sleeping Al'ar, she went back to Merlin's room to check on him, she gave a knock at the door before entering


A small blush painted her cheeks. Her hand caressed his cheek before she gently pressed her lips against his.
Jenkins looked up to Vivian, a wary smile before looking back to Merlin. "We're not sure if he's gonna make it. People have already planned his cement brick by his grave." He said softly, so quiet it was hard to hear. "I'll leave.. you two alone." He said, pushing himself up from his seat a step he slipped out of the room, shutting the door behind himself.
'!!!' Things happened so quick that Yone did not even bother to freak-out mentally. 

At first, he tried to break their kiss, but he felt weak all of a sudden.

'Not now...' He eventually lost the feeling of controlling his arms and stopped resisting.

(Holy crap that was awkward...)
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Thomas rode hard and saw the two kissing, "So! Not only are you failures, but your also kissing?!" He was furious, "You two are worthless, why I picked you back then is beyond me." He rode up and slashed them with sword as punishment, "We just were beaten and your kissing? You guys are disappointments." He got off his horse.

@Kairikudo @Tidnas

(Caught in the act!)
Yone was agile enough to cover Maniae from the punishment, adding one more scar to him as a result. The pain did not mean much to him as his tolerance was absurdly high.

"...My sincere sorry, my lord. It was entirely my fault." He said.

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