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Fantasy Hybrids

Umbra Regalia

There's no place like

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What's left:

-Roleplaying the crap out of this

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Alright everyone! Take a look at the notes tab and make sure your characters are in the right list, and I'll work on the first post to throw you all in! Thank you and sorry for waiting so long!

~Your hopefully loved Umbra
Revnoir sat on the porch of his small cottage-styled home with his legs dangling from the edge. He felt the cold bite at his skin, and sighed. His breath came out in a white puff when he did, and he watched it disappear. It was winter, and there wasn't a single spec of snow in the village as the trees covered the sky. Revnoir watched with golden eyes as the other Hybrids of the village spoke amongst each other outside of their homes. Everyone was so close to each other, and they all got along perfectly. Revnoir was no exception, as he was always helping with hunting and running errands for the people of the village. He smiled to himself, remembering the memories he'd made with these people. His tall black fox ears twitched as a gentle breeze ran through the village. His tail was curled neatly behind him, as he sat comfortably on his porch.

Xillia gleefully ran around the house, helping her mother with the chores. She was excited to say the least. She would finally be able to meet a Hybrid or two! She was going to the Dark Forest, and she'd leave after she helped her mother with whatever she needed. Her mother knew, yes, but she could only advise against it. Xillia was a grown woman now, and could make her own choices. She quietly worried over her child, not wishing to lose yet another.
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Zinnia slinked around in the shadows, avoiding all the other hybrids that surrounded her in the Dark Forest. They might have been like her, but if they were to capture her, they would throw her in a dreaded orphanage, which would restrict her access to the surrounding wilderness. She ran around in the shadows, chasing and playing with several morphed animals, before stopping in front of a house. Frozen in fear, she backed away, especially terrified that she now saw a fox-like boy on the porch. @Umbra Regalia
Revnoir looked at the girl, then smiled again brightly.

"Hello, I've never seen you around here. Did you need something?" He asked, hopping down from his porch. He landed effortlessly, his tail following elegantly behind. His eyes were bright, and contrasted with the colors he wore and the hue of his hair. He may not like talking much, but he was genuinely interested in what this girl was doing here.

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Kano wandered the fields swinging his sword, somewhat practicing. He wanted someone to spar with but usually the people he asked back up a bit intimidated. He was feeling pissed off not about the fact that he never was able to get into a fight. He wandered back into the village and sheathed his sword. He wandered behind one of the bigger homes and summoned one of his casual clothes to get out of his shining armor. He kept his sword on his back sheathed and wander around the city. He looked for an unintimidated face.
"N-No..." She shook her head quickly, backing up more, until she hit a tree. A morphed butterfly landed on her head, and she froze, not wanting to hurt the innocent creature. @Umbra Regalia
Revnoir kept his smile, and tipped his head to the side a little.

"Something wrong..? You look scared, do I really look that intimidating?" He asked, looking at himself, his ears flicking as another breeze rolled in. His tail was swaying from side to side as he looked at Zinnia again.



Xillia had finished most of the errands and was going out to finish the last one - get some bread from the man on the other side of the village. She headed out, cheerfully skipping down the dirt road. She saw Kano, and smiled. Yet another adventurer, it seemed. She wondered silently if the man had ever seen a Hybrid. If so, she envied him.

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21101-kazu-kun/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21101-kazu-kun/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21101-kazu-kun/@Kazu Kun

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While looking around he spotted Xillia who he thought would be a nice person. He saw her look over at his direction. He smiled a bit. He kind of saw the girl's envy but he didn't know what she envied.

"You need something?"
Xillia smiled when he spoke.

"No, I was just wondering if you've ever met a Hybrid. You seem like the kind who would adventure into the Dark Forest, so I was just thinking... Sorry, I'll leave you a lone..!" She said quietly, a little scared of the man now. As shy as she was, she was just too excited to have stayed silent.

@Kazu Kun
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"Oh wait no it's ok... I have seen one... However they killed part of my family is how I saw it. I won't have the information you seek probably."

He sighed and shrugged. However he didn't want to lose the friendly face. He liked to be around talkative and energetic people.
She lost her smile when he said his parents were killed.

"Oh... I'm sorry for bringing it up..! But... Well, is it really that dangerous in the forest? I was planning on going to see what was inside, if Hybrids really were as violent as we say they are, but now I'm a little worried..." She said quietly, now doubting her choice of venturing into the Dark Forest.

@Kazu Kun
"I'm heading out!" Leslie yelled to her brother, grabbing her jacket and sword before swinging the door open. Soon. Soon she would be venturing into the Dark Forest to see what it was like. She couldn't trust the stories everyone told, as they all differed some way or another. She didn't believe the Hybrids were really so violent. They couldn't be when living in such a forest, could they? The way the trees lit up every now and then, and Leslie could just get the tiniest glimpse of it outside her window... How could something so magical, be so horrible? It didn't seem to fit.

So, she had decided to check it out by herself to see what it was really like, despite her brothers protests. "Wait! Did you at least eat?" Speaking of her brother...

"Of course I did! Just who do you think you're talking to?" she called back without missing a beat, rolling her eyes and huffing slightly as she exited their small but humble home. "Honestly..." she mumbled to herself, swinging her sheathed sword along her back. She wanted to get some practice in before she went, just in case. However, none of her partners for sparring seemed to be available... But that was alright. She was used to practicing on her own.

Making her way to the open fields, Leslie hummed quietly to herself as she walked along the path, smiling at some of the villagers as she walked by.
"Oh I heard they became more peaceful since the war I'll go with you if you want? I can guard you if needed."

He smiled again. He summoned his second piece of gear and a blocking wall so she wouldn't see him change, however it was at an instant anyways. The armor was mostly from the waist and below. The he had gold gauntlets and nothing but a necklace from the waist up. His chest was bare showing red marking, tatoos. And his sword was now sheathed on his hip.
Braull came back from a hunt. He sighed, disappointed, while entering the village of the hybrids. Hunts weren't as plentiful in the winter, but, hey, you have to make do with what you can catch. He hauled a rather small deer-looking creature over his shoulder, carrying it to where he thought this village stored its food. He's going the wrong way, obviously, and he passes the same small house several times. Realizing he's done this, he waves at the fox hybrid in front that house and keeps trying to find the collection pile. Braull feels determined to find this himself.
Aida closed the door to her home as she set foot outside and made her way to the forest to have one of her usual walks. She always enjoyed looking at the trees light while she wandered around without destination, and today, today she just needed to get her mind off everything and isolate herself a few moments.

As she strolled along the dark forrest she began to think on a quite popular subject on the time, or at least, in her home: The hybrids

She knew very well the conflict between the hybrids and the humans existed, but she never saw a real reason as to why she had to fear them, or why they should fear her, if these two once lived together they couldn't be very different and could surely get along right? Well she hadn't met any hybrid to get an opinion on them altogether, but she wished she would one day, just to prove to herself there was really nothing to be afraid of, on either ends of this.
She slumped down in what she took to be defeat, as she was seemingly closed in, with no place to run. She sighed. "Fine. You can take me to the orphanage." Oh crap she thought, I just told him I was a runaway. StupidStupidSTUPID! @Umbra Regalia
(I'm back guys! sorry for leaving at such a terrible time!)

Revnoir lowered one ear in confusion, his smile fading.

"A runaway, huh?" He asked as a rhetorical question. "Don't worry, I won't be forcing you to do anywhere. I know just how dreadfully boring it is to stay in an orphanage." He said with an almost saddened smile. It brought back memories of when he would just burst and yell at everyone when he was around too many people. The orphanages weren't as full as they were when he was there, let alone when the war between humans and Hybrids happened.

"I understand why you don't want to go back, so I won't make you." He said, now out of his memory montage.



Xillia smiled at the man who just used magic to switch his clothing and weapon.

"Well if you're willing! I'm going to need as many people to help me as I can. If you couldn't tell already, I'm terrible with a weapon." She said, scratching the back of her head. She was physically weak, and probably wouldn't stand a chance against a Hybrid if things got violent.

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21101-kazu-kun/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21101-kazu-kun/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21101-kazu-kun/@Kazu Kun

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Braull could hear the conversation between the... two foxes? He wasn't sure what the short one was; a fox was the closest thing. They were talking about an orphanage. Braull frowned for only a moment, and then put back on a slight smile. He wasn't going to let the past get to him, especially when others are standing around.

After yet again getting lost in the village, he decides he should ask for help. He approaches what he thinks are two foxes and asks them, "Sorry to interrupt, but, where do you guys keep your prey here?" He glances at the deer he's carrying over his shoulder for emphasis before looking back at the two. @Umbra Regalia @PokemonGirl
Revnoir looked at the second unfamiliar face today, and chuckles. He studied the wolf Hybrid for a moment before speaking.

"You new around here, too, huh?" He asked, again rhetorically. He nodded towards a small little shack that looked like a house. "That's the storage house, just hang it up in there somewhere. He silently wondered why a new person would be helping with hunting, especially when their area had a fairly good hunting season during the winter. He guessed that the food was being eaten faster because of all the new children being born. These people need to learn to keep their pants on.


Braull gives the fox hybrid a nod and a smile, "Thanks!" he said, looking down at him. Braull noticed he towered over both of the beings here... Anyway, Braull starts to explain his situation a little not realizing the question was rhetorical, saying, "I just wander around, looking for any jobs I can do to get by." He looks as if he wants to say more, but he stops himself. He gives the helpful hybrid another nod before leaving to put the prey away in storage.
Revnoir gave a nod back to the man, ignoring the start of a possible rant. He looked back at the runaway and gave her a smile.

"I'll get out of your fur." He said, almost instantly turning into a small black fox. His eyes glinted the same gold, as he looked up at the girl for a short moment before scampering away, his run cycle resembling that of a squirrel. He was quick as he disappeared into the coldly colored forest. The trees weren't glowing, but the plant life underneath it glowed with their usual colors. The trees would glow tomorrow night, and the annual festival would take place. The festival celebrated the Goddess of the Snow.

Revnoir caught the scent of the wolf hybrid, but not the same one as before. He kept his ears high on his head to catch any noise it might make.

@Aurath Moonblood
Fisa was at the edge of the forest, hiding in the shadows. It was surprising how close the human villages came to the forest. She enjoyed watching the people, but was too afraid to go meet one. She had no idea how they would react to her. The war between them had devastating consequences for both sides. She swished her tail behind her nervously as people moved closer, but they didn't actually enter the forest you. @Umbra Regalia @Kazu Kun
Aurath sniffed around in wolf form. so many interesting sents. He never spent much time in villages.
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