Huskies High School-- Have Fun!!(:

Mitchy smiled and kissed him again. She tingled as he kissed her neck, she looked up at him and then watched the movie. She snuggled into his chest and smiled happily.
Logan watch the movie as it played and held Mitchy close. He kissed her neck again just to feel the something that goes through her body.
Mitchy smiled sweetly, she turned around on his lap, and kissed his neck.'she also nibbled his ear, and nipped at his jaw line. She wrapped her arms around his stomach and then dotted his face with loving kisses.
Mitchy smirked and pushed him on the bed. She laid next to him, and buried her head in his chest. She let her hands rest on his stomach, and her legs wrapped through his.
Mitchy looked up at him and nodded, "You don't need to ask me to make out. I'd kiss you anytime you'd want me to." She told him with a sweet and innocent smile.
Logan kissed her and gave her a evil grin. He install thought this was an advantage. Then he brought her close and kissed her more and more and more.
Mitchy blushed as he kissed her, she kissed him back when she could, and smiled in between. She kept close to him and smiled as she pressed her hands on his stomach and chest.
Logan took her hand and wrapped them around his waist. Then wrapped his around her waist also and kissed her neck.
Mitchy blushed and then looked at him, she held on to him by his waist, and let him kiss her. The movie was still going, but neither one of them was watching it.
Liam hung up the phone with a thank you. He kissed Elena and felt bad she was in suspension, so he had decided to do something special. He had ordered a gorgeous bouquet of spring flowers to be sent straight to her dorm.

Lilac rushed into Gus' room. "Gus! I did it! I finished my painting!" She exclaimed.

"Jeez, Lil! What if I was doing something private?" He questioned.

She shrugged, "Then you would've locked the door. Now come see!" She took hold of his wrist and dragged him to her dorm.

"Wow! It's amazing!" Gus declared.

Lilac blushed, "Thanks, but it's not that good. I need more inspiration, though. Lets go outside."

Gus chuckled and followed her outside.

Jez was lying at the edge of the pool in her black and red polka dot bikini on her skull towel. She was enjoying the heat, and the added benefit of a darker complexion was only a bonus.
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He continued to kiss her then he looked at the time and aw curfew was in 10 mins and it took 5 to get his dorm and 30 to get ready for bed.
Elena shut her computer, and fell asleep. It was time to sleep, but she wanted to see Liam. She crawled under the covers and fell asleep; lovely thoughts filled her head.

Damon head a commotion in Gus' room, so he texted him. 'Hey everything ok over ther?' He sent it as h laid onnhisbbedband sighed deeply.

Mitchy saw the time and sighed, "You have to go, I'm sorry, but I don't want to get you or myself suspended." She told him, as she walked towards the door with him. "See you tomorrow Logi." She giggled and kissed him before she opened the door for him.
Liam went to sleep.

Jez went back to her room.

Lilac and Gus returned to their own dorms. When Gus got back, he checked his messages and saw he had gotten one from Damon. 'Yeah,' he replied, 'Lilac was just a little excited about the painting she just finished.'
Damon nodded, 'alright' he responded.

(Time skip)

Elena woke up and got changed, athletic shorts and a tank top. She sat on her bed and checked her computer for her assingments. She got them and then started then up; it'd take all day. She started at 7:00 AM and guessed she would be done at noon.
Lilac discovered her inspiration when she woke up the next day. She updated her Facebook status saying, 'Would anyone like to model for some of my artwork?' When she was done getting ready, she headed over to Gus' dorm room to wait for him; they had the same class first thing.

Liam texted Elena a 'Good morning, beautiful,' after getting ready. Then he headed to his first class.

Jez slammed her hand down on the snooze button, she had a spare so she was going to sleep in.
Elena smiled when she got his text, 'Good morning boo. Hope you have a good day.' She replied before she continued her homework. She was very focused, and was going to get it done.

Damon saw Lilacs status and smiled 'mememmeme pick meeee!!!' He commented after getting all of his clothes on, and when he was ready to take on the day, he sat on his bed and checked Facebook.
Liam was just entering his classroom when he got the text. He sat down and discreetly replied. 'Won't be nearly as good since you're stuck in your dorm.'

Lilac's phone dung and she checked Facebook. She chuckled and commented on her status, 'Haha, alright. Meet me at that huge oak tree after school?' Then, turning to Gus' bathroom door she called, "Hurry up! We're gonna be late!" She was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling.

"Sorry!" He called, "One second!"
(Logan left...last night thinking of her.) Logan got up and looked around trying to figure out what happen last night. Then he remember Mitchy and him making out and the feeling of her threw him.

Jordan go up and could hear Lilac screamin telling Gus to get up. Jordan got a shower then picked out her clothes. She got her textbooks in her bag and got her shoes ready to slip in when she left out. She wanted Gus but knew he liked Lilac well she guess he did. Jordan put on her clothes then slipped on her shoes and grabbed her bag. When Jordan walked out her book bag broke and it made a loud boom sound. She tried to pick them up but she was frustrated and stress out. Jordan leaned against the wall. She picked up her books quietly putting them in there book by the order of class.
Mitchy rolled out of bed, she changed into her usual attire. She walked out of the room and down the hall. She ate a quick breakfast, she walked up and down the halls. She was so glad it was a new day, she just didn't want to go to school.
(hey coedy had to change my picture for jordan if you dont mind the picture i had wouldnt show up for me so i changed her looks..)
(thanks) Logan walked out of his dorm room and saw Jordan and turned the other way. " that blonde hair klutz..." he said softly.Then he saw mitchy and grabbed her by her waist and whispered in her ear. "guess who sweetheart?"
Mitchy giggled and then turned around. "Ben Stiller." She guessed with a giggle. She kissed him and then hugged him.

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