Huskies High School-- Have Fun!!(:

Elena smiled and quickly opened Skype, "Yes!" She responded, quickly logging on, and then waited for his call. She couldn't wait, even though it had only been 30 minutes.
Liam clicked the video call button. He fixes his hair in the camera view. He was in his pyjamas, so he was shirtless.
Elena had been in a tanktop and athletic shorts for a little bit, when she recieved the call, she smiled happily and connected. She saw Liam, and smiled. "Hey!" She happily smiled as she looked at him. She brushed her hair back and yawned a little, but not too loud or long.
Elena smiled sweetly and looked up before she sent a (hug) to him. "Sorry about what happened, I'll be out of my suspension in three days." She told him, pushing her hair out of her face.
Elena sighed, "I have to stay in my room, and I have to get all of my lessons online." She told him with a soft smile.
Liam smiled apologetically, "At least you can get a break from everyone you hate," he stayed, trying to make light of the situation.
Elena giggled her usual, sweet giggle, and nodded. "Yeah, but that means I can't see anyone who I want to see." She said with a smirk. She propped her computer next to her pillows and laid down next it. She smiled and looked at the boy who she adored so much, but was behind a computer screen.
Chloe started walking over to the pool after her classes. She had just had ballet and her body was feeling stiff. She was wearing a black bikini and a white see-through-ish white robe that came up to her thighs. Her feet jingled because each of her black flip-flops had a heart and key chain. It was cute, but quite noisy. When she got to the pool she pulled off her robe and settled down her towel. Chloe untied her hair and let it flow free, It was a hot day and she was ready to throw herself in. Once she settled down all her stuff on a table, she dived a perfect dolphin dive into the pool. She was relieved to cool down, but she hadn't socialized in a long time and felt like she needed to talk to someone, a boy preferably.

(please someone there? Please talk to me! I need someone's company!)
Jordan walked out to the court yard and sat on a bench. She had been thinking about Gus for awhile now, but it seemed he like lilac or what ever her name was. Everyone always tried to bring her down her whole life and this one time she hopped he would be the one to encourage her when she is hurt. She hadn't seen him around lately so she just tried her best to ignore him.

Logan walked through the halls with his varsity jacket on feeling like a king. He wasn't new and everyone loves him so he was basically searching for new bait. There was one girl name Mitchy but he didn't know if she was new or not.. This morning when he saw Jordan he felt like he had threw up in his mouth. He couldn't imagine someone else that ugly.
(Yes Lori Williams , you can start)

Elena shrugged, "I guess, but its still no fun." She told him with a smile. "But don't worry about me, I'll be fine." She told him reassuringly. She looked at the time and then back to her computer screen. "I should probably go.." She trailed off.

Mitchy smiled happily as she picked up her basketball, she'd been outside for quite some time. She ran a hand through her hair as she walked through the halls. Her 2013 Class A Women's Basketball championship t-shirt was being worn, she loved that shirt. She threw her basketball into her room, then walked after it. She took a quick shower and hanged into another championship tshirt with shorts before se walked out of her room. After closing her door and turning around, she ran into Logan. She smiled a little as she backed away, "Hey, sorry about that." She said pulling her hair out of her face, and into a ponytail.
Chloe walked around hoping for someone's company. She was bored and hadn't socialized in a while. "Ugh.... Sooo bored.." She said to herself. There was only one way to get what she wanted. Be patient and wait for someone to come along. She took a deep breath and sat down on a nearby bench hoping for someone to come along.
Logan looked at her then said " oh no dont worry about it..". Logan looked at her body and noticed ever curve. He liked a sporty type woman yes indeed he did. " um hey mitchy would like to you know hang out sometime?" he was going for the kill as he did his ran his hand threw his hair.

Jordan looked threw her right and so a familiar girl. She got up and walked to her and said " hello do i know you?"
Mitchy noticed him glancing at her body, she gently pushed him away with a smile on her face. "Hey, no looking until its yours." She exclaimed, winking. She yawne a little as she brushed back her hair, she thought about her answer, and then remembered Logan's mindset. Mitchy was smart enough to know when it was okay to say yes to a jock. "Well that all depends if you win the game!" She told him, smiling happily. She took out a gum wrapper and scribbled down her number. "Lets hang out sometime." She leaned into the side of his face and whispered in his ear. She smiled as she turned around into her room, purposely leaving the door open a crack.
Logan walked in thinking she left it over reason. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. " what about know ?"he whispered in her ear in a sexy voice.
Mitchy blushed softly, she turned around in his arms and placed her hands on the small of his back. "Hm, sure." She agreed, looking up and into his eyes. "What did you have in mind?" She asked him, closing the dorm door with her foot. It was pretty late, 9:00 at night. Curfew was in a few hours, so they wouldn't get in trouble. She glanced up at Logan and pulled herself a little closer.
Logan backed up in till he felt the bed. He turned around and put her on the bed. " umm well what do you recommend?" he asked as he hovered over her.
Mitchy shrugged and rolled over so she was a little ways away from him. "Well, we have three hours..." She trailed off as she sat up on her bed. "We could go play outside. One on one basketball, or football?" She suggested with a smirk. "Or we could watch a movie." She added with a shrug.

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