Huskies High School-- Have Fun!!(:

Elizabeth smiled softly at him and played with her messy brown curly hair. "Nice to meet you" She squinted her eyes alittle bit. She had the feeling she knew him but she didnt know where from. "I swear I have seen you before"

Jordan smiled at her and turned his music off. "I am Jordan. I just moved her from London. Pleasure to meet you" He noticed the sweat on her brow and stepped closer to her to wipe it off with his thumb. He bit his lip and steped back after he wiped it.
Maxx laughed, "Well, I play sports. Maybe you've seen me at a game?" He asked, "My uncle and dad own Charlie's Diner." He added, hoping to refresh her memory. He stuck his hands in his pockets and smiled at her.

Mitchy smiled, "Hm London. That must have been fun." She said with a smirk. She blushed after he had wiped the sweat off of her brow. "Thank you." She said, bushing her hair behind her ears. "You're new here." She thought a loud, "Do you need me to show you around?" She asked him sweetly.
"The point on the earths surface directly above the focus." Elena explained before kissing his cheek an taking another bite of her sub.
Elena nodded, "My sub is perfect." She told him before she set it down and closed he binder. "Any questions that you have for me?" She asked curiously.
Elena giggled and nodded, "Sounds fair enough." She agreed, holding her sub up to his mouth and smirked. She kissed his lips, almost teasing him to open his mouth.
He took a bite. Then kissed her, "It was good! But you taste better," he winked. He held up his so that she could take a bite.
Elena giggled and slightly blushed, she hugged him and then sat back up. "Well I'm glad that you like my lips." She said sweetly, "because they are all yours." She whispered. She took a bite and smiled, she caught a piece of lettuce in her hand. "It's good, but I like you much more." She said with a giggle.
"Really?" He asked, "'Cause I prefer my sandwich to you," he winked and chuckled. "Just kidding," he softly whispered, "But it's a close call." He winked again.
Elena laughed, "so that's how I rate eh!" She said as she sat up, she crossed her arms playfully, laughing softly. She continued to eat her sandwich. She stuck her tongue out at Liam and smiled as he turned back around.
(Any ideas for plot?)

"Hey! Listen!" Liam stated, "Wanna' go to a party next weekend?" He asked, brushing hair away from her face.
(Yes, you'll see)

Elena looked at him, she shrugged and leaned back a little. "With you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Sure, is love to." She said as poked his stomach with a smirk.
( lol aiight )

"Me?" Liam asked, "Naw, I meant by yourself. Y'see, I know the guy who's throwing it, and he thinks you're pretty hot."
Elena laughed, "Haha, well tell him that I'm already taken." She told him with a smirk. She leaned against the tree and looked at him. She poked his stomach and stuck her tongue out a him
"Do you like?" Liam asked as she poked him, "I hardened it just for you, baby." He lifted his shirt slightly to reveal a perfectly symmetrical six-pack.
Elena blushed and placed her hands on his stomach. She sat on top of him, and kissed him. She slipped her to tongue into his mouth before she pulled away. "I love it." She winked and ran her hand down his stomach, her fingers sliding down his abs.
"Mmm, so do I," Liam said when she pulled away, not talking about his abs. He kissed her again, withholding his tongue, "Wanna go back to a dorm room? I feel like we at disgusting people with our PDA."
Elena shrugged and picked up her trash, then threw it away. "Sure." She said as she stood up and held her hands out to him with a happy smile on her face.
Elena smiled, "Mine." She said, entwining fingers with him. She looked up at him, and smiled as she got her keys out. She twirlled them around her finger as she walked.
Elena smirked, "Thank you, I do tr--" she wasnt looking where she was going, and she walked into a fast opening door. She fet down and curled in a ball. She hid her face and held her hand on her forehead. Her breathing got heavy, and all of the lights went black.
(What just happened? :0)

Liam knelt down beside her, "Are you alright?" He questioned, worry dripping from his voice.

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