Huskies High School-- Have Fun!!(:

Elena laughed, she laid her head on his chest and looked up at him. "Yes. So, Liam, how does a volcano form?" She asked him, seeing if he still remembered.
Elena laughed, "Sure. Lets go with that, but remember; tectonic plates, not dinner plates." She corrected with a small giggle.
"I'll try," Liam replied, "But it's hard to focus, with such a beautiful set if eyes staring at me." He kissed her once more.
Elena blushed, she covered his eyes and kissed him. "Okay, so now that you can see my beautiful self. How does a volcano grow?" She asked giggled as she moved a little closer to Liam.
Elena laughed and uncovered his eyes. "Mmh, I'll let that slide. But ONLY because I find you exteremely adorable." She explained, hugging him while laying her head on his chest.
Elena smirked, "Sure. A picnic sounds nice." She agreed, sitting up, and then eventually standing up. She looked back at him and smiled. "Should I get my study material?" She asked him with a giggle.
"I guess you better. Meet me at the water fountain. Text me what you like at Subway," he gave her his number on a heart shaped post it.
Elena nodded, "Okay, I'll see you in a few." She agreed before kissing him, and sliding the post it into her front pocket. She turned and walked of his dorm.
Elizabeth walked into school with her suitcases trailing behind her. Her makeup was smeared under her eyes and her hair was a mess. She walked 12 miles to get to school and she finally made it. She looked around the hallways and found her dorm room. She but all her bags down and walked back out into the hallway confused on where everybody was. She sat down her back against the wall and took out her broken iPhone pretending to look busy. This is the loneliest she has ever been.

Jordan jogged around the school in his track suit and trainers. It was a cool day and was about to turn into night. He had nothing to do so he decided to run.,his iPod was on full blast as his long tan legs carried him around campus. Everyone was a blur to him and nothing could stop his good mood.
Maxx didn't mind the sun, actually he preferred it over being inside or winter. He turned himself down the hallway after coming in from being outside. He stuck his hands in the pockets of his athletic shorts and hummed a tune as he walked to his dorm. He brushed his hand over his hair and smiled at the people who he passed. Maxx was generally a very happy person, that was, until something bad happened.

Mitchy sat on the cement, she dribbled the basketball as she drank more water. She had been focused on basketball the past hour or so. She picked up her dribble regardless of how her muscles felt, and shot the ball. She took closer shots, mainly using the backboard.
Elizabeth heard someone walking down the hallway and sat up alittle but fixing her wind swept hair and licked her finger to get the smudged makeup off of her face. She looked up as Maxxie passed and she sighed softly. He was cute her type of man. She was sure she had seen him somewhere but was sure. Elizabeth stood up and smiled her winning smile. "Hello. I am Elizabeth. I am new" She didn't stick her hand out for him to shake she was just simply wanting to start a convocation with him.

Jordan stopped at the courts and leaned against the wall taking a break. Sweat was starting to form on his brow and he wiped it away lifting up his red track suit shirt. He took a water bottle out of his pocket and took a large gulp of it smiling to himself. He looked up hearing the basketball drop on he ground next to him. He picked it up and shouted "Here you go" His music was still pounding in his ears and he blushed softly taking his ear buds out saying in a more quiet voice "here you go" 
Oh my goodness. Stupid auto correct it is s

Eliza said:
Elizabeth heard someone walking down the hallway and sat up alittle but fixing her wind swept hair and licked her finger to get the smudged makeup off of her face. She looked up as Maxxie passed and she sighed softly. He was cute her type of man. She was sure she had seen him somewhere but was sure. Elizabeth stood up and smiled her winning smile. "Hello. I am Elizabeth. I am new" She didn't stick her hand out for him to shake she was just simply wanting to start a convocation with him.
Jordan stopped at the courts and leaned against the wall taking a break. Sweat was starting to form on his brow and he wiped it away lifting up his red track suit shirt. He took a water bottle out of his pocket and took a large gulp of it smiling to himself. He looked up hearing the basketball drop on he ground next to him. He picked it up and shouted "Here you go" His music was still pounding in his ears and he blushed softly taking his ear buds out saying in a more quiet voice "here you go"
It's supposed to say conversation
Maxx stopped as a girl began a conversation with him. He smiled at her, then began to talk. "Hi, I'm Maxx. And I am not so new here." He told her with a laugh. She was cute, he'd give her that. But she didn't look like his type. He'd still be friendly, but he wasn't sure about her.

Mitchy smiled at Jordan, "Thank you." She replied, catching the ball, and then began to shoot. "Where at my manners." She asked as she held the ball against her side. "I'm Mitchy." She told him smiling as sweat slowly dripped from her brow.
Liam sat on a blanket, lain on the rich grass by the water fountain. Two Subway meals sat beside him temptingly.
Elena smiled as she walked out of her dorm with her binder. She made her way to the fountain, and smiled as she saw Liam. "Hey Liam." She said before laying next to him.
"Hey, El," Liam replied, stretching his arm out to give her a cushion, "Did you get the study notes?" He asked, "I got the sandwiches."
Elena nodded, and leaned against his arm. She pulled the binder out and set it on her stomach. "Mmh, those look good." She mumbled, but opened the white binder. "What is the focus of an earthquake?" She asked him with a smirk.
"A volcanoe?" He asked, taking a bite of his sandwich and passing Elena gets. "Or is it the plates?" He was speaking with his mouth full.
Elena shook her head and smiled softly, "No, it's where the earthquake has it's origin." She explained, taking a small bite out of her sub, ad wiping some mustard off of his chin. She smiled and giggled as she looked up at him.
Elena laughed, "Well I'm sorry. Would you like some mine?" She asked, holding up a mustard packet. She swallowed her bite smirked happily. She moved her head to his chest and played with the mustard packet.
Liam smiled softly to himself. "We are terrible studyiers," he stated, "But I like it better this way," he quickly added.
Elena nodded in agreement, she looked up at him and then looked down at the mustard packet in her hAnd. "I know, but this is the most fun I've had in a while." She said softly. She placed the packet next to her and then picked up her binder. "Epicenter of an earthquake?" She asked before taking another bite of her sub.

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