Huskies High School-- Have Fun!!(:

"Don't worry that was a compliment." He laughed and stuck his tongue at her playfully. Matt gently tightened his grip on her, making sure not to drop her. Matthew made a pouty face. "That's not fair! I can't poke you back! Buuuut....I can do this.." He pretended to drop her and let go for a split second, grabbing her again before she fell.
Cam laughed, she closed her eyes after sticking her tounge back out at him, and then breathed a deep breath. She screeched a little when she felt his grip loosen. She poked his back again, then down his sides, and across his chest once again. She messed up his hair; getting him back for almost dropping her.
When she poked his side he laughed and almost dropped her again. "That tickled!" He shook his head to shift his hair back the way it was, making sure to lean forward so he didn't hit Cam in the face. Matt was always ticklish in pretty much any place. (Get that dirty thought out of your head!)
(Didn't have a dirty thought until you made it obvious!( :) Cam laughed, "Good. It was supposed to!" She told him triumphantly. She hopped down off of him when they reached the enterence of the dorms. "Where are you staying?" She asked him, as she looked up at him. She pulled her hair out of the loose ponytail it was in, and let her carmel brown hair sit as her shoulders as she walked with him.
Matt pouted when she got off and at her comment. He looked straight as he walked in, saying hi to some of his random friends. He reached his room and pointed to the door with his thumb. "Here." Matt was about to open the door but then remembered that she was a girl. " you want to come in?"
Cam shrugged, "Um.. If you'd rather not have me I won't, I really don't care." She told him, she twiddled her thumbs and looked up at him. "I better just to, let you sleep peacefully." She winked and poked his sides once more before giving him a hug. She blushed softly and began to unwrap her arms.
"We can go to mine," Liam stated, winking at her, "Follow me." He headed in the direction of the dorm rooms.

Lilac said goodbye to Damon and turned to Gus, "Let's go to a Subway!" Gus agreed and they headed in the direction Damon had said the fast food places were. They ordered their sandwiches and sat down. There was a buz and Gus pulled out his phone. Lilac snatched it from his fingertips and opened his Facebook app. Luckily, she was a grade A Facebook stalker and she was able to find Damon quickly and send him a request.

"What'd you do?" Gus asked, retrieving his phone and looking at it, "Hey! Now you have to send him one too!"

"I will," Lilac promised, "When I get home"
Elena nodded and walked with him, she winked back at him, giggling softly too. She hugged his arm, not caring what other people saw or thought of it.

Damon returned to his dorm; he got his laptop out and logged into Facebook. He got a notification, and opened his tab up. He accepted Gus' request, figuring it was probably Lilac. He shrugged though and continued on his laptop, aimlessly scrolling.
"Woah! I thought it was my job to make the first move,"

Liam joked. He was startled by Elena, but didn't mind all that much. He lead her up to his dorm room and opened the door for her, "Ta da!"

"Beep! Buz!" Came Gus' phone. He looked at his alerts and noticed Damon accepted the request, "He accepted your request," he announced.

Lilac smiled, "Of course he did! You guys will be best friends! Just wait and see," she replied
Elena laughed, she shook her head and smiled brightly. Her white teeth gleaming, she looked up at him and walked into his room. She yawned with a giggle, but winked at Liam in the process.

Damon got bored, so he opened up a chat with Gus. "Hi Gus it's Damon Hope u enjoyed Ur first day." He sent it; figuring that lilac would probably read it first. He chuckled to himself and hummed along to pandora as it played through his speakers on his mac book pro.
"Do you have study notes?" He asked, "Because I sure don't. I don't pay attention in that class. I don't even know what we need to study." He flopped down on his bed after shutting the door.

"He sent me a message," Gus stated as they left Subway.

"Ooo! Let me see!" Lilac exclaimed. Gus showed her his phone. "Hmm.., you should say 'My first day has been wonderful... Thanks to my favourite person in the world; Miss Lilac Summers, the most gorgeous girl in the whole world.'"

"Right," Gus said before replying, 'It's actually been surprisingly pretty good... Thanks!'
Elena shook her head, "No, I don't have any notes with me." She told him as she sat on the foot of his bed. She smiled back at him, and propped herself up, "Do you want me to go get my notes?" She asked him curiously.

Damon recieved his reply, quickly tapping his reply back on his key. "That's good. I hope that you have a good rest of the year!" He quickly responded, rolling on his back, and studying the ceiling.
Liam shrugged, "If you want to... I have my textbook with me though... I think..." Liam trailed off, come to think of it, he didn't actually know where his textbook was. He thought it was in his drawer... Or maybe his closet?

After wrestling in front of Subway, Lilac had managed to steal Gus' phone again. He just watched as she replied to Damon, a demonic grin splitting her face. 'I hope so too. But as long as Lilac makes my children, it will all be okay,' she wrote.
Elena shrugged, "Well, I know a little bit of what we are going." She told him with a smile. "What makes a volcano explode?" She asked him, leaning back and laying next to Liam with a smile on her face.

Damon looked at his response, and raised an eyebrow. "Woah; did know you felt that way about her. I'll remember to lay off of my flirting(;" he replied. He was oblivious to Lilac answering for Gus. But she was pretty, and he was attracted to her.
"Baking soda, water, and red dye?" Liam ventured, having no idea what the actual answer was, "Tell me, Elena, what does make a volcanoe explode?" He gave her a wide grin.

'Flirting? That's not appropriate... Do you know where flirting leads ;) ?' Lilac sent the message. She wondered if Damon was playing along, or if he actually thought Gus was speaking to him.

Gus sat glumly on a bench beside her. "Can I have my phone back yet?" He whined.

"No," she replied, "I'm having fun."

(Glum Gus!!!!! xD )
Elena laughed, "Cute, but no." She told him with a smile. "When tectonic plates move, the friction of the plates cause land to raise, and crushed rock rises through the risen land, and the crushed rock explodes because of pressure." She told him, matter-of-factly.

By this response, Damon became aware of the situation. "Ha. Not gonna happen. She's not even interested in me, so I'm not gonna flirt too much." He responded, playing along just for fun.

(lol!!! Darling Damon. Educated Elena! LOLOLOL CD)
"So... In simple terms, baking soda plus plates equals fire?" Liam asked, genuinely confused, "Could you repeat, s'il vous plaît?"

'Of course she's not interested in you,' Lilac typed, 'She lives me. We can share though.'
Elena smiled and shook her head, she took his hands, showing him the motions of the plates. "After the plates move, land rises, and magma fills the center." She added, making more hand motions. She looked down at him, and rested her head on his chest.

Damon laughed, "I don't like sharing." He responded, and laughed at himself. He sent another reply quickly, "Gigs up lilac (:" he was proud of himself, and then hoped she wasn't too mad, or mad at all.
Liam laughed, if u started moving my pecs like the plates... Would your head explode?" Liam asked, looking down at Elena and chuckling.

'Aww :( ,' Lilac replied, 'You're no fun! ;) ' Just then, Gus took his phone back.

"Lilac!" He exclaimed after reading through the messages, "Talk to him on your Facebook."

"I can't, I left my phone in my room. Unlike some people I like to smell the roses when I'm out. You can't get much inspiration from a screen."
Elena laughed, she looked up at him and smirked. "Hm.." She thought aloud, "it may happen." She guessed, laughing as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Damon chuckled, 'yeah yeah yeah. I'll talk to u ltr' he replied before shutting his laptop, and walking out of his dorm. He sat on a bench in the hallway, and yawned a little bit as he stretched his arms out. 
Cam shrugged, "Um.. If you'd rather not have me I won't, I really don't care." She told him, she twiddled her thumbs and looked up at him. "I better just to, let you sleep peacefully." She winked and poked his sides once more before giving him a hug. She blushed softly and began to unwrap her arms.

Liam chuckled, "Seeing as we are apparently so familiar, why don't we go on a date sometime after our test? If you get a better mark, I'll take you out, but if I get a better mark..." He suggested.

Gus put his phone in his pocket and turned to Lilac in conversation.
Elena laughed, "Hm Id like that!" She agreed, running her finger across his chest. "So your gonna be taking me out then?" She joked, dotting the end of his nose with a kiss.

Damon rolled out of his bed and took a walk outside. He yawned and stretched as he took in the outside air, smiling happily as he watched the stars and animals.
Liam laughed, "You think you'll win over me?" He questioned. After she kissed him on the nose, he protested, "Hey! My lips aren't good enough? What's up with that?" He demanded, returning the nose kiss.

(Woah! It's night time now! xD )
Elena laughed, she nodded and smiled brightly. "Of course I'll do better than you." She joked, before blushing and shaking her head. She lowered her head once again and planted a little kiss on his lips.
"That's better," Liam stated, after pulling away for air. A sift smile played on his lips, and his brown eyes sparkled. "This study date sure is something." He winked.

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