Huskies High School-- Have Fun!!(:

Mitchy took her legs off of his waist, and spun around, and moved her hair to the side. "Well I'm sorry, I thought I could do that sort of stuff, but if you don't want me to then I guess I wont." she said, as she rolled off of his lap and onto the bed. She didn't want sex yet she wasn't ready, she had only been with Logan for one day, and he already wanted it? She didn't know if she was making the right decision with him, but she did love him, so she would stop with her actions that made him want it.
"I though that was tomorrow," Gus declared, "But I don't mind if we move it to tonight."

When the bell rang for lunch, Liam's head shot up. His expression was confused a d there was a mark on his face from his binder. He turned to Elena, "We still hanging out?" He asked.

Lilac texted Gus, 'Can't hang out at lunch today,' she said, 'Sorry.' This, of course, was a small white lie to make him hang out with Jordan.

When Gus got the text he looked up at Jordan nervously, "What are you doing at lunch?" He asked.
" thanks I mean ive loved you for along time that's why I already want it... but ya know.." Logan said with a grin.
Elena smiled and nodded, she stood with him and began to walk. "Yes, we are still hanging out." she said, as she walked out of the room with him. They were on their way to the cafeteria when the intercom came on..


Elena heard the announcement, and shook her head. She wondered why the formal was moved to three days from now. Oh wait! This Friday was the football championship!

Mitchy heard the announcement and looked at Logan, "Isn't that the night of the football championship?" she asked, knowing it was, but wanted to clarify.
Jordan simply replied " nothing and you can we move it to tonight my family is having a meeting tonight..." She held Gus's hand and smiled.

Logan looked confused and said " uh huh they cant do that!!". He ran out the door and into the office but waited to say something because he was catching his breath.
Mitchy sighed and watched as Logan ran out of the room. She picked up the dishes, and then leaned against her wall as she waited for the bell to ring.

The office was full of football players, obviously they didn't clarify, and the intercom turned on again.


Then the intercom turned off.
Logan sighed of relief then ran in excitement all the way back to

Mitchy's room with some flowers. " Mitchy umm sweetheart here .." He said softly in a tux. "your awesome date starts now please go get ready.." he said in a formal voice.
Mitchy looked at Logan, and nodded, she walked into the bathroom, and got ready. She put a little makeup on, and straightened her hair before she came out in her outfit of choice.

she looked at Logan and smiled sweetly. "I'm ready." she whispered before she kissed his cheek and looked at his tux with a smile on her face.
Logan walked her to the Limo outside of the school. He put her in and hopped in. " olive garden here we come.." he aid softly as they arrived. The waiter escorted them to there table and Logan order some wine and some soup for him. Then he looked Mitchy stating it was her turn.
Mitchy looked at Logan in disbelief, she was dumbfounded when they went to Olive garden. She ordered water and a king salad before the waiter left. "Why... why so much?" she asked, her cheeks pink with blush. She looked at Logan,and then her hands. "She looked up at him, and began to wonder why he had gone all out for a simple date.
Mitchy looked at him, "Logan.. I.. Love you too." She told him as their food came. She looked at him and then took her plate from the waiter.
Mitchy smiled softly, she did the same, and then began to eat her dinner. "So, are you ready for the big game?" she asked him with a small smile.
" uh huh.." he said as he saw his brother out the window getting food out of the trash can. " hold on.." he said and ran outside. Logan talked his brother into coming in and eating. He sat him beside him and introduced him to Mitchy. (btw his name Charles..)
Mitchy stopped her eating, she saw his brother, and smiled at him and Logan. "Hi, Charles, I'm Mitchy." she said with a soft smile. She looked from Logan, to Charles, and then at her hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Charles." She added, kindly.
Logan quickly made him wash his hands and then quickly sat beside Mitchy. He rubbed her thigh and kissed her cheek while he ate. " so how you doing Charles..?" he asked his brother as his brother simply replied " im fine and broke..". Logan gave him 500 bucks and then said " Charles take care of yourself..".
Mitchy placed her hand on his hand, and looked at him as he gave his brother 500 large. She shrugged, and took out 20 from her wallet, and handed it to Charles. "I hope you get out of your debt, Charles." she told him with a soft, and kind smile.
Charles smiled and thanked them both as he ate like he never at before. Logan rubbed Mitchy still and smiled. It was getting him in the mood , but he knew he had to wait. Charles thanked them and left. Logan ate and drink a glass of wine. " You didn't have to give him any money.." Logan said softly.
Mitchy looked at him, she kissed him, then looked into his eyes, "But he's your brother, I feel like I should." she told him, before she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Logan... I..." she took a deep breath, and cleared her mind. "I'm ready." she whispered softly.
Logan held her hand and payed for there food. He lead her to the Limo and waited for them to get to the school. He helped her out the car and into her dorm. He sat on her bed. (shouldn't we like start a conversation and then when their done we can post back on here?)

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