Huskies High School-- Have Fun!!(:

" yea.." she said as she bit her lip the opened the door. "come on.." she said softly as she grabbed his hand and walked him out. She locked her dorm up and ran. " catch me if you can!" she yelled.
Mitchy nodded and walked to her dorm. She had changed in the locker room, and was now on to the last class of the day. Finally this everlasting day was coming to an end. She grabbed her social studies book and began to walk to social studies.

Elena ran up to Liam and hugged him outside of the locker rooms. She kissed him and smiled happily, "I missed you so much Liam!" She said, as she looked up at him, smiling happily.
Elena smiled happily, and kissed him once more. "I have Bio with you." She told him, before she held his hand, and began to walk down to the bio classroom.
Elena walked to the back with Liam, she smirked and continued to hold his hand. She kissed him sweetly, and then turned to the front of the room to start a class that she didn't want to be in.
"Is this the class with the dinner plates?" Liam asked, clutching his grumbling stomach, "Because I'm starved! Wanna hang at lunch?"
Elena giggled, "I wish it came with dinner plates!" she agreed with a chuckle. She placed her hand on his stomach and then looked at him. "Of course I wanna hang at lunch!" She whispered with a smirk.
Liam looked down at her hand, "Can you feel it kicking? I think Cookie Monster is growing in there," he stated, placing his hand on top of hers. It was so small compared to his.
Elena giggled, she leaned back in the chair, but was scorned by the teacher. She rolled her eyes, and looked back at Damon. "I think I have something in my bag." She told him as her other hand dove into the bag beside her. She pulled out a small packet of skittles and gave them to Liam. "Here, it'll help." She whispered softly.
"Thanks!" Liam exclaimed, kissing her quick enough that no one would notice. "Let's split!" He quietly opened the packet and dumped it on the table. He evenly distributed the skittles.
Elena laughed as he separated the skittles. She took her share and quietly ate them. She looked over at him as the teacher looked away. She winked and set the candy in her hands so the teacher wouldn't see it.
Jordan laughed " how would you know? " she yelled back with a smile. Jordan slowed down then looked back at him. She wanted till he was right in front of her and then she kissed him again. " so..shall we get to class?" she said with a smile. " Because after class it is our date remember.." she said softly while holding his hand.

Logan ran to his dorm and put on his varsity jacket. As soon as he walked out he saw Jordan and a dude that looked familiar. He grabbed Jordan and whispered in her ear " if you tell anyone i swear...". Jordan looked at him surprisingly and smiled. " trust me im to embarrassed to..". Logan let her go and ran to look for Mitchy.

Jordan ran back to Gus and held his hand again. "lets go.." she said trying to sound like super man.
Mitchy was in bio, bored out of her mind, she let her hand hold her head up, and she looked out of the bio window. SHe saw Logan and some other girl, she wondered who she was, but then her attention was drawn to her teacher. He was having some fit because he began to relate chemistry to his many fails at life. Mitchy sighed and laid her head on her desk. There was only five minutes left.

Elena watched as Liam fell asleep. She laughed softly, and pulled a hood over his head. The bell would ring at anytime in the next four or three minutes. She tapped her pencil on the desk and sighed as she listened to the teacher blab on and on about nothing important.
Logan as usually was late for bio class. He ran in and said " sorry im late i had me and the coach was talking about this football season and how to improve form last season...". Logan knew the teacher would fall for it as he counted to 10 slowly in his head. " okay Logan anyways were expecting you to bring home the Championship!" the teacher yelled as everyone in the class clapped. He ran and sat beside Mitchy in-till the bell ring. He kissed Mitchy and said "sweetheart why go to this class when i can just study you all day and night?" he asked her as he pulled her close holding her hips. Logan swayed her side to side then kissed her goodbye. "bye sweetheart..." he said aloud as he ran out the room into the cafeteria. Logan specifically asked the lunch ladies to do a special lunch for Mitchy and all he had to do was grab it and put in her dorm. As he grabbed the food he also go the key to her room and put it in her room.
Mitchy smiled when Logan ran into the classroom, she took his hand as he sat next to her, "Believe me Logs, I'd much rather enjoy that class than this one." she winked and then kissed him, and stood as the bell rang. She giggled as he swayed her hip side to side. SHe looked back at him and nodded. "Okay see you at eight babe." she said as she walked into the cafeteria. The ladies told her that her food was in her dorm. She tilted her head, and shrugged as she walked to her dorm. She unlocked it and walked in, she saw the food and then set her stuff down. She sat on the bed and pulled the food up by herself.
Mitchy smiled and jumped a little as he came out of her bathroom. She smirked and chewed what was in her mouth. "It's good, but not nearly as good as you taste." she winked and gestured for him to join her. Her door was locked, and no one would come in.
" ugh stop your making me want you sweetheart..." he said as he wrapped his hands around her waist. Logan easily picked her up and put her in his lap. He took a piece of steak and said "t his is only half of what your gonna get tonight.." he whispered in her ear with a smile.
Mitchy giggled softly, she kissed him happily and leaned against him. "hmmm then I cant wait for tonight." she whispered before she kissed his cheek and took a bite of her steak. She turned around and wrapped her legs around his waist with a huge smile on her lips.
Logan took a piece of the steak and feed it to her..." um sweetheart you know how you said you wanted to wait?" he asked her with a worried look.
Mitchy looked up at him and leaned her head against his chest, "I know what I said." She told him, as she looked up at him and rubbed his shoulder. She poked his nose and smiled sweetly.
" well I can wait and all , but your not making it easy sweetheart.." he told her as he kissed her cheek. Logan was right she was throwing him off the edge. It was like he was on cliff and she was just about to push him off.

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