Huskies High School-- Have Fun!!(:

Jordan giggles and wanted to hold his hand. She was knew to this thing with Gus ,but with other boys it went by like a breeze. " umm Gus can i hold your hand? " she asked him slowly and kinda afraid.

Logan laughed then caught up with Mitchy. He waved goodbye then ran around the whole gym then fought to catch back up with her. He was breathing heavily but caught back by cutting threw the middle of the gym. " so sweetheart what ya up to?" he asked her breathing heavily.
Mitchy giggled, she watched as he struggled to catch up to her. "Oh you know, just beating you." She coughed and smirked. "In so ready for football. Our teams gonna dominate." She told him proudly. She knew her team was good, she had mostly girls and a few guys on her team.
Jordan realized what she said and covered her mouth and stopped. " im so sorry.. why would someone like you li-." She stopped realizing what her dad said "never give up.." he always told her. " i asked if i can hold your hand?" she said bold and walking like a popular chick a little.

Logan smiled " uh huh me to so i can tackle you down.." he said with a laugh then ran behind her and grabbed her waist. He pulled her close then whispered in her ear" im gonna tackle you like a man tackles a woman before making love. Lets just say this time it will be pretty." Then he let go and ran off to grab the football. He got Liam and yelled.." Sorry ladies but his with me..meaning he on my team! Meaning im the best on the team who wants to be on my team?". All the girls ran to him screaming and trying to grab him but he hid behind Liam.
Mitchy shook her head and blushed, "Logan, you dirty boy!" She said as he walked around him. Se kissed his neck, and smirked. She would show him, she wasnt that easy to take down. She and her team put a penny on, and then walked outside. They tossed a football around, and smirked when Logan's team came out. They worked out a play for his team, and began to try t out.
"Thanks, bro," Liam stated, welcoming the throng of girls charging at them, "Hey, girls," he said with a smile and a wink. He look the pretty ones over once or twice, his eyes lingering on more... Private areas.(sicko!)

Gus blushed, "Sure.... You didn't have to ask though," he stated.
Logan shake his head no to Liam " noo we look and grab on the field when girls are involved.". Then laughed as their team walked out. "come on Liam lets tear up some a**" He yelled as he ran over to Mitchy " IM GUARDING HER ONLY!!" he yelled as he held her close trying to protect her fro other boys trying to grab her.

Jordan blushed then grabbed his hand slowly. It felt good and warm to hold his hand. She looked up at Gus with a smile as they reached there class. " umm so..?" she said slowly. She kissed his cheek and looked at him in his eyes. " have you ever loved someone for along time and they never notice you. You watch them and wonder if they see you. When you meet you wanna say I love you, but I love you is just to far away from your tongue." she said in a poetic way while rubbing his cheek with a smile.
Mitchy giggled as Logan came out, she shook her head, and told her team mates what to do. When the whistle blew, Mitchy ran for Logan. She knew that he was strong, and that was the only way she could do this. She planted her hands on the ground and did back handsprings until she got towards Logan. She pushed her hands on his shoulders and lifted herself over him. When she landed, she saw the ball coming towards her. She caught it of course, and sprinted for the touchdown.
Liam jumped in the air a couple times, pumping himself up.

Gus furrowed his brow in confusion, "I'm not quite sure I understand," he confessed. Gus wasn't very sharp when it came to poems.

Lilac was already sitting in her seat when they came to class.
Logan grabbed Mitchy by her hips and topped her and held her down. Then he let go and let her run atleast for minute then tackled her." no no no sweetheart no touchdown for you." he said as he smiled and kissed her.

"it means when your in love and the other person doesn't know you exist. Its hard to say I love you when you finally meet." she said laughing a bit then open the door.
Mitchy looked back at him, she did a backwards roll when he tackled her. "Then no kiss for you." she moved her head away, and picked up the ball. "First down." she announced, and then took her position. She smirked at Logan, and waited for her hiker to call his hike.
" that's what I thought.." Jordan said softly as she took her seat , but made sure to get her books from Gus. As class began she did what she did always read what the lesson was about and stuck on her headphones. Jordan doodle her and Gus's name in a heart with a smile.

Logan listened as there hiker called hike and he at immediately keep his eye on Mitchy. He watched her closely as she ran.
Gus tried to focus in class, but he couldn't stop thinking about Jordan. Every once and a while, he would glance back and smile.

Lilac noticed his distraction, but kept her silent screams of joy to herself.
Mitchy caught the ball, she threw it to another team mate, and ran to Logan. She wasnt going down without a fight! She pushed him with her shoulder and held long enough to run to catch it. Then a guy on her team got a touch down. Mitchy smirked, she kissed his cheek and winked. She went to her side, and waited for his team to go.

Elena placed the flowers in a vase, and got another knock; it was her uncle. He had decided to let the suspension go, so she was done. Elena smiled happily and changed into gym clothes. She ran on the fields, and stood next to Mitchy as she waited for Liam to go.
Elena smiled happily, she looked over at Mitchy and high fives her. She found it funny that both the guys were on one team, and both the girls were on the other team. She hoped the game would be fun; she and Mitchy were almost like best friends. She pulled her blonde hair from her face and behind her ear, and got ready.
Jordan smiled back every time Gus looked back at her intill the bell rang. She Grabbed her books and struggled a little. Jordan was trying to get out of the room to get her extra bag. When she tried to rush out of the classroom some one pushed her to the floor. "ahh!" she yelped in pain as her whole body fell smack down on the floor. A tear rolled down her face as she grabbed her books.

Logan gave a grin to Liam. He yelled " HIKE!" then threw Liam the ball. Logan quickly shot by Mitchy and ran down the rest of the field waiting for Liam to pass the ball.
Gus walked over, "Seems like you've developed a habit," he stated. He helped her up and handed her some of her things. After wiping the tear from her face, he picked up the rest of her things and began walking to their next class.

Before Liam could pass the ball, their gym teacher blew the whistle. Liam hung his head in disappointment; they had to clean up, get changed, and go to their next class. He sighed and jogged to the boys change room after helping put away the equipment.
Jordan smiled and said " Thanks ..". She ran to him and grabbed his hand. " will come with me to my dorm room it will only take a second?" she asked in a rush.

Logan quickly ran passed everyone and got in the showers. He took a shower then put on his regular clothes. " HEY LIAM TELL MITCHY I GOTA GO TO MY DORM!" he yelled at Liam.
Gus nodded.

Liam chuckled, "Aiight." When he got out he walked up to Mitchy, "Logan said homework had to go to his dorm..." He stated.
She ran to her dorm holding Gus's hand dragging him along with her. Jordan open the door and grabbed her bag. She put her books back in there ad slug her book-bag over her shoulders. " Come on!" she yelled as she grabbed his hand then tripped and ended up kissing him. Jordan looked at him as their lips met and were still together.
Jordan look and got up also. " don't apologize- " she said as she turned him around and kissed him this time no tripping just real. She was surprised in herself very, and kinda want scared.
Gus was shocked at first, but kissed back. His hand cupped her cheek and he smiled at its softness. Eventually, he pulled away, "We're going to be late for class," he stated, regret filling his voice.

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