Huskies High School-- Have Fun!!(:

Cam turned her attention towards Kitry who had spotted her fabulous fall. "Hey Kitty!" She responded, hugging her friend after she happened to pluck a leaf out of her hair. "Thanks." She said to Kittu before she turned back to Matthew. She really didn't know him, but se figured he was friendly. "Hi Scott." She said to him with a soft smile. She rubbed more dirt out of her jacket before turning her attention back to Kitty. "What brings you guys to the park?" She asked them with a curious smile. Cam looked at the three and smile happily towards all of them.
Lizzy sees people walk by, having nothing better to do, she walks up to them. "You gonna prank me anymore? Or are you not done for today?" A smile formed on Matthew's face. "Maybe one more today, but not now." He turned back to Cam. "Uh, my name is Matthew, I liked to be called Matt but it doesn't matter." Lizzy smiles a little. "Lizzy, I'm his sister. We play pranks on each other so be careful around us." She winks at the group except Matthew and glances up at her hair, making sure she got every drop out.
Cam laughed, "No don't worry. I won't be prancing anyone now." She told Lizzy. She smiled at Lizzy and Matt; "It's nice to meet you two." She said with a happy smile. "This is Kitty," she told then, gesturing to the girl next to her, "And this is Scotty." She added, pointing to Scotty. She turned back to Lizzy and Matt, then tilted her head slightly to the side. "Do you guys go to huskies? That's where we go." She asked curiously. She fingered through her hair, making sure all of the dirt and pebbled weren't in her hair somewhere.
Matt nodded and Lizzy helped with her hair, glaring at her brother the whole time. She was still pretty mad at him for messing up her hair, but at least he made some friends. "I go there too, sadly he's there, but it sounded a little interesting so I signed up." Lizzy explained as she finished taking out a part of a leaf. "You should be good now." She steps back and looks around her, then nods. Matthew nudges her and she sticks out her tongue. Lizzy heads over to the soccer ball and starts kicking it around again, doing some moves also. "Don't bore them to death Matt!" She calls while kicking it straight up.
Cam smiled at Lizzy after another leaf was pulled out of her hair. She laughed slightly at Lizzy's comment and waved to her after she had left. "Thanks Lizz." She called after her as she watched her run to the soccer field. She turned back to Matthew and smile softly. "Do you play any sports?" She asked him curiously. She figured he did since his sister did, but she didn't know until she asked. She yawned slightly and laughed, she felt a little awkward standing Ina group with complete silence. "So..." She mumbled, making small talk, she didn't know what else to talk about. Heck, she had basically just met the guy a few minutes before!
Liam looked out his window and grinned at the hot sun. Today was a perfect day to walk around campus shirtless. He left his dorm and headed downstairs and outside.

Lilac knocked on Gus' dorm room door, "Hey!" She said when he answered, "Did you meet anyone today?" They had just transferred schools and had only been in class for one day so far.

"No," he stated, "You?"

"Not exactly," Lilac replied, "Bug why don't we are if we can meet some now!"

"It's okay. I don't mind hanging out here."

"Gus, you need to get out of your shell and stop being so shy!" Lilac pulled the protesting Gus outside for a stroll throughout campus.
Elena rolled off of her bed, throwing on athletic shorts and a cute tshirt. She pulled her shoulder length, blonde hair up and into a pony tail before slipping into her Nike FreeRuns. She then walked out of her dorm, and around campus. She walked aimlessly, not having anyone to meet or anywhere to go.

Damon yawned after he walked out of math, he had just gotten out. He had just taken an exam, and unlike the other students; he took his time. He was not a geek or a nerd; he wanted to show he prioritized school as well as basketball. He made his way to his room and threw his stuff on his bed before heading back outside to enjoy the nice weather while they had it.

Mitchy smiled as the sound of the dribbling basketball met her ears, she was the one dribbling on the outside court. She shot continually; make almost all of her shots. She would only miss a few free throws, and a handful of threes. What she didn't make, she made up for in laps. She was a total athlete, but wasn't at the gym everyday or working out. She dribbled the ball from half court, going between her legs, behind her back, and then drove to the basket. She made her layup, and then took her water and drank a few swigs.

Mason sat on a bench outside; he wasn't too shy but he enjoyed his personal time. He sat on a bench, poking at all of the people around him. He brushed his hand over the top of his hair and then let it rest on the bench before he stood up to walk around. He smiled as the sun met his face; it felt good.
(So sorry, been busy with school stuff, I should be able to post more often now that school is out)

Matt shook his head and watched his sister. "No, but I know most of the rules of them. I can still play them though, I just don't do it like Lizzy does." He laughs shortly at his sister's comment and holds up his hands to his face. "I'll try not to do what I usually do!" Lizzy glares at him, making her not focus on the ball. It fell right on top of her head and bounced off the other side. She had to step forward to keep her balance. Lizzy looked annoyed, but didn't move. Instead she walked over to the soccer ball and threw it as hard as she could at Matt. He easily dodges it and sticks out his tongue, making Lizzy grin. "You missed!!" "Are you sure about that?!" The ball bounced of the wall behind him and hit him in the back, making him glare back at his siste.r
Cam nodded, she watched Matt and Lizzy go at eachother. She couldn't help but laugh at the two; they were always playing pranks and hurting eachother. "Hey.. If I'm in the way, I can leave." She told him with a little chuckle. She pulled her ponytail a little tighter and looked at the ball that just hit him in the back. She picked it up and kicked it back to Lizzy with a smile on her face.
Lizzy smiled and stopped the ball. "Thanks!" She turned back around and continued to do pro moves. Matt breathed out in relief and stretched out, yawning in the process. "No no, you don't have to leave. I'm still tired!" He yelled out to nobody. Lizzy glared at him for being loud but continued anyways. Matt put his arms behind h is head and started walking back to the dorms. "I might go back to bed, if you want to come with me I won't stop you. He grinned at Cam and continued walking.
Cam raised her eyebrow, she watched him walk away. She laughed and began to walk after him. "You're so weird." She told him, sticking her hands in her pockets. She smiled back at Lizzy, welcoming her for the returning of her soccer ball. She looked up at Matt grinning softly, "Im not sure I want to come back with you." She told him, pushing him slightly. But she was walking back with him, so that had to be saying something.
Matt chuckled and glanced at her. "Don't worry, I won't do anything." He blushed very slightly and turned his head away. He kept his arms behind his head, keeping his eyes straight. Matthew was a little happy that she continued to walk with him. He picked up his pace a little and walked in front of Cam, trying not to let her see his face.
Cam looked at Matthew as he walked infront of herself. She shook her head and laughed as she watched him. In a sudden urge of courage, she ran for him, jumping on his bam laughing ever so slightly. She placed her hands on his shoulders and giggled slightly. She began to get off, her courage now slowly fading away. But he still smiled happily.
Lilac scanned the crowd. When her eyes fell on a boy walking around (Damon), she spoke, "What about him?" She asked Gus, "He looks like a nice person, you guys could easily become friends. C'mon!" Despite his protests, Lilac dragged Gus up to the stranger, "Excuse me?" She spoke while an uncomfortable Gus stood by her side.

Liam strode with confidence, he smiled at the girls that passed and sometimes gave them a wink. They giggled and hurried by. The next girl that came his way was Elina. "Hey!" He called, because he had nothing better to do, "Do we have science homework?" He didn't really know the girl, he just knew her name was Elina and that she was in his science class.

Jazz sat quietly under a tree listening to music. She hadn't the slightest idea why she was outside, but she was and it was too late to go back to her dorm now. Well, not really, but the grass was comfortable nevertheless.
Damon turned around and smiled, "Hi." He said to the girl and to the guy. He studied the guy, who seemed awfully uncomfortable. He glanced at the girl, and smiled softly. He liked meeting new people, making friends, all of that socialite stuff that was common. He rubbed his neck and stuck a hand out, "Im Damon. He told them with a grin.

Elena stopped herself from walking faster, she looked over to see Liam; she shook her head and slightly rolled her eyes. "No homework." She told him with a soft smile. 'But I've seen you studying those girls.' She whispered softly. She paid little attention to him, but did give him a smile before she began to pull her hair into a tighter ponytail. He was in her science class; all she knew about him was his name was Liam, and he was in her science class.

Mason looked over to see a girl sitting under a tree(Jazz) he smile softly towards her before standing up and walking down the sidewalk. It was a beautiful day.
"I'm Lilac, and this is Gus," Lilac stated, "Lovely meeting you, Damon. Umm.. Gus and I are new here so we haven't the slightest idea where anything is. Are there any good restaurants you would recommend?"

"You sure?" Liam queried, "Do you know when the test is?"

Jazz was caught off guard, but smiled back. Since when did people, especially guys, smile at her?
Damon nodded, he thought, and smiled. "There's a burger joint, Italian resturant, sports bars, fast food, and they are all down Alpine and Wilson." He told them, pointing in the direction of the two streets. "They are all fairly good resturants." He added reassuringly.

Elena looked at Liam, she thought, and brushed her hair out of her face. "Um.. We have a quiz tomorrow, but the test isn't until next week Tuesday." She said, now realizing she had a quiz to study for. She laughed softly and looked up at him, "You need a study buddy?" She asked, chuckling.
"Great! Thanks a million!" Lilac exclaimed.

Don't say it! Don't say it, thought Gus.

"We all should hang out some time," Lilac announced. Gus sighed inwardly. She said it. It wasn't that he didn't like Damon, he just felt awkward around people he didn't really know.

"Sure do!" Liam replied with a wink, "
Damon shrugged, "Sure, I'll have to hang out with you guys sometime!" He agreed, but started to walk, "I'll catch up with you guys later." He called before he began to walk to the field to play some soccer.

Elena smiled, and turned to walk by his side. "Your dorm or mine?" She asked him, not caring where they went. She looked up at him; he was Atleast a head taller than she was.
Matt guessed that she wanted a piggy-back ride and jumped up a bit, making Cam move up on his back. He put his arms under her legs and started walking. Matthew glanced up at her and grinned. "That was a sudden move."
Cam nodded, "I know." She told him laughing happily. She linked her arms though his and across his chest. "Hey we don't have any homework, do we?" She asked, he was in her English class, now that she thought of it.
Matt kept walking and thought for a bit. "I have no idea...." He blinked a couple times then chuckles, careful not to drop Cam. "I usually sleep during that class." He blushes a bit when she puts her arms across his chest but shakes it away. "You're not as heavy as I thought."
Cam laughed, "Okay. I'll remember not to ask you for the answers to homework." She laughed and held onto him a little more. She chuckled at his statement, and shrugged. "Thanks?" She said uncertainly. She looked at him and then at the ground below. She poked him playfully, enjoying her piggy-back.

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