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Fantasy House of Cards| Open




There are two schools in the world that teach magic. It isn't something you're born with, and as a result, people flock to these schools, but only the extremely rich get in. Others, that aren't nearly as wealthy, have the option of taking an incredibly difficult test.

One school is called the House of Cards, affectionately. Formally, it's called the Paris Cartes School. It goes without saying that this is located in Paris, France.

There are four dorm buildings, the House of Spades, the House of Diamonds, the House of Hearts, and the House of Clubs. They are co-ed, and have a "captain" of each gender, called the King and Queen. The co-captain is called, unsurprisingly, the Jack, which can be male or female.

House of Clubs

These kids are usually less than perfect, and are known for bad behavior in other schools. The building is impossibly large, mostly made out of marble in the main area. There's a double staircase from the main hall that leads into two hallways, the girls', and the boys'. On the first floor are showers, a kitchen, bathrooms, and a small library. Any destruction of property must be paid for.
House of Diamonds

Reserved only for billionaire children. As if to teach these kids a lesson, the dorm building is small, and unimpressive. The design is similar to the first, but with a single staircase. So few make it to this house, so the one hallway is used by both genders. In this building, there's a downstairs basement with a 52" TV, and two bathrooms on the main floor. There's also a library, a kitchen, and six showers, with three for each gender.

The House of Spades

These kids are usually the smartest, and often get in from the test offered to those with a lack of money. While it isn't the most luxurious, as Clubs' is, it's certainly the most modern, and intellectually stimulating. It offers a wide variety of electronics in the main floor, which also has a kitchen, bathrooms, and showers, as well as a library that covers most of the lower level. Similar to the Diamonds, the Spades are small in numbers, and share the same hallway.

House of Hearts

This one's pretty easy to guess. The residents are similar to the Clubs in being promiscuous, but are different, as they're often popular for their wealth and appearance.

Ever wanted to live in a castle?

The dorm building is designed to resemble something out of Hogwarts.

The males' and females' bedrooms are on completely different floors, with girls on the highest floor, boys on the second floor, and everything else on the first floor.

The first floor includes three bathrooms, twelve showers, a kitchen, and a living room(with a 36" TV, two couches, a coffee table, and a rack of DVDs). After all, who needs a library to study when you have swag?


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Ria sent a text to her sister, leaning back on her bed. After a few moments she stood up, a bottle of alcohol clinking as it hit the floor. She wandered through the halls, glancing at each door in consideration of interacting with someone of her species. Most people were in their room, as it was a Sunday night, around ten. They weren't necessarily sleeping, in fact many were likely doing less than decent things. But everyone wasn't up for an all-nighter after the weekend they had.

Holding the stuffed bear, she turned the doorknob to Goulde's room, not caring whether he wanted her company or not.

"'Ey." She flopped down onto his bed. "I can't sleep. Wanna play a game? It's called You-Sit-There-And-Listen-to-Me-Rant. Or Spin the Bottle. Your choice."

She looked up at him, her expression calm, but not unhappy.



Sia felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, and ignored it, flipping a page in her book.

The library was quiet, as always. Many were either in the main room, playing video games, or in the library studying like mad. Standing up, the girl grabbed her book and went to join those in the common room, checking her watch.

What a prude, a voice echoed in her head. She always went to bed at eleven, no exceptions. She cringed at the amount of noise they were making, either cheering or simply having the volume up to 110%.

She smiled at the scene she'd grown so used to, and said quietly in a teasing voice, "Nerds."

The girl sat down on a beanbag, noticing a few others from different houses had come. Realizing why, to have their homework finished, she narrowed her eyes. It was something she never did, and didn't plan on doing no matter what threat or bribe came up. She was calmed by the fact that some came because they had incredible electronics. She looked back at one of the TV screens, and tried to focus on the game that was being played.

@Knight Nate @Tola @Alias
Goulde looked out the window to the darkness outside and let out a short sigh before he returned to his novel. His room, though large and fancy, was a cluttered mess. He never cleaned the damn place; he always got someone else to do it for him. However, he simply didn't feel like asking anyone to do that at the moment. His hand reached into the large bag of BBQ Potato Chips and pulled a couple out, making their way into his mouth with a small smack of delight. The music in his ears was slow and soothing, just the way he liked it. However, his little slice of heaven was promptly destroyed by Ria, the Queen of Hearts, who had entered his room without so much as a knock. Honestly, she was playing a dangerous game; walking into a teenage boy's room unannounced? She was asking for trouble. She plopped onto his large gold blanket covered bed, the force of which caused an earbud to fall from his ear as she greeted him with a simple 'Ey.' He rolled his eyes, not taking them off of his novel.

"You really ought to start knocking. You're gonna see something you'll regret one of these days."

Of course, she ignored him and continued right on with her complaint. She suggested they 'play a game'. Yeah, sure. Goulde knew all too well that meant she just wanted to vent something. Still, he could have a little fun with her while he had a chance.

"Depends. Does the bottle contain any sugary liquids?"

Quarantine said:

Ria sent a text to her sister, leaning back on her bed. After a few moments she stood up, a bottle of alcohol clinking as it hit the floor. She wandered through the halls, glancing at each door in consideration of interacting with someone of her species. Most people were in their room, as it was a Sunday night, around ten. They weren't necessarily sleeping, in fact many were likely doing less than decent things. But everyone wasn't up for an all-nighter after the weekend they had.

Holding the stuffed bear, she turned the doorknob to Goulde's room, not caring whether he wanted her company or not.

"'Ey." She flopped down onto his bed. "I can't sleep. Wanna play a game? It's called You-Sit-There-And-Listen-to-Me-Rant. Or Spin the Bottle. Your choice."

She looked up at him, her expression calm, but not unhappy.



Sia felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, and ignored it, flipping a page in her book.

The library was quiet, as always. Many were either in the main room, playing video games, or in the library studying like mad. Standing up, the girl grabbed her book and went to join those in the common room, checking her watch.

What a prude, a voice echoed in her head. She always went to bed at eleven, no exceptions. She cringed at the amount of noise they were making, either cheering or simply having the volume up to 110%.

She smiled at the scene she'd grown so used to, and said quietly in a teasing voice, "Nerds."

The girl sat down on a beanbag, noticing a few others from different houses had come. Realizing why, to have their homework finished, she narrowed her eyes. It was something she never did, and didn't plan on doing no matter what threat or bribe came up. She was calmed by the fact that some came because they had incredible electronics. She looked back at one of the TV screens, and tried to focus on the game that was being played.

@Knight Nate @Tola @Alias
Jack sits in one of the fluffy beanbags infront of the TV holding the player 1 controller to the Xbox.

He was playing Mortal combat X and as usual he hadn't passed the controller yet. Slightly bored at this point he selects random on the charecter reel and is given ferra torr.

He gets startled when the pink haired girl sat on the beanbag next to his,and this causes him to loose a round.

After bouncing back and winning the next two rounds Jack walks away with only slightly bruised pride.

Turning to the pink haired girl he asks

"Umm hi...you ever uhh, play this before?" He asks tripping over his own words nervously as he offers the controller to her...


Ria stuck her tongue out. "Ew, no. I hate that fruity shit." She disappeared into the hallway, and was back in less than half a minute with a medium sized bottle of gin.

The bottle was open, and she lifted it to her lips, downing almost a quarter of it in less than ten seconds. She looked at him with a small smile before passing the bottle to him and sitting down at the edge of his bed once more.

"You don't like that, do you? Those drinks. 'Cuz, uh, if you do, we can't have sex. Personal preference." She bit her tongue to keep from laughing, surprised by her own words. After a second, she said almost inaudibly, "I have no clue how you put up with me."

@Knight Nate


She felt someone look at her, and coincidentally lost a round right after. The girl felt bad for distracting him, likely because she was hardly ever seen outside of school... or something. Pushing the thought away, she returned her attention to a group of boys that were making an unnecessarily loud conversation about a mod.

Sia looked up, hearing someone talk to her. Seeing him, a sense of guilt overwhelmed her. She was about to ask what he said, but it became clear when he held out a controller. She shook her head, pushing it away gently.

He was a Diamond, and probably important to the house if she could recognize him.

"I don't play. Thanks, though. Er... I'm Sia Leroy. You look familiar but... Oh. Jack. Right?" Her eyes met his, a light blue color, with no traces any strong emotion towards him.

Goulde rolled his eyes yet again and his hopes dropped. She never brought him anything tasty. It wasn't that surprising; all she liked was stuff that had alcohol in it. She left his room and was back within thirty seconds. He raised an eyebrow; impressive, even by her standards. She of course had some alcohol, gin to be specific, and she quickly brought the bottle's content down to about three quarters. She passed it to him, and he shrugged as he took it...and set it on the nightstand next to him. Her comment after it shocked Goulde. While he had heard her approach sex casually with other people, this was the first time she had brought it up between them. Perhaps it was some sort of mutual respect. Perhaps it was just too awkward; Goulde couldn't really say. A small grin fluttered onto his face as he responded.

"Say what you will, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I give up root beer."

Goulde was even more surprised to hear what came next. 'I don't know how you put up with me.' It was quiet, but he was sure of what he heard. He looked up from his novel and sat it down gently, giving her a small smile.

"Well, it's not easy, not in the slightest. But I don't regret being your friend. Hell, without you I probably wouldn't have even left this room, and that's a very enticing thought for me you know."

Quarantine said:

She felt someone look at her, and coincidentally lost a round right after. The girl felt bad for distracting him, likely because she was hardly ever seen outside of school... or something. Pushing the thought away, she returned her attention to a group of boys that were making an unnecessarily loud conversation about a mod.

Sia looked up, hearing someone talk to her. Seeing him, a sense of guilt overwhelmed her. She was about to ask what he said, but it became clear when he held out a controller. She shook her head, pushing it away gently.

He was a Diamond, and probably important to the house if she could recognize him.

"I don't play. Thanks, though. Er... I'm Sia Leroy. You look familiar but... Oh. Jack. Right?" Her eyes met his, a light blue color, with no traces any strong emotion towards him.

"Yeah...Jack Corvelle...thanks for letting me come over here Btw." He says as he breaks eye contact to set the controller on a nearby dresser.

"Aren't you the prime ministers daughter?" He asks. silently congratulating himself for getting out a proper sentence. This is announced however by a neon red +5

Appears above his head announcing his slight accomplishment for all to see.


Ria smiled at his last words.

"Aw. Thanks babe," she cooed teasingly. The girl looked at the stone walls, thinking for a moment before cursing loudly out of simple boredom. She grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him down onto the bed so they were both lying down awkwardly. She held him a bit tighter for a second and threatened, "Move and I'll bite you." She wouldn't. Not him. But it was a well known fact that she loved biting, usually in the bedroom but sometimes outside of it. She joked that she was a vampire in her past life, and, well, that wasn't hard to believe.

@Knight Nate


Her eyes were drawn to a red number floating above his head. She was glad that he didn't say something like, 'Sia? I thought you were in the House of Hearts.' I'm the other one, she thought to herself.

She offered him a smile and said, "I'm guessing you don't talk to very many girls." This was from the fact that a simple sentence was an achievement for him, and that he had trouble talking to her in the first place.

Goulde shook his head as he heard her call him 'babe'. It was such a strange word, and all he could think of when she said it was the book with the piglet. Still, that was just hoe she was, and he let it slide. She sat there for a second before letting out a curse. Goulde was about to reprimand her for it, but was stopped dead in his tracks by her grabbing him and bringing them both down onto a little more than awkward position on his bed. A small blush crawled onto his face as he realized how close they were. The blush grew a little brighter as she threatened him with a bite, and he dare not move a muscle. However, he did speak up.

"Uh....Ria? Why the hell did you do that?.........wait, are you actually going to bite me if I move?"

All in all, it was a confusing situation for him. He had never been in this type of problem before.

Quarantine said:

Her eyes were drawn to a red number floating above his head. She was glad that he didn't say something like, 'Sia? I thought you were in the House of Hearts.' I'm the other one, she thought to herself.

She offered him a smile and said, "I'm guessing you don't talk to very many girls." This was from the fact that a simple sentence was an achievement for him, and that he had trouble talking to her in the first place.

He blushes bright red.

"That obvious huh...uhh no not to my knowledge, most of my buddies are online I don't really tend to get out much." He says scratching the back of his head.

"But anyway I think it's about time for me to go thanks again...your systems great it reminds me of home a bit."

He smiles relatively tentatively.

"Maybe I'll see you at breakfast?"

He states as he heads to the to front door. He freezes for a second and runs back to the TV area and scoops up his backpack resulting in another +5

"whoa that woulda sucked" he mutters as he heads out the door with one last wave.


"Shhh. Your mouth counts as a muscle. Also, I'm not a hoe. You can be sweet as hell but damn are you mean." She was referring to one of his thoughts, which she could hear as if he were talking out loud. She paused, and responded to his question.

"I'm tired as f*ck. Give me a break... Let me have some fun." The truth was, that she liked seeing emotion in him, almost longed for it.

She let go of him and sat up, closing her eyes for a second.

"Do you have any friends? I mean, besides this chick," she asked, referring to herself in third person.

@Knight Nate
Having no idea how he passed the world's hardest exam by cramming years worth of information in only 2 days, Speedy sat in his dorm room with awe. Sure his dorm room looks pretty average, but for someone who spent most of his life in the streets this room is a castle. He always wondered how it felt like sleeping on a bed or wearing shoes with your actual size. Now that he has, he feels like the luckiest man alive.

He has never been to school before but, thankfully, the professor who got him into this school taught him how to read and write. With his ability, he managed to catch up on the subjects he missed like biology, chemistry and others. Although his entrance exam is already over, Speedy can't help but reread these text books the professor gave him. All his text books are scattered on the floor, but he was too engrossed reading to care. There's so much in this world that he doesn't know. How did I live without knowing all this?, he thought.

Speedy heard his clock ring. It always rings every one hour. He glanced above him and noticed it was around 10 in the evening. Instead of sleeping, he stood up, put on his shoes and went outside without cleaning up his room first. There's so much to know about this school, how could he sleep without finding them all out?


After wandering the building for a decent amount of time, Speedy found himself in the common room. He noticed something odd: a beanbag. He went towards it and poked it. Then, he carried it and realized it wasn't as soft as he thought it was. "Who would need a pillow this big?", he wondered, not realizing he said it out loud.

Goulde raised an eyebrow. A hoe? He didn't recall calling her a hoe..... wait, did she read his kind again? Damn, she said she wouldn't do that again! Goulde shook his head; he would need to be much more careful in guarding his thoughts.

He grew a bit nervous as she sat up and and said to let her have some fun. 'Fun' could mean anything with Ria, so Goulde would need to stay wary.

The question about his friends sort of threw him off guard. It was an odd thing to ask in a time like this. Sure, pretty much everyone who's met Goulde would say they're friends with him, but who did Goulde consider friends? He put a hand to his chin in thought and took a minute to think before responding.

"I don't think I have any other friends besides you and Sia. Thank the Lord too; she's a lifesaver when it comes to studying."



"Yeah, kind of the same for me. Speaking of which, we should probably get to sleep. Which side of the bed do you want?" She was unable to stop smiling to convince him that she was serious. Finally, she said, "Tomorrow, after school, I was hoping we could leave campus and go someplace. Sia could come too, but I don't think she will. Could you come with me?"

@Knight Nate
Goulde listened to her with his hand still on his chin. Go off campus? Ugh, that sounded like ALOT of work....he didn't really want to do that, but when he looked at Ria, he found himself having a hard time saying no. Besides, she would probably force him along anyway, so what was the point? He shrugged as he answered her.

"As long as it's not too far. Take the left side, I'm not moving from this position."

Goulde brushed over her bed comment quickly. This wasn't the first time she had slept in his bed, and he had an uneasy feeling it wouldn't be the last. He adjusted ever so slightly so that his arm could reach out and turn off his nightstand lamp, the only source of light in the room, and then brought behind his head. He closed his eyes and let out a yawn.

"G'night, Ria."

And he dozed off.

Ian walks down the hall through the halls of the House of Hearts. The King of Hears asked for him to do his homework. Usually, Ian wouldn't do it, since he heard the K♥ was lazy. However has K♠, it was his mission to have good relationships with all the other houses and so he did the homework this time. He reaches the door of the room that belonged to him. He sighs and knocks on the door.

Hope he isn't sleeping.. I am not in a mood to stay all night here knocking on the door.

He sighs and just keeps knocking. He didnt feel well inside of other house and so needed to get out quickly.

@Knight Nate @Quarantine
Jack awoke soundlessly with the exception of his joints popping when he woke up. A flashing green bar appered over his head with the words Empty over his head. He took a shower and threw on his green Microsoft hoodie and a pair of jeans.

"Need food..." He groans heading not for the cafeteria area. He isn't halfway out the door yet when he turns on his PSP and begins playing as he walks...
(It's Monday Morning, By The Way)


Ria woke up to a horrid knocking. She closed her eyes again, letting out a groan. She realized it was unusually warm, despite the fact that she wasn't under the blankets. She opened her eyes and chuckled seeing the boy there.

Her attention returned to the knocking, she growled and stood up, storming to the door and throwing it open.

"You're going to wake him up," She whispered harshly, her hands on either side of the door frame. She noticed it was Ian immediately, but couldn't care less. Relationships weren't needed between House Royals, and the members could see people from other houses all they wanted, so it wasn't damaging to the House to have conflict between them.

"What the hell do you want?"

@Knight Nate

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Steve woke up to the sun beaming in his eyes. He got up and looked in the mirror."well another day, another opportunity to be made." He said as he got up and went to washroom to wash up. He then put on his clothes and left his doorm to meet people
Ian looks down on her. He sighs "Miss Q♥ I would say it is a suprise finding in K♥'s room but I would be lying" he smiles and looks at the bed finding the guy he was looking for.

"And I want to wake him up since I have something that he wants." he turns his attencion from him to her again "But that wouldn't be really of your business would it?" he has a sarcastic smile. He didn't like people that mess with stuff that isn't of their business.

"So I am going to wake him up. I am sure he doesn't mind" he grabs her left arm and tries to push it away from him so he can enter on the room. If he succeds, he will walk towards the bed.

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A shuffling was heard from inside the room and a loud THUMP followed it.


It seemed Goulde had fallen out of bed yet again. He sighed as he slowly stood up and yawned, stretching his arms. He turned to his doorway to see some sort of commotion between Ria and what appeared to be the King of Spades. Ohhhh, he must be here about the homework. Why else would he be? He slowly walked to the door and greeted them both.

"Good morning Ria. Good morning, Spades-Dude."

Goulde didn't say that as an insult; he just genuinely didn't remember the guys' name at the moment. With a sly smile, he stepped between the two so they couldn't kill each other and faced the King of Spades.

"So what brings you to mi casa this fine morning?"

@Quarantine @JPTheWarrior
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"You don't even rememer be the name of the guy who just helped you?" he sighs "Ian! Is a small name I-A-N." he sighs calming down.

"Anyways did your homework as you asked." he gives him a bunch of papers with the solutions of the questions from all the subjects

he looks at him "K♥.... hope you do remember my name next time and..." he looks at Ria "Try to not have your girlfriend almost burn me with her eyes please" he smiles at him

@Knight Nate
Goulde looked down at the mass of papers in the King of Spades hands, who he reintroduced himself as Ian, and gladly took the whole stack. He let out a low whistle; this would have taken him ages on his own. He pointed at Ian with his index finger and thumb extended and gave him a grateful smile as he left the two and walked over to his desk, the only thing in his room that was clean, and set the papers on there.

"Thanks dude. You're a real lifesaver."

It was then that the last comment actually hit him. Get his girlfriend to stop glaring? Ria wasn't his girlfriend; he thought that was blatantly obvious. He called out to him from his desk as he began thumbing through the pages.

"Ria ain't my girlfriend, but that's just what she does to people she doesn't like, dude. Gives 'em a piercing glare. It's actually pretty funny when she does it to a guy who hits on her."


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