Home for a Runaway

(sorry, I'm a bit late to reply >.<)

As Kristeena was about to answer, she saw a boy fall to the ground as people rushed to help him. She went over as well, checking to see if he was okay. They took him inside and sat him down. Unsure of what to do, she followed quietly. As they introduced themselves, she decided to do that as well. "And I'm Kristeena Ryles, nice to meet you all." she smiled warmly. She looked to Luke worriedly as he looked shaken up and tired. She wanted to help, but wasn't exactly sure how since she was new there as well.
"I'll sleep out here tonight and keep a watch on him." She said, standing up and putting her beanie back on.

"Kristeena, do you want to choose your room now? I can get you some paint and stuff tomorrow from the shed."

Alaska was happy to have two more people here, she just hoped Kristeena would be able to find a room that she liked. The house wasn't exactly in the best condition, but it would do.
Kristeena smiled up to Alaska at the question. "Yeah, okay. That'd be great, thanks!" she nodded, getting up to go with her to look for a room. She hoped to make some friends here. Many people seemed to avoid her because of her dad, not wanting to get involved so this was a nice change and she was happy that she left.
Lidia went back upstairs to attempt to fall asleep again. She went to her room at the end of the hall. Just before she entered he room she told Kristeena "My room is right here if you need anything then just knock."
Luke laid still in the bed his vison had come back but he was still thirsty and hungery but decided to ignore it.

"So I have c-compnay tonight?" He sputtered out

He looked at alaska then looked back up at the ceiling of the house. His body sunk into the couch after awhile and was rather comfortable considering what he just went through the past couple of days.

he sat up a bit.

"So this place" he paused for a moment

"It's real? He again questioned
"Ofcourse it's real. We aren't a fairy tale." Alaska chuckled, pulling the large recliner up next to the couch, she was practically buried underneath of a blanket. Checkin to see if Luka had one, he relaxed back down once she saw he was covered up.

"You can stay here as long as you want, long as you don't set the place on fire. Just get healthy again. But I guess I should say it since I doubt anyone's leavin soon, welcome to the family."
Luke could barely rember the woman name that he was talking to but he felt a bit happier in a strange way when he heard that phrase.

"Honestly you could of fooled me!" he said with a smile

"My brother always told me stories of the place so I was'int quite sure if it was real or not..." He continued looking back up at the ceiling waiting for a reply

(Short post is short DERP)
Lidia went back into her room, attempting to fall asleep. Ever scince she ran away she had a hard time sleeping. With her night meres she got every time she closed her eyes, it made it almost impossible for her to fall asleep. She sighed and laied her head on the pillow closing her eyes.


Lidia sat up unable to sleep. It was so cold in here, she was shivering. Why was it so cold? She then realized her window was open. She could have sworn her window was closed. She got up and closed it then turned around to see a familiar figure standing right in front of her.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my room?" she asked her voice confadent and strong. Whoever was in her room beater get out. Then the figure step closer to her. Revealing himself. Her confidence escaped her and she felt the blood escape her face. "Hello Lidia," He said. It was Daniel the boy who hurt her, the boy hurt her.

Lidia jerked up from her bed screaming. Then stoped her heart racing it was only a dream. Tears ran down her face.

"Oh we're real alright. You know-" Alaska was cut off mid sentence by Lidias scream. "Uhh, stay here. Probably just a mouse."

She got up and bounded to her room, shoving open the door. Seeing no one in the area she sat down on the bed next to her and pulled the girl in close, cooing quietly in her ear.

"Shh, calm down love. It's okay. I've got you."

She pulled Lidia up into her lap, stroking her hair quietly.

"It was just a dream. I promise. It's alright."
Tears streamed down her face as Alaska pulled her closer.Lidia hated crying, she was usually so strong. Yet right now she was crying in Alaska lap. "Sorry," Lidia mumbled as she wiped the tears away only to be replaced with more. She new Alaska the longest, Alaska new about the dreams and she was always there to confert Lidia.
Luke heard the scream but Alaska took off before he could even question it.

"Hope this isn't every night..." Luke grunted

As weak as he was he decided to sit up, What could be the harm of that right? he limped his way into the kitchen and grabbed some water.

"Place isn't too bad" He said to himself

The house was obviously much different form the city and he was'int sure if that was a good or a bad thing but he would have to at least try to adjust to the new life he was most likely going to have for a while.
Alaska kissed her forehead and rocked her gently.

"Don't apologize. You know how I feel about that." She said, picking up the girl and carrying her out into the living room. Once she got out there, she curled the both of them up into the giant recliner and pulling up the blanket.

"You're sleeping out here with me tonight. Okay?" She said, wiping Lidias face
Lidia nodded. Alaska was like a big sister to her. They both been through a lot together, Alaska was the only person Lidia truly trusted. She then realized that the boy wasn't on the living room. "Alaska where is the Luke?" she asked looking around then stood up her heart racing a little in panic. She then rushed into the kitchen, where she found the boy. "Luke what are you doing up?" she asked her eyes still burning from crying.
"Just getting some water" Luke replied

He limped back out onto the couch and laid there comfortably. He had hope to get back before alaska came back down but that plan obviously did'int happen.

"So uh mind if I ask what the screaming was" He asked a bit awkwardly

Luke drank the last of the water and set his cup down on the ground next to the couch.
"Um just a bad dream..." She said a little embarrassed. She then went to go sit back down in the recliner. It was still really late and Lidia was tired, but she still feared having the same dream if she were to close her eyes again.
(It's okay. I understand. When I get the laptop instead of my phone ill edit all the rosters. We can always fill you in really quickly if you want to though. If you ever feel like jumping back in just say the word)

Alaska wrapped her arms around Lidia and made sure she was comfortable.

"So Luke, what's your story?" She asked, hoping to get Lidia's mind off of her dream. It happened alot, but she didn't mind.
It was only his first night and they were already asking him about his personal life. It was only fair that they would ask him sense he would be staying there for awhile but reluctantly Luke spoke.

"My Brother was murdered" Luke said

Luke turned over facing the couch and he breathed heavily then exhaled. It had sturck a bit of a nerve for him sense the tragedy was still rather recent for him. Luke laid there hoping to suddenly fall asleep form his exhaustion but it did'int happen.
"I- oh. I'm sorry." Alaska stammered. She didn't mean to bring up anything painful. Most of the people there had left a broken family or foster homes.

"I didn't mean to bring up anything bad, Lucas. Uhm, would you like some tea?" She asked.

As you can tell, she isn't very smooth when she screws up. She tends to just screw up even more.
"I'm sorry," was all Lidia could say. She could see how much it hurt this boy. They must have been really close. "My mom hates me and my Dad never wanted me. My x-boyfriend beat me..." she didn't know why she said it. She just did, maybe to show that the boy wasn't alone.
"Yeah I guess" he said still facing the couch

Luke hated the phrase "I'm sorry" It was so meaningless to him all it means is they don't know what to say.

Luke sat back up and rubbed his face a little bit.

"That's a pointless thing to say you know?" He looked over at Lidia

"In reality that phrase doesn't mean much" he continued
Lidia just looked down biting her lip not knowing what to say. She didn't mean to make him feel worse. She sat back in the recliner trying to figure out what she should say. 
Whisper came in the room waging his tail and his long tongue sticking out. He then walks up to Luke and licks him right in in the face. Lidia try's to hold back her laughter.
Alaska kept quiet after that, scared if she said anything else it would result in being yelled at. Seeing whisper forced her to crack a smile though.

"Hall Flüstern." She murmured, reaching a hang out and petting him.

Alaska got up and rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm going to grab something to drink. Anyone need anything?"
Avery shook her head, no. She just pulled the blanket up and slowly started to fall to sleep. It was late and the just kept getting darker and darker.

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