Home for a Runaway

Lidia laughed it was funny how excited Alaska is. "so does it work?" she asked. She walked up to the vehicles and slid open the door and hoped in. "wow this thing is awesome" she said looking around in amazement.
"I hope so!"

Jumping up and practcally jumping to the drivers seat, she put the key in the ignition and turned.

First a low rumble, a jump in the pistons, and then a loud pop before it shut off and the muffler popped off with a clatter.

"Well, it will once I change the oil, and put the muffler back on" Alaska said, a large grin crossing her face. Excited to have a new project, she leaned back in the seat and started humming in french.
' Well you can work on the car and I will work on the house," Lidia said cheerfully. She picked up a broom and some bleach. "Wish me luck I am going to go back into the house," she said leaving the shed.
Grabbing some of the tools left on a workbench, Alaska took an old roller board and lied down on it, pulling herself under the area of the van she would be working on. "Have fun! Call for renforcements if you need them!" She yelled out from underneath of the van.

After attaching a spare muffler to the back, and emptying out the oil into an old can, she began to look around for some spare. She looked up at the catwalk that surrounded where the second story level mark was, but there wasnt a way up there unless she climbed.

Alaska pulled herself up onto the roof of the van, and from there she wormed her way up. A quick glance around rewarded her with some new finds, oil for the van, a guitar, and a book case. Well, the entire wall was lined with the book case to be specific.

Strapping the old guitar over her back, she threw down the oil and jumped back to the roof of the van. Quickly, she put the new oil in and started up the motor.

After turning the ignition for the second time, the van came to life. Alaska set down the guitar next to her, and drove it out into the front lawn, parking in front of the house.

"Oh Baaabbbyyyyy!" Alaska yelled, climbing out and leaning against the side, a wide grin spread over her face.
Lidia went in house. She looked around and sighed. She tightened the red bandana around her head and picked u the broom. She started off by sweeping all the dust out of all the room. Then she pulled out a bucket and filled it with water from the hose out front she then added the gallon of bleach and she got on her hands and knees scrubbing the floors. She felt like Cinderellla but before the fairy god mother. She then herd a sound....it sounded like a car. she drop the scrub brush she was using and ran outside. "You got it to work!"
"Hell yeah I got it to work!" She said, walking up to Lidia, "Told ya I could fix it. By the way, I think I've found something you'll like. Care to see?" She asked, slinking back into the drivers seat.

"I really hope you like books." Alaska said, laughing abit. She honestly didn't know if her friend liked to read. If she did, she would no doubt surprise her with turning their room into a library.
"Hmm! Hmm! Nanananaaa!" Elhrin walked down a cheerful dirt road. He had deep red leather gloves, ones that felt maybe too big. He hummed a sweet little tune.

"There once was a crooked maaaaaan! Who walked a crooked millle! He built a crooked houseee! Upon a crooked stilllllleee!"

He sang. Everything seemed normal as ever. The forest hung in its usual lonliness, occasionally a sound from somewhere. Elh looked around some more, and eventually found a strange old house... with people!

Elh stayed quiet, but watched from afar. These people might be dangerous. As he observed, a prick of curiosity rose inside him.
Corey brushed her hair out of her eyes as she pulled the pony tail holder out of her hair. She blew a little of the hair to the side of her face, then quickly threw her hair back up into a pony tail. She looked up from the cobblestone path that she was walking on, and continued her journey. Everything seemed normal; the sun on her back, the breeze whirled around in the trees, but then something was out of the ordinary. She saw a house, with two girls in the front of it. She was scared at first, but something about them lured her in. She stood to the side of the path and watched them contentally.

Connor had been walking for what seemed like weeks, which was probably true. His feet crunched the dirt path as he walked down it. He shielded his eyes from the sun as he walked, and he looked out for any low hanging branches. Dispite is careful eye, he missed one branch that was the perfect height for his head. 'Ow, crap that hurt.' He mumbled as he looked up. Then he saw the house. He took a few steps back and peered around a tree. He watched the women curiously, he wante to leave, but something inside of his made him stay and watch them.
Alaska moved the van back into the shed and began to clean up the front yard. Sweeping leaves and duct away from the large front porch that encircled the entire house, she looked around, spotting what looked like a couple of people hiding around the house, she became pretty scared.

Maybe they were runaways? Alaska decided to entertain this though.

"Hello? I'm Alaska. Would ya'll mind coming on out? We won't hurt you, promise" She called out, readjusting the guitar that hung on her back and leaning the broom against a rocker on the porch.
Lidia looked around soon noticing the kids too. Were they runaways? Were they like them? Or were they here to hurt them? so many questions ran through her mind.

"There's no need to hide," she says looking around.
"Perhaps they just came across this place like we did. They don't look too harmless." Alaska said, her voice shaky.

Scanning them for any sign of a weapon, the closest thing she could find to one was the metallic substance that looked like it was covering the smallest boy's hands. Maybe it was some sort of glove?

Watching the girl, she could easily point her out by her bright red hair. She seemed to be a tad bit taller than her, about the same height as Lidia.
Corey took a few steps forward, they seemed friendly enough, but she didn't know if it was safe. They sounded nice, but appearance had fooled her many times. She pushed all of her thoughts back and walked towards the house. She got a few feet infront of the porch and looked at the girls. She felt fear running through her body, she had no idea what had got herself into.

Connor stayed back on the path, he watched as the girl walked up to the porch. He wasnt going anywhere unless he knew it was safe. He sat on a stump and observed the girls, wondering what would happen to him if he walked up to the home too.
"we won't hurt you," she says holding up her hands to show she had no weapon, then she put them down. "so... what brings you here?" she asks. This girl looked more scared of her then she was of her so she realized maybe she wasn't here to hurt them.
"Welcome to Terabitha, love." Isabella leaned against one of the columns holding the porch roof up and smiled. She was almost certain that they were runaways at this point, the boy who had taken a seat on a stump looked as if he'd been traveling his whole life. The girl looked worn too, but she looked petrified, as if she was still trying to decide whether to collapse and sob, run away, or like she was trying to find the words to say something.
Corey looked at the girl, she looked down and then back up. "I... I ran away from home. I wanted a new life." She told the girl softly. She scuffed her foot in the ground and pulled her sleeve down a little bit. She was shy around new people especially after she had run away.
"Welcome to the club," she said to the girl. So she was like them .... a runaway. "Were runaways to," she said and held out her hand to the girl. "My name is Lidia and welcome to our home for runaways."
"And I'm Alaska. You and your friends are probably hungry. I'll go make some lunch, any requests?" Alaska said, delighted to have met some new people that seemed nice enough. She was pretty hungry herself though, and eager to explore the upstairs fully. Perhaps they should start deciding who gets which room later on tonight, if they decided to stay.
"I'm Corey." Corey responded, as she shook their hands. "Glad to finally meet some people." She told them with a chuckle. It had seemed like eternity since she had contact with another human being. "This place is nice." She commented with a small smile.

Connor made his way down to the house, they all seemed nice. He walked up to the other girl and stood beside her. "Hi." He said to all of them. He could tell they were run always, so he felt comfortable.
"well you guys are welcome to come in and stay for as long as you want," Lidia said and opened the door. Then she remembered what she was doing before everyone came... cleaning and the floor was only half bleached. "sorry about the mess, we're still trying to clean this place up." she said.
Alaska walked inside and beelined it for the kitchen. Grabbing some hotdogs and a box of macoroni and cheese. Grabbing two medium dozen pots she scrubbed until they were usable once again, and stared to boil the noodles and meat.

"We've got a whole bunch of empty rooms, just choose what one you like and decorate it however you like. We've got a bunch of paint in the shed, but it would probably be a good idea to get all the dust out first." She said.

Scouring through all the cabinets she finally found some plates, and began to wash them as well.
Connor stepped into the house, "Thank you." He said as he turned towards the stairs, "I'm Connor." He told them before trotting up the stairs. He found a room, and opened the door. He looked around and then smiled in satisfaction. He ran his fingers across the door and looked at the little dust. He walked back down the stairs and to the shed. He grabbed a few brushes and paint, then back up to the room.

Corey smiled, "Thank you." She told them as she walked up the stairs. She found a room at the end of the hall, she opened the door and smiled when she saw the light of the room. She nodded and then walked back down the stairs. She grabbed a blue and brown bucket with a few brushes.
Lidia still hasn't found what room she was going to stay in she was still working on the living room... she decided she would choice her room later. She got on the ground once again and started scrubbing the floor with bleach.
Bringing the food out into the living room, she knelt down next to Lidia. "C'mon, take a break from that. Eat, then ill help." Alaska said, standing back up.

She ran up the spiral stair case quickly, quickly ducking her head into the corridors and falling for them to come and eat. With that she walked back down and sat cross legged on the couch, a plate in her laps and the rest on the coffee table in front of her.
Corey set the paint down, and walked down the staircase. She walked into their living room and felt her stomach rumble as she smelled the food. "Thank you." she said to both of them before she took a plate and sat on the couch.

Connor rushed down the stairs when he was called, he saw the food and instantly felt himself smile. He took a plate and sat on the floor. He looked up at Alaska and smiled, "Thank you." he said before he began to eat.
Lidia sighed and set down the scrub bush and got of her knees. The food smelled great. She feel her mouth watering. she walked over to were they were all eating and she took a late and filled it with food. "Thanks Alaska." she said before she took a bite of her food.

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