Home for a Runaway

"Ill show you." She said with a smile, walking into the house and up the stairs. Once she got up to Scotties room, she opened the door and pointed out his dresser.

"If you need anything I'll be in the garage upstairs. Just climb up the ladder and to the catwalk, then you're there."

Walking back out, she kissed Izzy on the cheek and backed off the porch.

"I'm gonna be in the study." She said, taking off her cover up shirt to show just the sports bra and wiped her forehead. Ugh, it's hot... she thought, happy to finally be in the cool fan filled garage. With a few heaves she made it upstairs, practically collapsing on the large recliner and curling up, falling asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.
Scottie followed Alaska to what she said was his room.When she opened the door he instantly knew that it was his room because he recognized what was his.He nodded at what Alaska said and closed the door when she left.He plopped down on the bed and took a deep breath and studied the room for a bit.He looked by the window and saw a bunny and gasp for a minute.Did i buy a bunny?Or did they get it for me?he though as he went by the bunny.He opened the cage and picked it up and instantly knew that it was a girl.He giggled and put it on his bed and watched it hop around.
Lidia went up to her room and sat down on her bed. She wondered how long until he got his fool memories back or if he would get it back. She really loved him and hoped that he would soon remember. 
Lidia went and knocked on Scotties door. She had an idea to help him. She just really hoped it worked...
Scottie looked at the door for a second then picked up the bunny and put it on his shoulder and went over to the door and opened it up.This was the same position he was in when Lidia came in his room to tell him about the note and the same position when he kissed her cheek.He gasped and instantly remembered not all but some of what relationship he had with her.
Just as she was about to say something he gasped. "What is it?" She asked seeing him gasp. Did he Remeber something? She sure hoped so...
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"O-oh.Umm ok."he said as he put the bunny back into the cage and went back to the door and went out closingthe door back.
Lidia graved his hand and pulled him outside and lead him to where the tree house he fixed up was. She hoped that if he saw where he got hurt then he would remember. 
((Well I am heading off to bed...Night))
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