Home for a Runaway

"Do you really think that we knocked you out and kidnapped you," she asked him as she began to walk and the dogs were soon to follow. She had proof for him that they didn't do that if he was still thinking that.
Well that's a start...

She wasn't really sure what to say, she didn't want to over load him with information. Or upset him by saying the wrong thing.
He didn't say anything after she said that he just looked ahead.He really didn't remember where he was or where he was going at that.But he somehow remember the stores that he and her pasted."U-um i think i remember these stores."he said faintly
A small smile escaped her lips as she remembered the note and flower he had given her. "Later that night you gave me the flower and it had a note attached to it," she informed him. Hopping this would trigger something.
"I-i don't remember that..but i do remember the guitar man oh and Danger peed on him and we were running.That's all i remember from here."he said
"Oh well that's good," she said trying to hide the disappointment. She really hoped he would get his memories back soon. She was really worried. What if he never gets them back... stop it think happy.
"Y-yeah i guess it is"he said as he walked into the store and looked around at the stuff."I-i remember a hoodie"he said as he looked at the different types of them and spotted one he thought was familiar.
"Yeah you bought me one," she said a small smile came across her face. She was so happy when he bought it for her. She just loved it.
"Isn't there a pool out back?" Izzy asked. She wanted to swim, she hasn't in so long. She used to be on a swim team, but was forced to quit when she became homeless. She hasn't swam since then.
"Yeah. You can get changed nd I'll go turn the filter on." She said, bouncing down the stairs and outside. Once she was able to get the tarp off and Ito the garage, she changed out a couple of the filters and turned it on. Pretty soon the pool was ready to swim in.
Izzy nodded and went upstairs. She changed into her black and white striped bikini and put her hair up into a bun. She slipped into flip flops and grabbed a towel, going downstairs and outside. "That was fast." She said as she saw the pool ready.
Alaska stood up to talk to Izzy, and her mouth dropped the sight of her.

"Uh, yeah, uh. Hehe." She said, blushing and scratching the back of her neck. Finally she just shook it off and sat down on a lawn chair.
Izzy giggled and frowned. "Your not swimming?" She asked. She was hoping that Alaska would join her. Izzy walked over and sat on her lap.
Alaska looped her arm around Izzys waist and stole a kiss.

"Promise you won't freak out?" She said, looking up at her.
Alaska just shrugged and picked Izzy up, sitting her back down on the lawn chair.

"I'll be right back" she said, kissing the tip of her nose and walking inside. Once she was changed, it took her a moment to get up the courage to walk out the door. She hated it when people saw her scars, but she knew she could trust Izzy. Finally she stepped out, and immediately ran into the pool and flipped in.
Izzy laughed and took off her flip flops, running to the pool and jumping in. She swam over to Alaska and put her arms around the girl's waist. She noticed the scars. "You thought I would judge you?" Izzy asked.
"Just nervous."

She said, her arms wrapping around her neck.

"Thank you though. For not hating me and all."

Alaska hadn't really had someone care about her like Izzy did before. It was a strange feeling. But no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't stop thinking about her.
"I would never hate you." Izzy said, kissing Alaska. She kept it going for a little then pulled away. Izzy started to swim around, going to the walls and kicking off like she did at her swim meets. She used to be the best on her team, and she was upset that she had to quit.
Alaska smiled, watching Izzy swim. She wasn't much of a swimmer, but Izzy was like a fish.

Finally she decided to swim to the bottom, her stomach grazing across the bottom as the floor dropped.
Izzy saw where she went and followed, ending up in front of Alaska. She kissed her underwater and swam up for air, smiling.

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