Home for a Runaway

(Finally home guys :D Now I can rp normally~)

Alaska turned on the tv, Christmas lights, and raised the blinds so they could see the rain outside. The sun was just setting so it looked amazing outside.

"I think everything all set up." She chirped, wrapping her arms around Izzy and kissing her cheek from behind.
(Welcome home!)

Izzy smiled as everything was turned on. As Alaska raised the blinds she saw something in the tree out back, with lights on. "Is that a treehouse?" Izzy asked, wondering who was in there.
"Uh, yeah. It was in complete ruins when we got here. I saw Scottie taking some stuff out there... He must have fixed it up." She smiled, chuckling to herself a little bit. Scottie and Lidia have been spending alot of time together lately.
Scottie accidentally fell down out the tree and hit his head."owww"he said as he tried to stand up but fell.He hit his head pretty hard.He felt his head and saw the blood.He just looked at it as he kept trying to stand up.All of a sudden he was getting dizzy and sick and threw up
Lidia quickly climbed down and rubbed his back. He was bleeding. Shoot. She would have to fix him u inside and if it got worse they would have to go the docter. She was really nervous and really hoped he would be okay.
Izzy saw Scottie fall and Lidia come down. "Oh gosh, Scottie." Izzy said as she ran down and outside, helping Lidia bring him inside. She brought some tissues out to put against his head for the bleeding.
Alaska ran down along side Izzy, and immediately started searching for the first aid kit. Finally when she found it, she sat down behind him and parted his hair to see the cut.

"You wont need stitched, but I will need to disinfect it and put a bandage on it." She said, rummaging around for the alcohol and ace wraps.
Scottie's eyes closed a bit then opened back up repeatedly he was about to faint but tried to fight it."i-i am fine.."he said as he tried to walk
"No your not," she said helping him, not wanting him to fall. He looked as if he was going to collapse in any given moment. "You should really lay down," she told him.
"I-i am"he said as he fell to the grown and fainted.He laid there.He didn't move at all.Although he was still breathing he still wasn't moving at all.He was out cold
"Oh no Scottie," she said her voice shaky. Luckly he fell right next to the couch and she lifted him sturgaling, but she got him up on the couch and put a blanket over him.
Scottie couldn't move at all he didn't know where he was or who was even there.He was passed out and couldn't hear or see anything.
Lidia was freaking out not knowing what to do. "Oh please, please be okay," she whispered to herself. She soon went into the kitchen and got some medicine. He would probably be in a lot of pain when he woke up...
Scottie was still out cold but breathing perfectly.He must have hit his head hard on something out there to knock him out that badly.
(I don't either.. but here goes me trying)

Lidia paced back and forth worried wondering when he was going to wake up or if he was going to wake up.... No Lidia you can't think like that you have to stay positive. Maybe I should do something to distract myself. Lidia pulled one of the books of the book case and tried to read it butt was to nervous to. She closed the book. She wanted to help but didn't know what else she could do. He was breathing perfectly fine... but he was't waking up. If he didn't wake up soon she was going to call for some real help.
Alaska wrapped the bandage around Scottie's head, and walked into the kitchen to find Lidia freaking out.

"Hun, he'll be fine. I promise. Hes just got a concussion. Nothing too major, he'll be okay." She said, hugging her lightly and giving her a reassuring smile.
Scottie was out cold for a week and finally woke up.He gasp and looked around to see where he was "w-where am i"he said "oow"he said.He did have a headache from the accident and him touching the bruise didn't make it any better.He didn't know where he was at all.All he remembered was skateboarding up to a house and saying hello to see if anyone was inside.
Lidia hurried into the living room where Scottie was. "Hey your awake she said happily,"

(Sorry I might not be able to reply much today becouse I am goin to a friend's house)

Scottie looked up at the strange girl."U-um do i know you?"he said faintly as he looked up at her."W-where am i?W-what happened?"he said as he got up still with a huge headache"Oww"he said as he held the back of his head."Wh-what did you do to me?W-why do i have this thing on my head.?"he said now with a stronger tone.
Lidia's heart sank. Was he being serious? Did he really not remember? Not remember her...

"You really don't remember do you?" she said forcing the words out.

"You fell out of a tree and hit your head," she told him trying not to freak out. She handed him some pain killers. This had to wear of he just had to remember.
Scottie backed up a bit and looked at her."I-i need to get out of here.W-here's my dog?"he said.He didn't take the pills from her because he didn't think he knew her.It could have been poison and he wasn't about to just take them from some girl he didn't know.Or at least he thought.
"You mean Danger, He is outside playing with Whisper. Please don't go. I-I don't think you remember me but Im your... Your friend," she told him but backed away from him a little so he wouldn't get scared.
"W-whose Whisper?I-i never seen you before."he said as he backed up further and got Danger.He looked at the other dog for a minute before pulling Danger into the house and telling his to stay beside him.

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