Home for a Runaway

Alaska scrunched up her nose and smiled.

"Good." She said, taking Izzys hand I'm her own.

"Ready for tonight?"
Izzy nodded. "Yeah, the storm already started though. Where's Lidia and Scottie?" She asked. They haven't been home, probably at the beach or something.
"I think they're out surfing. They'll be back soon." She said, hopping off of the counter.
Alaska walked out into the rain, and just stood there for a moment smiling. She absolutely loved the rain. I finally she stopped jumping around and playing, and walked inside the garage, quickly jumping up into the ladder and climbing up
She stud up the board. Her body mooved with the board as she road it and slowly her board returned back to shore. "That was fun," she said loving the feel of herself on a surf board again. She then just realize how the perfect sunny day soon turned into a cloudy one. She soon felt the rain start to pour. "Maybe we should go now," she told him. Then she winced at the sound of thunder Lidia hated thunder.
"Yeah we should.The sky is getting darker"he said as he walked out of the water.The perfect day was soon ruined by the storm."Come on Danger.Lets go"he said as he walked to him and Danger gave him hi stuff"Thanks boy"he said as he rubbed his head and held Lidia's hand while they walked to the car.
Lidia held on to his hand as they walk to the car. The rain starting to come down hard now. Whisper was following close behind.
As the rain started to come down harder it didn't really phase Scottie since he loved rain and they were already wet he just walked.Eventually they made it to the car and Scottie put the stuff in the trunk and opened the door for the dogs and got in and started it up.Since it was a little cold he turned up the heat a bit then started to drive home.
Lidia hopped into the car it was so much wormer in here. She was still in her bikini and she was dripping wet. But she didn't mind she kind of liked the cold.
They finally got home and Scottie parked the car and got out letting the dogs out and getting his stuff out.He opened the door for Lidia and carried her inside smiling and giggling.
Lidia giggled as Scottie carried her into the worm and safe house. She loved Scottie, this boy always made her smile.
Scottie sat down on the couch with her in his lap sitting face to face with each other.He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down a bit and kissed her deeply.
Scottie laid her down on the couch and got over top of her and kissed her deeply smiling then got up."You are so perfect.Haha are you sure you are not a dream?"he said smiling as he kissed her again.
"I don't want this to be a dream," she told him kissing him. Then she wondered where were Alaska and Izzy are. She was so happy to be with Scottie, they were probably fine.
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"good because it isn't.And i hope it will never be.Because i want you forever and always.You're all mines"he said smiling as he kissed her neck then went upstairs to take a shower.He gathered some clothes together and went into the bathroom.He put on some pj's and went to his room.There was nothing to do so he just sat there while Danger laid across his lap.
Lidia went up stairs and got on her pj' s witch were just some old sweats. The storm was only getting worse outside and the thunder only grew louder. She soon went under the covers trying to blare out the sound of the thunder.
Scottie came to check on Lidia and saw that she was under the covers he slid his hand under the covers and yelled a loud rawr and laughed.He laid down right beside her on her bed smiling.
Lidia almost jumped out of bed, she wasn't expecting him. "Hi," she said with a nervouse laugh as she saw it was only him. Thunder always made her jumpy.
""hehe.Aww i'll keep you safe."he said smiling as he cuddled her closely to him.He wanted to make sure she didn't feel scared or frightened.He wanted to comfort her.
He smiled "I love you"he said as he kissed her forehead and looked out the window while holding her.Scottie loved the rain but sometimes wouldn't like thunder either especially when it was loud and close.He didn't like lightening either and hoped that it wouldn't come close to them.He just held Lidia close and cuddled her tightly making his chest touch her back.

(going to bed night!!)

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