Home for a Runaway

(sorry! got no alerts and been outside lately!)

Izzy stood in worry as Scottie didn't remember anything. Then she remembered how to help memory loss. "Okay, I can help you remember." She said kneeling down next to Scottie. "Your name is Scottie. You came to this house with your dog, Danger, and met us. Our names are Alaska, Lidia, and Izzy. Do them names sound familiar, Scottie?" She asked, helping the injured boy.
"I know, I'm sorry." Izzy said, keeping her distance. "Do you remember Alaska, Lidia and Izzy, Scottie? Do them names sound familiar to you?" She asked, once again. Hopefully he'd remember.
"N-no.I-i don't know any of you at all.W-where am i?Is this a game?Did you guys knock me out and kidnapped me."he said as his voice raised.
"No, Scottie we didn't. You don't remember skateboarding here? We wouldn't kidnap you, were your friends." Izzy made sure to tell him that they were safe, and he didn't have to be scared. "This is a house for homeless teenagers, Scottie. You came here to live. Last week you went up in the treehouse right out there," Izzy pointed out the window to the tree. "and hit your head. You were out cold for a week, and now were here." She told him.
"I-i remember skating up to a house and saying hello to see if anyone was there"he said as he looked at everyone.'I-i don't remember anything else."he said
Izzy nodded and smiled. "That's good you remember. Now, do you remember when you ran into two girls who were talking and cooking? Me, Izzy, and her, Alaska?" Izzy said pointing to both of them. "Alaska told you to come in and you joined us for dinner, then you went to your bedroom to unpack and get settled." Do you remember that?" She asked carefully, trying to put in a lot of detail.
Alaska rushed down stairs once she heard Izzy and Scottie talking

"Shit. Fucking hell." She mumbled to herself, half sliding down the bannister. Once she got into the living room, she stood next to Lidia and watched Scottie.

"He'll be okay... Memory loss is common. Alot of times people have a trigger that makes them remember certain things like lovers or a job or friends." She said, trying to reassure her. Alaska knew Lidia's heart must be breaking right now, but with any luck she would be Scottie's trigger to remember.
"Do you remember.. the store! Yeah, do you remember going to the stores with me and Lidia? You bought Lidia that rose and I got hurt from that worker in the grocery store. Do you remember having Danger pee on that worker, Scottie?" Izzy asked, noticing Alaska came in. She didn't know about that situation, so now will be the time to explain it.
Almost as soon as he heard Isabella say something about a guy hurting her, her fists clenched and teeth gritted. She hated the fact of anyone laying a finger on her. But she figured now wasn't the time to make a big deal out of it and kept her mouth shut.
"I-i i don't know...i-i think i remember t-the vans..i-i bought you the vans.B-but i didn't give you them yet"he said.He was really confused but was trying to remember so hard.
Alaska swallowed hard and sat on the coffee table infront of the couch.

"It's okay. You'll remember soon. You don't have to realize everything at once." She said, patting his knee reassuringly. She knew he'd remember soon. He had to.
"You... You got them for me?" Izzy asked. Her mood somehow brightened. Izzy nodded in agreement with Alaska. "Yeah, i'll give you a break." She said to Scottie.
Alaska nodded lightly, and stood, whispering to Izzy.

"Lets leave him with Lidia for a while. Those two need to talk." She said, holding her hand and nodding to the stairs.
Alaska walked up to Izzy's room, and immediately hugged her.

"Are you okay?" she asked. Alaska as honestly worried about her, she didn't know how she'd react to Scottie waking up. Also there was the whole thing about the worker hurting her.
Izzy nodded. "I'm fine. A guy just got mad that I was using his guitar." She said, telling her what happened. Izzy didn't want Alaska to worry.
"Promise you're okay?He didn't hit you or anything?" Alaska asked, taking both of Izzy's hands in her own and looking at the girl.
"Yeah i'm fine. Don't worry." Izzy said as she took her hands and wrapped them around Alaska's waist. She kissed the girls nose and smiled. "So what do you wanna do?" Izzy asked.
Scottie blinked at them and watched them as they walked upstairs.He didn't know if he should go up there or not so he just stayed downstairs.He spotted his skateboard and saw his backpack.He walked over to them and grabbed them and telling his dog to come.He wanted to get away from there but something was telling him to stay.Was all they were saying true..he thought as he skateboarded away from the house.He didn't know where he was going.He only knew the way back from where he skated up to.
Lidia heart was breaking. He didn't remember... Then all of the sudden Izzy and Alaska left and Lidia didn't know what to say. Just as she was about to say something he walked out the door. She followed him but kept her distance. "Where are you going?" She asked him softly.

(Sorry was at my friends house but now I am back.)
"Doesnt matter, babe"

Alaska scrunched up he nose and smiled, giggling lightly to herself. Her arms draped lightly around Izzy's neck as she stood on her tip toes and kissed her forehead.
"I-im getting away from here.I-i don't know where but away from here."he said faintly as he looked back at her then down at the ground then back up at the road ahead.
Lidia' s heart was breaking slowly and painfully. She couldn't force him to stay, but she didn't was him to go. Whisper started to follow Danger as always. "Can I come?" She asked. Maybe she could help.... She had to try...

"Please..." She said coming closer to him. Looking up at him with her big green eyes.

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