Home for a Runaway

"No problem" said Alaska, delighted that they liked it.

"So where are you guys from?" She asked, abit curious about their new friends.
Elh noticed another girl had walked out. They seemed pretty nice. He quietly walked out, on his hands and feet. He blinked, smelling a swift aroma of food. This lured him closer. "....hi..." he appeared behind Alaska, blowing into her ear, in hopes to spool her a bit. Elhrin sat down and smiled with big, pointy teeth.
Corey looked at Alaska, "Um, Jenison." She said softly. It had been forever since she had a nice, home cooked meal. She looked at the boy above them and shuddered a little.

Connor looked at Alaska, "Hudsonville." He replied before eating another spoonful of mac and cheese. He looked at the boy and felt himself shiver.
"And who are you?" She asked the boy behind Alaska. Taking another bite of her food. Another guest? Wow... there were more runaways then I thought.
Elh giggled," You guys are funny," he grinned. Elh scratched the back of his neck with his foot, which he didn't wear any shoes on," Elhrin Linker!" He said, sitting crisscrossed. He laughed a bit more. The people here seemed so fun.
"Well welcome," Lidia said laughing a little as Elhrin scratched the back of his neck with his foot. "My name is Lidia."
Corey looked at the boy as he scratched the back of his neck with his foot, this was a little abnormal. She took another bite of her food and smiled at the boy, "Im Corey." She added after Lydia.

Connor watched Elhrin as he scratched the back of his neck with his foot. This grossed him out a little, but he didn't say anything. "Name's Connor." He chimed in, hoping to make the boy comfortable.
Lidia chuckles quietly at Connors grossed out face. It was funny to see peoples different reactions to things. She finished her food and took her bowl to the kitchen and rinsed it off in the sink.
Alaska giggled at the boys flexible self, and finished her plate.

"I'm Alaska. It's nice to meet you Elhrin." She said, curling up on the couch and hugging her knees.

"So you're from Jenison?" She asked, "my mother was from there."
Lidia scrubbed the plate making it squeaky clean. She looked out the kitchen window and saw something moving in the bushes. She look back in the living room then she look back at the moving bush. Lidia left out the kitchen door that leads outside. then she slowly walk to the bush a little afraid to see what's inside. She didn't know what she expected to find but, she slowly opened up the bush and a dog jumped out and landed on top of her and started liking her face. "stop get of off me!" she said between laughs. She looked at the dog better it was a gray and white Husky with piercing blue eyes. It almost looked like a wolf if you were looking from a far.
"Uh, you too," he answered. Elh looked around at the other children," Soo... What's everyone doing here? Is this a party?" Elh spoke a bit excited.
The dog got of off Lidia and she sat. "what's your name?" She asked petting him. She looked back at the house then back the dog. "come on let's go inside. You can meet the rest of the gang," she told the dog standing up and started walking to the house. The dog just sat there. "Well come on," she told the dog opening the door. The dog ran in the house and they both entered the living room. "Look who I found outside," She announced.
"Well, we all live here now I guess. Promise you won't tell anyone if I tell you why?" Said Alaska.

Looking at the dog she smiled wide, laughing abit with happiness.

"He's adorable! His eyes are so blue!" She exclaimed, having to fight urge to want to go run off the couch and cuddle the dog to death.
The dog ran up to Alaska and licked her face. "I think he likes you," Lidia said between laughs. "He doesn't have a colller and he doesn't have anywhere else to go... so can we keep him? Please" I she asked wide eyed. I always wanted a dog...
Alaska smiled down at him, petting his back.

"Ofcourse we can! He seems tame. Plus he looks like a wolf"

"Well, we're all runaways. This is Terabithia, a home for people like us." She stated, feeling like she could easily trust the young boy.
'"Yay! she says sitting on the couch next to Alaska and the dog. She petted the dog. "what is his name going to be?" she asked. He had no collar so I guess that, that meant they get to name him.

He said as he crawled over to the dog," Is he a wolf-dog? Like a hybrid...?" He thought out loud, patting it lightly on the head.
Corey looked at the dog, the closest she had been to an animal like this husky was a few weeks ago, but the animal was a coyote. She smiled as she pet the dog, "He sure is pretty." She mumbled to herself.

Connor set his plate down and looked at everyone who was crowding the new arrival. He stuck his hand in the mass of four people and pet the dog. He was very soft; he slightly nodded when Elh said '....Cool.' He stopped petting the dog and leaned against the couch.
Alaska looked at Elh and smiled.

"He's a husky. Very similar to a wolf, but abit smaller and abit more tame."

Sitting on the floor next to Lidia, she'd lye down and look up at the ceiling, humming along to something in German.

"Komm und rette mich

ich verbrenne innerlich

Komm und rette mich

ich schaffs nicht ohne dich

Komm und rette mich"

"what should his name be?" I asked as I touch the dogs soft fur. She was never allowed a pet at her old house, not even a gold fish. So she was happy to now have a dog, and such a beautiful one.
Corey looked at the husky, and thought of a good name for him. "What about Whisper, or Shadow??" she asked softly.

Connor studied the dog, he could barely hear Alaska's mumbling, and what he could hear sounded like gibberish. He looked at the people in the room, and then down at his hands. He was so happy to find these people, and this house.
Alaska smiled and sat up abit, propped up on her elbows.

"Whisper in German in Flustern." She said, trying to coin up names as well.

"Alo means spirit guide, Kai means willow tree. Those are all I can think of now that aren't German."
Lidia loved all those names. "I like Whisper," she said then looked at Conner he has been really quiet. "What do you think?" she asked him.
Connor looked at Avery, "I like it." he told her with a soft smile. He knew that he was being quiet, but he was still getting used to being around people after running away. He smiled at them and then ran his hand along the dog's back.

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