Home for a Runaway

Lidia gave him a small smile back. "All in favor in naming him Whisper say 'I'" she announced in a firm yet friendly voice. Then looked around the room with all of the them runaways, waiting for their answers.
(Shy, should we call your character Avery or Lidia? Sorry if I missed something, I'm a total ditz D:)

"Ich!" Alaska said, smiling brightly, "I might accidentally call him Flüstern, though"She said, rubbing the back of her neck. Sometimes German or Latin slips out she speaks it so much. When she was living on her own, she often acted as a tourist in big cities, and usually got rides wherever she needed by acting as if she was seperated from her group.
(Oh I am so sorry I meant Lidia I am doing 2 rps right now so I am messing up names... Sorry :) )

"I." Lidia said happily. She loved the name and the dog. This day was so wonderful. Today she not only got a new dog but a new family and home as well.
Lidia gave a small smile as she pet the dogs soft fluffy fur as well. He was just so cute. "Well I guess his new names Whisper," she said cheerfully.
Alaska smiled and exclaimed, "Flüstern!" Before nearly falling asleep.

"Hey guys, how old do you think this house is?" She said,

Just mumbling off random things.
"like 100 years old," Lidia said under my breath. She looked outside it was getting late and she hasn't even picked out her room yet... Though she didn't know if she was going to get any sleep. She has been having night mares ever science she ran away...
Connor thought about Alaska's question, he looked at the walls, and then at the ceiling. "I think it's around 150 years old." he guessed, not really sure how to tell how old a house was.

Corey nodded, "I think it would be in the 110 year range." he guessed, he was glad to have found this house. He was tired of sleeping under old trees, and having to use his coat as a blanket.
"Yeah... this place has got the personality of a dying war monger..." She said, chuckling a bit to herself. The first of the three floors was now colorfull, but the rest no so much. Hopefully that would change in the near future.

"We should probably get to sleep, it's really late. And we've got a big day tomorrow."

Alaska stood up, stretching out her back. She wasn't really looking forward to being in a room by herself, but at least it was an actual room. She was happy to be some where with a roof at least.
"well I'm hiting the hay, see you guys tomorrow bright and early," She said as cheerfully as she could but you could still hear the exhaustion in her voice. She went up the stairs and picked the last room at the end of the hall. In there was a mattress. She sat down, but did not lay. She sat her back against the wall and she looked out the window. She had no intention on sleeping. Ever science she ran she has been having bad dreams. She didn't feel like waking up screaming in the middle of the nigh again...
Kristeena finally took a rest from running when she became lost in the woods. She looked around and felt a chill go down her spine. It was getting dark and she needed to find shelter. She began to search around when she thought she heard muffled voices. She cautiously crept toward the noise and came to an old house. Maybe I can stay here...? She thought to herself as she went to the door, knocking softly. "Hello?" she said as she stood outside the door. It looked abandoned but maybe those voices were from people living here so she just decided to wait a little before going in.
Just as Lidia was about to fall asleep she snapped up just as there was a knock on the door. She quietly but quickly scurried down the stairs. She opened the door slightly and looked through the crack. There was a girl. She was like them she could tell... but could she trust her? She opened the door just a little bit more wider so the girl can see her. Lidia looked behind her, seeing if any ones behind her. "Hi.." she said looking at the girls clothes. She could tell she's been running. "are you a runaway?" She asked in a firm voice.
Lukes Pockets were empty he was out of money, he was exhausted and thirsty along with being hungry and the feeling of almost being able to pass out but in his blurry vision he could see what he finally had been looking for. The stories his brothers told him as a kid were true there was some cabin out in the middle of nowhere for people. He then looked a bit harder and saw two girls talking at the door.

"Help!" He tried to call out

he limped a bit faster still trying to get to the people that looked so far away. He had been traveling day and night to get to a place that he had no idea if it even existed and if it was'int real he would have been paying the ultimate price.

"Help!" He called out again in a tired voice

Luke hit the ground like 100 pound bricks just laying there in the dirt barely awake hoping the had hear his cries for help and salvation
Lidia's attention soon went to the crying voice. She then say the boy he looked like he was about to fall. She opened the door and ran past the girl and to the boy. She couldn't get to him in time. He already fell to floor. She kneeld down next to him. "Hey are you okay?" she asked nervously as she softly shacked the boy. "Hey we need some help and bring some water!" She yelled back to the house.
Alaska practically ran out, picking him up after checking for a spinal injury. Once she carried him inside, Alaska layed him down on the couch she was previously on. He was significantly light, suggesting he was malnourished.

"okay, like Lidia said. Water, and someone grab a blanket."

She had some experience helping injured, she did skate alot and the such. The worst she had ever dealt with was a friend who fell from a vert half pipe, breaking two ribs, and a compound leg fracture. Carrying him home was pure torture.
It was all such a blur for Luke he had never expeirnced anything like this before he saw the girl in front of him and then suddenly being picked up. He was too tired to panic or even question what was going on and before he knew it he was in the house on some old couch with people running back and forth. the events were a blurr and so was his vision it was starting to get a bit dark but he fought through it reaming awake.
I went and filled a cup with water and graved a couple of blankets. "Is there any bad damage?" she asked. She could tell the kid looked dehydrated and like he was running for days. "Set him on the couch." She said her face expressionless.
"No, he just looks exaughsted, but dangerously so. He's probably been walking for days."

Alaska poured a small amount of water into his mouth, tilting it back so it would run down his throat.

"He'll be fine. Just don't expect anything out of him for a few days."

(I'm going to be on my phone since it's pretty late here. Sorry if I post late or not at all until tomorrow.)
The water touched his lips and he felt almost alive agian he grabed onto the cup with both hands overlaping Alaska's and drinking the whole thing spilling a bit of water on himself while he did it.

"T-thanks" He forced out of his mouth

Suddenly the blur almost went away he was still light headed and could'int see very well but was in a bit of better condition.

"L-Luke" He forced out of his mouth again

(Perfectly fine :3)
Lidia looked at the boy a little surprised he was already up. He was real truper. "Hi, Luke my name is Lidia, How are you feeling?" She asked the last part with concern in her voice. 
(Oh Okay :) )
"N-not" He paused struggling to talk

"Well" He finally finished

Before laying back down his eyes were wide he was looking around and he honestly could'int tell if this was reality or not. For some reason he was still scared and nervous probably because he felt like this was all too good to be true. Something his brother said that was truthful was most likely part of his issue with reality or the lack of sleep either way he was happy to find a place.

"Where am I" He asked a question

Still dazed and a bit confused he wanted to make sure where ever he was was the right place.
"Luke, just lye down. Give your body some time to calibrate. Just close your eyes."

Alaska sat down next to him, wiling up the last of the water and laying her head on the wall.

"I'm Alaska by the way. Nice to meet you Luke."

With the sudden commotion, Flüstern came bounding down the stairs, coming to an idle and attentive stop at the foot of the couch, his tail wagging.

"And that's Whisper." She chuckled. The dog was entranced by the boy, seemingly holding back every ounce of will he had to lick him to death.

"But you're at Terabithia, kid. Home for runaways. Glad you could find us, alive that is."
Lidia starts walking to the kitchen and whistles for the whisper to follow, so he doesn't bother the boy. He follows her in to the kitchen and she looks through the cabinets. Then finds what she's looking for. "Here" she says handing Alaska the Night Quil . "This might help,"
Luke almost refused to lye down but his body gave in, when luke felt the shake of the Couch it startled him almost like he was about to have a heart attack. Luke laid there in silence looking at the two people and thinking about their hospitality then he heard the magic words "Home for" was enough for him to know he was'int at some random persons cabin where he would just be sent back to the city.

He laid there with a sort of tired smile on his face he had travled a long way and he nodded to the agreement of being alive

(Edited because I had a derp)

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