Home for a Runaway

(Yeah, we should. Shall we skip to morning?)

Alaska rubbed her eyes, waking up on the floor curled up in a blanket.

"Well I guess I passed out here last night." She mumbled, a loud yawn escaping her.
Avery woke up to the sound of Alaska's voice.

"Good morning," she yawned looking around. Then she pushed her blanket off of her.
Luke woke up staring up at the wooden ceiling, he did'int get much sleep simply because of that one question he was asked last night "Whats your story?" almost like he was just a book to the people around him. To have a good morning he let that thought escape from him. Luke sat up, he was sore and stiff it almost felt like his body could only move at certin angles but he fought through the uncomfortable stiffness. He placed his dirty hoodie on the couch and began rubbing his face a little bit.

"So what now" Luke asked in a tired and a bit upset voice
"We eat breakfast," she told him. She went to the frig to see it was almost empty. "I guess I am going out to get breackfast," she mumbled to herself. "what do you want for breackfast?" she asked him already getting her jacket and shoes on.
"Eggs sound nice" Luke said

He never got to eat anything when he arrived so starving for about two days he was more than willing to eat anything that was brought to him. Luke got up and put his shoes on.

"You need any help?" Luke said as he tied his shoes.

Luke got up and stood next to her.
"sure if your feeling well enough," she told him zipping up her hoodie with her big pocket then got a pice of paper and wrote:

Out to "buy" food be back soon

P.s. Luck is with me.

"Yeah i'm alright I think" he said laughing a little

He read the note over her shoulder

"Were going to the store i'm guessing?
"Yep," she said graving the bag that was next to the door she opened the old door and steeped outside. She would as much room as she get to fit all the things they needed without getting cought.
The door creaked open and sunlight came shining through and landing on Luke. Luke walked outside and stretched a little bit. He turned around and looked at Lidia

"Nice day huh?" he said a bit dull

"So uhh how do you guys get money?" He asked curious

In a way he kinda hoped the just shopped lifted things it was something he was rather used to doing and pretty good at for that matter.
"Yeah it is," she said looking around the bright and sunny day."We don't make money, We just take what we need," she told him and started to walk down the road.
He followed her down the road in a akward silence which seemed like forever and he broke the silence

"So Uhh sorry for the dramatic arrival yesterday" Luke said

Luke was never good at appologizeing simply because it was something he just never did but he felt like she deserved it. Luke scratched the back of his head as he waited for her response.
"Hey don't worry about it. Trust me i understand," she said walking along the road. She remebered when she first ran away, boy it was hard. She was lucky to have a freind like Alaska. They soon made it too the town and Avery took some apples from the front of the store when no one was looking and handed one to. Then put the others in her bag.
Luke saw Lidia smuggle the apples and decided to try and help her grabbing about two and placing it in her bag.

"Anything specific you need from inside the store?" Luke asked

Luke began walking into the store trying to hear Lidia's order.
"Well we need eggs," she said "Oh and bred, but you can get what you want to eat." She said entering the store with him. It was busy Perfect. Now the workers will be distracted and it will be esayer for them to take what they please.
"alright I'll go get some eggs" Luke replied

For such a small town the place was pretty busy which made stealing easier for him. He went to the refrigerated section and grabed a carton of eggs and held them low to his body. As he wandered around he saw a empty cashier station and behind it was something he's been craving. He slipped behind the cashier stand and pulled out a can of chew and stuffed it in his pocket and slipped out hoping no one noticed him. He began looking around the store for Lidia.
Lidia stuffed a loaf of bread in her bag then a box of tarts. Then she saw something that she missed so much. Ice coffee. She put one in her bag as well as some other things. Then she looked around for Luke.
Luke saw Lidia jam the box of ice coffee into her bag and decided to mess with her.

"Hey what do you think your doing?" Luke deepened his voice

He placed his hand on her shoulder and moved himself in front of her

"Did I scare you Lidia?" He said with a smile
Lidia gasped as she herd a deep voice and a hand on her shoulder.. Shoot they cought her. She then turned around to be faced to face with Luke. "Luke you scared me i thought you were the cops..." she said kindo of laughing.
"That was pretty much the point" Luke said laughing

Luke walked around with Lidia for awhile.

"So is there anything else we need?"

He grabed the pouch and pulled it towards him with the strap still on Lidia and placing the eggs in her bag very carefully.
"Nope i think we pretty much got everything," she said looking around to see if anyone was watching them. "I think we can head out now," she said and she made her way to the door carefully so she wouldn't break the eggs.
Surprisingly thier little hiest went off without a single problem. They made it out of the store with out and of the detectors going off with that terrible loud beeping noise.

Luke pulled out his can of chew out of his pocket and cutted it open with his teeth.

"My little guilty pleasure" He said looking over at Lidia

He took a pinch of the green and dark leaf paste and placed it in his lip. He closed the lid and held it up near his face.

"You want some Lidia?" He asked as they walked.
"No thanks i got my own guilty pleasure," she said pulling out one of her ice coffees. She just loved coffee. As she walked down the road she say Mr.Smith sitting on the side of the road with his old worn out cardboard sign. She reached in her bag and gave him an apple just like she did every time she went to the store. "TThanks Lidia," he said digging into the juicy apple. "No problem Mr. Smith." She said as she started to walk away.
Luke was a bit surprised at Lidia's generosity when she gave the man some food. Luke spit on the ground trying not to lose his chew with it.

"That was kinda of you Lidia" He said

Luke had seen pleanty of people like him in the city but he never thought to actually help them, he always thought they kinda deserved it.

"That kind of thing is odd in the city ya'know?" He said looking over at her

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