Home for a Runaway

"Yeah i guess i just kind wished someone was nice enogh to give me food when i was alone and hungry," she as she kept walking on her way home.
Luke remained quiet for a minute for some reason he could picture this girl in a ally way looking the same way the man they passed did and he knew he would just pass her and not think twice. Luke snapped back into reality.

"I-Im sorry Lidia" He said softly

He ignored his own statement he made earlier about that sentence but apart of him was truly sorry.
"Sorry?" she said confused. He had nothing to be sorry for. She walk down the road they were starting to get farther away from the town and closer to home.
"Yeah" He said then stopped

Mabye living here at this home with Lidia and everyone else was going to be good for him. He had never thought much about the everyday person you see on the street.

"Im sorry because I know I would have walked by you and not have a single thought about you" He managed to spit out unwillingly.
She looked at him for a moment then smiled. Not one of those fake smiles but a real smile, that she doesn't use often. This kids alright. she thought to herself.

"Trust me i would have done the same thing before..."

Before her mom became a drunk...

Before her boyfreind beat her...

"Before i ran away," she said and started walking again.
Luke felt a feeling of comfort for the first time in awhile he was quiet for awhile

"M-My brother was murdered two weeks ago. It was a gang retaliation that lead to it" He said

Luke spit on the ground agian then let out a sigh it was the first time he really said anything about it to anyone. Luke pulled over on Lidia's pouch and opened it and grabbed a apple. He began nervously eating it.

"I don't have anything left Lidia t-that was it" He said with his voice getting scratchy.
"Well now you have me and Alaska," she said looking at him. She couldn't imagine how hard it probobly was for him. "You can stay with us as long as you want,"
He was thankfull that he was at a better place now and maybe it was all for the best anyways.

"Y-yeah I guess I do" Luke quietly said

"Im not sure but don't you ever wish you could just stop what happend to you and see where you could of been?"

He was'int sure what kind of response he was going to get with a somewhat stupid question but he just had to ask.
Lidia stop and thought for a moment. She never thought what life would have been life... if she didn't runaway she would still be living in a hell hole. But what if none of it ever happened.

The beatings...

Her mom getting drunk all the time...

Her dada leaving...

Where would she be? Definatly not here. She would probably have a real life. "Yeah," she then responded then continued to walk. 
(sorry it took me a while to reply I was out shopping)
Daemon:- Wakes up in the alley he had found so he could get some sleep. His cardboard 'shelter' was now in ruins due to the rain. The rain was coming down hard, he was still a little groggy as he stands up and stumbles out of the alley. Narrowly avoids being hit by a car. "whoa!" wakes up fully. "okay I need to find shelter... real shelter" runs down the road and sees a house. It looks as though nobody lives there. "good enough" runs into the house. sighs. "I'll just stay here for now..."
~Amber Anne was walking along a path as she came to a house. She hugged her bear, opened the door, and walked in.~ "Hello?"
Luke looked up and noticed the clouds and the sprinkleing that had started.

"Damn it" He said outloud spitting on the ground

They could see the house and Luke saw two figures entering the house, he then patted Lidia on the shoulder

"Lidia you did you see that?"
Daemon:- Takes a couple steps into the house and tries to get his surroundings. Hears the door open behind him and he ducks and hides behind the closest thing to him. Hears somebody speak. A girl. stays hidden to see what happens.
"Yeah..." Lidia said and slowly ran up the house with her bag of stuff. She saw a girl figure that looked like she was holding something. As she got closer she realized it was a teady bear. Then she saw a boy hiding. Th must not be together.

She herd the girl speak.

"Hello," she told the girl from behind her.
Luke followed closely behind her and saw the girl with the bear.

"Who are you and who else is with you?" He asked demandingly

It might have been a bit rude for him to do but these were strangers in his home...
Lidia herd the sharpness in his voice and she put her hand on his arm. Then giving him a it's okay clam it look. I mean it was a girl with a teady bear I don't think she was going to do much harm. As for the boy... she couldn't tell just yet.
Luke was startled by Lidia's touch but he relaxed a bit but still on edge waiting for a reply from someone in the cabin house.

"Who are you" Luke asked again with a calmer tone
Daemon:- step out of his hiding place. looks at everyone without saying a word.

(I gotta go :/ bye I'll continue tomorrow)
(K bye :) )

"Hi," she said to the boy that step out of his hiding place. "I'm Lidia and this is is Luke. What's your guys name?" she asked them both.
"Nice to meet you Daemon," she tells him with a soft smile. "And welcome to our home for runaways," she told Daemon and the girl that has yet to mention her name.

"I am just about to make breakfast," she said walking into the kitchen with her bag of food.
Luke walked past Daemon glaring at him a bit almost to say "I don't trust you" then sat down on the couch that sank down and made him look like he was slouching. Luke put a dip of chew in his lower lip and spitted in the cup that was on the ground.

"I'm Luke" He added

Luke hesitated for a minute

"Where you from Daemon?" Luke grunted
Daemon:- "M-Michigan" He figures he might as well lie because he doesn't know whether or not to trust them.

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