Home for a Runaway

"Sure I love to cook!" Izzy looked around then back at Alaska. "Where can I put my stuff?" Izzy said as she held up her bag.
"Anywhere's fine."

Alaska took out the rest of the ingredients and set them on the kitchen island, getting everything set up.

"You know how to make meatloaf?" She said, raising an eye brow and a smile to the girl.
Izzy found a chair that looked unused, so she carefully put it down and walked back over. "I know how to make pretty much everything, I cooked at home a lot and went to school for culinary." She helped gather ingredients and put them on the island as well.
"That's awesome. Where are you from?"

Alaska strained out the pasta and dumped it into the bowl along with the veggies, also adding some vinaigrette.
Izzy put the raw meat in a bowl and started pouring spices into it and mixing it.

"I'm from New York City. How about yourself?"

Alaska stirred the mi before washing her hands and pulling herself up in one of the bar stools.

"Why'd you leave? If you don't mind me asking."
Izzy finished the meat and put it on a tray and put it into the stove. She pushed the buttons turning it on and while washing her hands she said, "My family bullied me."

Izzy finished and hopped on the stool next to Alaska. "How about you?"
"Same. If only I could tell you the scars I've got from them"

Alaska silently muttered and myself in her head, but then brought her attention back to Izzy. She was gorgeous, but Alaska decided to not get her hopes up.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Izzy looked at the girl and frowned. She was really pretty, and didn't deserve scars.

"My parents just bullied me because I told them I was a lesbian. They didn't abuse me, but it felt like it a lot."
"You know, emotional abuse is still abuse. It's not right, and you don't deserve it." She said, rubbing her arm lightly. Thank god I'm wearing long sleeves. but I may be in luck better yet.

"But shit, that must have been rough. Coming out was part of it for me. The rest was a psychotic mother and sister."
"You don't deserve it either." Izzy looked into the girls eyes. She could tell Alaska was hiding something but she didn't want to ask about it. She kept to herself. "What did they do to you?"
"Yell mostly. The occasional beer bottle was thrown, hit one of twice the month before I ran, then there was my mum's dog boyfriends, but after the first one did his worst the rest of them were scared out of the house before they could even look at me." She said, trying to laugh about it a little bit.
Izzy looked at her. She felt so bad, she could cry.

"I'm so sorry."

She wanted to hug the girl so bad but she was scared Alaska would push her away.
Alaska smiled reassuringly at her.

"Don't be, I promise it's fine."

Alaska feared she made the girl upset, so she pulled Izzy into a hug shortly before standing up and getting a few drinks out of the fridge and hanging her one.
Izzy felt better as she hugged Alaska. She didn't care if she wasn't supposed to be, she was still sorry for her. She took the drink and opened it, chugging it, as if she hasn't had a drink since yesterday.. which is true.
Alaska sat back down, humming along to a song quietly.

"So, have idea how you're going to decorate your room?" She said, gesturing to the spray paint, brushes, and cans scattered everywhere.
Scottie came up to the house with his book bag on his back and two bags strapped on his chest."Hello?"he said cutely and he stepped closer to the house.He didn't want to just walk in cause he might starled someone and they might get the wrong idea about him.
"Come on in!" Alaska hollered from the kitchen, knowing the door was still unlocked.

For some reason, any one Alaska and Lidia seemed to take in came in droves, and it was honestly kind of cool. She liked being able to help alot of people, not to mention that before Izzy showed up, it was just Alaska and Lidia by themselves.
Izzy thought for a moment. "No I don't know. You wanna help?" She said as she heard someone from outside. "Should I get the door?"
Alaska smiled to her, standing up and waving them in. It was only the screen door so whomever was out there could see clearly in.

"Sure. I'd love to. But nah, it's fine." She said, leaning against the counter.

Alaska flashed her a smile before walking over to oven and taking the food out, setting it all on the table with a couple of plates. And utensils, enough for the three of them, plus whomever had just arrived.
Scottie picked up his skateboard and came inside."Hi"he said shyly and cutely.He scanned the house and the people that were already inside."Where can i put my stuff"he said.His bags were getting a bit heavy and he needed to sit them down.
"Where ever you'd like Hun." She said, sitting down next to Izzy.

"Dinners ready. I can tell you're both tired, so eat as much as you can without hurting yourselves. I assume Lidias sleeping, as usual."

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