Home for a Runaway

"What ever you guys want I guess." Alaska strummed a few random chords, half showing off infront of Izzy, half checking for her guitar to be in tune.
"Do you know any Ed Sheeran?" Izzy asked. She loved Ed Sheeran. He is her favorite singer of all time. Her favorite song by him is The A-Team, but she also likes Lego House.
"I think I know Lego house."

Alaska began playing, fumbling a little bit with the first two chords but soon got the hang of it.
Izzy began singing as she played, "I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house. If things go wrong we can knock it down." She sang it with Ed Sheeran's accent, right pitch.
"hhmm"Scottie sat out for this one since he didn't know the lyrics to this song he just listened to them sing.After all he did love listening to other sing more than singing in front of others although it didn't bother him at all.
Alaska smiled, hung along when appropriate. She loved Izzys voice, and didn't know why she wouldn't been embarrassed.

Once the song was done, Laska looked up at the girl awestruck.

"Don't ever say you can't sing again. Okay?"
"Okay, fine." Izzy looked at her with a 'You're lying' look. But ignored the fact and just laid back on the bed. "This has been the best day I had in a while."
Scottie got up and went back downstairs grabbed his bags and went to the room with two windows.He loved looking outside and surprising it was a good view.He sat his bags down and grabbed a chair pulling it to the window and looking out of it.
"I'm glad love. You both deserve it." She said, laying back next to Izzy and closing her eyes, leaving the guitar on its near by stand.

(Imma go to sleep since its pretty late over here. Night!)
(Sorry I had no idea anyone was replying I wasn't getting the alerts. Ugh stupid thing so sorry)

Lidia stayed quietly in her room alone sitting on the ledge just outside her window. It was cold, but Lidia liked the way it felt on her skin. She had been in her room all day and it was night now and she looked up at the stars. The wind blowing her hair around. She sat just enjoying the moment sitting on her window ledge looking up at a stary night.
Izzy woke up suddenly from a nightmare. She noticed Alaska asleep, so she quietly walked out and felt a chill coming from another room. She looked through the doorway and saw a girl sitting on a ledge. She quietly said, "Hello... Are you Lidia?"
Lidia was a little startled at first then realized it was just the new girl. "Yeah sorry I wasn't out much today just didn't fell so well," she told the girl. "I didn't catch your name...." She said looking at her.
Izzy smiled and walked in a little bit more. "I'm Izabella but please, call me Izzy." She looked at the girl, how she was sitting in the freezing room. "Aren't you cold?"
"Oh thanks. So, Alaska was talking about you all day. I think she was kinda lost without you around. Yous are best friends, huh?" Izzy got used to the cold and hopped on the ledge, joining Lidia.
"Yeah we are like sisters, she was the first person that was their once I ran away," she said smiling remembering when she first meat Alaska.
"Oh wow, that's great." Izzy remembered the first person she met after running away. She shuddered from the flashback but shook it away. "You must be tired."
"Yeah a little, sleeping is kind of being my enemy right now," she chuckled. Every time she closed her eyes as got a flash back of her life before she ran away. She didn't want to end up screaming like the other nights.
(sorry i left xD )

"Yeah, same kinda. I just woke up from a nightmare before I came in to talk, but hey atleast I got some sleep."
Alaska had woken up around the same time every night for her entire life, but before that it just wast useful. It also happened to be when Lidia woke up screaming as well. Since all of this, her bodies pretty much trained her to wake up then.

Once she stirred, she woke to find that Izzy had gone off to her own room, but the only sound from her room was tw soft murmur of talk through the walls.

"Gotcha." She mumbled, fumbling out of bed and into the living room where she curled up on the couch.
Lidia jumped of the ledge and into her room and followed where she thought she herd footsteps enter the living room. "Hi Alaska," She said and sat down on the floor next to the couch.

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