Home for a Runaway

Alaska looked up dreary eyed, rubbing them momentarily before realizing who it was.

"Oh, hey guys. And no, I'm good. Thank you though." She said, sitting up a little bit.
"Okay," she said and went into the kitchen and started to make the coffee. With in a couple of minutes she entered the room with her worm cup of coffee.
"Good. I woke up to go check on Lidi as usual, but heard you two up there talking already. Figured I'd give ya'll some privacy."

Alaska yawned, sharp teeth bared. God how she usually hated showing her teeth to anyone unless she was in a fight, but she was too tired to care.
"Well I am perfectly fine, I learned if I only sleep for 3 hours then wake up and stay up for the rest of the night then no bad dreams," she said with a smile then took another sip of her burning hot coffee. "So feel free to head back to bed at anytime," she told seeing that she was still tiered.
Alaska got up and hugged Lidia, sitting down next to her.


She rested a head on her shoulder, closing her eyes but not falling asleep. All she did was listen to the music playing in her head, forcing herself awake.
Lidia just sat ther and drank her coffee slightly as Alaska wrappd her arms around her and closed her eyes. Lidia started to hum a tune. She enjoyed Alaskas cumpony it made her feel better.
Alaska almost immediately shut her mouth, covering it with a hand.

God damn, she saw.

"Uh, yeah. My gene pool hates me." she chuckled, finally lowering her hand but still being careful to not show her teeth.
"I like your teeth Alaska I don't get why you always try to hide them," she told her truthfully finishing up her cup of coffee.
"I dunno. I guess they're just kind of scary." She said, shrugging and giving her a half smile.
Alaska blushed at the compliments, and finally decided to give them an actual smile.

"Thanks guys."
"Yeah, Scottie. He's asleep now though."

Alaska couldn't help but smile when she looked over at Izzy and back the ground. She was adorable when she was tired. What stunned her most is that they actually fell asleep. In the same bed. Voluntarily.

She hadn't let anyone get close to her for a long time. Especially not like that. But for some reason she was okay with it, really okay with it.
Lidia saw how Alaska was looking at Izzy. is something going on? If something was going on she was happy for her. She needed to let people in, in her life.
Alaska looked over to Lidia and gave her an embarrassed.

"I'm jsut going to go lay her down on my bed so she isn't having neck pains tomorrow. I promise I'll sleep out here." She said, hugging her friend once more before standing up and picking Izzy up bridal style and laying her down on the bed. Once she was tucked in, Alaska turned off her music and walked back out to the living room and sat back down.

"So, are we both going to sleep or are we going to stay up discussing plans for tomorrow?"
Lucia raised her eyebrow at her friend along with a smile. As she picked up Izzy

"Well I just had a big cup of coffee so I don't think I am going to be heading to sleep any time soon, but if your tired...." She said.
Alaska sat back down, kind of embarrased.

"It's not what you think." She said. The girl could feel her face heat up as it grew red.
Izzy woke up from her sleep. She swore she felt herself in someones arms, but she was in a bed.. Alaska's bed? 'I thought I fell asleep on the chair out in the living room.. Or was I dreaming?' Izzy thought. She got up and walked into the living room, "Uh hey, didn't I fall asleep out here?" She asked with a confused look.
"Yeah. I put you into bed though. You'd get a cramp in that chair, trust me, it sucks. Plus I didn't know which room you'd chosen so I just put you in mine. I- uh- hope that's fine." She said, giving her an embarrassed look.

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