Home for a Runaway

Lidia went back into her room and took her place by the window once more. She soon began to tiered and begain to fall asleep on the ledge outside her window. She kept snapping herself awake not wanting to fall asleep then waking up screaming and ruining everything for Alaska so she forced herself to stay awake. She went down stairs but hid so they couldn't see she crawled behind the couch and made her way to the kitchen hoping that they didn't see her. See then got the coffee and made herself some more. She needed to stay up.
Alaska smiled, closing her eyes half way through the movie, but only for a moment to count her heartbeats, as if they were different from her own. Her thumb ran along her own jagged arm, not even noticing it, or fearing if she would see for once. In fact, she didn't think about anything other than the arms around her and the movie.
Izzy looked at Alaska and moved a piece of hair from her face and smiled at her. She noticed her touching her arm and got curious. She sat her up and straightened herself up anyway. She grabbed Alaska's hand and looked at her arm. She didn't do anything but pull her closer into a hug. No words, just a long hug.
Alaska was stunned at first, trying to convince herself that that hadn't just happened. She sat there for a while, encased in her arms with tears streaming silently down her face, but finally she leaned into her shoulder and wrapped her arms around the girl. She hoped to god that Lidia was sleeping, and she couldn't see or hear what was going on. Lidia had seen fresh cuts before, but she dismissed them as an accident form some power tools.
Izzy shushed the girl sweetly and quietly to calm her down. She wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. She fixed their position so Alaska was sitting in her lap for comfort. Izzy held the girl in her arms.
"I'm sorry" Was all she could spit out, biting her lip to stop the crying, hugging her arms close, her stuffed bear closer
"Why are you sorry?" Izzy looked at the girl. She wanted to kiss her so bad to show her everything's okay but she didn't want to make things awkward.
Lidia saw the hole scene and didn't want to disturb so she dicided to go sit outside alone with her hole jug of coffee. She would talk to Alaska alone latter. She sat there out in the freezing cold alone. Only her cup of coffee and the cold wind to keep her awake.
Alaska just shrugged, shutting her eyes tight. She knew lisoa would be angry. She knew shed be dissappinted, and that was her biggst fear. She needed her best friend right now, but she couldn't even muster up the strength to say anything other than I'm sorry.
Izzy sat her up again and looked in her eyes, which were beautiful. "It's okay, Alaska. Don't worry about it. I'm not mad or upset with you. Don't cry, please." She looked at her in her eyes and knew the girl was looking back.
Lidia saw everything. She held her hand in her head. She didn't know what she would say to Alaska. It wasn't that she was mad. She was just worried and kind of sad that she wouldn't have told her that and they were friends for a while now. Her skull pounded against her head and from lake of sleep and her lips were turning blue it was so cold but at least she wasn't sleeping. She couldn't spoil this for Alaska. She sip her coffee worming her up a little.
Alaska nodded, still biting her lip. Finally she had stopped, and so had the movie. All that hencould hear was the little menu screen music, her own breathing, and all she could feel was the swarm in her chest and the breaths of the girl infront of her

Alaska wiped her eyes, sniffling a little bit. She stood up, holding a sleeved hand out to Izzy.

"I have to check on Lidi. I don't like the dark. Come with me." She said, eyes shut and body quaking.
Lucia was still out side sitting in the back porch. Now her all the coffee in the coffee mug was gone. And only the cold wind wasn't letting her sleep. Stupid bad dreams. Sitting out their she began to think, but not very clearly. Why hadn't Alaska told her? Lied to her about them when she saw? She didn't trust her but she trust the girl she just met today? Was it something she did to make her not trust her? Well maybe if she didn't trust her that much then she shouldn't Alaska?..... But she had to becouse Alaska was the only one she had left...
Izzy nodded and took Alaska's hand standing up. She put her arm around the girl's waist so she wouldn't be scared. Izzy didn't really like the dark either, she was happy that Alaska was there with her.
Alaska peeked her head into Lidias room, but when she had seen she wasn't there- she practically ran out the to porch. He knew she had seen and heard them. Alaska didn't want anyone to know, she wanted to push it all behind her since she'd been clean since she met Lidia. But she just needed to explain that she didn't tell her, but that Izzy found out herself. God she just wanted to die, and the feeling she got when she saw Lidia so hurt made her want to die even more.

"Lidi... I didn't want anyone to know! I thought you'd hate me like very one else did. I didn't show her, she showed herself. Please don't hate me" She choked out, standing a few feet away hugging her sides. The guilt built up in her felt like stomach butterflies evil twin, the bats.
She sat there for a moment then got up and hugged her. "It's fine," she said then walked passed her and up the stairs and to her room and collapsed onto her bed and stairs at the wall.She was way to tiered to care. Falling asleep slowly. Her lips were still blue and her skin was pale wight. And her head was pounding.
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Alaska stood on the porch for a moment, thinking about when she should go do. Eventually she got up the courage to go upstairs and close Lidi's window. Once she had gotten it shut without making much sound, Alaska tucked the girl in, making sure she was finally warming up before she sat in the corner of the room chair, in order so Alaska could wake up if Lidi had another nightmare.
Lidia soon wormed up then she started to fall asleep. So much for trying to stay up all night. "You...Don't.... have... to... stay...." She said then fell to sleep.
Izzy stood on the porch, confused. She didn't know what to do. Finally Izzy walked to where Alaska showed her the paint earlier. 'I have nothing to do but paint my room, I guess.' She thought. Izzy looked through the paints and found a bucket of black. She then looked through the spray paint bottles and picked out a yellow, teal, and lime green. She had the idea in her head, like a picture of what she wanted. Izzy took the stuff and went up to her room, along with the sheets that were in the box for the floor and the blue tape stuff for the walls.
(I'm really behind o_o)

Scottie got up out of his room and decided to just go skateboarding.He grabbed an apple out of the frige and went outside and skateboarded in the street since noone ever comes past the house anyway.He loved the wind in his hair when he skateboarded.It felt like he was flying.He took a big bit of his apple and skateboarded away from the house but not that far away so when it was time to get back he could and it wouldn't be to dark for him to see.
Alaska jumped awake when Lidia did, and eventually just for up and slept on the top of the covers, humming herself gently back to sleep.
When Izzy finished painting the walls fully black, she got the spray paints and started just splatting it everywhere, so it looked like a cool paint fight happened. When she was finished she left everything there and went to the kitchen to eat while it dried.
Lidia eyes opened a little when she herded Alaska humming then fell asleep again. Sleeping slightly for the rest of the night.
As Scottie was skateboarding he found a bunny."Aww how cute!"he said as he walked over to it"Come here girl"he said as he picked her up.It was only a little baby girl"Aww you're so adorable.I'll call you SnowFlake"he said to the white fluffy baby bunny.He grabbed his skateboard and went back to the house.
As Izzy cooked some mac and cheese she heard the wheels of a skateboard roll up. She walked outside and saw the new kid with a bunny in his hands. "Hey," Izzy said, "Cute bunny."

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