Home for a Runaway

Lidia opened her eyes and noticed it was lighter out. "Well that's enough sleep for me," she whispered to herself and stood up making sire not to wake anyone up. She went down stairs and down to the kitchen and poured herself some water. She saw from the kitchen window the new boy. He wad kinda cute and he had something in his hands. She better go introduce herself.
"hah thanks.Her name is SnowFlake.Isn't she adorable."he said as he smiled and took her upstairs to the bathroom for a bunny bath.He put the right amount of water in there and washed the little thing up then took her back downstairs and he said down on the couch petting her"Hehe you sure do lick a lot"he said as she licked his hand.
"I found her outside.She was all alone and she came right to me.I'm sorry we haven't met before/I'm Scottie J,and you?"he said as he looked at the girl.
"I'm Lidia nice to meet you," she said holding out her hand to him to shake.

"She's so cute what's her name?" She asked.
Izzy went upstairs and gathered all of the paint stuff. She brought it down, trying not to interrupt their conversation. As she put the stuff away the oven beeped to show that her mac and cheese was finished. Izzy took the mac and cheese out and put it on the table, with a couple bowls, silverware and napkins. She went into the room where Lidia and Scottie were talking and said, "My bad to interrupt but there's a big bowl of mac and cheese if you guys would like any." After that she walked back in the kitchen and got herself a bowl, sitting at the table and eating.
Scottie shook Lidia's hand "SnowFlake"he said smiling."It's perfect for her cause she is a white bunny."he went to the frige and grabbed a small carrot for her.
"I don't know if you guys meat our dog yet? His name is whisper he is around here somewhere?" She said making her a bowl. "Thank you," she told Izzy and took a bite. Then whisper came and nudged her hand with his nose wanting some of her food.
"No problem." Izzy said to her. She saw the dog run up and Izzy fell in love. "Oh my gosh he's adorable! What kind?" She asked as she hopped off the chair and kneeled down to pet him.
"I love those dogs." She said. Izzy remembered her one school trip to a dog kennel once. She fell in love with the husky there, but she wasn't allowed to get him.
"I have a dog to"he said smiling."I releashed him somewhere out there and he went out far but he'll be back. Hah some people get worried when their dogs go out to far but i'm not.My dog knows my smell so he'll just sniff me out and come back."he said
"Yeah but he his a wild one."He said."Here he comes now"he said as he put the baby bunny he his head and squatted down."Hey Danger.Where you been haha you've been out there for hours"he said as he pet his dog."Hey wanna see some tricks he can do guys?"he said excitedly.
Alaska stirred awake, and made her way to her own room where she changed into her black Suicide Silence short shorts and a huge Sea Shepard shirt. Walking out she slinked out into the porch and laid out on the bench, still clutching her teddy bear to her chest. The morning was warmer, at least compared to last night.
Lidia nodded her head excited. There is so many animals in this house that they might need a hole room just for the animals.
"Ok"he said making sure the bunny was safe on the couch and then whistled"Come on boy come on"he said as Danger followed him."ok jump Danger jump"he said as Danger jumped."Hah good boy.Ok now jump spin"he said as he demonstrated first then he did the same."Ok now lets do some awesome stuff.Flip Danger flip" as he showed him first the he did the same."hah good boy"he said as he petted him.
"OK sure"he said smiling"Danger fetch leash."he said as his dog ran up to his room and grabbed the leash and came back with it in his mouth."Good job boy.I think i have a treat in my pocket.Let me pull it out for you buddy"he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bone for him"Hah here you go"he said as he hook the leash onto him and went inside sitting down beside his bunny.He gave his dog the bone and he told him to sit and he did.
Lidia went into the kitchen and realized the food was low.

"Hey guys I am going to go "Buy" some food anyone want to join me or have any recuest?" She asked them, hoping someone would want to come so she wouldn't be alone.

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