Home for a Runaway

"Cool," she said with a smile and graved her big bag and Whispered soon followed. She went outside and started to walk down the dirt road.
Izzy walked down the road next to Lidia. She wondered where the store was, and if there was anything else near. She wanted to look around.
"There is a little town down ways with shops," she said and continued walking. "You guys looking for anything in particular?" she asked them Whisper running up ahead of them but still not to far.
Scottie skateboarded beside Lidia and release his dog to go infront of him making sure the bunny was still safe he put on in the top part of his hoodie and fed it a carrot. 
"NA not really.Danger might want something though but other than that no."he said.His dog would usual sniff out what he wanted and Scottie would get it for him.
"Well I need some more clothes. And makeup or something." She thought as she wondered what she could get. She had a wallet with money she found over the days. She could buy something.
"Danger wait."he said as he whistled and he stopped.From there he hooked the leash on him and walked him the rest of the way now that there were where the stores were.
"Okay cool," she said and they soon made it to town. There was lot's of people out and walking. She took an apple as she walked pass a market and nobody noticed. Then she saw Mr. Millar with his please homeless need money and tossed the apple to him. "Thanks Lidia," he said as always. "No problem," she said and kept walking.
"You like to help a lot of homeless people Lidia?" Izzy asked. She thought it was really sweet how Lidia gave the man the apple. She always dreamed of helping the homeless, but now she is.. Well was.
"Um mostly just Mr. Millar, He is a sweet old man and can use all the help he can get," she said as they continued to walk. She had tried to make him come and live at the house but had refused. "So what store do you want to go in?" she asked them.
"I don't really care. You know what stores are which, so it's whatever you pick." She thought that Lidia was pretty used to the place already so she decided to let her choose.
Danger barked"Alright alright.Guys we're going in here.Hha i think Danger sees something he wants.Or smells.We'll catch up with you guys later"he said as he walked into the store.
"Okay," she said giving him a smile. "oh I think you would like this store," she said to Izzy and pulled her in. "Stay here Whisper," she said to the dog and he sat. As she pulled Izzy in.
Alaska woke again to see everyone had gone, so she decided to spend her time. In the garage. Again.

Once she gotten the oil changed, brakes turned, and tires rotated Alaska rolled it outside and began fixing up some of the dents and cleaning the vans outside, leaving the back door open to air out while she cleaned. Once te outside was shining, she finally managed to get the rips in the seats sewed shut, and the windshield wipers changed.

"Well shit. This babies ready for anything" she gloated, leaning against the open hood.
Lidia soon remembered that she forgot to tell Alaska where they were heading off to. Dang it... well I am sure she is fine...

" Um.. well we can shop in here there are lots of clothes..." she kinds thought of Scottie was cute and she usually would tell Alaska things like this but she wasn't here now. 
She looked around the store at a black hoodie much like the one she had back at home. She shouldn't even start thinking about boys. Even if she just thought one was cute. Because of what happened last time she was with a boy. That made her shiver. "So..." she said turning to Izzy.
Scottie came out of the store with Danger and his new toy."Alright boy sit next to Whisper and be a good boy for me"he said and petted his and then gave him his toy.Scottie came in behind them"Hey guys.I'm back"he said smiling.
He smiled at her and then back around the store."I found a hoodie for you Lidia.I hope it fits"he said as he handed her the hoodie he bought for her.
"Thanks, I love it," she said with a smile then put it on. "Fits perfectly thanks so much," she told him. Aww he is just making himself cuter and cuter by the minute this is not good...
"You're welcome.I bought Whisper a toy to. Couldn't leave him out"he said as he smiled and looked around the store."Oh and Izzy i bought you a bracelet.Sorry it isn't much but i did think you would love it"
He is so sweet to buy something for everyone. She thought to herself. "Well I still got to bye food , You guys can go look at the other stores or come with me," she told them
Izzy took the bracelet and smiled. "Thanks I love it!" She put it on and looked at the charms. It was really cute. She would keep buying charms when she could. When Izzy looked up she saw a pair of sneakers that were really cute. They were batman converse. She walked over and checked the price. "Aw man." She said as she noticed how expensive they were, frowning.

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