Home for a Runaway

She could barely pay enough for all the food as Scottie wondered off somewhere. This worried her. "Ugh... I am going to have to get a job..." she said under her breath as she payed for it all.
Izzy was about to finish with the song when the guy who had the guitar before came out and started yelling at her. She jumped down and handed back the guitar apologizing. When the man pushed her to the ground and told her to get out of the store she got up and ran out, scared and starting to cry.
Lidia herd someone run out crying then saw who it was. Izzy? She got the food and followed her out. "Izzy you okay?" she asked her softly.
"No.. Some guy pushed me on the ground and told me to get out of the store. I didn't mean to use his guitar, he just left it there so i played it, I wasn't gonna steal it!"
"Thankyou"Scottie said as he payed for the rose and put into into his shirt so he could give to Lidia later.He heard Izzy crying."Izzy?!What's wrong what happened?"he said.
"Yeah, it's whatever." Izzy said, calming herself down. "Can we go back to the house? I'm out of money for anything else." Izzy held her bag in her hand and looked at them both, hoping they can go.
"Imam find SnowFlake a cage.You guys go on without me."he said as he hooked the leash back on Danger and wandered through the streets for a cage big enough for his bunny.
"Yeah of coarse," she told her. "You know you can tell me were that jerk is and I can beat the crap out of him if you want?" she asked her.

"Okay see you later," she told Scottie.
"Nah, it's okay. We don't need to be banned from there. We need food, ya know." Izzy giggled a little and then turned to Scottie. "We can wait for you if you want us too."
Izzy looks at Scottie then Lidia and shrugs. She starts to walk with Lidia, "So what's up with Alaska? I got kinda confused last night."
"Alaska? Oh... yeah that. Um... well I didn't know about the scars and I was kind of upset because she didn't tell me," she said as they walked away from Scottie. 
"Is that what you meant?" she asked her wondering if she answered her question.
Scottie waited until they were out of his sight and out of their sight before entering the store where they were at first and buying the shoes that Izzy wanted.He wanted her to feel a bit better about today since the incident that happened today.He also eventually bought the cage he was looking for.He met up with the man that pushed Izzy down."What you looking at"the man said as he looked at Scottie.He unhooked Danger's leash and to Danger"Danger...go"he said as Danger walked up to the man and pissed on him.Scottie laughed and told Danger to run with Scottie being right behind him.
Lidia kept walking hoping that Scottie would show up soon. She wondered what he was doing? Ugh stop thinking about him! You can't, you have to remember what happened the last time... but he's different.
Scottie eventually got on his skateboard and skateboarded away.He rolled up behind Lidia"Hey.I'm here"he said as he rolled up alittle more so he could be beside her."Danger go ahead boy"he said as Danger wandered far off somewhere.
"haha don't worry Danger will keep him safe.But i must warn you Danger travels very far.Once he traveled to a different state.I was like 'woah he must really needed a walk'haha"he said laughing.
"I had Danger since i was 5.He was a puppy when i got him. Hah he was so adorable.He looked like a fur ball"he said smiling and giggling.

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