Home for a Runaway

He is so cute stop it Lidia you can't! "Wow so you had him for awhile," she told him. She only had whisper for 2 days but she was very close to him.
"Yeah.Sometimes he is a wild one but i love him a lot.If i ever lost him i couldn't ever be right anymore"he said "Welp we are here finally."he said as he kicked his skateboard up.He went up to his room and put SnowFlake on the table."Aww i bet you're hungry"he said as he went through the bags he had and poured some food into SnowFlakes dish.He went downstairs and filled up her water dish to and placed it in her cage as well. 
"Oh i just took care of the man"he said chuckling.
Scottie walked to Lidia's room"Umm hey."he said as he smiled at her."i-i bought this for you"he said as he pulled out the rose he bought earlier.It had a note on it that he wrote himself.He didn't want to be there when she read it so he left and went back to his room sitting down and looking out the window.
Izzy shrugged and started to walk away. "Well i'm gonna go up to my room and relax. My legs hurt from walking. See you later Scottie."
"Aww thanks your so sweet," she said getting up from her bed wear she was laying and took the rose into her hands.
~Dear Lidia,

I really don't know what to say.Umm i like you like...like like you.And i think you're funny and awesome.Hmm well umm...i hope you feel the same way because i do..oh right i just said that..stupid Scottie.Well i hope we can be together someday. ~Scottie J
She smiled reading the letter and her cheeks turned a bright red and the tips of her ears felt worm. She left the flower and the note on her bed then walked to Scotties room and knocked on his door.
Scottie had already put his pj pants on but didn't have a shirt on yet and opened the door."o-oh hii Lidia.Yes?' he said as he blushed a bright red and looked into her eyes.
Lidia couldn't help but blush more when he answered the door. "Umm hi I um just wanted to say that I really like like you to," she said. She was nervous she didn't really know what to say.
"r-really"he said.He didn't know that she would like him like he liked her.In fact he though that she didn't really want to be with him.
"Yeah," she said. Then hoped that he didn't realize how much of a loser she was and then retreat giving her that note. That would be bad.
"I probably seem like a punk or something not saying it to you.Sorry i just couldn't express myself with words spoken"he said
"No I totally understand," she with a smile then realized it was getting late and that ment they had to sleep soon and that was something she dreaded to do. Great I hope he doesn't hear me scream.in the middle of the night from one of my stupid nightmares.
Izzy put on some shorts and a tank top. She crawled into bed and turned on her iPod. She plugged in headphones and quickly fell asleep to the music.
He smiled and kissed her on her cheek.He really didn't care much anymore about the note and loved how she understand him."I hope Danger doesn't scare you when he comes in.He usually comes in the middle of the night but is quiet."he said
She blushed a light pink as he kissed her on the cheek ."Well I am usually up anyway," She didn't mean to say that out loud. "Um well it's late and you must be tiered so I'll leave you to sleep," she said and started to walk away.
(My last post them i'm go to bed)

"Ok. Goodnight"he said smiling as he watched her walk away then shut his door.Before eh went to sleep he checked on SnowFlake and then turned on his radio and hoped into bed and went to sleep to the sound of the music.He went to sleep dreaming about Lidia he now has fallen in love with her and tomorrow wish that they would get closer.

(goodnight guys ^-^)

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